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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2954



No. 2216 Session of 1990

           JANUARY 2, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of November 30, 1965 (P.L.847, No.356),
     2     entitled "An act relating to and regulating the business of
     3     banking and the exercise by corporations of fiduciary powers;
     4     affecting persons engaged in the business of banking and
     5     corporations exercising fiduciary powers and affiliates of
     6     such persons; affecting the shareholders of such persons and
     7     the directors, trustees, officers, attorneys and employes of
     8     such persons and of the affiliates of such persons; affecting
     9     national banks located in the Commonwealth; affecting persons
    10     dealing with persons engaged in the business of banking,
    11     corporations exercising fiduciary powers and national banks;
    12     conferring powers and imposing duties on the Banking Board,
    13     on certain departments and officers of the Commonwealth and
    14     on courts, prothonotaries, clerks and recorders of deeds;
    15     providing penalties; and repealing certain acts and parts of
    16     acts," permitting the formation of mutual holding companies;
    17     and providing for reciprocal interstate operations for
    18     savings banks.

    19     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    20  hereby enacts as follows:
    21     Section 1.  The act of November 30, 1965 (P.L.847, No.356),
    22  known as the Banking Code of 1965, is amended by adding a
    23  section to read:
    24  Section 115.1.  Mutual Holding Companies
    25     (a)  In General--Notwithstanding any other provision of this

     1  act, a savings bank organized under this act in mutual form may
     2  reorganize so as to become a holding company by:
     3         (i)  chartering a subsidiary stock savings bank, the
     4     stock of which is wholly owned by the mutual savings bank at
     5     the time of the reorganization, and
     6         (ii)  transferring the substantial part of its assets and
     7     liabilities, including all of its liabilities which are
     8     insured by any deposit insurance corporation, to the
     9     subsidiary stock savings bank.
    10     (b)  Directors' approval of plan required--A reorganization
    11  is not authorized under this section unless a plan providing for
    12  such reorganization has been approved by the affirmative vote of
    13  two-thirds of the board of directors of the mutual savings bank.
    14     (c)  Notice to, and approval by, the department--
    15         (i)  At least sixty days prior to taking any action
    16     described in subsection (a), a mutual savings bank seeking to
    17     establish a mutual holding company shall provide written
    18     notice to the department. The notice shall contain such
    19     relevant information as the department shall require by
    20     regulation or by specific request in connection with any
    21     particular notice.
    22         (ii)  Upon receipt of an application for approval of a
    23     plan of reorganization authorized by this section, the
    24     department shall conduct such investigation as it may deem
    25     necessary to determine whether:
    26             (A)  the plan satisfies the requirements of this act,
    27         and
    28             (B)  the plan adequately protects the interests of
    29         depositors, borrowers and creditors.
    30         (iii)  Within sixty days after receipt of the
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     1     application, the department shall approve or disapprove the
     2     application on the basis of its investigation and shall
     3     immediately give to the savings bank written notice of its
     4     decision, and in the  event of disapproval, a statement in
     5     detail of such grounds therefor as are permitted by paragraph
     6     (c)(4).
     7         (iv)  The department may disapprove any proposed holding
     8     company formation only if:
     9             (A)  the plan providing for such reorganization fails
    10         to comply, or as implemented would fail to comply, with
    11         such regulations as the department may promulgate from
    12         time to time,
    13             (B)  the plan unlawfully impairs any ownership rights
    14         of depositors of the mutual savings bank,
    15             (C)  such disapproval is necessary to prevent unsafe
    16         or unsound practices,
    17             (D)  the financial or management resources of the
    18         resulting mutual holding company or the resulting savings
    19         bank warrant disapproval, or
    20             (E)  the savings bank fails to furnish the
    21         information required under subsection (c)(1).
    22         (v)  At the time of the transaction described in
    23     subsection (a), a savings bank may, with the approval of the
    24     department, retain capital assets at the holding company
    25     level to the extent that such capital assets are not needed
    26     by the subsidiary stock savings bank in order for the
    27     subsidiary to satisfy applicable regulatory requirements.
