No. 2176 Session of 1982

           COWELL AND KUKOVICH, JANUARY 25, 1982


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 6, 1956 (1955 P.L.1414, No.465),
     2     entitled, as amended, "An act to promote the welfare of the
     3     people of this Commonwealth; creating Port Authorities to
     4     function in counties of the second class as bodies corporate
     5     and politic, with power to plan, acquire, construct, maintain
     6     and operate facilities and projects for the improvement and
     7     development of the port district and to borrow money and
     8     issue bonds therefor; providing for the payment of such bonds
     9     and prescribing the rights of the holders thereof; conferring
    10     the right of eminent domain on the authorities; authorizing
    11     the authorities to enter into contracts with and to accept
    12     grants from the Federal government or any agency thereof; and
    13     conferring exclusive jurisdiction on certain courts over
    14     rates and services; and authorizing the authorities to
    15     collect tolls, fares, fees, rentals and charges for the use
    16     of facilities; defining the authorities' powers and duties,
    17     and defining the port districts; granting Port Authorities
    18     the exclusive right to engage in the business of owning,
    19     operating, and maintaining a transportation system for the
    20     transportation of persons in counties of the second class,
    21     providing, when necessary, for extension of transportation
    22     systems into adjoining counties and outside of said counties
    23     as provided in the act; limiting the jurisdiction of the
    24     Public Utility Commission over Port Authorities; authorizing
    25     municipalities to make loans and grants and to transfer
    26     existing facilities; authorizing Port Authorities to enter
    27     into contracts with and to accept grants from State and local
    28     governments or agencies thereof; exempting the property and
    29     facilities of such Port Authorities from taxation and
    30     limiting the time to commence civil action against said
    31     Authorities," further providing for powers of Port
    32     Authorities.

    33     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

     1  hereby enacts as follows:
     2     Section 1.  Clause (9) of subsection (b) of section 3, act of
     3  April 6, 1956 (1955 P.L.1414, No.465), known as the "Second
     4  Class County Port Authority Act," amended October 7, 1959
     5  (P.L.1266, No.429) and repealed in part June 3, 1971 (P.L.118,
     6  No.6) and April 28, 1978 (P.L.202, No.53), is amended to read:
     7     Section 3.  * * *
     8     (b)  Each authority is hereby granted and shall have and may
     9  exercise all powers necessary or convenient for the carrying out
    10  of the aforesaid purposes, including but without limiting the
    11  generality of the foregoing, the following rights or powers:
    12     * * *
    13     (9)  To fix, alter, charge and collect fares, rates, rentals
    14  and other charges for its facilities by zones or otherwise at
    15  reasonable rates to be determined exclusively by it, subject to
    16  appeal, as hereinafter provided, for the purpose of providing
    17  for the payment of the expenses of the authority, the
    18  acquisition, construction, improvement, repair, maintenance and
    19  operation of its facilities and properties, the payment of the
    20  principal and interest on its obligations, and to comply fully
    21  with the terms and provisions of any agreements made with the
    22  purchasers or holders of any such obligations. To promote the
    23  utilization of public transportation systems and to reduce the
    24  administrative and operating costs and inconveniences of fare
    25  collection, the authority may establish fare prepayment
    26  programs. The fare prepayment programs may include, but shall
    27  not be limited to, programs which provide for the sale of
    28  tickets and for the sale of passes and permits on a weekly,
    29  monthly and annual basis and may include prepayment discounts.
    30  The authority shall determine by itself exclusively, the
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     1  facilities to be operated by it and the services to be available
     2  to the public. Any person questioning the reasonableness of any
     3  rate or services fixed by an authority may bring suit against
     4  the authority in the court of common pleas of the county
     5  incorporating the authority. The court of common pleas shall
     6  have exclusive jurisdiction to determine the reasonableness of
     7  fares, rates and other charges or services fixed, altered,
     8  charged or collected by an authority: Provided, That fare
     9  prepayment programs established by the authority which include
    10  prepayment discounts shall be considered reasonable for the
    11  purposes of this subsection. The court shall make such order as
    12  to fares, rates and other charges or services as to it shall be
    13  just and proper.
    14     * * *
    15     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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