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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2863



No. 2135 Session of 2003

           HARHAI, OCTOBER 27, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), entitled "An
     2     act relating to insurance; amending, revising, and
     3     consolidating the law providing for the incorporation of
     4     insurance companies, and the regulation, supervision, and
     5     protection of home and foreign insurance companies, Lloyds
     6     associations, reciprocal and inter-insurance exchanges, and
     7     fire insurance rating bureaus, and the regulation and
     8     supervision of insurance carried by such companies,
     9     associations, and exchanges, including insurance carried by
    10     the State Workmen's Insurance Fund; providing penalties; and
    11     repealing existing laws," providing for reimbursement for
    12     clinical trial treatments.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  The act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known
    16  as The Insurance Company Law of 1921, is amended by adding a
    17  section to read:
    18     Section 635.2.  Reimbursement for Clinical Trial Treatment.--
    19  (a)  All group or individual health or sickness or accident or
    20  pharmaceutical insurance policies providing hospital or
    21  medical/surgical or pharmaceutical coverage and all group or
    22  individual subscribers contracts or certificates issued by any

     1  entity subject to 40 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 (relating to hospital plan
     2  corporations) or 63 (relating to professional health services
     3  plan corporations), this act, the act of December 29, 1972
     4  (P.L.1701, No.364), known as the "Health Maintenance
     5  Organization Act," or an employee welfare benefit plan as
     6  defined in section 3 of the Employee Retirement Income Security
     7  Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-406, 88 Stat. 829) providing hospital
     8  or medical/surgical or pharmaceutical coverage shall also
     9  provide coverage for patient cost to a member in a clinical
    10  trial as a result of:
    11     (1)  treatment provided for a life-threatening condition; or
    12     (2)  prevention, early detection and treatment studies on
    13  cancer.
    14     (b)  The coverage under subsection (a) is required if:
    15     (1)  The treatment is being provided in a Phase I, Phase II,
    16  Phase III or Phase IV clinical trial for cancer or for any other
    17  life-threatening condition.
    18     (2)  The treatment is being provided in a clinical trial
    19  approved by:
    20     (i)  one of the National Institutes of Health;
    21     (ii)  an NIH cooperative group or an NIH center;
    22     (iii)  the FDA in the form of an investigational new drug
    23  application;
    24     (iv)  the Department of Veterans Affairs; or
    25     (v)  an institutional review board of an institution in this
    26  Commonwealth which has a multiple project assurance contract
    27  approved by the Office of Human Research Protections under the
    28  United States Department of Health and Human Services.
    29     (3)  The facility and personnel providing treatment are
    30  capable of doing so by virtue of their experience, training and
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     1  volume of patients treated to maintain expertise.
     2     (4)  There is no clearly superior, noninvestigational
     3  treatment.
     4     (5)  The available clinical or preclinical data provide a
     5  reasonable expectation that the treatment will be at least as
     6  effective as the noninvestigational alternative.
     7     (c)  The coverage under subsection (a) shall include coverage
     8  for patient cost incurred for drugs and devices that have been
     9  approved for sale by the FDA whether or not the FDA has approved
    10  the drug or device for use in treating that patient's particular
    11  condition, to the extent that the drugs or devices are not paid
    12  for by the manufacturer, distributor or provider of that drug or
    13  device.
    14     (d)  An entity seeking coverage for treatment in a clinical
    15  trial approved by an institutional review board under subsection
    16  (b)(2)(v) shall post electronically and keep up-to-date a list
    17  of the clinical trials meeting the requirements of subsections
    18  (a) and (b). For each clinical trial, the list shall include:
    19     (1)  The phase for which the trial is approved.
    20     (2)  The entity approving the trial.
    21     (3)  Whether the trial is for treatment of cancer or another
    22  life-threatening disease, specifying the specific disease.
    23     (4)  The estimated number of participants in the trial.
    24     (e)  As used in this section, the following words and phrases
    25  shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection:
    26     "Cooperative group."  A formal network of facilities that
    27  collaborate on research projects and have an established NIH-
    28  approved Peer Review Program operating within the group. This
    29  term includes:
    30     (1)  The National Cancer Institute Clinical Cooperative
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     1  Group.
     2     (2)  The National Cancer Institute Community Clinical
     3  Oncology Program.
     4     (3)  The AIDS Clinical Trials Group.
     5     (4)  The Community Programs for Clinical Research in AIDS.
     6     "FDA."  The United States Food and Drug Administration.
     7     "Member."  A policyholder, subscriber, insured, or
     8  certificate holder or a covered dependent of a policy holder,
     9  subscriber, insured, or certificate holder.
    10     "Multiple project assurance contract."  A contract between an
    11  institution and the United States Department of Health and Human
    12  Services that defines the relationship of the institution to the
    13  United States Department of Health and Human Services and sets
    14  out the responsibilities of the institution and the procedures
    15  that will be used by the institution to protect human subjects.
    16     "NIH."  The National Institutes of Health.
    17     "Patient cost."  The cost of medically necessary health care
    18  services that is incurred as a result of the treatment being
    19  provided to the member for purposes of the clinical trial. This
    20  term does not include:
    21     (1)  The cost of an investigational drug or device.
    22     (2)  The cost of nonhealth care services that a patient may
    23  be required to receive as a result of the treatment being
    24  provided for purposes of the clinical trial.
    25     (3)  Costs associated with managing the research associated
    26  with the clinical trial.
    27     (4)  Costs that would not be covered under the patient's
    28  policy, plan or contract for noninvestigational treatments.
    29     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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