    28     (d)  permitted activities--A mutual holding company may
    29  engage only in the following activities:
    30         (i)  investing in the stock of one or more financial
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     1     institution subsidiaries,
     2         (ii)  acquiring one or more additional financial
     3     institution subsidiaries through the merger of such financial
     4     institution subsidiaries into a subsidiary of the holding
     5     company,
     6         (iii)  subject to subsection (e), merging with or
     7     acquiring another holding company, one of whose subsidiaries
     8     is a financial institution subsidiary,
     9         (iv)  investing in a corporation the capital stock of
    10     which is available for purchase by a savings bank under
    11     Federal law or under this act,
    12         (v)  engaging in such activities as are permitted, by
    13     statute or regulation, to a holding company of a federally
    14     chartered insured mutual institution under Federal law, and
    15         (vi)  engaging in such other activities as may be
    16     permitted by the department.
    17     (e)  Limitations on certain activities of acquired holding
    18  companies--
    19         (i)  if a mutual holding company acquires or merges with
    20     another holding company pursuant to subsection (d)(3), the
    21     holding company acquired or the holding company resulting
    22     from such merger or acquisition may invest in only those
    23     assets and engage in only those activities which are
    24     authorized under subsection (d),
    25         (ii)  not later than two years following a merger or
    26     acquisition described in subsection (d)(3), the acquired
    27     holding company or the holding company resulting from such
    28     merger or acquisition shall:
    29             (A)  dispose of any asset which is an asset in which
    30         a mutual holding company may not invest under subsection
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     1         (d), and
     2             (B)  cease any activity which is an activity in which
     3         a mutual holding company may not engage under subsection
     4         (d).
     5     (f)  Regulation--The department shall have the authority to
     6  issue rules, regulations and orders as may be necessary to
     7  properly administer this section. No mutual holding company
     8  shall be approved by the department until regulations have been
     9  adopted pursuant to this section.
    10     (g)  Definitions--The following words and phrases when used
    11  in this section shall have, unless the context clearly indicates
    12  otherwise, the following meanings:
    13         (i)  "Mutual holding company," a corporation organized as
    14     a holding company under this section.
    15         (ii)  "Financial institution subsidiary," a savings
    16     association, a Federal savings and loan association or
    17     savings bank which is located in Pennsylvania, a bank, a bank
    18     and trust company, a trust company, a savings bank, a
    19     regional thrift institution, or, after March 4, 1990, a
    20     foreign thrift institution.
    21     Section 2.  Section 117 of the act, amended or added December
    22  18, 1986 (P.L.1702, No.205) and May 18, 1988 (P.L.399, No.65),
    23  is amended to read:
    24  Section 117.  Authorization of [Regional,] Reciprocal Interstate
    25                 Operations of Savings Banks
    26     (a)  Definitions for purpose of section--The following words
    27  and phrases when used in this section shall have, unless the
    28  context clearly indicates otherwise, the following meanings:
    29         (i)  "Acquire"--to acquire (as defined in section
    30     112(a)(i)) five percent or more of the voting stock of an
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     1     entity and shall also mean a merger or consolidation or a
     2     purchase of assets and an assumption of liabilities, other
     3     than in the regular course of business.
     4         (ii)  "Bank holding company"--the same meaning as that
     5     term has under the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, 12
     6     U.S.C. § 1841(a).
     7         (iii)  "Branch"--an office which performs the functions
     8     described in section 102(h).
     9         (iv)  "Control"--the power, directly or indirectly, to
    10     direct the management or policies of an entity or to vote
    11     twenty-five percent or more of any class of voting securities
    12     of an entity.
    13         (v)  "Entity"--any corporation, partnership, association
    14     or similar organization, including banks and thrift
    15     institutions.
    16         (vi)  "Foreign association"--a savings and loan
    17     association or building and loan association located in and
    18     organized and operating under the laws of a state other than
    19     Pennsylvania and a Federal association, as defined in 12
    20     U.S.C. § 1462(d), that is located in a state other than
    21     Pennsylvania.
    22         (vii)  "Foreign savings bank"--a savings bank located in
    23     and organized and operating under the laws of a state other
    24     than Pennsylvania.
