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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3114



No. 2182 Session of 2008

           JANUARY 22, 2008

           JANUARY 22, 2008

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), entitled "An
     2     act to consolidate, editorially revise, and codify the public
     3     welfare laws of the Commonwealth," further providing for
     4     onsite complaint investigations and plans of correction.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  The act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known
     8  as the Public Welfare Code, is amended by adding a section to
     9  read:
    10     Section 211.1.  Onsite Complaint Investigations and Plans of
    11  Correction.--(a)  The department shall initiate onsite
    12  investigations of complaints at personal care homes and assisted
    13  living residences as follows:
    14     (1)  If the complaint is a Level 1 complaint with a high
    15  regulatory risk, including, but not limited to, incidents
    16  related to immediate fire safety, physical assault or abuse, no

     1  food or water, no heat in winter, no staff or serious illness
     2  outbreak, the onsite inspection shall be initiated within
     3  twenty-four hours of the complaint intake.
     4     (2)  If the complaint is a Level 2 complaint with a medium
     5  regulatory risk, including, but not limited to, incidents
     6  related to inadequate staffing, quality of care issues,
     7  nutrition, sanitation or medication administration, the onsite
     8  inspection shall be initiated within seven calendar days of the
     9  complaint intake.
    10     (3)  If the complaint is a Level 3 complaint with a low
    11  regulatory risk, including, but not limited to, incidents
    12  related to menus, policies, assessments, support plans,
    13  financial management or contracts, the onsite inspection shall
    14  be initiated within twenty-one calendar days of the complaint
    15  intake.
    16     (b)  The department shall contact and coordinate the
    17  investigation with appropriate local agencies, including the
    18  Area Agency on Aging, specifically the Protective Services or
    19  Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, County Mental Health/Mental
    20  Retardation, local or Pennsylvania State Police, local code
    21  enforcement or fire officials.
    22     (c)  The department shall conduct an unannounced onsite
    23  inspection of the personal care home or assisted living
    24  residence within the time frame established under subsection
    25  (a)(1), (2) or (3). The complaint investigation shall include
    26  the following components and adhere to the following time
    27  frames:
    28     (1)  Conduct an entrance interview with administrator or
    29  designee, providing general information regarding the complaint,
    30  but maintaining confidentiality of residents and complainant.
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     1     (2)  Interview relevant subjects to the complaint such as
     2  residents, families, staff or other witnesses.
     3     (3)  Preserve evidence by obtaining signed witness
     4  statements, making copies of documents and taking photographs.
     5     (4)  Review relevant documents such as resident, staff and
     6  facility records.
     7     (5)  Observe physical site conditions related to the
     8  complaint.
     9     (6)  Contact the appropriate manager in the department
    10  regarding Level 1 high-risk issues.
    11     (7)  Ensure that immediate threats are resolved before
    12  leaving the personal care home or assisted living residence.
    13     (8)  Record all relevant information, including violations,
    14  as directed by department policies and procedures.
    15     (9)  Conduct an exit interview with the administrator or the
    16  most appropriate employe onsite and provide an opportunity to
    17  respond to preliminary findings, unless the disclosure may
    18  jeopardize ongoing aspects of the investigation.
    19     (10)  Determine and discuss findings with the appropriate
    20  manager in the department and determine if each allegation is
    21  founded, unfounded or requires further investigation.
    22     (11)  Additional collateral contacts, interviews and site
    23  inspections shall be made as indicated by the seriousness of the
    24  complaint allegation and based on the initial onsite inspection.
    25     (12)  The complaint investigation, including all collateral
    26  contacts, interviews and onsite inspections, must be concluded
    27  within fifteen days following the onsite inspection. An
    28  exception to this time line may be granted by the appropriate
    29  manager in the department.
    30     (d)  Within two business days of the conclusion of the
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     1  complaint investigation for Level 1 high-risk complaints and
     2  within five business days of the conclusion of the complaint
     3  investigation for Levels 2 and 3, the department shall prepare a
     4  violation report if applicable, review the violation report with
     5  the appropriate manager in the department and transmit the
     6  violation report to the personal care home or assisted living
     7  residence for corrective action.
     8     (e)  If a violation report is filed by the department, the
     9  personal care home or assisted living residence must file a plan
    10  of correction within seven calendar days of receipt of the
    11  violation report.
    12     (f)  Within five business days of receiving the plan of
    13  correction from the personal care home or assisted living
    14  residence, the department shall review the plan of correction
    15  and refer the plan to the appropriate manager in the department
    16  for plan approval or denial.
    17     (g)  If the personal care home or assisted living residence
    18  does not submit a plan of correction within the required seven-
    19  day time frame, the department may suspend, revoke or limit a
    20  license, or may issue a ban on admissions for the personal care
    21  home or assisted living residence.
    22     (h)  Once the plan of correction has been approved by the
    23  department, the follow-up complaint inspection of the personal
    24  care home or assisted living residence shall be conducted onsite
    25  after the longest target date for compliance has been reached as
    26  noted on the plan of correction, but no later than ninety days
    27  after the initial onsite complaint inspection by the department
    28  to ensure compliance with the plan of correction.
    29     (i)  If the plan of correction is denied, the department
    30  shall contact the personal care home or assisted living
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     1  residence within twenty-four hours of the denial decision and
     2  require an alternate plan within forty-eight hours. If the
     3  personal care home or assisted living residence returns an
     4  approved plan of correction within the required time frame, the
     5  department shall conduct a follow-up onsite inspection of the
     6  personal care home or assisted living residence as outlined
     7  under subsection (h).
     8     (j)  If the alternate plan of correction is not resubmitted
     9  by the personal care home or assisted living residence within
    10  the required time frame, the department may suspend, revoke or
    11  limit a license, or may issue a ban on admissions for the
    12  personal care home or assisted living residence.
    13     (k)  Within ten days of the conclusion of the investigation
    14  and determination on each of the complaint allegations, the
    15  department shall send a complaint response letter to the
    16  complainant.
    17     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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