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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3219



No. 2320 Session of 1990

           TRELLO, MARCH 21, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Regulating toxic materials used in packaging; providing
     2     additional duties of the Department of Environmental
     3     Resources and the Environmental Quality Board; and providing
     4     for enforcement, remedies and penalties.

     5     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     6         (1)  The management of solid waste can pose a wide range
     7     of hazards to public health and safety and to the
     8     environment.
     9         (2)  Packaging comprises a significant percentage of the
    10     overall solid waste stream.
    11         (3)  The presence of heavy metals in packaging is a part
    12     of the total concern in light of their likely presence in
    13     emissions or ash when packaging is incinerated, or in
    14     leachate when packaging is landfilled.
    15         (4)  Lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium, on
    16     the basis of available scientific and medical evidence, are
    17     of particular concern.

     1         (5)  It is desirable as a first step in reducing the
     2     toxicity of packaging waste to eliminate the addition of
     3     these heavy metals to packaging.
     4         (6)  The intent of this act is to achieve this reduction
     5     in toxicity without impeding or discouraging the expanded use
     6     of postconsumer materials in the production of packaging and
     7     its components.
     8                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     9  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
    10  Section 101.  Short title.
    11  Section 102.  Definitions.
    12  Section 103.  Powers and duties of department.
    13  Section 104.  Powers and duties of board.
    14  Chapter 3.  Removal of Toxic Substances
    15  Section 301.  Schedule for removal.
    16  Section 302.  Exemptions.
    17  Section 303.  Certificate of compliance.
    18  Chapter 5.  Enforcement
    19  Section 501.  Unlawful conduct.
    20  Section 502.  Enforcement orders.
    21  Section 503.  Restraining violations.
    22  Section 504.  Civil penalties.
    23  Section 505.  Criminal penalties.
    24  Section 506.  Remedies of citizens.
    25  Section 507.  Public access.
    26  Chapter 11.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    27  Section 1101.  Report by department.
    28  Section 1102.  Repeals.
    29  Section 1103.  Effective date.
    30     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
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     1  hereby enacts as follows:
     2                             CHAPTER 1
     3                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
     4  Section 101.  Short title.
     5     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Toxics in
     6  Packaging Act.
     7  Section 102.  Definitions.
     8     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     9  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    10  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    11     "Board.""  The Environmental Quality Board.
    12     "CONEG."  The Coalition of Northeastern Governors.
    13     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Resources of
    14  the Commonwealth.
    15     "Distributor."  Any person, firm or corporation who takes
    16  title to goods purchased for resale.
    17     "Manufacturer."  Any person, firm or corporation who
    18  manufactures packages or packaging components.
    19     "Package."  A container providing a means of marketing,
    20  protecting or handling a product and shall include a unit
    21  package, an intermediate package and a shipping container as
    22  defined in American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) D996.
    23  The term shall also include unsealed receptacles such as
    24  carrying cases, crates, cups, pails, rigid foil and other trays,
    25  wrappers and wrapping films, bags and tubs.
    26     "Packaging component."  Any individual assembled part of a
    27  package such as, but not limited to, any interior or exterior
    28  blocking, bracing, cushioning, weatherproofing, exterior
    29  strapping, coatings, closures, inks and labels.
    30     "Person."  An individual, firm, corporation, association,
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     1  partnership, consortium, joint venture, commercial entity,
     2  authority, interstate body or other legal entity which is
     3  recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties. The term
     4  includes the Federal Government, state governments and political
     5  subdivisions.
     6     "Postconsumer material."  Any product generated by a business
     7  or consumer which has served its intended end use and which has
     8  been separated or diverted from solid waste for the purposes of
     9  collection and recycling. The term does not include internally
    10  generated scrap that is commonly returned to industrial or
    11  manufacturing processes.
    12     "Purchaser."  Any person, firm or corporation who purchases
    13  packages or packaging components from a manufacturer or
    14  distributor for the purposes of marketing, protecting or
    15  handling the contents of the package or packaging component,
    16  including a product intended for retail sale.
    17  Section 103.  Powers and duties of department.
    18     The department shall:
    19         (1)  Administer and enforce the provisions of this act
    20     and the regulations adopted hereunder.
    21         (2)  Issue orders to enforce the provisions of this act
    22     and the regulations promulgated hereunder.
    23         (3)  Institute, in a court of competent jurisdiction,
    24     proceedings to compel compliance with this act, regulations
    25     promulgated under this act or an order of the department.