    25         (viii)  "Foreign thrift institution"--a foreign savings
    26     bank or a foreign association.
    27         (ix)  "Foreign thrift institution holding company"--an
    28     entity which controls one or more foreign thrift institutions
    29     and is located in a state other than Pennsylvania.
    30         [(vi)] (x)  "Pennsylvania savings bank"--a savings bank
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     1     as defined in section 102(x).
     2         [(vii)] (xi)  "Pennsylvania savings bank holding
     3     company"--an entity which controls one or more Pennsylvania
     4     savings banks and is located in Pennsylvania.
     5         [(viii)] (xii)  "Region"--the States of Delaware,
     6     Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia and
     7     West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
     8         [(ix)] (xiii)  "Regional association"--a savings and loan
     9     association or building and loan association located in and
    10     organized and operating under the laws of a state in the
    11     region and a Federal association, as defined in 12 U.S.C. §
    12     1462(d), that is located in the region.
    13         [(x)] (xiv)  "Regional savings bank"--a savings bank
    14     located in and organized and operating under the laws of a
    15     state in the region.
    16         [(xi)] (xv)  "Regional thrift institution"--a regional
    17     savings bank or a regional association.
    18         [(xii)] (xvi)  "Regional thrift institution holding
    19     company"--an entity which controls one or more regional
    20     thrift institutions and is located in a state in the region.
    21         [(xiii)] (xvii)  "Savings and loan holding company"--as
    22     defined in 12 U.S.C. § 1730a(a)(1)(D).
    23         [(xiv)] (xviii)  "State"--includes the District of
    24     Columbia.
    25         [(xv)] (xix)  State in which an entity is "located"--
    26             (A)  with regard to a thrift institution, the state
    27         in which its deposits are largest; and
    28             (B)  with regard to a thrift institution holding
    29         company, a savings bank holding company, a savings and
    30         loan holding company or a bank holding company, the state
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     1         in which the total deposits of its subsidiaries,
     2         including commercial banks, are largest.
     3     Provided, that an entity or its legal successor that is
     4     located in Pennsylvania on the effective date of this
     5     legislation shall be deemed thereafter to be located in
     6     Pennsylvania regardless of the location of its deposits or
     7     the deposits of its subsidiaries if said entity has not been
     8     either acquired by an entity located outside of Pennsylvania
     9     or a party to a merger or consolidation transaction in which
    10     the holders of its voting shares immediately prior to the
    11     transaction held less than fifty percent of the voting shares
    12     of any class of stock in the entity surviving after, or
    13     resulting from, the merger or consolidation.
    14     (b)  Acquisitions by [regional] foreign thrift institutions
    15  and [regional] foreign thrift institution holding companies--A
    16  [regional] foreign thrift institution or [regional] foreign
    17  thrift institution holding company may acquire a Pennsylvania
    18  savings bank or a Pennsylvania savings bank holding company if:
    19         (i)  the law of the state where the acquiring thrift
    20     institution or thrift institution holding company is located
    21     and the law of the state where any savings and loan holding
    22     company or bank holding company which directly or indirectly
    23     owns or controls the power to vote five percent or more of
    24     its shares is located satisfies, in each case, the
    25     reciprocity requirement of subsection (d);
    26         (ii)  the acquiring thrift institution or thrift
    27     institution holding company and any savings and loan holding
    28     company or bank holding company which directly or indirectly
    29     owns or controls the power to vote five percent or more of
    30     its shares is, in each case, located in a state in the region
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     1     or in Pennsylvania, except that the requirement of location
     2     in the region or in Pennsylvania will not be applicable to an
     3     acquisition consummated after March 4, 1990; and
     4         (iii)  approval has been received from the department.
