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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3007



No. 2168 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for required financial
     3     responsibility and for immobilization, towing and storage of
     4     vehicle for driving without operating privileges or
     5     registration; and making an editorial change.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Sections 1786(e) and (h)(1) of Title 75 of the
     9  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended and the section
    10  is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    11  § 1786.  Required financial responsibility.
    12     * * *
    13     (e)  Obligations upon lapse, termination or cancellation of
    14  financial responsibility.--
    15         (1)  An owner of a motor vehicle who ceases to maintain
    16     financial responsibility on a registered vehicle shall not
    17     operate or permit operation of the vehicle in this
    18     Commonwealth until proof of the required financial
    19     responsibility has been provided to the Department of

     1     Transportation.
     2         (2)  An insurer who has issued a contract of motor
     3     vehicle liability insurance, or any approved self-insurance
     4     entity, shall notify the department [in a timely manner and
     5     in a method prescribed by the department's regulations] as
     6     prescribed in subsection (e.1). Upon request of an owner or
     7     registrant in the case of an appeal brought by an owner or
     8     registrant for suspension under this section, an insurer
     9     shall provide a copy of the notice of cancellation or a copy
    10     of the insurer's filing procedures with proof that the notice
    11     was written in the normal course of business and placed in
    12     the normal course of mailing. The department shall not be
    13     required to produce such copy or any other proof that notice
    14     of termination, lapse or cancellation was provided to the
    15     owner or registrant in order to satisfy the burden of proof
    16     in a proceeding under this section.
    17         (3)  An insurer who has issued a contract of motor
    18     vehicle liability insurance and knows or has reason to
    19     believe that the contract is only for the purpose of
    20     providing proof of financial responsibility shall notify the
    21     department if the insurance has been canceled or terminated
    22     by the insured or by the insurer[. The insurer shall notify
    23     the department not later than ten days following the
    24     effective date of the cancellation or termination] as
    25     prescribed in subsection (e.1).
    26         (4)  A person who, after maintaining financial
    27     responsibility on the vehicle of another person, ceases to
    28     maintain such financial responsibility shall immediately
    29     notify the vehicle's owner who shall not operate, or permit
    30     operation of, the vehicle in this Commonwealth.
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     1         (5)  In the case of a person who leases any motor vehicle
     2     from a person engaged in the business of leasing motor
     3     vehicles, the lessee shall sign a statement indicating that
     4     the required financial responsibility has been provided
     5     through the lessor or through the lessee's motor vehicle
     6     liability insurance policy coverage. The lessee shall submit
     7     the statement to the lessor.
     8     (e.1)  Financial Responsibility Verification Database.--
     9         (1)  The Department of Transportation shall establish and
    10     administer an automated Statewide registry of private
    11     passenger motor vehicle financial responsibility information
    12     to be known as the Financial Responsibility Verification
    13     Database. This registry shall contain information regarding
    14     the cancellation, termination, lapse or issuance of financial
    15     responsibility for all vehicles registered under this title.
    16         (2)  Insurers shall electronically notify the Department
    17     of Transportation immediately upon the cancellation,
    18     termination or lapse of any contract of motor vehicle
    19     liability insurance and immediately upon the issuance of any
    20     new contracts of motor vehicle liability insurance. The
    21     financial responsibility information submitted shall be
    22     matched against the Department of Transportation's database
    23     of registered motor vehicles on a daily basis in order to
    24     determine whether the owner of a motor vehicle has failed to
    25     maintain financial responsibility on the vehicle.
    26         (3)  Information regarding motor vehicle owners failing
    27     to maintain financial responsibility shall be made available
    28     by the Department of Transportation to police officers on a
    29     daily basis through the Commonwealth Law Enforcement
    30     Assistance Network (CLEAN) in accordance with Pennsylvania
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     1     State Police policy and procedures.
     2     * * *
     3     (h)  Reinstatement of voluntarily surrendered registration
     4  plate and card.--
     5         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), the original
     6     registration plate and card shall be canceled by the
     7     [department] Department of Transportation and destroyed. Any
     8     person who voluntarily surrendered a registration plate and
     9     card pursuant to the provisions of subsection (g)(2) may
    10     obtain a substitute registration plate and card bearing a
    11     registration number other than that originally issued from
    12     the Department of Transportation, a designated full agent or
    13     a decentralized service agent, as the case may be. Proof of
    14     financial responsibility in a form approved by the Department
    15     of Transportation shall be submitted together with the
    16     receipt showing the registration plate and card were
    17     voluntarily surrendered.
    18         * * *
    19     Section 2.  Section 6309.2(a) of Title 75, amended July 14,
    20  2005 (P.L.285, No.50), is amended and the section is amended by
    21  adding a subsection to read:
    22  § 6309.2.  Immobilization, towing and storage of vehicle for
    23             driving without operating privileges or registration.
    24     (a)  General rule.--Subject to subsection (d), the following
    25  shall apply:
    26         (1)  If a person operates a motor vehicle or combination
    27     on a highway or trafficway of this Commonwealth while the
    28     person's operating privilege is suspended, revoked, canceled,
    29     recalled or disqualified or where the person is unlicensed,
    30     as verified by an appropriate law enforcement officer in
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     1     cooperation with the department, the law enforcement officer
     2     shall immobilize the vehicle or combination or, in the
     3     interest of public safety, direct that the vehicle be towed
     4     and stored by the appropriate towing and storage agent
     5     pursuant to subsection (c), and the appropriate judicial
     6     authority shall be so notified.
     7         (2)  If a motor vehicle or combination for which there is
     8     no valid registration [or], for which the registration is
     9     suspended or for which there is no proof of financial
    10     responsibility, as verified by an appropriate law enforcement
    11     officer, is operated on a highway or trafficway of this
    12     Commonwealth, the law enforcement officer shall immobilize
    13     the motor vehicle or combination or, in the interest of
    14     public safety, direct that the vehicle be towed and stored by
    15     the appropriate towing and storing agent pursuant to
    16     subsection (c), and the appropriate judicial authority shall
    17     be so notified.
    18     (a.1)  Applicability.--
    19         (1)  This section shall be mandatory in cities of the
    20     first class.
    21         (2)  This section shall be applicable in municipalities
    22     other than counties, and other than cities of the first
    23     class, within which the governing body has adopted an
    24     ordinance electing to be subject to the provisions of this
    25     section.
    26     * * *
    27     Section 3.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    28         (1)  This section shall take effect immediately.
    29         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in one
    30     year.
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