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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3170



No. 2342 Session of 1990



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of February 1, 1974 (P.L.34, No.15), entitled
     2     "An act creating a Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System
     3     for the payment of retirement allowances to officers,
     4     employes, firemen and police of political subdivisions and
     5     municipal authorities and of institutions supported and
     6     maintained by political subdivisions and municipal government
     7     associations and providing for the administration of the same
     8     by a board composed of the State Treasurer and others
     9     appointed by the Governor; imposing certain duties on the
    10     Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Board and the actuary
    11     thereof; providing the procedure whereby political
    12     subdivisions and municipal authorities may join such system,
    13     and imposing certain liabilities and obligations on such
    14     political subdivisions and municipal authorities in
    15     connection therewith, and as to certain existing retirement
    16     and pension systems, and upon officers, employes, firemen and
    17     police of such political subdivisions, institutions supported
    18     and maintained by political subdivisions, and upon municipal
    19     authorities; providing for the continuation of certain
    20     municipal retirement systems now administered by the
    21     Commonwealth; providing certain exemptions from taxation,
    22     execution, attachment, levy and sale and providing for the
    23     repeal of certain related acts," further providing for the
    24     definitions of "actuarially sound" and "actuary," for annual
    25     estimates to municipalities, for existing local systems, for
    26     the source of municipal funds, for determination of municipal
    27     liability, for withdrawal from the system, for contributions
    28     by members and for contracts for optional retirement plans.

    29     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    30  hereby enacts as follows:

     1     Section 1.  The definitions of "actuarially sound" and
     2  "actuary" in section 102 of the act of February 1, 1974 (P.L.34,
     3  No.15), known as the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Law,
     4  amended May 17, 1980 (P.L.135, No.50), are amended to read:
     5     Section 102.  Definitions.--As used in this act:
     6     * * *
     7     "Actuarially sound" means a plan [which is being operated
     8  under supervision of an actuary and] which is being funded
     9  annually at a level not lower than the [normal cost of the plan
    10  plus a contribution towards the unfunded accrued liability
    11  sufficient to complete the funding thereof within thirty years
    12  of the effective date of the system. If the unfunded accrued
    13  liability is increased subsequent to the effective date of the
    14  system, such additional liability shall be funded within a
    15  period of thirty years from the effective date of the increase.
    16  If deemed advisable by the actuary, the initial liability and
    17  any increase thereof, may be combined and amortized over a
    18  period of years, not to exceed thirty.] financial requirements
    19  of the pension plan pursuant to the act of December 18, 1984
    20  (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding
    21  Standard and Recovery Act."
    22     "Actuary" means[: (i) a member of the American Academy of
    23  Actuaries, or (ii) an individual who has demonstrated to the
    24  satisfaction of the Insurance Commissioner of Pennsylvania that
    25  he had the educational background necessary for the practice of
    26  actuarial science and has had at least seven years of actuarial
    27  experience, or (iii) a firm, partnership or corporation of which
    28  one or more members meets the requirements of subclauses (i) or
    29  (ii) above.] a person who has met the requirements of the
    30  definition of "approved actuary" set forth in section 102 of the
    19900H2342B3170                  - 2 -