     5     When considering a proposed acquisition by a [regional]
     6     foreign thrift institution or a [regional] foreign thrift
     7     institution holding company, the department shall give
     8     specific attention to the effect of the acquisition on the
     9     availability, in this Commonwealth, of those banking and
    10     basic transaction account services set forth in subsections
    11     (i) and (j).
    12     (c)  Branching by [regional] foreign savings banks--
    13         (i)  A [regional] foreign savings bank may, with the
    14     prior written approval of the department, maintain as a
    15     branch any office acquired as part of an acquisition effected
    16     under this section or section 114 of the Savings Association
    17     Code of 1967.
    18         (ii)  A [regional] foreign savings bank may establish and
    19     maintain branches in this Commonwealth if:
    20             (A)  the state in which it is located and the state
    21         in which any savings and loan holding company or bank
    22         holding company which directly or indirectly owns or has
    23         the power to vote five percent or more of its shares is
    24         located satisfies, in each case, the reciprocity
    25         requirement of subsection (d);
    26             (B)  the savings bank and any savings and loan
    27         holding company or bank holding company which directly or
    28         indirectly owns or controls the power to vote five
    29         percent or more of its shares is, in each case, located
    30         in a state in the region or in Pennsylvania, except that
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     1         the requirement of location in the region or in
     2         Pennsylvania will not be applicable with respect to a
     3         branch established after March 4, 1990; and
     4             (C)  the branch is approved by the department in the
     5         same manner and subject to the same conditions as are
     6         applicable to de novo branches of Pennsylvania savings
     7         banks under sections 904 and 905.
     8     (d)  Reciprocity requirement--
     9         (i)  The law of another state is reciprocal under this
    10     section to the extent the department determines it to be so.
    11     The department's determination under this subsection shall
    12     include, but is not limited to:
    13             (A)  with regard to acquisitions, whether the law of
    14         that other state authorizes Pennsylvania savings banks
    15         and Pennsylvania savings bank holding companies to
    16         acquire [regional] foreign thrift institutions and
    17         [regional] foreign thrift institution holding companies
    18         located in that state on terms and conditions reasonably
    19         equivalent to those applicable to acquisitions by
    20         [regional] foreign thrift institutions and [regional]
    21         foreign thrift institution holding companies of
    22         Pennsylvania savings banks or Pennsylvania savings bank
    23         holding companies and whether the law of that other state
    24         imposes conditions on the acquisition by Pennsylvania
    25         savings banks or Pennsylvania savings bank holding
    26         companies of [regional] foreign thrift institutions or
    27         [regional] foreign thrift institution holding companies
    28         located in that state that are substantially more onerous
    29         than those imposed on the same acquisitions by thrift
    30         institutions or thrift institution holding companies
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     1         located in that state; and
     2             (B)  with regard to branching, whether the law of
     3         that other state authorizes Pennsylvania savings banks to
     4         establish or maintain branches in that state on terms and
     5         conditions reasonably equivalent to those applicable to
     6         the establishment or maintenance of branches in
     7         Pennsylvania by savings banks located in that state, and
     8         reasonably equivalent to those applicable to the
     9         establishment and maintenance of branches in that state
    10         by a savings bank located in that state.
    11         (ii)  The department need not determine that the law of
    12     another state fails to meet the reciprocity requirement of
    13     this subsection solely by reason of the fact that that law
    14     does not allow Pennsylvania savings banks or Pennsylvania
    15     savings bank holding companies to engage in a particular type
    16     of branching or acquisition, or imposes conditions on such
    17     branching or acquisition that are substantially more onerous
    18     than those imposed on the same activities of savings banks or
    19     savings bank holding companies located in that state.
    20     However, in such circumstances, the department shall find
    21     reciprocity only after imposing on the savings banks and
    22     savings bank holding companies located in that state
    23     conditions and limitations on branching and acquisitions in
    24     Pennsylvania substantially similar to those imposed on
    25     branching and acquisitions in that state by Pennsylvania
    26     savings banks and savings bank holding companies.
