See other bills
under the
same topic
                                 SENATE AMENDED
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 2934, 3092, 4012,        PRINTER'S NO. 4638



No. 2183 Session of 2001

           PETRARCA, NOVEMBER 20, 2001

           NOVEMBER 19, 2002

                                     AN ACT

     1  Specifically authorizing collective bargaining between first-
     2     level supervisors and their public employer; providing for
     3     arbitration in order to settle disputes rather than striking;
     4     and requiring compliance with collective bargaining
     5     agreements and findings of arbitrators.

     6                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     7  Chapter 1.  General Provisions
     8  Section 101.  Short title.
     9  Section 102.  Definitions.
    10  Chapter 2.  Selection of Bargaining Representatives
    11  Section 201.  Jurisdiction.
    12  Section 202.  Exclusion.
    13  Chapter 3.  Collective Bargaining
    14  Section 301.  Settlement.
    15  Section 302.  Origin.
    16  Section 303.  Impasse.
    17  Chapter 4.  Strikes

     1  Section 401.  Prohibition.
     2  Chapter 5.  Miscellaneous Provisions
     3  Section 501.  Para materia.
     4  Chapter 6.  Savings Provision
     5  Section 601.  Savings provision.
     6  Chapter 7.  Severability
     7  Section 701.  Severability.
     8  Chapter 8.  Repeal                                                <--
     9  Section 801.  Repeal.
    10  Chapter 9.  Effective Date
    11  Section 901.  Effective date.
    12  CHAPTER 8.  EFFECTIVE DATE                                        <--
    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16                             CHAPTER 1
    17                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    18  Section 101.  Short title.
    19     This act shall be known and may be cited as the First-Level
    20  Supervisor Collective Bargaining Act.
    21  Section 102.  Definitions.
    22     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    23  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    24  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    25     "Employee organization."  An organization of any kind or any
    26  agency or employee representation committee or plan in which
    27  membership includes public employees, and which exists for the
    28  purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with employers
    29  concerning grievances, employee-employer disputes, wages, rates
    30  of pay, hours of employment, or conditions of work, but shall
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     1  not include any organization which practices discrimination in
     2  membership because of race, color, creed, national origin or
     3  political affiliation.
     4     "First-level supervisor."  An employee functioning at the
     5  lowest level as a supervisor.
     6     "Public employer."  The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission.
     7     "Supervisor."  Any individual having authority in the
     8  interests of the employer to hire, transfer, suspend, layoff,
     9  recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward or discipline other
    10  employees or responsibility to direct them or adjust their
    11  grievances; or to a substantial degree effectively recommend
    12  such action if in connection with the foregoing, the exercise of
    13  such authority is not merely routine or clerical in nature but
    14  calls for the use of independent judgment.
    15                             CHAPTER 2
    17  Section 201.  Jurisdiction.
    18     The Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board shall have
    19  jurisdiction over all questions concerning representation with
    20  respect to the selection of employee organizations as exclusive
    21  bargaining representatives of first-level supervisors.
    22  Section 202.  Exclusion.
    23     First-level supervisors shall not be included in any
    24  bargaining unit which includes nonfirst-level supervisors.
    25                             CHAPTER 3
    26                       COLLECTIVE BARGAINING
    27  Section 301.  Settlement.
    28     It shall be the duty of the public employer and employee
    29  organizations representing first-level supervisors to settle all
    30  disputes by engaging in collective bargaining in good faith and
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     1  by entering into settlements by way of written agreements and
     2  maintaining of the same.
     3  Section 302.  Origin.
     4     Collective bargaining shall begin at least six months before
     5  the start of the fiscal year of the public employer and any
     6  request for arbitration, as provided in this article shall be
     7  made at least 110 days before the start of the fiscal year.
     8  Section 303.  Impasse.
     9     Impasse in bargaining shall be resolved as follows:
    10         (1)  If in any case of a dispute between a public
    11     employer and an employee organization representing first-
    12     level supervisors reaches an impasse in the collective
    13     bargaining process, with the result that the public employer
    14     and employees are unable to effect a settlement, then either
    15     party to the dispute, after written notice to the other party
    16     containing specifications of the issue or issues in dispute,
    17     may request the appointment of a board of arbitration. For
    18     purposes of this section, an impasse shall be deemed to occur
    19     in the collective bargaining process if the parties do not
    20     reach a settlement of the issue or issues in dispute by way
    21     of a written agreement within 30 days after collective
    22     bargaining proceedings have been initiated.
    23         (2)  The board of arbitration shall be composed of three
    24     persons, one appointed by the public employer, one appointed
    25     by the employee organization and a third member to be agreed
    26     upon by the public employer and employee organization. The
    27     members of the board representing the public employer and
    28     employee organization shall be named within five days from
    29     the date of the request for the appointment of the board. If,
    30     after a period of ten days from the date of appointment of
    20010H2183B4638                  - 4 -