    26         (4)  Institute prosecutions under this act.
    27  Section 104.  Powers and duties of board.
    28     The board shall adopt any regulations needed by the
    29  department to accomplish the purposes and carry out the
    30  provisions of this act.
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     1                             CHAPTER 3
     2                    REMOVAL OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES
     3  Section 301.  Schedule for removal.
     4     (a)  General rule.--
     5         (1)  Not later than two years after the effective date of
     6     this act, no package or packaging component shall be offered
     7     for sale or for promotional purposes by its manufacturer or
     8     distributor in this Commonwealth which includes, in the
     9     package itself or in any packaging component, inks, dyes,
    10     pigments, adhesives, stabilizers or any other additives
    11     containing any lead, cadmium, mercury or hexavalent chromium
    12     which has been intentionally introduced as an element during
    13     manufacturing or distribution as opposed to the incidental
    14     presence of any of these elements as permitted in subsection
    15     (b).
    16         (2)  Not later than two years after the effective date of
    17     this act, no product shall be offered for sale or for
    18     promotional purposes by its manufacturer or distributor in
    19     this Commonwealth in a package which includes, in the package
    20     itself or in any of its packaging components, inks, dyes,
    21     pigments, adhesives, stabilizers or any other additives
    22     containing any lead, cadmium, mercury or hexavalent chromium
    23     which has been intentionally introduced as an element during
    24     manufacturing or distribution as opposed to the incidental
    25     presence of any of these elements as permitted in subsection
    26     (b).
    27     (b)  Limits on concentration levels.--The sum of the
    28  concentration levels of lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent
    29  chromium present in any package or packaging component, which
    30  shall constitute an incidental presence, shall not exceed the
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     1  following:
     2         (1)  600 parts per million by weight (0.06%) effective
     3     two years after the effective date of this act;
     4         (2)  250 parts per million by weight (0.025%) effective
     5     three years after the effective date of this act; and
     6         (3)  100 parts per million by weight (0.01%) effective
     7     four years after the effective date of this act.
     8  Section 302.  Exemptions.
     9     All packages and packaging components shall be subject to
    10  this act except the following:
    11         (1)  Those packages or packaging components with a code
    12     indicating that the date of manufacture was not later than
    13     two years after the effective date of this act.
    14         (2)  Those packages or packaging components to which
    15     lead, cadmium, mercury or hexavalent chromium have been added
    16     in the manufacturing, forming, printing or distribution
    17     process in order to comply with health or safety requirements
    18     of Federal law or for which there is no feasible alternative.
    19     The manufacturer of a package or packaging component must
    20     petition the department for these exemptions. The department
    21     may grant a two-year exemption if warranted which may be
    22     renewed for an additional two years. For purposes of this
    23     paragraph, a use for which there is no feasible alternative
    24     is one in which the regulated substance is essential to the
    25     protection, safe handling or function of the package's
    26     contents.
    27         (3)  Packages and packaging components that would not
    28     exceed the maximum contaminant levels set forth in section
    29     301(b) but for the additional postconsumer materials' and
    30     provided that the exemption for this paragraph shall expire
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     1     six years after the effective date of this act.
     2  Section 303.  Certificate of compliance.
     3     (a)  General rule.--No later than two years after the
     4  effective date of this act, a certificate of compliance stating
     5  that a package or packaging component is in compliance with the
     6  requirements of this act shall be furnished by its manufacturer
     7  or supplier to its purchaser provided that, where compliance is
     8  achieved under exemption(s) provided in section 302(2) or (3),
     9  the certificate shall state the specific basis upon which the
    10  exemption is claimed. The certificate of compliance shall be
    11  signed by an authorized official of the manufacturing or
    12  supplying company. The purchaser shall retain the certificate of
    13  compliance for as long as the package or packaging component is
    14  in use. A copy of the certificate of compliance shall be kept on
    15  file by the manufacturer or supplier of the package or packaging
    16  component. Certificates of compliance, or copies thereof, shall
    17  be furnished to the department upon its request and to members
    18  of the public in accordance with section 507.
    19     (b)  New or amended certificates.--If the manufacturer or
    20  supplier of the package or packaging component reformulates or
    21  creates a new package or packaging component, the manufacturer
    22  or supplier shall provide an amended or new certificate of
    23  compliance for the reformulated or new package or packaging
    24  component.
    25                             CHAPTER 5
    26                            ENFORCEMENT
    27  Section 501.  Unlawful conduct.
    28     It shall be unlawful for any person to:
    29         (1)  Violate any provision of this act, any regulations
    30     promulgated under this act or any order of the department.
