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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2809



No. 2149 Session of 1999



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 14, 1992 (P.L.818, No.133),
     2     entitled "An act establishing the Port of Pittsburgh
     3     Commission; providing for its powers and duties; and making a
     4     repeal," further providing for specific powers of the
     5     commission; providing for economic development projects; and
     6     further providing for rights of obligees and for contracts
     7     and purchases.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 5(b)(23) of the act of December 14, 1992
    11  (P.L.818, No.133), known as the Port of Pittsburgh Commission
    12  Act, is amended to read:
    13  Section 5.  Powers.
    14     * * *
    15     (b)  Specific powers.--In addition to the general powers
    16  described in subsection (a), the commission is granted and shall
    17  have and may exercise, without limiting the generality of the
    18  purposes of this act, the following specific rights and powers:
    19         * * *

     1         (23)  [To] Subject to the provisions of section 5.1, to
     2     fix, alter, charge and collect fees, rates, rentals and other
     3     charges for port facilities and port-related projects of the
     4     commission at reasonable rates to be determined exclusively
     5     by the commission, subject to appeal, for the purpose of
     6     providing for the payment of the expenses of the commission,
     7     the acquisition, construction, improvement, repair and
     8     maintenance of the port facilities, port-related projects and
     9     properties of the commission and the payment of the principal
    10     and interest on obligations of the commission and to comply
    11     fully with the terms and provisions of any agreements made
    12     with the purchasers or holders of any such obligations.
    13         * * *
    14     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    15  Section 5.1.  Economic development projects.
    16     When the commission undertakes the development of a port
    17  facility, port-related project or recreation project and the
    18  commission agrees to lease, lease with option or contract to
    19  purchase, sell or otherwise make available to a third party the
    20  port facility, port-related project or recreation project, the
    21  third party shall pay the commission an amount that is
    22  sufficient to pay all of the principal and interest on any
    23  bonds, notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued by the
    24  commission to finance the port facility, port-related project or
    25  recreation project, an amount which the board finds to be
    26  reasonable in light of the economic benefits that will result
    27  from the project, or an amount which is reasonable and proper
    28  under the circumstances. Bonds, notes or other evidence of
    29  indebtedness issued by the commission with respect to a port
    30  facility, port-related project or recreation project under this
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     1  section shall be limited obligations of the commission payable
     2  solely out of any revenues received by the commission with
     3  respect to the port facility, port-related project or recreation
     4  project, including, but not limited to, the payments received
     5  from the third party under this section, and the interest of the
     6  commission in the port facility, port-related project or
     7  recreation project, if any. The provisions of sections 5(b)(23),
     8  7(c) and 11(c) shall not apply to a port facility, port-related
     9  project or recreation project developed under this section.
    10     Section 3.  Sections 7(c) and 11 of the act are amended to
    11  read:
    12  Section 7.  Rights and remedies of obligees.
    13     * * *
    14     (c)  Restrictions.--[Nothing] Except as otherwise provided in
    15  section 5.1, nothing in this section or any other section of
    16  this act shall authorize any receiver appointed pursuant to this
    17  act for the purpose of operating and maintaining any port
    18  facilities, port-related projects or property of the commission
    19  to sell, assign, mortgage or otherwise dispose of any of the
    20  assets of whatever kind or character belonging to the
    21  commission. It is the intention of this act to limit the powers
    22  of such receiver to the operation and maintenance of the port
    23  facilities, port-related projects and property of the commission
    24  as the court shall direct, and no holder or holders of bonds of
    25  the commission nor any trustee or other obligee shall ever have
    26  the right in any suit, action or proceeding, at law or in
    27  equity, to compel a receiver nor shall any receiver ever be
    28  authorized or any court be empowered to direct the receiver to
    29  sell, assign, mortgage or otherwise dispose of any assets of
    30  whatever kind or character belonging to the commission.
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     1     * * *
     2  Section 11.  Contracts and purchases.
     3     (a)  Building and construction contracts.--All construction,
     4  reconstruction, repairs or work of any nature made by the
     5  commission, where the entire cost, value or amount of such