    27         (iii)  The department may determine that the law of
    28     another state is not reciprocal regarding a particular type
    29     of branching or acquisition if the law of that other state
    30     does not allow all Pennsylvania savings banks or,
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     1     alternatively, all Pennsylvania savings bank holding
     2     companies to engage on equal terms with each other in the
     3     particular type of branching or acquisition.
     4     (e)  Authority of the department--In addition to the powers
     5  granted elsewhere in this section and in other provisions of
     6  Pennsylvania law, the department is authorized to impose any
     7  conditions or requirements it deems appropriate, in light of the
     8  purposes of this act, on thrift institutions and thrift
     9  institution holding companies acquired or operating directly or
    10  indirectly in Pennsylvania under this section. Such conditions
    11  or requirements include, but are not limited to, provisions for
    12  examinations, reports and the payment of fees. The department
    13  may accept examinations and other reports of Federal and state
    14  regulators and may enter into agreements with Federal and state
    15  regulators for the exchange of information, including
    16  examination reports.
    17     (f)  Change in circumstances--If a [regional] foreign thrift
    18  institution or [regional] foreign thrift institution holding
    19  company [located in another state] which has acquired a
    20  Pennsylvania savings bank or Pennsylvania savings bank holding
    21  company or has established a branch in Pennsylvania under this
    22  section shall have a change of circumstances so that it no
    23  longer satisfies the conditions of subsections (b) and (c)
    24  (either by reason of a change in the place in which it is
    25  located or by reason of acquisition by a savings and loan
    26  holding company or a bank holding company located in a state
    27  which does not satisfy the conditions of subsections (b) and (c)
    28  of five percent or more of its voting shares, or the power to
    29  vote those shares), said [regional] foreign thrift institution
    30  or [regional] foreign thrift institution holding company shall
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     1  divest each Pennsylvania savings bank, savings bank holding
     2  company and branch it has acquired or established prior to
     3  entering into a voluntary combination which causes such change
     4  of circumstances or within one year (or such longer period of
     5  not more than an additional year as the department may allow in
     6  writing) after the occurrence of an event, other than a
     7  voluntary combination, which causes the change in circumstances.
     8     (g)  Effect of invalidity--The purpose of this section is
     9  solely to authorize reciprocal[, regional] interstate operations
    10  by savings banks and associations, and this section shall not be
    11  construed to authorize any acquisition or the establishment of
    12  any branch by any entity located in another state except as
    13  expressly provided in this section. In the event that any
    14  limitation on the geographical location of entities granted
    15  acquisition or branching powers by this section is held to be
    16  invalid by a final order of a court which is not subject to
    17  further review or appeal, the authorization of this section
    18  shall terminate immediately. Any acquisition or branch
    19  establishment consummated pursuant to this section prior to such
    20  termination shall not be affected thereby.
    21     (h)  Acquisitions in other states by Pennsylvania savings
    22  banks and Pennsylvania savings bank holding companies--A
    23  Pennsylvania savings bank or Pennsylvania savings bank holding
    24  company which proposes to acquire a thrift institution or thrift
    25  institution holding company located in another state shall file
    26  an application for approval by the department in such form and
    27  upon payment of such fee as the department shall prescribe and
    28  shall supplement such application with such additional
    29  information as the department may reasonably request. The
    30  department shall conduct such investigation as it deems
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     1  necessary to determine whether to approve or disapprove the
     2  application. The investigation shall include consideration of
     3  the effects the proposed acquisition would have on the
     4  availability, in this Commonwealth, of those banking services
     5  and basic transaction account services set forth in subsections
     6  (i) and (j). Within sixty days after receipt of the application
     7  or within a longer period, not in excess of thirty days, after
     8  receipt from the applicant of additional information requested
     9  by the department, the department shall approve or disapprove
    10  the proposed acquisition and give written notice of its decision
    11  to the applicant. In approving an acquisition under this
    12  section, the department may place conditions upon such approval
    13  and incorporate such terms and agreements as are deemed
    14  necessary to effect the purposes of this act.
