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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2834



No. 2122 Session of 2001

           YUDICHAK AND ZUG, NOVEMBER 13, 2001

           NOVEMBER 13, 2001

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 8, 1986 (P.L.408, No.89), entitled, as
     2     reenacted and amended, "An act providing for the creation of
     3     the Health Care Cost Containment Council, for its powers and
     4     duties, for health care cost containment through the
     5     collection and dissemination of data, for public
     6     accountability of health care costs and for health care for
     7     the indigent; and making an appropriation," further providing
     8     for data submission and collection and for data dissemination
     9     and publication; providing for fees; and establishing the
    10     Health Maintenance Organization Reports Restricted Account.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Section 3 of the act of July 8, 1986 (P.L.408,
    14  No.89), known as the Health Care Cost Containment Act, reenacted
    15  and amended June 28, 1993 (P.L.146, No.34), is amended by adding
    16  a definition to read:
    17  Section 3.  Definitions.
    18     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall

     1  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     2  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     3     * * *
     4     "Enrollee."  A policyholder, subscriber, covered person or
     5  other individual who is entitled to receive health care services
     6  under an HMO plan.
     7     * * *
     8     Section 2.  Sections 4(b) and 6(d) of the act are amended to
     9  read:
    10  Section 4.  Health Care Cost Containment Council.
    11     * * *
    12     (b)  Composition.--The council shall consist of 21 voting
    13  members, composed of and appointed in accordance with the
    14  following:
    15         (1)  The Secretary of Health.
    16         (1.1)  The Physician General.
    17         (2)  The Secretary of Public Welfare.
    18         (3)  The Insurance Commissioner.
    19         (4)  [Six] Four representatives of the business
    20     community, at least one of whom represents small business,
    21     who are purchasers of health care as defined in section 3,
    22     none of which is primarily involved in the provision of
    23     health care or health insurance, [three] two of which shall
    24     be appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate and
    25     [three] two of which shall be appointed by the Speaker of the
    26     House of Representatives from a list of twelve qualified
    27     persons recommended by the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business
    28     and Industry. Three nominees shall be representatives of
    29     small business.
    30         (5)  [Six] Four representatives of organized labor,
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     1     [three] two of which shall be appointed by the President pro
     2     tempore of the Senate and [three] two of which shall be
     3     appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives from
     4     a list of twelve qualified persons recommended by the
     5     Pennsylvania AFL-CIO.
     6         (6)  [One representative of consumers who is] Four
     7     representatives of consumers who are not primarily involved
     8     in the provision of health care or health care insurance,
     9     appointed by the Governor from a list of [three] six
    10     qualified persons recommended jointly by the [Speaker]
    11     Majority Leader and Minority Leader of the House of
    12     Representatives and the [President pro tempore] Majority
    13     Leader and Minority Leader of the Senate.
    14         (7)  One representative of hospitals, appointed by the
    15     Governor from a list of three qualified hospital
    16     representatives recommended by the Hospital Association of
    17     Pennsylvania. The representative under this paragraph may
    18     appoint two additional delegates to act for the
    19     representative only at meetings of committees, as provided
    20     for in subsection (f).
    21         (8)  One representative of physicians, appointed by the
    22     Governor from a list of three qualified physician
    23     representatives recommended jointly by the Pennsylvania
    24     Medical Society and the Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical
    25     Society. The representative under this paragraph may appoint
    26     two additional delegates to act for the representative only
    27     at meetings of committees, as provided for in subsection (f).
    28         (9)  One representative of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield
    29     plans in Pennsylvania, appointed by the Governor from a list
    30     of three qualified persons recommended jointly by the Blue
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     1     Cross and Blue Shield plans of Pennsylvania.
     2         (10)  One representative of commercial insurance
     3     carriers, appointed by the Governor from a list of three
     4     qualified persons recommended by the Insurance Federation of
     5     Pennsylvania, Inc.
     6         (11)  One representative of health maintenance
     7     organizations, appointed by the Governor from a list of three
     8     qualified persons recommended by the Pennsylvania Association
     9     of Health Maintenance Organizations.
    10         (12)  In the case of each appointment to be made from a
    11     list supplied by a specified organization, it is incumbent
    12     upon that organization to consult with and provide a list
    13     which reflects the input of other equivalent organizations
    14     representing similar interests. Each appointing authority
    15     will have the discretion to request additions to the list
    16     originally submitted. Additional names will be provided not
