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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3006



No. 2276 Session of 1998

           FEBRUARY 26, 1998

           PREPAREDNESS, FEBRUARY 26, 1998

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 51 (Military Affairs) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, providing for cooperative agreements,
     3     for training areas and for the operation of Fort Indiantown
     4     Gap.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Title 51 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     8  Statutes is amended by adding sections to read:
     9  § 705.  Cooperative agreements.
    10     The department may enter into cooperative agreements with the
    11  Federal Government to perform certain military or training
    12  functions. A cooperative agreement shall contain any appendixes
    13  and supplements necessary to allow for the performance of those
    14  functions and reimbursement by the Federal Government.
    15  § 706.  Training areas.
    16     (a)  Acquisition.--Upon the request of the Adjutant General,
    17  and with the approval of the Governor, the Secretary of General
    18  Services is authorized to purchase, lease or obtain the right to

     1  use any real estate or building necessary for military training
     2  or preparedness of the Pennsylvania National Guard.
     3     (b)  Primary training site.--Fort Indiantown Gap shall be the
     4  primary training site for the Pennsylvania National Guard.
     5     (c)  Alternate training sites.--All State armories, real
     6  estate and buildings purchased, leased or utilized for
     7  stationing, quartering, training or deploying members of the
     8  Pennsylvania National Guard, are alternate training areas for
     9  use by the Pennsylvania National Guard.
    10     (d)  Short-term uses of real property.--The Adjutant General
    11  is authorized to enter into agreements for the short-term use of
    12  real property on behalf of the Commonwealth for the purpose of
    13  obtaining areas for military training or emergency operations.
    14  For the purpose of this section, short-term use shall not exceed
    15  30 days.
    16  § 707.  Fort Indiantown Gap.
    17     (a)  Operation.--The Adjutant General is authorized to
    18  promulgate rules, regulations and policies for the continuing
    19  operation of Fort Indiantown Gap.
    20     (b)  Lease of installation.--The Adjutant General is
    21  authorized to enter into agreements with the Federal Government
    22  and state governments for the purpose of permitting soldiers
    23  under their command to use the real estate and equipment at Fort
    24  Indiantown Gap for military training purposes.
    25     (c)  Real estate.--Upon the request of the Adjutant General,
    26  and with the approval of the Governor, the Secretary of General
    27  Services is authorized to purchase lands adjacent to Fort
    28  Indiantown Gap and to accept on behalf of the department and the
    29  Commonwealth any improvements or appurtenances to the lands
    30  comprising the installation.
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     1     (d)  Morale, recreation and welfare.--The Adjutant General is
     2  authorized to operate facilities and organize activities and
     3  programs at Fort Indiantown Gap for the purpose of improving the
     4  morale, welfare and quality of life of service members, military
     5  dependents and veterans. The Adjutant General is also authorized
     6  to enter into concession agreements with private organizations
     7  for the continued operation of a canteen, exchange, commissary,
     8  restaurant or other enterprise which will improve the morale or
     9  welfare of active, retired or reserve members. These operations,
    10  facilities, activities and programs must be financially self-
    11  sustaining and any income, including fees and charges, derived
    12  from the concession agreements and the operation of the
    13  facilities, activities and programs shall be deposited by the
    14  Adjutant General with a bank or trust company. Moneys in the
    15  account may only be used for the continued operation of the
    16  facilities, activities or programs at Fort Indiantown Gap. Any
    17  Federal funds specifically designated to assist the Adjutant
    18  General in implementing this subsection are hereby appropriated
    19  to the department for these purposes. No General Fund moneys or
    20  other State funds shall be used for the purposes authorized
    21  under this subsection. An audit of all accounts under this
    22  subsection must be conducted annually on the State fiscal year
    23  basis and the department shall provide a copy of the audit to
    24  the Secretary of the Budget.
    25     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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