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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3179



No. 2289 Session of 2004

           JANUARY 6, 2004

           JANUARY 6, 2004

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 19, 1996 (P.L.1478, No.190),
     2     entitled "An act relating to the recycling and reuse of waste
     3     tires; providing for the proper disposal of waste tires and
     4     the cleanup of stockpiled tires; authorizing investment tax
     5     credits for utilizing waste tires; providing remediation
     6     grants for the cleanup of tire piles and for pollution
     7     prevention programs for small business and households;
     8     establishing the Small Business and Household Pollution
     9     Prevention Program and management standards for small
    10     business hazardous waste; providing for a household hazardous
    11     waste program and for grant programs; making appropriations;
    12     and making repeals," further providing for the definition of
    13     "waste tire"; defining "waste tire recycling facility"; and
    14     further providing for the disposal of whole waste tires, for
    15     waste tire registry and for remediation liens.

    16     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    17  hereby enacts as follows:
    18     Section 1.  The definition of "waste tire" in section 104 of
    19  the act of December 19, 1996 (P.L.1478, No.190), entitled "An
    20  act relating to the recycling and reuse of waste tires;
    21  providing for the proper disposal of waste tires and the cleanup

     1  of stockpiled tires; authorizing investment tax credits for
     2  utilizing waste tires; providing remediation grants for the
     3  cleanup of tire piles and for pollution prevention programs for
     4  small business and households; establishing the Small Business
     5  and Household Pollution Prevention Program and management
     6  standards for small business hazardous waste; providing for a
     7  household hazardous waste program and for grant programs; making
     8  appropriations; and making repeals," amended July 10, 2002
     9  (P.L.781, No.111), is amended and the section is amended by
    10  adding a definition to read:
    11  Section 104.  Definitions.
    12     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    13  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    14  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    15     * * *
    16     "Waste tire."  A tire that will no longer be used for the
    17  purpose for which it was originally intended. The term includes
    18  a tire that has been discarded by any owner or user even though
    19  the tire may have some remaining useful life. A tire becomes a
    20  waste tire when it is discarded by any owner or user.
    21     * * *
    22     "Waste tire recycling facility."  A facility whose purpose is
    23  the systemic collection, sorting, storage, recapping or cleaning
    24  of waste tires to return them to commerce for use as
    25  commodities. The term includes a facility that may use waste
    26  reduction, reuse or recycling equipment to process or convert
    27  waste tires into a beneficial product or productive use.
    28     Section 2.  Section 106 of the act is amended by adding a
    29  subsection to read:
    30  Section 106.  Disposal of whole waste tires.
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     1     * * *
     2     (e)  Permit.--No person shall construct, alter, operate or
     3  utilize a waste tire recycling facility without a processing
     4  permit from the department as required by the act of July 7,
     5  1980 (P.L.380, No.97), known as the Solid Waste Management Act,
     6  or in violation of the regulations promulgated thereunder that
     7  relate to the storage of waste tires.
     8     Section 3.  Sections 106.3(c) and 111.1 of the act, added
     9  July 10, 2002 (P.L.781, No.111), are amended to read:
    10  Section 106.3.  Waste tire registry.
    11     * * *
    12     (c)  Duty to use authorized hauler.--No person may provide
    13  whole used or waste tires to a waste tire hauler that does not
    14  have a valid authorization as provided under this act. No person
    15  may accept whole used or waste tires from a waste tire hauler
    16  that does not have a valid authorization as provided under this
    17  act. Failure to comply with this provision shall result in a
    18  civil penalty assessment as provided under section 108.1.
    19  Section 111.1.  Remediation liens.
    20     (a)  Effect of remediation activity.--The amount of a grant
    21  issued under section 111 for remediation that is attributable to
    22  or expended on a specific site where the grant recipient
    23  conducts remediation activity and the benefits accruing to the
    24  land on which the site is located shall be chargeable against
    25  the land and shall mitigate or offset any claim in or any action
    26  brought by any owner of any interest in the land for any damages
    27  by virtue of the remediation activity. This subsection shall not
    28  be construed to establish a new right of action or eliminate any
    29  existing immunity.
    30     [(b)  Statement to be filed with prothonotary.--Within six
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     1  months after the completion of remediation activity by a grant
     2  recipient on a site, the department shall itemize the amount of
     3  grant moneys expended on remediation of the site and may file a
     4  statement thereof in the office of the prothonotary of the
     5  county in which the land is situated. The department shall affix
     6  to the statement a notarized appraisal by an independent
     7  appraiser of the value of the land before and after the
     8  remediation if the moneys so expended shall result in a
     9  significant increase in property value. The statement shall
