No. 2304 Session of 1996

           JANUARY 19, 1996


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," further providing for auditing.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Section 2401 of the act of March 10, 1949
     9  (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949,
    10  amended or added June 18, 1959 (P.L.472, No.100), July 31, 1963
    11  (P.L.389, No.206), October 21, 1965 (P.L.601, No.312), December
    12  1, 1965 (P.L.980, No.361) and January 25, 1966 (1965 P.L.1565,
    13  No.546), is amended to read:
    14     Section 2401.  By Whom Audited.--(a)  The finances of every
    15  school district and of every joint school board, in every
    16  department thereof, together with the accounts of all school
    17  treasurers, school depositories, teachers' retirement funds,
    18  teachers' institute funds, directors' association funds, sinking

     1  funds, and other funds belonging to or controlled by the
     2  district, shall be properly audited as follows:
     3     (1)  In all school districts of the first class, by the
     4  school controller.
     5     (2)  In all school districts of the second, third and fourth
     6  class, except as hereinafter otherwise provided, by the
     7  controller or auditors of the city, borough, incorporated town,
     8  or township in which the whole or the greater or greatest
     9  portion of the area of the district is located.
    10     (3)  When in any school district of the second class the
    11  annual expenditures, exclusive of moneys received from the sale
    12  of bonds, exceeds the sum of five hundred thousand dollars
    13  ($500,000), such district may employ a certified public
    14  accountant within sixty days from the close of the fiscal year.
    15     (4)  Any school district of the second, third or fourth class
    16  and any joint school board may employ an independent auditor who
    17  shall be a certified public accountant or competent public
    18  accountant prior to the end of the fiscal year, and when so
    19  employed, such independent auditor shall audit the finances of
    20  such school district or such joint school board for such fiscal
    21  year instead of the controller or auditors hereinbefore referred
    22  to, and shall have all the powers and duties of such auditors,
    23  except that the audits shall be made in accordance with
    24  generally accepted auditing standards. The compensation of the
    25  independent auditor shall be fixed by the employing board of
    26  directors and shall be paid from the funds of the school
    27  district or of the joint school board, as the case may be.
    28     (5)  In any school district constituted of two or more
    29  municipal divisions by reason of the creation of a new city,
    30  borough or township, and the fact that such new city, borough or
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     1  township, or a part of the original school district remaining
     2  after its separation, would constitute a fourth class school
     3  district, and the creation of such fourth class school district
     4  has not been approved, the auditors or the controllers of the
     5  cities, boroughs, towns, or townships last created and which do
     6  not form a separate school district shall meet annually with the
     7  auditors of the school district and participate in the audit of
     8  the school accounts, and such auditors or controllers shall have
     9  the same rights and powers as are conferred by this act upon the
    10  auditors of schools accounts.
    11     (6)  In all independent school districts, by the proper
    12  auditors, herein provided for school districts of the class in
    13  which they belong, and where an independent school district of
    14  the fourth class is taken from two or more school districts, its
    15  accounts shall be audited by the auditors of the school district
    16  in which its buildings are located.
    17     (7)  In union or merged school districts the court of common
    18  pleas of the county in which the district is located, upon
    19  petition of the board of school directors of such union or
    20  merged school district, shall, as soon as convenient after the
    21  creation of the district, appoint three persons to audit the
    22  financial accounts of the district. The auditors so appointed
    23  shall, on the first day of July, at the time of organization, or
    24  within five days thereafter, and within thirty days, carefully
    25  audit and adjust the financial accounts of the school district
    26  for the preceding school year. At the first municipal election
    27  after a union or merged school district is created there shall
    28  be elected three school auditors, one for a term of two years,
    29  one for a term of four years, and one for a term of six years,
    30  and their successors thereafter shall be elected for terms of
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     1  six years each. When a vacancy occurs in the office of auditor
     2  in any union or merged school district by reason of death,
     3  resignation, removal from the school district, or otherwise, the
     4  court of common pleas of the county in which the district is
     5  located, upon petition of the board of school directors of such
     6  union or merged school district, shall appoint a person to hold
     7  such office for the unexpired term of the person whose place he
     8  is appointed to fill. The compensation of both the appointed and
     9  elected auditors shall be ten dollars ($10) per day for each day
    10  necessarily spent by each auditor. The total expense of such
    11  auditing, including the cost of filing the report, advertising,
    12  and other necessary costs, shall be paid by the union or merged
    13  school district.
    14     The board of school directors of any union or merged school
    15  district may employ a certified public accountant to audit the
    16  finances of such school district for such fiscal year instead of
    17  the auditors, hereinabove referred to, and such certified public
    18  accountant shall have all the powers and duties of said auditors
    19  and shall receive the compensation fixed by the board of
    20  directors of the union or merged school district and shall be
    21  paid by the said district.
    22     (8)  In county vocational school districts, by the county
    23  auditors or county controller.
    24     (9)  The financial accounts of each annual county or district
    25  teachers' institute shall be audited by three auditors, two to
    26  be elected by the teachers' institute and one by the directors'
    27  association for a county institute, and by the board of school
    28  directors for the district institute.
    29     (10)  The financial accounts of the directors' association
    30  shall be audited by the county auditors or county controller.
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     1     (11)  In all school districts established as a result of the
     2  provisions of the act of August 8, 1963 (P.L.564), by a
     3  certified public accountant, a firm of certified public
     4  accountants, a competent independent public accountant or a firm
     5  of competent independent public accountants who shall be named
     6  prior to the end of the fiscal year and shall have all the
     7  powers and duties of such other auditors hereinbefore provided,
     8  except that the audit shall be made in accordance with generally
     9  accepted auditing standards. The compensation of the accountant
    10  or firm of accountants shall be fixed by the employing board of
    11  school directors and shall be paid from the funds of the school
    12  district.
    13     The accountant or firm of accountants may be designated for a
    14  term of years and, at the discretion of the board, may be
    15  authorized to conduct a monthly audit of accounts.
    16     (b)  As used in this section, the term "properly audited"
    17  shall include both fiscal and performance auditing per Generally
    18  Accepted Government Auditing Standards, latest revision,
    19  promulgated by the United States General Accounting Office.
    20     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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