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                               CORRECTIVE REPRINT
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 3256                      PRINTER'S NO. 3289



No. 2336 Session of 2004

           FEBRUARY 3, 2004


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 16, 1923 (P.L.207, No.153), entitled "An
     2     act providing when, how, upon what property, and to what
     3     extent, liens shall be allowed for taxes and for municipal
     4     improvements, for the removal of nuisances, and for water
     5     rents or rates, sewer rates, and lighting rates; for the
     6     procedure upon claims filed therefor; the methods for
     7     preserving such liens and enforcing payment of such claims;
     8     the effect of judicial sales of the properties liened; the
     9     distribution of the proceeds of such sales, and the
    10     redemption of the property therefrom; for the lien and
    11     collection of certain taxes heretofore assessed, and of
    12     claims for municipal improvements made and nuisances removed,
    13     within six months before the passage of this act; and for the
    14     procedure on tax and municipal claims filed under other and
    15     prior acts of Assembly," further providing for judicial
    16     sales; and providing for procedure for judicial sale of
    17     multiple properties.

    18     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    19  hereby enacts as follows:
    20     Section 1.  Section 31 of the act of May 16, 1923 (P.L.207,
    21  No.153), referred to as the Municipal Claim and Tax Lien Law,
    22  amended August 14, 2003 (P.L.83, No.20), is amended to read:
    23     Section 31.  The lien of a tax or a municipal claim shall not