     6  construction, reconstruction, repairs or work, including labor
     7  and materials, exceeds $10,000, except construction,
     8  reconstruction, repairs or work done by employees of the
     9  commission or by labor supplied under agreement with the Federal
    10  Government, the Commonwealth or political subdivisions, with
    11  supplies and material purchased as provided in this section,
    12  shall be done only under contract or contracts to be entered
    13  into by the commission with the lowest responsible bidder upon
    14  proper terms after due public notice has been given asking for
    15  competitive bids as provided in this section. The commission
    16  shall have the right to reject any or all bids or select a
    17  single item from any bid notwithstanding the provisions of this
    18  section. No contract shall be entered into for construction or
    19  improvement or repair of any project or portion thereof, unless
    20  the contractor provides sufficient surety or sureties approved
    21  by the commission, and in an amount fixed by the commission, for
    22  the performance of the contract, and has complied with the
    23  provisions of the act of December 20, 1967 (P.L.869, No.385),
    24  known as the Public Works Contractors' Bond Law of 1967. All
    25  such contracts shall provide that the person or corporation
    26  entering into such contract with the commission will pay for all
    27  materials furnished and services rendered for the performance of
    28  the contract and that any person or corporation furnishing such
    29  materials or rendering such services may maintain an action to
    30  recover for the same against the obligor in the undertaking, as
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     1  though such person or corporation was named therein, provided
     2  that the action is brought within one year after the time the
     3  cause of action accrued and without prejudice to any other
     4  rights or remedies available pursuant to statute or law. Nothing
     5  in this section shall be construed to limit the power of the
     6  commission to construct, repair or improve any port facility,
     7  port-related project, property or project, or portion thereof,
     8  of the commission, or any addition, betterment or extension
     9  thereto, directly by the officers and employees of the
    10  commission. Nothing in this section or in any other law of this
    11  Commonwealth shall apply to a port facility, port-related
    12  project or recreation project developed under section 5.1.
    13     (b)  Supplies and materials.--All supplies and materials
    14  costing $10,000 or more which are to be acquired directly by the
    15  commission shall not be purchased unless the commission has
    16  published notice[, at least ten days before the award of any
    17  contract or the making of any purchase, in a newspaper of
    18  general circulation within the port district and in the
    19  Pennsylvania Bulletin] according to the provisions of 62 Pa.C.S.
    20  (relating to procurement). The commission shall accept the
    21  lowest bid or bids from a responsible bidder, provided that the
    22  kind and quality of materials are equal. The commission shall
    23  have the right to reject any or all bids or select a single item
    24  from any bid. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply
    25  to the purchase of any supplies and materials which are unique
    26  and which cannot be obtained in the open market. Nothing in this
    27  section or in any other law of this Commonwealth shall apply to
    28  a port facility, port-related project or recreation project
    29  developed under section 5.1.
    30     (c)  Exception.--Nothing in this section or in any other law
    19990H2149B2809                  - 5 -

     1  of this Commonwealth shall preclude the negotiation and
     2  execution of contracts for management, licensing or leasing of
     3  port facilities, port-related projects or any part thereof by
     4  the commission upon the approval of a majority of the members of
     5  the board. Notice and public advertisement provisions of this
     6  section for the purchase of supplies and materials may be waived
     7  whenever the commission determines that an emergency exists and
     8  that such supplies and materials must be purchased by the
     9  commission immediately. The exception provided for in this
    10  subsection shall not apply to a port facility, port-related
    11  project or recreation project under section 5.1.
    12     (d)  Professional services.--Nothing in this section or any
    13  other law shall require the commission to competitively bid
    14  legal, accounting, architectural design, engineering,
    15  concession, construction management or other professional
    16  services required by the commission, provided that no contract,
    17  other than a contract relating to a port facility, port-related
    18  project or recreation project developed under section 5.1, shall
    19  be executed by or on behalf of the commission for such services
    20  without first having advertised [in a newspaper of general
    21  circulation and in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a request for
    22  proposals for such services] according to the provisions of 62
    23  Pa.C.S.
    24     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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