    15     (i)  Availability of banking services--The department shall
    16  have the authority to assure that interstate thrift acquisitions
    17  authorized by this section will not diminish reasonable
    18  availability of banking services to all segments of the public
    19  and economy of this Commonwealth, with special emphasis on
    20  economic development and the financing of enterprises to the end
    21  that employment opportunities will be either increased or, where
    22  there is the prospect of reduction, retained. Upon receipt of an
    23  application for approval of an acquisition by an institution or
    24  company located in another state under subsection (b) or
    25  approval of an acquisition in another state by a Pennsylvania
    26  savings bank or savings bank holding company under subsection
    27  (h), the department shall review the credit practices and
    28  policies of each Pennsylvania savings bank or savings bank
    29  holding company which is involved in the proposed transaction.
    30  Such review shall determine the overall performance of such
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     1  company or institution in providing credit and financial
     2  services to individuals and business enterprises in the
     3  communities which it serves in the light of its role as a thrift
     4  institution, its resources, its capital and its income, the
     5  particular needs of such communities, competition and
     6  alternative sources of credit. With respect to individuals,
     7  there shall be a review of consumer loans, residential
     8  mortgages, home improvement loans and student loans,
     9  particularly to residents of low-income and moderate-income
    10  neighborhoods. With respect to business enterprises, there shall
    11  be a review of extensions of credit and investments intended to
    12  promote economic development and creation, or retention where
    13  there is the prospect of reduction, of employment opportunities,
    14  including, without limitation, Small Business Administration and
    15  other small business loans, industrial development loans,
    16  financing of employe stock option plans and leveraged buyouts of
    17  businesses by employes, financing of nonprofit community
    18  development projects, loans and investments intended to maintain
    19  existing businesses and to encourage economic expansion and job
    20  opportunities, and loans and investments to promote
    21  participation by businesses in this Commonwealth in
    22  international trade and to increase exports. The review by the
    23  department shall also include all other activities of the
    24  institution or company deemed to be suitable to its particular
    25  circumstances and the communities served. If the department
    26  determines that the overall performance of the institution or
    27  company has not been materially deficient and that it justifies
    28  the conclusion that the institution or company does and will
    29  provide suitable credit and financial services to its
    30  communities, it may approve the application without imposing any
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     1  terms or conditions but otherwise may impose such terms and
     2  conditions as it deems appropriate to improve such overall
     3  performance over a stated period of time. The department shall,
     4  from time to time, review the continuing overall performance of
     5  each such institution or company after an acquisition and, if it
     6  finds that its overall performance has not continued to be
     7  satisfactory, shall issue such order to the applicant as it
     8  deems appropriate.
     9     (j)  Availability of basic transaction account services--The
    10  department shall have the authority to assure that thrift
    11  institution holding companies and thrift institutions that
    12  become part of interstate banking organizations by reason of
    13  acquisitions requiring approval under this section make basic
    14  transaction account services available to the public. For this
    15  purpose the department shall obtain, from all sources available
    16  to it or through such studies as it may commission, adequate
    17  information to determine:
    18         (i)  The needs of the public and, in particular,
    19     individuals with low or moderate income, for a basic checking
    20     or other transaction account.
    21         (ii)  The principal characteristics that such an account
    22     should have, such as the number of checks, deposits and other
    23     items for which a minimum charge may be made, the amount or
    24     rate of such minimum charge and the forms of identification
    25     that may be required for opening and using such an account.
    26         (iii)  The existing availability of basic accounts with
    27     some or all of such principal characteristics currently
    28     offered by depository institutions, including applicants
    29     under this section, in separate communities of this
    30     Commonwealth.
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     1  An applicant shall, at the request of the department, supply
     2  information to the department with respect to such accounts
     3  offered by the applicant and by each institution which is a
     4  subsidiary of the applicant. The department may approve an
     5  application prior to the time it has acquired the information
     6  required by this section, but the applicant and each institution
     7  which is a subsidiary of the applicant shall be subject, both
     8  before and after an approval of the acquisition under this
     9  section, to requirements imposed by the department, from time to
    10  time, to assure to the public, in the communities served by the
    11  institution, the continuing availability of the basic
    12  transaction account services which the department has determined
    13  the public needs.