     1  be divested by any judicial sale of the property liened, where
     2  the amount due is indefinite or undetermined, or where the same
     3  is not due and payable; nor shall the lien of a tax or municipal
     4  claim be divested by any judicial sale of the property liened,
     5  as respects so much thereof as the proceeds of such sale may be
     6  insufficient to discharge; nor, except as hereinafter provided,
     7  shall a judicial sale of the property liened, under a judgment
     8  obtained on a tax or municipal claim, discharge the lien of any
     9  other tax or municipal claim than that upon which said sale is
    10  had, except to the extent that the proceeds realized are
    11  sufficient for its payment, after paying the costs, charges and
    12  fees, including reasonable attorney fees, expenses of the sale,
    13  and of the writ upon which it was made, and any other prior tax
    14  or municipal claims to which the fund may first be applicable.
    15  On any such sale being made all tax claims shall be paid out of
    16  the proceeds thereof: first, the oldest tax having priority; and
    17  municipal claims shall be paid next, the oldest in point of lien
    18  having priority. Mortgages, ground-rents, and other charges on
    19  or estates in the property which were recorded, or created where
    20  recording is not required, before any tax other than for the
    21  current year accrue, or before the actual doing of the work in
    22  front of or upon the particular property for which the municipal
    23  claim is filed, shall not be disturbed by such sale unless a
    24  prior lien is also discharged thereby.
    25     In case the property be not sold for a sum sufficient to pay
    26  all taxes and municipal claims, together with the costs thereon,
    27  the plaintiff in any such claim may postpone the sale, without
    28  payment of costs, and file his petition setting forth that more
    29  than one year has elapsed since the filing of his claim; that he
    30  has exposed the property to sheriff's sale thereunder, and was
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     1  unable to obtain a bid sufficient to pay the upset price in
     2  full; and, if the plaintiff is not a municipality as defined in
     3  this act, that he will bid sufficient to pay the upset price,
     4  and upon the production of searches or a title insurance policy
     5  showing the state of the record and the ownership of the
     6  property, and of all tax and municipal claims, mortgages,
     7  ground-rents, or other charges on or estates in the land, the
     8  court shall grant a rule upon all parties thus shown to be
     9  interested to appear and show cause why a decree should not be
    10  made that said property be sold, freed, and cleared of their
    11  respective claims, mortgages, charges, and estates. If, upon a
    12  hearing thereafter, the court is satisfied that service has been
    13  made of said rule upon the parties respondent, in the manner
    14  provided in section 39.2, and that the facts stated in the
    15  petition be true, it shall order and decree that said property
    16  be sold at a subsequent sheriff's sale day, to be fixed by the
    17  court without further advertisement, and the court may fix a
    18  common date and place of sale for more than one of said
    19  properties if it deems a joint sale to be advantageous. All
    20  property at sheriff's sale shall be sold, clear of all claims,
    21  liens, mortgages, charges, and estates, to the highest bidder at
    22  such sale; and the proceeds realized therefrom shall be
    23  distributed in accordance with the priority of such claims; and
    24  the purchaser at such sale shall take, and forever thereafter
    25  have, an absolute title to the property sold, free, and
    26  discharged of all tax and municipal claims, liens, mortgages,
    27  charges, and estates of whatsoever kind, subject only to the
    28  right of redemption as provided by law. In counties of the
    29  second class, upon return of the writ upon which the sale was
    30  made and upon the expiration of the statutory right of
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     1  redemption and if no petition to set aside the sale is pending,
     2  the prothonotary shall satisfy all tax claims and municipal
     3  claims divested by the judicial sale in accordance with the
     4  order of court authorizing such sale.
     5     Any person interested may, at any time before the sale, pay
     6  the petitioner the whole of his claim, with interest, costs,
     7  charges, expenses, fees and attorney fees, whereupon the
     8  proceedings on petition shall at once determine.
     9     For the purpose of enabling the petitioner in any such
    10  proceedings to give the notice required, he may take the
    11  testimony of the defendant in the claim, or of any other person
    12  whom he may have reason to believe has knowledge of the
    13  whereabouts of any of the parties respondent, either by
    14  deposition, commission, or letters rogatory.
    15     Any municipality, being a claimant, shall have the right, and
    16  is hereby empowered, to bid and become the purchaser of the
    17  property at such sale; and while the said property, so
    18  purchased, is held and owned by any county, city, borough,
    19  incorporated town, township, school district or a body politic
    20  and corporate created as a municipal authority pursuant to law,
    21  it shall not be subject to tax claims, unless it be redeemed by
    22  the former owner or other person having the right to redeem, as
    23  provided by law. If, however, a municipality shall become the
    24  purchaser at said sale, the former owner or other person,
    25  desiring to redeem, shall pay all taxes and municipal claims
    26  accrued and chargeable against the property prior to the sale
    27  thereof, together with the costs and interest thereon, and also
    28  all taxes and claims, whether filed or not, which would have
    29  accrued and become chargeable against the property had the same
    30  been purchased at the sale by some party other than the
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     1  municipality.
     2     Upon the delivery by the sheriff of a deed for any property
     3  sold under a tax or municipal claim, the judgment upon which
     4  such sale was had shall thereupon and forever thereafter be
     5  final and conclusive as to all matters of defense which could
     6  have been raised in the proceeding, including payment, and no
     7  error or irregularity in obtaining or entering of such judgment
     8  shall effect the validity thereof.
     9     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    10     Section 31.3.  If, with regard to two or more properties, a
    11  municipality is authorized under section 31, 31.1 or 31.2 to
    12  petition the court for the individual sale of each property,
    13  free and clear of its respective claims, liens, mortgages,
    14  charges and estates, the municipality may join any number of the
    15  properties in a single petition and the court may grant a rule
    16  upon all parties shown to be interested in any of the properties
    17  to appear and show cause why a decree should not be made that
    18  the properties which are the subject of the petition be sold
    19  together in one sale, free and clear of their respective claims,
    20  mortgages, charges and estates. If, upon a hearing thereafter,
    21  the court is satisfied that service has been made of the rule
    22  upon the parties, in the manner provided in section 39.2, and
    23  that the facts stated in the petition be true, the court shall
    24  order and decree, subject to any applicable restrictions and
    25  limitations in section 31, 31.1 or 31.2, that the properties be
    26  sold together at one sale at a subsequent sheriff's sale day, to
    27  be fixed by the court without further advertisement, clear of
    28  all claims, liens, mortgages, charges and estates, to the
    29  highest bidder at such sale. If a judicial sale of multiple
    30  properties is ordered, any party shown to be interested in a
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     1  particular property may, at any time before the sale, pay the
     2  municipality the whole of its claim relating to the particular
     3  property, with interest, costs, charges, expenses, fees and
     4  attorney fees, whereupon the proceedings on petition with regard
     5  to that property shall at once determine. A judicial sale of
     6  multiple properties shall not diminish the right of redemption
     7  with regard to any particular property that is a part of the
     8  sale.
     9     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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