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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2868



No. 2194 Session of 2000



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of November 26, 1978 (P.L.1255, No.299),
     2     entitled "An act providing for notice and the right to cure
     3     landlord's default to avoid the termination of utility
     4     service to tenants," further providing for definitions and
     5     expanding the definition of "tenant" to include certain
     6     persons who lease commercial buildings, for notices before
     7     service to landlord ratepayer discontinued, for identifying
     8     tenants, for delivery and contents of first discontinuance
     9     notice to tenants and for rights of tenants to continued
    10     service.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Section 2 of the act of November 26, 1978
    14  (P.L.1255, No.299), known as the Utility Service Tenants Rights
    15  Act, is amended to read:
    16  Section 2.  Definitions.
    17     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    18  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
    19  meanings given to them in this section:
    20     "Commercial building."  A building containing one or more
    21  lease spaces intended for business or industrial purposes or

     1  uses.
     2     "Landlord ratepayer."  One or more individuals or an
     3  organization listed on a gas, electric, steam or water utility's
     4  records as the party responsible for payment of the gas,
     5  electric, steam or water service provided to one or more
     6  residential units of a residential building or mobile home park
     7  or commercial unit of a commercial building of which building or
     8  mobile home park such party is not the sole occupant.
     9     "Mobile home."  A transportable, single-family dwelling unit
    10  intended for permanent occupancy and constructed as a single
    11  unit, or as two or more units designed to be joined into one
    12  integral unit capable of again being separated for repeated
    13  towing, which arrives at a site complete and ready for occupancy
    14  except for minor and incidental unpacking and assembly
    15  operations and constructed so that it may be used without a
    16  permanent foundation.
    17     "Mobile home park."  Any site, lot, field or tract of land,
    18  privately or publicly owned or operated, upon which three or
    19  more mobile homes, occupied for dwelling or sleeping purposes,
    20  are or are intended to be located.
    21     "Municipal corporation."  All cities, boroughs, towns,
    22  townships, or counties of this Commonwealth, and also any public
    23  corporation, authority, or body whatsoever created or organized
    24  under any law of this Commonwealth.
    25     "Public utility."  A municipal corporation now or hereafter
    26  owning or operating within its corporate boundaries equipment or
    27  facilities for:
    28         (1)  Producing, generating, transmitting, distributing or
    29     furnishing natural or artificial gas, electricity, or steam
    30     for the production of light, heat, or power to or for the
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     1     public for compensation.
     2         (2)  Diverting, developing, pumping, impounding,
     3     distributing, or furnishing water to or for the public for
     4     compensation.
     5     "Residential building."  A building containing one or more
     6  dwelling units occupied by one or more tenants, but excluding
     7  nursing homes, hotels and motels.
     8     "Tenant."  Either of the following:
     9         (1)  Any person or group of persons whose dwelling unit
    10     in a residential building or mobile home park is provided
    11     gas, electricity, steam or water, pursuant to a rental
    12     arrangement for such dwelling unit, mobile home or plot of
    13     ground within a mobile home park, but who is not the
    14     ratepayer of the company which supplied such gas,
    15     electricity, steam or water.
    16         (2)  Any person, corporation, partnership or other
    17     business entity which occupies space in a commercial building
    18     and which is provided water, pursuant to a rental arrangement
    19     for such space but who is not the ratepayer of the company
    20     which supplied such water.
    21     Section 2.  Section 3 of the act, repealed in part October 5,
    22  1980 (P.L.693, No.142), is amended to read:
    23  Section 3.  Notices before service to landlord ratepayer
    24                 discontinued.
    25     (a)  Except when required to prevent or alleviate an
    26  emergency or except in the case of danger to life or property,
    27  before any discontinuance of service within the utility's
    28  corporate limits, to a landlord ratepayer for nonpayment a
    29  public utility shall:
    30         (1)  Notify the landlord ratepayer of the proposed
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     1     discontinuance in writing as prescribed in section 5 at least
     2     37 days before the date of discontinuance of service.
     3         (2)  Notify the following agencies which serve the
     4     community in which the affected premises are located in
     5     writing at the time of delivery of notice to the tenants of
     6     the proposed discontinuance of service:
     7             (i)  the Department of Licenses and Inspections of
     8         any city of the first class;
     9             (ii)  the Department of Public Safety of any city of
    10         the second class, second class A, or third class; and
    11             (iii)  the city or county Public Health Department or
    12         in the event that such a department does not exist, the
    13         Department of Health office responsible for that county.
    14         (3)  Notify each residential unit or commercial unit
    15     reasonably likely to be occupied by an affected tenant of the
    16     proposed discontinuance in writing as prescribed in section 6
    17     at least seven days after notice to the landlord ratepayer
