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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3103



No. 2262 Session of 2003

           YOUNGBLOOD, DECEMBER 16, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for protection of children from obscene material,
     2     child pornography and other unsuitable material on the
     3     Internet in public schools and public libraries; providing
     4     for the duties of the Secretary of Education; and
     5     establishing a remedy.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Child
    10  Internet Protection Act.
    11  Section 2.  Declaration of policy.
    12     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    13         (1)  The Commonwealth has a compelling interest and duty
    14     to protect children from exposure to obscenity, child
    15     pornography and other material harmful to minors.

     1         (2)  The Commonwealth has a compelling interest in
     2     preventing any user from accessing obscene material and child
     3     pornography within a public school or public library setting.
     4         (3)  There is a need to balance the goal of providing
     5     free access to educationally suitable information sources on
     6     the Internet against the compelling need and duty to protect
     7     children from contact with sexual predators and from access
     8     to obscene material, child pornography and material harmful
     9     to children.
    10         (4)  The Commonwealth has a compelling interest and duty
    11     to protect children against the adverse secondary effects of
    12     permitting Internet access to obscenity, child pornography
    13     and material harmful to minors available within a public
    14     library setting since the availability of such material will
    15     attract pedophiles and other sexually disturbed persons who
    16     present a danger to children.
    17         (5)  Pornography in a public library or school setting
    18     can create a hostile environment constituting sexual
    19     harassment.
    20         (6)  The Commonwealth has a compelling interest and duty
    21     to take reasonable steps to prevent the creation of a hostile
    22     environment in public schools and libraries and to prevent
    23     the sexual harassment of students, library patrons, library
    24     staff and other persons.
    25  Section 3.  Definitions.
    26     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    27  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    28  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    29     "Acceptable-use policy."  A policy for Internet usage that
    30  meets the requirements of this act which is acceptable to and
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     1  adopted by a school board or a governing body of a public
     2  library.
     3     "Aggrieved parent or guardian."  The parent or guardian of:
     4         (1)  A student who attends a public school within a
     5     school district that is the subject of the enforcement action
     6     authorized under this act.
     7         (2)  A child under 17 years of age who has library
     8     privileges at a public library that is the subject of an
     9     enforcement action authorized under this act.
    10     "Child pornography."  As described in 18 Pa.C.S. § 6312
    11  (relating to sexual abuse of children).
    12     "Department."  The Department of Education of the
    13  Commonwealth.
    14     "Harmful to minors."  As defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 5903
    15  (relating to obscene and other sexual materials and
    16  performances).
    17     "Internet."  the International network of computer systems.
    18     "Obscene."  As defined for purposes of "obscene materials" in
    19  18 Pa.C.S. § 5903 (relating to obscene and other sexual
    20  materials and performances).
    21     "Public library."  A county or local library that receives
    22  State aid pursuant to Article III of the act of June 14, 1961
    23  (P.L.324, No.188), known as The Library Code.
    24     "School board."  The board of directors of a school district
    25  or the board of trustees of a charter school.
    26     "School district."  All school districts under the act of
    27  March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code
    28  of 1949, and all charter schools established under Article XVII-
    29  A of the Public School Code of 1949.
    30     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Education of the Commonwealth.
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     1  Section 4.  School district Internet policies.
     2     (a)  Acceptable-use policy.--Within 180 days after the
     3  effective date of this act, each school board shall establish an
     4  acceptable-use policy for the Internet. At a minimum, the policy
     5  shall contain provisions which are reasonably designed to:
     6         (1)  Prevent students of the school district or any other
     7     person from using any computer equipment and communications
     8     services owned or leased by the school district for sending,
     9     receiving, viewing or downloading visual depictions, the
    10     character of which is such that it is reasonably believed to
    11     be obscene or child pornography or harmful to minors and
    12     which prohibit the use of such equipment and services for
    13     those purposes.
    14         (2)  Establish appropriate measures to be taken against
    15     students and other persons who willfully violate the school
    16     district's acceptable-use policy.
    17         (3)  Provide for expedited review and resolution of a
    18     claim that the policy is denying a student or other person
    19     access to material that is not within the prohibition of the
    20     acceptable-use policy.