     1  act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the
     2  "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act."
     3     * * *
     4     Section 2.  Section 111 of the act is amended to read:
     5     Section 111.  Municipal Guarantee.--(a)  The regular interest
     6  charges payable and the creation and maintenance of the
     7  necessary reserves for the payment of the municipal and member's
     8  annuities, as to any municipality in accordance with this act,
     9  are hereby made the obligation of that municipality.
    10     (b)  In the case of the failure of a municipality to make
    11  payments as required by this act, the Commonwealth shall
    12  withhold payment to the municipality of any [funds] general
    13  municipal pension system State aid pursuant to Chapter 4 of the
    14  act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the
    15  "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act," to
    16  which the municipality may be entitled [for pension purposes].
    17  The board may recover any sums due to the fund by suit at law,
    18  or other appropriate remedy.
    19     Section 3.  Section 112 of the act, amended May 26, 1988
    20  (P.L.411, No.70), is amended to read:
    21     Section 112.  Annual Estimates to Municipalities;
    22  Administrative Expenses.--(a)  The board shall prepare and
    23  submit to each municipality, on or before the [first day of the
    24  third month preceding the commencing of each municipality's
    25  fiscal year] last business day in September, annually, an
    26  itemized estimate of the amounts necessary to be appropriated by
    27  the municipality to complete the payments of the obligations of
    28  the municipality to the fund during its next fiscal year
    29  pursuant to the applicable minimum funding provisions of the act
    30  of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the "Municipal
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     1  Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act," and consistent
     2  with any more stringent funding requirements of any agreement
     3  between the municipality and the system.
     4     (b)  The board shall annually prepare and approve a budget
     5  covering the administrative expenses of this act. Such expenses
     6  as approved by the board shall be paid from receipts from
     7  assessments made against each municipality for administrative
     8  expenses. This assessment shall be based on the number of
     9  members in each municipality and shall not exceed the sum of
    10  twenty dollars ($20) per member per year. If, in the calendar
    11  years 1987, 1988, 1989 and 1990, the amount received from such
    12  assessments, when imposed at the maximum rate, is not sufficient
    13  to cover the administrative expenses, then the balance of such
    14  expenses shall be paid from interest earnings on the fund in
    15  excess of the regular interest credited to the municipal,
    16  member's and retired members' reserve accounts and shall not, in
    17  any year, exceed six-tenths of one per cent of the total asset
    18  value of the fund as of the beginning of the calendar year. The
    19  administration of the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System
    20  shall be audited annually and a report of this audit shall be
    21  made annually to the General Assembly.
    22     (c)  The secretary of the board shall submit a proposed
    23  budget for the following fiscal year to the Senate and House
    24  Local Government Committees no later than November 1 of the year
    25  preceding that for which the budget is being prepared. The
    26  respective committees shall meet and review such budget
    27  document. If the committees take no action within sixty days of
    28  said November 1, the budget for the following calendar year
    29  shall be deemed approved.
    30     Section 4.  Section 113 of the act, amended May 17, 1980
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     1  (P.L.135, No.50), is amended to read:
     2     Section 113.  Existing Local Retirement Systems.--(a)  Where
     3  a municipality elects to join the system established by this
     4  act, and is then maintaining a retirement or pension system or
     5  systems covering its employes in whole or in part, those
     6  employes so covered, and employes thereafter eligible to join
     7  such pension system, shall not become members of the retirement
     8  system established by this act, unless at the time the
     9  municipality elects to join the system, the members of each such
    10  existing retirement or pension system shall, by the affirmative
    11  vote of seventy-five per cent of all the members of each pension
    12  system, elect to be covered by the retirement system established
    13  by this act. At any time thereafter, within a period of three
    14  years after the municipality has elected to join the system, but
    15  not thereafter, the members of an existing retirement or pension
    16  system may, in like manner, elect to join the system established
    17  by this act. In any such case, provisions may be made for the
    18  transfer of moneys and securities in its retirement or pension
    19  fund or funds, in whole or in part, to the fund established by
    20  this act. Securities so transferred shall be only those
    21  acceptable to the board. Securities not so acceptable shall be
    22  converted into cash, and said cash transferred to the fund
    23  created by this act. In any such transfer, provision shall be
    24  made to credit the accumulated deductions of each member, at
    25  least the amount he has paid into the retirement or pension
    26  system of the municipality, which moneys shall be credited
    27  against the prior service contributions of such member, or a
    28  municipality may turn over to the retirement system created by
    29  this act any existing local pension system on a completely
    30  funded basis, as to pensioners and pension credits of members
    19900H2342B3170                  - 5 -