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     1         (2)  Tender for sale to a wholesaler or retailer any
     2     package, packaging component or packaged product in violation
     3     of this act or any regulation promulgated under this act.
     4         (3)  Furnish a certificate under section 303 when the
     5     package or packaging component does not comply with section
     6     301 or 302.
     7         (4)  Provide a certificate under section 303 that
     8     contains false information.
     9  Section 502.  Enforcement orders.
    10     (a)  Issuance.--The department may issue such orders to
    11  persons as it deems necessary to aid in the enforcement of the
    12  provisions of this act or any regulation. The power of the
    13  department to issue an order under this act is in addition to
    14  any other remedy which may be afforded to the department
    15  pursuant to this act or any other act.
    16     (b)  Compliance.--It shall be the duty of any person to
    17  proceed diligently to comply with any order issued pursuant to
    18  subsection (a). If such person fails to proceed diligently or
    19  fails to comply with the order within such time, if any, as may
    20  be specified, such person shall be guilty of contempt and shall
    21  be punished by the court in an appropriate manner, and, for this
    22  purpose, application may be made by the department to the
    23  Commonwealth Court, which is hereby granted jurisdiction.
    24  Section 503.  Restraining violations.
    25     (a)  Injunctions.--In addition to any other remedies provided
    26  in this act, the department may institute a suit in equity in
    27  the name of the Commonwealth where unlawful conduct exists for
    28  an injunction to restrain a violation of this act, any
    29  regulation or any order of the department. The Commonwealth
    30  shall not be required to furnish bond or other security in
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     1  connection with such proceedings. In addition to an injunction,
     2  the court, in such equity proceedings, may levy civil penalties
     3  as specified in section 504.
     4     (b)  Jurisdiction.--In addition to any other remedies
     5  provided for in this act, upon relation of any district attorney
     6  of any county affected or upon relation of the solicitor of any
     7  county or municipality affected, an action in equity may be
     8  brought in a court of competent jurisdiction for an injunction
     9  to restrain any and all violations of this act, any regulation
    10  or order of the department.
    11     (c)  Concurrent remedies.--The penalties and remedies
    12  prescribed by this act shall be deemed concurrent, and the
    13  existence of or exercise of any remedy shall not prevent the
    14  department from exercising any other remedy hereunder, at law or
    15  in equity.
    16     (d)  Venue.--Actions instituted under this section may be
    17  filed in the appropriate court of common pleas or in the
    18  Commonwealth Court, which courts are hereby granted jurisdiction
    19  to hear such actions.
    20  Section 504.  Civil penalties.
    21     (a)  Assessment.--In addition to proceeding under any other
    22  remedy available at law or in equity for a violation of any
    23  provision of this act, any regulation or any order of the
    24  department, the department may assess a civil penalty upon  a
    25  person for such violation. In determining the amount of the
    26  penalty, the department shall consider the willfulness of the
    27  violation, savings resulting to the person in consequence of the
    28  violation, deterrence of future violations and other relevant
    29  factors.
    30     (b)  Escrow.--When the department assesses a civil penalty,
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     1  it shall inform the person of the amount of the penalty. The
     2  person charged with the penalty shall then have 30 days to pay
     3  the penalty in full or, if the person wishes to contest either
     4  the amount of the penalty or the fact of the violation, either
     5  to forward the proposed amount to the department for placement
     6  in an escrow account with the State Treasurer or with a bank in
     7  this Commonwealth or to post an appeal bond in the amount of the
     8  penalty. The bond must be executed by a surety licensed to do
     9  business in this Commonwealth and must be satisfactory to the
    10  department. If, through administrative or judicial review of the
    11  proposed penalty, it is determined that no violation occurred or
    12  that the amount of the penalty shall be reduced, the department
    13  shall, within 30 days, remit the appropriate amount to the
    14  person, with interest accumulated by the escrow deposit. Failure
    15  to forward money or the appeal bond to the department within 30
    16  days shall result in a waiver of all legal rights to contest the
    17  violation or the amount of the penalty.
    18     (c)  Amount.--The maximum civil penalty which may be assessed
    19  pursuant to this section is $10,000 per violation. Each
    20  violation of any provision of this act, regulation or order of
    21  the department shall constitute a separate offense under this
    22  section.