    17     later than 15 days after such request. Appointments shall be
    18     made by the appointing authority no later than 90 days after
    19     receipt of the original list. If, for any reason, any
    20     specified organization supplying a list should cease to
    21     exist, then the respective appointing authority shall specify
    22     a new equivalent organization to fulfill the responsibilities
    23     of this act.
    24     * * *
    25  Section 6.  Data submission and collection.
    26     * * *
    27     (d)  [Provider quality] Quality and [provider] service
    28  effectiveness data elements.--
    29         (1)  In carrying out its duty to collect data on provider
    30     quality and provider service effectiveness under section
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     1     5(d)(4) and subsection (c)(21), the council shall define a
     2     methodology to measure provider service effectiveness which
     3     may include additional data elements to be specified by the
     4     council sufficient to carry out its responsibilities under
     5     section 5(d)(4). The council may adopt a nationally
     6     recognized methodology of quantifying and collecting data on
     7     provider quality and provider service effectiveness until
     8     such time as the council has the capability of developing its
     9     own methodology and standard data elements. The council shall
    10     include in the Pennsylvania Uniform Claims and Billing Form a
    11     field consisting of the data elements required pursuant to
    12     subsection (c)(21) to provide information on each provision
    13     of covered services sufficient to permit analysis of provider
    14     quality and provider service effectiveness within 180 days of
    15     commencement of its operations pursuant to section 4.
    16         (2)  In order to comparably measure performance of health
    17     maintenance organizations, the council has the following
    18     powers and duties:
    19             (i)  To adopt and implement a system to comparatively
    20         evaluate the quality of care outcomes and performance
    21         measurements of health maintenance organizations on an
    22         objective basis. This subparagraph includes, but is not
    23         limited to, surveying enrollee satisfaction and assessing
    24         health maintenance organizations' clinical and service
    25         performance for:
    26                 (A)  information and communication;
    27                 (B)  treatment;
    28                 (C)  preventive care;
    29                 (D)  services for individuals with special needs;
    30                 (E)  referrals; and
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     1                 (F)  options available to patients.
     2             (ii)  In carrying out its responsibilities, the
     3         council shall not require health maintenance
     4         organizations to report on additional data elements that
     5         are not reported to nationally recognized accrediting
     6         organizations or to the Department of Health or the
     7         Insurance Department in quarterly or annual reports.
     8         Furthermore, the council shall not require reporting by
     9         HMOs in different formats than are required for reporting
    10         to nationally recognized accrediting organizations or on
    11         quarterly or annual reports submitted to the Department
    12         of Health or the Insurance Department as required by
    13         regulations of either department. The council may adopt
    14         the quality findings as reported to nationally recognized
    15         accrediting organizations.
    16     * * *
    17     Section 3.  Section 7(a) of the act is amended by adding a
    18  paragraph to read:
    19  Section 7.  Data dissemination and publication.
    20     (a)  Public reports.--Subject to the restrictions on access
    21  to council data set forth in section 10 and utilizing the data
    22  collected under section 6 as well as other data, records and
    23  matters of record available to it, the council shall prepare and
    24  issue reports to the General Assembly and to the general public,
    25  according to the following provisions:
    26         * * *
    27         (5)  (i)  The council shall, for every health maintenance
    28         organization in this Commonwealth, prepare and issue an
    29         annual report to assist consumers, purchasers and
    30         providers with a comparison of health plan performance.
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     1         The council shall coordinate its work with existing
     2         health plan performance measurement efforts developed by
     3         other State agencies or nationally recognized accrediting
     4         organizations. The annual report shall include, but is
     5         not limited to, information in the following areas:
     6                 (A)  Availability and appropriateness of services
     7             and treatment provided to enrollees.
     8                 (B)  Availability and appropriateness of
     9             preventive care provided to enrollees.
    10                 (C)  Availability and appropriateness of services
    11             provided to enrollees with ongoing and/or severe
    12             medical needs as well as those with special needs.
    13                 (D)  Enrollee satisfaction, including access to
    14             specialty care and services, satisfaction with
    15             network adequacy and health plan materials.
    16                 (E)  Licensure and accreditation status.
    17             (ii)  The council shall ensure that HMOs have an
    18         opportunity to review the annual report at least 45 days
    19         prior to public release.
    20     * * *
    21     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 180 days.

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