     1  related to prior service to the date of transfer, or on a
     2  partially funded basis if the municipality pays annually into
     3  the retirement system amounts sufficient to completely liquidate
     4  the municipality's unfunded accrued liability [for prior
     5  service] within a period not to exceed [thirty years.] the
     6  applicable amortization period pursuant to the act of December
     7  18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the "Municipal Pension
     8  Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act."
     9     (b)  No liability, on account of retirement allowances or
    10  pensions being paid from any retirement or pension fund of the
    11  municipality, shall attach against the fund, except as provided
    12  in the agreement, making a transfer of an existing system in
    13  accordance with this section. The liability to continue payment
    14  of pensions not so transferred shall attach against the
    15  municipality, which shall annually make appropriations from its
    16  tax revenues sufficient to pay the same[.] pursuant to the
    17  "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act." In
    18  cases where [workers] active employes covered by an existing
    19  retirement or pension system elect to join the system created by
    20  this act, the election to join shall be deemed to have been made
    21  at the time the municipality elected to join the system, and the
    22  liabilities of the municipality shall be fixed accordingly.
    23     (c)  Notwithstanding any other provision herein, the board
    24  may, in its discretion, entertain a request from a municipality
    25  to join the system established by this act for those employes
    26  who are excluded from local pension plan coverage by virtue of
    27  the collective bargaining process or otherwise. The request to
    28  join the system must be accompanied by an affirmative vote of no
    29  less than three-fourths of those employes not covered by the
    30  local pension plan. The benefits to be established may be in
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     1  accordance with the provisions of this article or to any other
     2  relevant pension law covering that class of municipality. The
     3  other requirements of this section for joining this system shall
     4  be observed.
     5     Section 5.  Section 116 of the act is amended to read:
     6     Section 116.  Source of Municipal Funds.--The amounts to be
     7  paid by municipalities under the provisions of this act shall be
     8  paid out of moneys raised annually by general taxation, or in
     9  the case of townships of the second class, out of taxes levied
    10  for road, bridge and general township purposes and out of moneys
    11  received from the State [which are designated for pension
    12  purposes.] as general municipal pension system State aid
    13  pursuant to the act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205),
    14  known as the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and
    15  Recovery Act."
    16     Section 6.  Sections 203, 205, 206, 214, 303, 306, 307, 316,
    17  402, 403 and 404 of the act, amended May 17, 1980 (P.L.135,
    18  No.50), are amended to read:
    19     Section 203.  Existing Local Retirement Systems and
    20  Compulsory and Optional Membership.--(a)  Where a municipality
    21  elects to join the system established by this act, and is then
    22  maintaining a retirement or pension system or systems covering
    23  its employes in whole or in part, those employes so covered, and
    24  employes thereafter eligible to join such pension system, shall
    25  not become members of the retirement system established by this
    26  act, unless at the time the municipality elects to join the
    27  system, the members of each such existing retirement or pension
    28  system shall, by the affirmative vote of seventy-five per cent
    29  of all the members of each pension system, elect to be covered
    30  by the retirement system established by this act. At any time
    19900H2342B3170                  - 7 -

     1  thereafter, within a period of three years after the
     2  municipality has elected to join the system, but not thereafter,
     3  the members of an existing retirement or pension system may, in
     4  like manner, elect to join the system established by this act.
     5  In any such case, provisions may be made for the transfer of
     6  moneys and securities in its retirement or pension fund or
     7  funds, in whole or in part, to the fund established by this act.
     8  Securities so transferred shall be only those acceptable to the
     9  board. Securities not so acceptable shall be converted into
    10  cash, and said cash transferred to the fund created by this act.
    11  In any such transfer, provision shall be made to credit the
    12  accumulated deductions of each member, at least the amount he
    13  has paid into the retirement or pension system of the
    14  municipality, which moneys shall be credited against the prior
    15  service contributions of such member, or a municipality may turn
    16  over to the retirement system created by this act any existing
    17  local pension system on a completely funded basis, as to
    18  pensioners and pension credits of members related to prior
    19  service to the date of transfer, or on a partially funded basis
    20  if the municipality pays annually into the retirement system
    21  amounts sufficient to completely liquidate the municipality's
    22  unfunded accrued liability [for prior service] within a period
    23  not to exceed [thirty years.] the applicable amortization period
    24  pursuant to the act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205),
    25  known as the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and
    26  Recovery Act."
    27     (b)  No liability, on account of retirement allowances or
    28  pensions being paid from any retirement or pension fund of the
    29  municipality, shall attach against the fund, except as provided
    30  in the agreement, making a transfer of an existing system in
    19900H2342B3170                  - 8 -