    21     (b)  Implementation and enforcement.--The school board shall
    22  take such steps as it deems appropriate to implement and enforce
    23  the school district policy, which shall include, but need not be
    24  limited to:
    25         (1)  use of software programs reasonably designed to
    26     block access to visual depictions, the character of which is
    27     reasonably believed to be obscene, child pornography or
    28     harmful to minors; or
    29         (2)  selection of online servers that block access to
    30     visual depictions, the character of which is reasonably
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     1     believed to be obscene, child pornography or harmful to
     2     minors.
     3     (c)  Adoption of policy.--The school board may adopt a school
     4  district policy that seeks to prevent student access to Internet
     5  material which is pervasively indecent and vulgar or which is
     6  not reasonably related to legitimate pedagogical concerns, as
     7  specifically defined by the policy.
     8     (d)  Copy of policy for parents or guardians.--A school
     9  district shall provide, upon written request of a parent or
    10  guardian, a copy of the acceptable-use policy it has adopted
    11  under this section.
    12  Section 5.  Public library Internet policies.
    13     (a)  Acceptable-use policy.--Within 180 days after the
    14  effective date of this act, the governing body of every public
    15  library shall establish an acceptable-use policy for the
    16  Internet. The policy shall contain provisions which are
    17  reasonably designed to:
    18         (1)  Prevent any person from using the library's computer
    19     equipment and communications services for sending, receiving,
    20     viewing or downloading visual depictions, the character of
    21     which is reasonably believed to be obscene, child pornography
    22     or harmful to minors.
    23         (2)  Establish appropriate measures to be taken against
    24     persons who willfully violate the policy.
    25     (b)  Implementation and enforcement of policy.--The governing
    26  body of the public library shall take such steps as it deems
    27  appropriate to implement and enforce the requirements of
    28  subsection (a). These steps shall include, but need not be
    29  limited to, the following:
    30         (1)  the use of software programs designed to block
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     1     access by any person to visual depictions, the character of
     2     which is reasonably believed to be obscene, child pornography
     3     or harmful to minors; or
     4         (2)  the selection of on-line servers that block access
     5     by any person to visual depictions, the character of which is
     6     reasonably believed to be obscene, child pornography or
     7     harmful to minors.
     8     (c)  Appeal.--The courts shall provide for an expedited
     9  review of an appeal by a party aggrieved by an adverse public
    10  library decision relating to access to Internet material
    11  pursuant to this act. The public library shall have the burden
    12  of proof in such judicial proceeding.
    13     (d)  Immunity.--A public library shall not be subject to
    14  civil liability for damages to any person as a result of the
    15  failure of any approved software program or approved on-line
    16  server to block access to material, the character of which is
    17  reasonably believed to be obscene, child pornography or harmful
    18  to minors. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to abrogate
    19  or lessen any immunity or other protection against liability
    20  accorded to public libraries under existing law or court
    21  decision.
    22  Section 6.  Consultation on acceptable-use policies.
    23     The Attorney General and the secretary shall consult with and
    24  assist any public library or school district that requests such
    25  assistance in the development and implementation of an
    26  acceptable-use policy under this act.
    27  Section 7.  Reports.
    28     (a)  Copy of policy to be filed.--Within 200 days after the
    29  effective date of this act, the superintendent of each school
    30  district and the chief administrative officer of each public
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     1  library shall file with the secretary a copy of the acceptable-
     2  use policy of the school district and public library which have
     3  been adopted under this act. Each revision to the acceptable-use
     4  policy shall be transmitted to the secretary in accordance with
     5  section 8.
     6     (b)  Identification of software program and online servers.--
     7  Each acceptable-use policy filed with the department shall
     8  identify any software program or on-line server that is being
     9  utilized to block access to material in accordance with sections
    10  4(b) and 5(b).
    11     (c)  Report to General Assembly.--Within 90 days after the
    12  deadline for initial filing under subsection (a), and in
    13  December of each subsequent year, the secretary shall submit a
    14  report to the chairman and minority chairman of the Education
    15  Committee of the Senate and the chairman and minority chairman
    16  of the Education Committee of the House of Representatives which
    17  summarizes the acceptable-use policies and any revisions thereof
    18  filed with the secretary under this act.
    19  Section 8.  Enforcement of public library provisions.
    20     (a)  Review of acceptable-use policies of public libraries.--
    21  The secretary shall review each acceptable-use policy filed by a
    22  public library under this act and each revision thereof and
    23  shall approve each policy or revision that is designed to
    24  achieve the requirements of section 5 and shall disapprove any
    25  policy or revision that is not reasonably designed to achieve
    26  the requirements of this act. Except as otherwise provided in
    27  subsection (b), a public library shall implement its acceptable-
    28  use policy during the review period.