    14     (k)  Advisory Commission--For the purpose of advising the
    15  department in the conduct of its functions under subsections (i)
    16  and (j), the advisory commission established by section 116(k)
    17  is empowered and directed to provide information, opinions and
    18  recommendations as to guidelines the department may establish,
    19  from time to time, for the purpose of determining the overall
    20  performance of an institution or company under subsection (i)
    21  and the availability of basic transaction account services under
    22  subsection (j). All decisions and determinations made under this
    23  section shall be made by the department.
    24     Section 3.  Section 504(b)(xiii) of the act, amended December
    25  21, 1988 (P.L.1416, No.173), is amended to read:
    26  Section 504.  Investments
    27     * * *
    28     (b)  Authority under this act or other statutes--Except as
    29  otherwise provided in its articles, a savings bank may, in
    30  addition to investments authorized by its articles, other
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     1  provisions of this act or other statutes, make investments in:
     2         * * *
     3         (xiii)  in the case of a savings bank which has elected
     4     to exercise the conditional powers provided in section 513,
     5     capital stock, securities or other obligations of any service
     6     corporation, subject to the following limitations:
     7             (A)  the entire capital stock of the service
     8         corporation shall be available for purchase by, or be
     9         transferable to, only savings banks, savings and loan
    10         associations organized under the laws of this
    11         Commonwealth, Federal savings banks and savings and loan
    12         associations having their home offices in this
    13         Commonwealth, [or] regional thrift institutions, as that
    14         term is defined in section 117, or, after March 4, 1990,
    15         foreign thrift institutions, as that term is defined in
    16         section 117,
    17             (B)  unless authorized by the department a savings
    18         bank shall not have an aggregate outstanding investment
    19         in the capital stock, securities or obligations of
    20         service corporations the cost of which exceeds three
    21         percent of the assets of the savings bank at the time of
    22         acquisition of such stock, securities or obligations,
    23             (C)  a service corporation qualifying for investment
    24         under this subsection may engage in the following
    25         activities:
    26                 (1)  originating, purchasing, selling and
    27             servicing loans upon real estate and participating
    28             interests therein,
    29                 (2)  performing clerical, bookkeeping,
    30             accounting, statistical or similar functions,
    19900H2216B2954                 - 18 -

     1             primarily for financial institutions,
     2                 (3)  acquisition and development of real estate,
     3             principally for construction of housing or for resale
     4             to others for such construction or for use as mobile
     5             home sites, either separately or in conjunction with
     6             others provided that such development shall be
     7             completed within five years of the commencement of
     8             development, unless that period is extended by the
     9             department,
    10                 (4)  acquiring interests in improved residential
    11             real estate and mobile homes to be held for rental,
    12             and
    13                 (5)  any other activity authorized by the
    14             department by regulation; and
    15         * * *
    16     Section 4.  Section 1609(a)(iii)(B) of the act, amended
    17  December 18, 1986 (P.L.1702, No.205), is amended to read:
    18  Section 1609.  Mergers, Consolidations and Conversions of
    19                 Savings Banks
    20     (a)  Authority to merge, consolidate or convert--
    21         * * *
    22         (iii)  upon compliance with the requirements of this
    23     section and other applicable law,
    24             * * *
    25             (B)  one or more savings banks may merge or
    26         consolidate with a regional thrift institution, and,
    27         after March 4, 1990, with a foreign thrift institution,
    28         as those terms are defined in and subject to any
    29         applicable limits of section 117.
    30         * * *
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     1     Section 5.  Section 1808(a)(i) of the act is amended to read:
     2  Section 1808.  Involuntary Dissolution
     3     (a) Issuance of certificate of dissolution by department--In
     4  the event that:
     5         (i) a certificate of authorization has not been issued to
     6     a newly incorporated institution within [two years] one year
     7     after the date of its incorporation or such longer time as
     8     the department may allow for satisfaction of conditions
     9     precedent to the issuance of a certificate,
    10         * * *
    11     Section 6.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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