     1  accordance with this section. The liability to continue payment
     2  of pensions not so transferred shall attach against the
     3  municipality, which shall annually make appropriations from its
     4  tax revenues sufficient to pay the same[.] pursuant to the
     5  "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act." In
     6  cases where [workers] active employes covered by an existing
     7  retirement or pension system elect to join the system created by
     8  this act, the election to join shall be deemed to have been made
     9  at the time the municipality elected to join the system, and the
    10  liabilities of the municipality shall be fixed accordingly.
    11     (c)  If a municipality elects to join the system under the
    12  provisions of this Article II, then each officer other than
    13  elected officers, and each employe thereof other than a
    14  municipal fireman and a municipal policeman, employed on a
    15  permanent basis, except one who is not eligible for Federal
    16  Social Security coverage and except one who is covered by an
    17  existing retirement or pension system and is exempted as
    18  outlined above, shall be required to become a member of the
    19  system. Each municipality shall determine whether membership in
    20  said system for elected officials and employes hired on a
    21  temporary or seasonal basis shall be compulsory, optional or
    22  prohibited. Where membership may be optional with an elected
    23  officer or an employe hired on a temporary or seasonal basis, an
    24  election to join the system must be made within one year after
    25  the municipality elected to join the system or within one year
    26  after the officer or temporary or seasonal employe first entered
    27  the service of the municipality. Officers and employes paid only
    28  on a fee basis shall not be eligible to join the system.
    29     (d)  When a municipality has established a policy of placing
    30  new employes on a probationary status it may elect to refrain
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     1  from enrolling such employes into the system for a period of up
     2  to one year from the date the probationary employe first entered
     3  the service of the municipality. In such cases service credits
     4  shall not be earned by the employe for probationary time served
     5  prior to enrollment.
     6     (e)  Notwithstanding any other provision herein, the board
     7  may, in its discretion, entertain a request from a municipality
     8  to join the system established by this act for those employes
     9  who are excluded from local pension plan coverage by virtue of
    10  the collective bargaining process or otherwise. The request to
    11  join the system must be accompanied by an affirmative vote of no
    12  less than three-fourths of those employes not covered by the
    13  local pension plan. The benefits to be established may be in
    14  accordance with the provisions of this article or any other
    15  relevant pension law covering that class of municipality. The
    16  other requirements of this section for joining this system shall
    17  be observed.
    18     Section 205.  Determination of Municipal Liability.--(a)  The
    19  board shall as soon as may be, determine the [present value of
    20  the] accrued liability and unfunded accrued liability of each
    21  municipality [for the prior service credits to its original
    22  members,] pursuant to Chapter 2 of the act of December 18, 1984
    23  (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding
    24  Standard and Recovery Act," and shall establish an amount
    25  payable annually over a period not exceeding [thirty years,] the
    26  applicable amortization period pursuant to paragraph (4) of
    27  subsection (b) of section 202 of the "Municipal Pension Plan
    28  Funding Standard and Recovery Act," through which payments [such
    29  prior service] the unfunded accrued liability may be funded.
    30  Each municipality shall have the option to spread the payment of
    19900H2342B3170                 - 10 -

     1  [such prior service] the unfunded accrued liability over such
     2  period of years.
     3     (b)  The municipal accrued liability and unfunded accrued
     4  liability shall be based upon credit for all years of prior
     5  service toward the municipal annuity of each original member,
     6  subject to such of the following options as the municipality may
     7  elect:
     8     (1)  The municipality may limit to ten years the credit for
     9  prior service toward the municipal annuity of each original
    10  member;
    11     (2)  The municipality may assume the liability for payment of
    12  the member's contributions for the prior service or any portion
    13  thereof of each original member.
    14     (c)  The board shall also determine, from time to time, the
    15  [amount] normal cost amount pursuant to Chapter 2 of the
    16  "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act,"
    17  which shall be contributed annually by each municipality for
    18  service credits of original and new members subsequent to the
    19  time the municipality joined the system, and the additional
    20  amount which shall be contributed annually by each municipality
    21  toward a reserve account for disability allowances payable to
    22  original or new members, in order that all future service
    23  liability may be fully funded on an actuarial basis.
    24     (d)  The amounts so determined by the board may be expressed
    25  in a percentage of the payroll of the municipality covering its
    26  contributing members.
    27     (e)  The cost of making the valuations required by this
    28  section and in the transfer of any existing pension system of
    29  any municipality, shall be part of the costs of administration
    30  of this act.
    19900H2342B3170                 - 11 -

     1     Section 206.  Contributions by Members; Consolidation of
     2  Credits; Change of Employment.--[Each] (a)  Except to the extent
     3  that subsection (c) of section 607 of the act of December 18,
     4  1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the "Municipal Pension Plan
     5  Funding Standard and Recovery Act," applies, each member of the
     6  system shall be required to contribute to the fund three per
     7  cent of that portion of their actual salary or compensation,
     8  including fees where paid in part on a fee basis, on which
     9  social security benefits are payable, and six per cent of any
    10  salary, compensation or fees in excess of the amount on which
    11  social security benefits are payable. However, in the event of a
    12  contributor who became a member prior to January 1, 1979, the
    13  required rate of contribution shall be the lesser of the rate
    14  herein provided and the rate applicable to said member upon his
    15  entry into the system.
    16     (b)  In order to increase his member's annuity, each member
    17  shall also have the option to make contributions for his prior
    18  service. Such contributions for prior service may be anticipated
    19  in whole or in part at the time the municipality joins the
    20  system, or payment thereof or such part thereof as is not
    21  anticipated may be spread over a period of time by increasing
    22  the payroll deduction of the member by at least one-third. When
    23  a member elects to contribute on account of all of his unpaid
    24  prior service, his rate of contribution shall be calculated as
    25  of his age at the time he first entered the service of the
    26  municipality: Provided, however, That any municipality may, at
    27  the time it elects to join the system, or at any time
    28  thereafter, agree with the board to pay into the fund as part of
    29  its liability under and in accordance with section 205 hereof,
    30  the moneys necessary to provide the member's contributions for
    19900H2342B3170                 - 12 -