    29     (b)  Revision of policies of public libraries.--No revision
    30  of an acceptable-use policy of a public library, which has been
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     1  approved by the secretary under subsection (a), shall be
     2  implemented until such revision is approved by the secretary. If
     3  the secretary fails to disapprove the revision within 60 days
     4  after submission to the secretary, the public library may
     5  proceed with the implementation of the revision of its
     6  acceptable-use policy.
     7     (c)  Withholding of funding from public library.--The
     8  secretary shall withhold State funding provided by Article III
     9  of the act of June 14, 1961 (P.L.324, No.188), known as The
    10  Library Code, from any public library that:
    11         (1)  fails to submit an acceptable-use policy within the
    12     time prescribed in this act;
    13         (2)  submits an acceptable-use policy that is not
    14     reasonably designed to achieve the requirements of section 5;
    15     or
    16         (3)  is not enforcing or is substantially disregarding
    17     its acceptable-use policy.
    18     (d)  Notice of noncompliance by public library.--If the
    19  secretary determines that a public library is not in compliance
    20  with the requirements of this act, the secretary shall provide
    21  the public library with a written notice explaining the nature
    22  of such noncompliance and shall afford the public library a 30-
    23  day period for correcting any failure to comply with this act
    24  before withholding any funds under this section. The secretary
    25  may extend the time for submission of a revised acceptable-use
    26  policy for good cause.
    27     (e)  Appeal by public library.--If the secretary disapproves
    28  an acceptable-use policy or any revision thereof under this
    29  section or notifies the public library that it is subject to the
    30  withholding of funding pursuant to subsection (c), the aggrieved
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     1  public library may appeal the decision to the Commonwealth
     2  Court.
     3  Section 9.  Remedy for aggrieved parents and guardians.
     4     (a)  Procedure.--
     5         (1)  An aggrieved parent or guardian may file a complaint
     6     with the secretary if the parent or guardian has reason to
     7     believe that a school district or public library is not in
     8     compliance with its acceptable-use policy or that the
     9     acceptable-use policy of a school district or public library
    10     violates the requirements of this act.
    11         (2)  The secretary shall conduct an investigation and
    12     shall make a written determination as to whether or not the
    13     complaint possesses any merit.
    14         (3)  If the secretary determines that the complaint is
    15     meritorious, the secretary shall direct the school district
    16     or public library to acknowledge and correct the violation
    17     and to develop a corrective plan for preventing recurrences.
    18         (4)  A school district or public library that receives a
    19     determination from the secretary of a violation of the
    20     requirements of this act shall submit a written statement,
    21     signed by the superintendent, in the case of a school
    22     district, and the chief administrative officer, in the case
    23     of a public library, to the secretary, which acknowledges the
    24     violation and sets out the school district's or public
    25     library's corrective plan. The statement shall be a public
    26     record subject to disclosure under the act of June 21, 1957
    27     (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know Law.
    28     (b)  Appeal.--A parent, guardian, school district or public
    29  library aggrieved by a determination of the secretary made
    30  pursuant to subsection (a) may file an appeal with the
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     1  Commonwealth Court.
     2     (c)  Refusal to comply.--If a school district or public
     3  library refuses to comply with a directive of the secretary made
     4  under subsection (a), the secretary shall petition the
     5  Commonwealth Court for an enforcement order. Any challenge to
     6  the determination of the secretary shall be made exclusively
     7  through the appeal procedure prescribed in subsection (b).
     8     (d)  Construction.--Nothing in this section shall limit the
     9  authority of the secretary to withhold funds pursuant to section
    10  8(c) in an appropriate case.
    11  Section 10.  Disabling blocking technology for use by certain
    12                 persons.
    13     (a)  General rule.--Notwithstanding any other section of this
    14  act to the contrary, an administrator, supervisor or other
    15  person authorized for this purpose may disable the software
    16  program or online server during use by an adult, to enable
    17  access for bona fide research or other lawful purpose.
    18     (b)  Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be
    19  construed to permit any person to have access to material the
    20  character of which is reasonably believed to be obscene or child
    21  pornography.
    22  Section 29.  Severability.
    23     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
    24  this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
    25  held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
    26  or applications of this act which can be given effect without
    27  the invalid provision or application.
    28  Section 30.  Repeal.
    29     All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as they are
    30  inconsistent with this act.
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     1  Section 31.  Effective date.
     2     This act shall take effect immediately.

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