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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3059



No. 2305 Session of 2000


           FEBRUARY 28, 2000

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for reportable events in medical treatment and for
     2     powers and duties of the Department of Health; and imposing
     3     duties on health care practitioners and health care
     4     facilities.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Reportable
     9  Events in Medical Treatment Act.
    10  Section 2.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    12  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Administrator."  The chief executive officer, chief
    15  operating officer or administrator of a health care facility or
    16  an individual owning, directing or controlling a health care
    17  facility.

     1     "Attending physician."  The physician who acted as the
     2  attending physician at the time a reportable medical event
     3  occurred.
     4     "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.
     5     "Health care facility."  A general or special hospital,
     6  including tuberculosis and psychiatric hospitals; rehabilitation
     7  facilities; skilled nursing facilities; kidney disease treatment
     8  centers, including freestanding hemodialysis units; intermediate
     9  care facilities; and ambulatory surgical facilities, both profit
    10  and nonprofit. The term includes those facilities operated by an
    11  agency of State or local government, but shall not include an
    12  office used exclusively for private or group practice by
    13  physicians or dentists; a program which renders treatment or
    14  care for drug or alcohol abuse or dependence, unless located
    15  within, by or through a health care facility; a facility
    16  providing treatment solely on the basis of prayer or spiritual
    17  means in accordance with the tenets of any church or religious
    18  denomination; or a facility conducted by a religious
    19  organization for the purpose of providing health care services
    20  exclusively to clergymen or other persons in a religious
    21  profession who are members of the religious denominations
    22  conducting the facility.
    23     "Health care practitioner."  A licensed, certified or
    24  registered practitioner of the healing arts.
    25     "Reportable medical event."  An unusual incident occurring in
    26  the treatment of a patient which is unexpected or out-of-the-
    27  ordinary or incidents investigated by the facility under
    28  regulations issued by the Secretary of Health. Reportable
    29  medical events may include, but are not limited to, unexpected
    30  massive bleeding, tearing or perforation of blood vessels or
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     1  body organs, obstruction of airways, inadvertent penetration of
     2  body cavities, anaphylaxis, overdose of drugs, medication or
     3  chemicals, sudden collapse, shock or coma.
     4     "Responsible party."  The family member, guardian or other
     5  individual designated by the patient as responsible to receive
     6  information concerning or in making decisions on behalf of a
     7  patient, when necessary.
     8     "Risk manager."  The individual designated by a health care
     9  facility or administrator to administer the facility's internal
    10  risk management program or an individual appointed by the health
    11  care facility, or its administrator, to receive information
    12  regarding reportable medical events.
    13     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Health of the Commonwealth.
    14     "Substantiated reportable medical event."  A reportable
    15  medical event, the occurrence of which is established by clear
    16  and convincing evidence to the satisfaction of the risk manager,
    17  and one which both the risk manager and the attending physician
    18  agree poses a clear risk of harming the patient.
    19  Section 3.  Reporting.
    20     (a)  Health care practitioners.--It shall be the duty of each
    21  health care practitioner charged with the care or involved in
    22  the care of a patient in a health care facility at the time a
    23  reportable medical event occurs to:
    24         (1)  Complete and file an incident report in accordance
    25     with the health care facility's standard operating procedures
    26     for any reportable medical event of which the health care
    27     practitioner becomes aware as promptly as possible after a
    28     reportable medical event, but no later than 48 hours from the
    29     time the health care practitioner becomes aware or is
    30     notified of the event.
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     1         (2)  Inform the patient's attending physician of the
     2     reportable medical event's occurrence through the use of
     3     incident reports in accordance with the health care
     4     facility's standard operating procedures.
     5     (b)  Attending physicians.--As soon as possible after
     6  receiving information under subsection (a)(2), the attending
     7  physician shall document the facts relevant to the reportable
     8  medical event in the patient's chart, stating when the attending
     9  physician became aware of the event and describing subsequent
    10  orders for treatment, as it relates to the event. If the
    11  patient's attending physician causes a reportable medical event,
    12  the attending physician shall comply with the reporting
    13  requirements of subsection (a).
    14     (c)  Investigation.--If a risk manager receives notice of a
    15  reportable medical event, the risk manager shall:
    16         (1)  Ensure compliance with subsection (a).