    23     (d)  Statute of limitation.--Notwithstanding any other
    24  provision of law to the contrary, there shall be a statute of
    25  limitations of five years upon actions brought by the
    26  Commonwealth under this section.
    27  Section 505.  Criminal penalties.
    28     (a)  Summary offense.--A person who violates this act, any
    29  regulation or any order of the department shall, upon conviction
    30  thereof in a summary proceeding, be sentenced to pay a fine of
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     1  not less than $100 and not more than $1,000 and costs and, in
     2  default of the payment of such fine and costs, to undergo
     3  imprisonment for not more than 30 days.
     4     (b)  Misdemeanor offense.--A person who violates any
     5  provision of this act, any regulation or any order of the
     6  department commits a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall,
     7  upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than
     8  $1,000 nor more than $10,000 per day for each violation or to
     9  imprisonment for a period of not more than one year, or both.
    10     (c)  Subsequent offenses.--A person who, within two years
    11  after a conviction of a misdemeanor for any violation of this
    12  act, any regulation or order of the department, violates any
    13  provision of this act, any regulation or any order of the
    14  department commits a misdemeanor of the second degree and shall,
    15  upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than
    16  $2,500 nor more than $25,000 for each violation or to
    17  imprisonment for a period of not more than two years, or both.
    18     (d)  Violations to be separate offense.--Each violation of
    19  any provision of this act or any order issued hereunder shall
    20  constitute a separate offense under subsection (a), (b) or (c).
    21  Section 506.  Remedies of citizens.
    22     (a)  Authority to bring civil action.--Except as provided in
    23  subsection (c), any aggrieved person may commence a civil action
    24  on his behalf against any person who is alleged to be in
    25  violation of this act, any regulation or order of the
    26  department.
    27     (b)  Jurisdiction.--The board is hereby given jurisdiction
    28  over citizen suit actions brought under this section against the
    29  department. Actions against any other persons under this section
    30  may be taken in a court of competent jurisdiction. Such
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     1  jurisdiction is in addition to any rights of action now or
     2  hereafter existing in equity or under common law or statutory
     3  law.
     4     (c)  Notice.--No action may be commenced under this section
     5  prior to 60 days after the plaintiff has given notice of the
     6  violation to the department and to any alleged violator of the
     7  act, or of any regulation or order of the department which has
     8  allegedly been violated; nor shall any action be commenced under
     9  this section if the department has begun and is diligently
    10  prosecuting an administrative action before the Environmental
    11  Hearing Board, or a civil or criminal action in a court of the
    12  United States or the Commonwealth to require compliance with
    13  this act.
    14     (d)  Award of costs.--The Environmental Hearing Board or a
    15  court of competent jurisdiction, in issuing any final order in
    16  any action brought pursuant to subsection (a), may award costs
    17  of litigation, including reasonable attorney and expert witness
    18  fees, to any party, whenever the board or court determines such
    19  award is appropriate.
    20  Section 507.  Public access.
    21     (a)  Certificate of compliance.--Any request from a member of
    22  the public for any certificate of compliance from the
    23  manufacturer or supplier of a package or packaging component
    24  shall be:
    25         (1)  made in writing with a copy provided to the
    26     department;
    27         (2)  made specific as to package or packaging component
    28     information requested; and
    29         (3)  responded to by the manufacturer or supplier within
    30     60 days.
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     1     (b)  Confidential information.--The department may upon
     2  request designate records, reports or information as
     3  confidential when the person providing the information
     4  demonstrates that the information contains the trade secrets,
     5  processes, operations, style of work or apparatus of a person or
     6  is otherwise confidential business information. When submitting
     7  information to the department under this act, a person shall
     8  designate the information which the person believes is
     9  confidential or shall submit the information separately from
    10  other information being submitted.
    11                             CHAPTER 11
    12                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    13  Section 1101.  Report by department.
    14     The department shall, in consultation with the Source
    15  Reduction Council of CONEG, review the effectiveness of this act
    16  no later than 42 months after its effective date and shall
    17  provide a report based upon that review to the Governor and to
    18  the General Assembly. The report may contain recommendations to
    19  add other toxic substances contained in packaging to the list
    20  set forth in this act in order to further reduce the toxicity of
    21  packaging waste and shall contain a recommendation whether to
    22  continue the recycling exemption as it is provided for in
    23  section 302(3), and a description of the nature of the
    24  substitutes used in lieu of lead, mercury, cadmium and
    25  hexavalent chromium.
    26  Section 1102.  Repeals.
    27     All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as they are
    28  inconsistent with this act.
    29  Section 1103.  Effective date.
    30     This act shall take effect in 60 days.
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