    10  constitute a lien upon the land as of the date of the
    11  expenditure of the moneys and shall have priority as a lien
    12  second only to the lien of real estate taxes imposed on the
    13  land.
    14     (c)  Amount of lien.--The amount of the lien shall not exceed
    15  the amount determined by the appraisal to be the increase in the
    16  market value of the land as a result of the remediation
    17  immediately after the grant recipient has completed its work,
    18  and the lien shall extend only to that portion of the land
    19  directly involved in the remediation activity.
    20     (d)  Rights of landowner.--The landowner may proceed as
    21  provided in the act of June 22, 1964 (Sp.Sess., P.L.84, No.6),
    22  known as the Eminent Domain Code, to petition for a board of
    23  view within 60 days of the filing of the lien to determine the
    24  increase in the market value of that portion of the land
    25  directly involved in the remediation activity. The amount
    26  reported by the board of viewers to be the increase in value of
    27  the land shall constitute the amount of the lien and shall be
    28  recorded with the statement required by subsection (b).
    29     (e)  Right of appeal.--Any party aggrieved by the decision of
    30  the board of viewers may appeal as provided in the Eminent
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     1  Domain Code.
     2     (f)  Entry and enforcement of lien.--The lien authorized by
     3  this section shall be entered in the judgment index and shall be
     4  given the effect of a judgment against the land. The lien shall
     5  be enforced by the direct issuance of a writ of execution
     6  without prosecution to judgment of a writ of scire facias in the
     7  manner provided by law for enforcement, collection and
     8  enforcement of Commonwealth liens.
     9     (g)  Construction.--Entry by a grant recipient upon lands for
    10  the purpose of remediation under this act shall not be construed
    11  as an act of condemnation of property or of trespass thereon.]
    12     (b.1)  Escrow.--After the completion of remediation activity
    13  by a grant recipient on a site, the department shall itemize the
    14  amount of grant moneys expended on remediation of the site and
    15  inform any person or municipality that has contributed in any
    16  manner to the creation of the waste tire pile of the amount of
    17  grant moneys that have been expended. The person or municipality
    18  charged with the amount shall then have 30 days to pay the
    19  amount in full or, if the person or municipality wishes to
    20  contest the amount or its contribution to the waste tire pile,
    21  either to forward the amount to the department for placement in
    22  an escrow account with the State Treasurer or with a bank in
    23  this Commonwealth or to post an appeal bond in the amount. The
    24  bond must be executed by a surety licensed to do business in
    25  this Commonwealth or contain collateral and must be satisfactory
    26  to the department. If, through administrative or judicial review
    27  of the amount, it is determined that the person or municipality
    28  did not contribute to the creation of the waste tire pile or
    29  that the amount shall be reduced, the department shall, within
    30  30 days, remit the appropriate amount to the person or
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     1  municipality. Failure to forward the money or the appeal bond to
     2  the department within 30 days shall result in a waiver of all
     3  legal rights to contest the contribution of the person or
     4  municipality to the creation of the waste tire pile or the
     5  amount charged against the person or municipality.
     6     (c.1)  Lien.--If the person or municipality liable to pay the
     7  amount of grant moneys expended on remediation of a site
     8  neglects or refuses to pay the same after demand, the amount,
     9  together with interest, shall be a judgment in favor of the
    10  Commonwealth upon the property of such person or municipality,
    11  but only after the same has been entered and docketed of record
    12  by the prothonotary where such property is situated. The
    13  Commonwealth may, at any time, transmit to the prothonotaries of
    14  the respective counties certified copies of all such judgments,
    15  and it shall be the duty of each prothonotary to enter and
    16  docket the same of record in the prothonotary's office, and to
    17  index the same as judgments are indexed, without requiring the
    18  payment of costs as a condition precedent to the entry thereof.
    19  Any lien on real estate shall have priority second only to the
    20  lien of real estate taxes imposed on the land.
    21     (d.1)  Limitation on action.--Notwithstanding any other
    22  provision of law to the contrary, actions for the recovery of
    23  grant moneys expended under this section may be commenced at any
    24  time within a period of 20 years from the date it is discovered
    25  that the person or municipality contributed, in any manner, to
    26  the creation of the waste tire pile.
    27     (e.1)  Deposit of amounts collected.--All grant moneys
    28  collected under this section shall be deposited into the fund or
    29  account from which the grant was issued.
    30     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
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     1  Section 116.  Construction.
     2     The definition of "waste tire recycling facility" in section
     3  104 and the provisions of section 106(e) shall be construed in
     4  pari materia with the permitting requirements of the act of July
     5  7, 1980 (P.L.380, No.97), known as the Solid Waste Management
     6  Act.
     7     Section 5.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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