    17         (2)  Investigate the reportable medical event, which may
    18     include interviewing the health care practitioners involved
    19     and any other appropriate individuals and determining whether
    20     clear and convincing evidence suggests that the incident
    21     occurred.
    22     (d)  Substantiation.--The risk manager shall complete the
    23  review of a reportable medical event and determine whether clear
    24  and convincing evidence indicates that the reportable medical
    25  event has occurred. After this determination has been made, the
    26  risk manager and the attending physician shall then determine
    27  whether the reportable medical event poses a clear risk of
    28  harming the patient in accordance with the definition of a
    29  "substantiated reportable medical event" under section 2.
    30  Section 4.  Notification.
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     1     The risk manager shall ensure that the patient involved is
     2  notified of a substantiated reportable medical event. If the
     3  patient is a minor or is incapacitated, the risk manager and the
     4  attending physician shall notify the patient's responsible
     5  party. If notification might harm the physical or mental health
     6  of the patient or if the patient cannot be located, the facts of
     7  the events and rationale for nonnotification shall be documented
     8  in the patient's medical record. The attending physician shall
     9  notify the health care facility of the date and time the
    10  physician intends to notify the patient or responsible party for
    11  the patient of the substantiated reportable medical event so
    12  that the facility can ensure that a member of its administration
    13  or designee, or both, and its risk manager are present when the
    14  patient or responsible party is notified of the event. The
    15  attending physician shall document the status of patient
    16  notification or the reasonable attempts which were made to
    17  locate and notify the patient.
    18  Section 5.  Enforcement.
    19     The department shall have the authority to review reports of
    20  substantiated reportable medical events and to determine
    21  compliance with this act. The department may conduct unannounced
    22  surveys whenever it receives any complaint or has other
    23  reasonable grounds to believe that the requirements of this act
    24  have not been met.
    25  Section 6.  Immunity from liability.
    26     (a)  Making a report.--Notwithstanding any other provision of
    27  law, no person making a report under this act shall be held, by
    28  reason of making the report, to have violated any criminal law
    29  or to be civilly liable under any law, unless the information
    30  provided in the report is false and the person providing the
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     1  information knew that the information was false.
     2     (b)  Performance of duty.--No individual who, as a member,
     3  employee, agent, officer or director of a health care facility
     4  shall be held, by reason of the performance of any duty,
     5  function or activity authorized or required under this act, to
     6  have violated any criminal law or be civilly liable under any
     7  law as a result of performing any duty, function or activity,
     8  unless the duty, function or activity was motivated solely by
     9  malice toward a person affected by the action.
    10  Section 7.  Reports and confidentiality.
    11     (a)  Reports confidential.--Reports generated by reason of
    12  this act shall remain confidential. This includes the
    13  identification of the patient, the person reporting an event and
    14  the health care practitioners involved. No person may be
    15  required to testify in any civil action as to the contents of a
    16  report.
    17     (b)  Annual report.--The department shall annually compile a
    18  listing of all substantiated reportable medical events in health
    19  care facilities throughout this Commonwealth. The substantiated
    20  reportable medical event report shall include the name of the
    21  health care facility where the incident occurred, the date of
    22  the incident and a description of the circumstances surrounding
    23  the occurrence of the substantiated reportable medical event.
    24  The report shall also include recommendations from the
    25  department, when applicable, to describe how the event could be
    26  prevented in the future. The annual report of all substantiated
    27  reportable medical events shall be distributed to every health
    28  care facility risk manager by the department upon release of the
    29  publication.
    30     (c)  Civil, administrative or criminal proceedings.--This act
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     1  is not intended to nor shall it be construed to prohibit any
     2  person from testifying during any civil, administrative or
     3  criminal proceeding regarding that person's knowledge of the
     4  medical treatment provided to a patient who is the subject of a
     5  report generated under this act.
     6  Section 8.  Penalties.
     7     The department may assess an administrative penalty of $1,000
     8  against a health care facility that intentionally or negligently
     9  violates this act. The assessment under this section is subject
    10  to 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to practice and procedure
    11  of Commonwealth agencies) and Ch. 7 Subch. A (relating to
    12  judicial review of Commonwealth agency action).
    13  Section 9.  Effective date.
    14     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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