    18     pursuant to this section, and at least 30 days before any
    19     such discontinuance of service. However, if within seven days
    20     of receipt of the notice issued pursuant to this section, the
    21     landlord ratepayer files a petition with the court disputing
    22     the right of the utility to discontinue service, such notice
    23     shall not be rendered until such petition has been
    24     adjudicated by the court.
    25     (b)  Before any discontinuance of service by a public utility
    26  to a landlord ratepayer due to a request for voluntary
    27  relinquishment of service by the landlord ratepayer:
    28         (1)  the landlord ratepayer shall state in a form bearing
    29     his notarized signature that all of the affected dwelling
    30     units or commercial units are either unoccupied or the
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     1     tenants affected by the proposed discontinuance have
     2     consented in writing to the proposed discontinuance, which
     3     form shall conspicuously bear a notice that false statements
     4     are punishable criminally;
     5         (2)  all of the tenants affected by the proposed
     6     discontinuance shall inform the utility orally or in writing
     7     of their consent to the discontinuance; or
     8         (3)  the landlord ratepayer shall provide the utility
     9     with the names and addresses of the affected tenants pursuant
    10     to section 4 and the utility shall notify the community
    11     service agencies and each residential unit or commercial unit
    12     pursuant to sections 3 and 6. Under the voluntary
    13     relinquishment discontinuance procedures of this subparagraph
    14     the tenants shall have all of the rights provided in sections
    15     7 through 11.
    16     Section 3.  Sections 4, 6 and 7(b) of the act are amended to
    17  read:
    18  Section 4.  Identifying tenants.
    19     (a)  Upon receiving a lawful request for the names and
    20  addresses of the affected tenants pursuant to this act, it shall
    21  be the duty of the landlord ratepayer to provide the utility
    22  with the names and addresses of every affected tenant of any
    23  residential building or mobile home park or commercial building
    24  for which the utility is proposing to discontinue service unless
    25  within seven days of receipt of the notice, the landlord
    26  ratepayer pays the amount due the utility or makes an
    27  arrangement with the utility to pay the balance.
    28     (b)  Such information shall be provided by the landlord
    29  ratepayer:
    30         (1)  within seven days of receipt of the notice to the
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     1     landlord ratepayer required by section 3; or
     2         (2)  within three days of any adjudication by a court
     3     having jurisdiction that the landlord ratepayer must provide
     4     the requested information if the landlord files a petition
     5     with the court within seven days of receipt of the notice to
     6     the landlord disputing the right of the utility to
     7     discontinue service.
     8     (c)  It shall be the duty of any public utility to pursue any
     9  appropriate legal remedy it has, necessary to obtain from the
    10  landlord ratepayer, the names and addresses of all affected
    11  tenants of a building or mobile home park or commercial building
    12  for which the utility is proposing discontinuance of service to
    13  such landlord ratepayer.
    14  Section 6.  Delivery and contents of first discontinuance notice
    15             to tenants.
    16     The notice required to be given to a tenant pursuant to
    17  section 3 shall be mailed or otherwise delivered to the address
    18  of each affected tenant, and shall contain the following
    19  information:
    20         (1)  the date on which the notice is rendered;
    21         (2)  the date on or after which service will be
    22     discontinued;
    23         (3)  the circumstances under which service to the
    24     affected tenant may be continued, specifically referring to
    25     the conditions set out in section 7;
    26         (4)  the bill for the 30-day period preceding the notice
    27     to the tenants;
    28         (5)  the statutory rights of a tenant to deduct the
    29     amount of any direct payment to the utility from any rent
    30     payments then or thereafter due; to be protected against any
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     1     retaliation by the landlord for exercising such statutory
     2     right; to recover money damages from the landlord for any
     3     such retaliation;
     4         (6)  that tenants may make payment to the utility on
     5     account of nonpayment by the landlord ratepayer only by check
     6     or money order drawn by the tenant to the order of the
     7     utility; and
     8         (7)  a telephone number at the utility which a tenant may
     9     call for an explanation of his rights.
    10     The information in paragraphs (1) through (7) shall be posted
    11  by the utility in those common areas of the residential building
    12  or mobile home park or commercial building where it is
    13  reasonably likely to be seen by the affected tenants. Any
    14  officer or employee of the utility may at any reasonable time,
    15  enter the common hallways and common areas of such building for
    16  the purpose of complying with the provisions of this section.
    17  Section 7.  Rights of tenants to continued service.
    18     * * *
    19     (b)  Any tenant of a residential building or mobile home park
    20  or commercial building who has been notified of a proposed
    21  discontinuance of utility service pursuant to section 3 shall
    22  have the right to agree to subscribe for future service
    23  individually if this can be accomplished without a major
    24  revision of distribution facilities or additional right-of-way
    25  acquisitions.
    26     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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