     1     the two arbitrators appointed by the public employer and the
     2     employee organization, the third arbitrator has not been
     3     selected by them, then either arbitrator may request the
     4     American Arbitration Association or its successor in function
     5     to furnish a list of three members of the association who are
     6     residents of this Commonwealth from which the third
     7     arbitrator shall be selected. The arbitrator appointed by the
     8     public employer shall eliminate one name from the list within
     9     five days after the publication of the list, following which
    10     the arbitrator appointed by the employee organization shall
    11     eliminate one name from the list within five days thereafter.
    12     The individual whose name appears on the list shall be the
    13     third arbitrator and shall act as chairman of the board of
    14     arbitration. The board of arbitration thus established shall
    15     commence the arbitration proceedings within ten days after
    16     the third arbitrator is selected and shall make its
    17     determination within 30 days after the appointment of the
    18     third arbitrator.
    19         (3)  The determination of the majority of the board of
    20     arbitration thus established shall be final on the issue or
    21     issues in dispute and shall be binding upon the public
    22     employer and the employee organization. The determination
    23     shall be in writing and a copy thereof shall be forwarded to
    24     both parties to the dispute. No appeal therefrom shall be
    25     allowed to any court. The determination shall constitute a
    26     mandate to the public employer to take the action necessary
    27     to carry out the determination of the board of arbitration;
    28     provided that determinations of the board which require
    29     legislative enactment to be effective shall be considered
    30     advisory only.
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     1         (4)  The compensation of the arbitrator appointed by the
     2     employee organization shall be paid by them. The compensation
     3     of the other two arbitrators, as well as stenographic and
     4     other expenses incurred by the arbitration panel in
     5     connection with the arbitration proceedings, shall be paid by
     6     the public employer.
     7                             CHAPTER 4
     8                              STRIKES
     9  Section 401.  Prohibition.
    10     Strikes by first-level supervisors are prohibited at any
    11  time. If such a strike occurs, the public employer shall
    12  forthwith initiate in the court of common pleas of the
    13  jurisdiction where the strike occurs, an action for appropriate
    14  equitable relief including, but not limited to, an injunction.
    15                             CHAPTER 5
    16                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    17  Section 501.  Para materia.
    18     This act shall be read in para materia with the act of July
    19  23, 1970 (P.L.563, No.195), known as the Public Employe
    20  Relations Act.
    21                             CHAPTER 6
    22                         SAVINGS PROVISION
    23  Section 601.  Savings provision.
    24     The rights granted to certain public employees by the
    25  following acts or parts of acts shall not be repealed or
    26  diminished by this act:
    27     Act of November 27, 1967 (P.L. 628, No.288), entitled "An act
    28  protecting the rights of employes of existing transportation
    29  systems which are acquired by cities of the third class or any
    30  authority thereof or certain joint authorities; requiring cities
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     1  of the third class or any authority thereof or any such joint
     2  authority to enter into contracts with labor organizations
     3  acting for such employes, and providing for arbitration in case
     4  of disputes.
     5     Act of June 24, 1968 (P.L.237, No.111), referred to as the
     6  Policemen and Firemen Collective Bargaining Act.
     7     Act of July 23, 1970 (P.L.563, No.195), known as the Public    <--
     8  Employe Relations Act, except with respect to section 704 as
     9  provided in Chapter 8 of this act.
    10                             CHAPTER 7
    11                            SEVERABILITY
    12  Section 701.  Severability.
    13     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
    14  this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
    15  held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
    16  or applications of this act which can be given effect without
    17  the invalid provision or application.
    18                             CHAPTER 8                              <--
    19                               REPEAL
    20  Section 801.  Repeal.
    21     Section 704 of the act of July 23, 1970 (P.L.563, No.195),
    22  known as the Public Employe Relations Act, is repealed.
    23                             CHAPTER 9
    24                           EFFECTIVE DATE
    25  Section 901.  Effective date.
    26     This act shall take effect immediately.
    27                             CHAPTER 8                              <--
    28                           EFFECTIVE DATE
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