     1  prior service, and in such case no contributions for prior
     2  service shall be made by the members.
     3     (c)  Member's contributions shall be paid into the fund by
     4  the municipality through payroll deductions in such manner and
     5  at such time as the board may by rule and regulation determine.
     6     (d)  When a municipal employe is employed by more than one
     7  municipality, he shall be required to make contributions on
     8  account of his salary paid by each municipality. In such cases
     9  the board shall provide for the consolidation of credits of the
    10  contributor and, upon his retirement, for a consolidated
    11  retirement allowance.
    12     Section 214.  Withdrawal Provisions.--(a)  A municipality
    13  which has joined the retirement system created or continued
    14  under this Article II may, for good and stated cause, file an
    15  application with the board for permission to withdraw from the
    16  system if it meets all of the following requirements:
    17     (1)  The municipality has been enrolled in the system for a
    18  period of at least five years.
    19     (2)  The municipality has met all of its financial
    20  obligations to the system.
    21     (3)  The legislative body of the municipality has passed an
    22  ordinance or resolution signifying its intention to withdraw
    23  from the system.
    24     (4)  The municipality has certified to the board that an
    25  affirmative vote approving withdrawal from the system had been
    26  obtained from at least seventy-five per cent of all of the
    27  municipal employes affected by the ordinance or resolution.
    28     (b)  The board shall within ninety days of its receipt, take
    29  action on an application filed by a municipality for permission
    30  to withdraw from the system. If the application is approved the
    19900H2342B3170                 - 13 -

     1  withdrawing municipality shall be entitled to receive a net
     2  refund of the amounts then standing to the credit of the
     3  municipality in the member's account, the member's excess
     4  investment account, the municipal account and the retired
     5  member's reserve accounts of the system. In no event shall the
     6  total amount of the net refund to the municipality exceed the
     7  pro rata interest of the withdrawing municipality in the net
     8  assets of the entire fund based on the market value of the
     9  investments of the fund as of the date of receipt of the
    10  application for permission to withdraw. The liability for the
    11  continuation of retirement or disability allowances being paid
    12  from the fund shall attach against the withdrawing municipality
    13  and be paid from funds transferred to a retirement system
    14  established subsequent to its withdrawal from the system or from
    15  moneys appropriated annually from tax revenues sufficient to pay
    16  the same[.] pursuant to the act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005,
    17  No.205), known as the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard
    18  and Recovery Act." If the board disapproves the application of
    19  the municipality for permission to withdraw from the system the
    20  board shall promptly notify the municipality of its decision and
    21  advise the municipality of the board's reason or reasons for
    22  disapproval. The board shall establish rules and regulations, in
    23  accordance with the provisions of clause (10) of section 104 of
    24  this act, governing the details of the procedures to be followed
    25  in the withdrawal of municipalities from the system.
    26     Section 303.  Existing Local Retirement Systems and
    27  Compulsory Membership.--(a)  Where a municipality elects to join
    28  the system established by this act, and is then maintaining a
    29  retirement or pension system or systems covering its employes in
    30  whole or in part, those employes so covered, and employes
    19900H2342B3170                 - 14 -

     1  thereafter eligible to join such pension system, shall not
     2  become members of the retirement system established by this act,
     3  unless at the time the municipality elects to join the system,
     4  the members of each such existing retirement or pension system
     5  shall, by the affirmative vote of seventy-five per cent of all
     6  the members of each pension system, elect to be covered by the
     7  retirement system established by this act. At any time
     8  thereafter, within a period of three years after the
     9  municipality has elected to join the system, but not thereafter,
    10  the members of an existing retirement or pension system may, in
    11  like manner, elect to join the system established by this act.
    12  In any such case, provisions may be made for the transfer of
    13  moneys and securities in its retirement or pension fund or
    14  funds, in whole or in part, to the fund established by this act.
    15  Securities so transferred shall be only those acceptable to the
    16  board. Securities not so acceptable shall be converted into
    17  cash, and said cash transferred to the fund created by this act.
    18  In any such transfer, provision shall be made to credit the
    19  accumulated deductions of each member, at least the amount he
    20  has paid into the retirement or pension system of the
    21  municipality, which moneys shall be credited against the prior
    22  service contributions of such member, or a municipality may turn
    23  over to the retirement system created by this act any existing
    24  local pension system on a completely funded basis, as to
    25  pensioners and pension credits of members related to prior
    26  service to the date of transfer, or on a partially funded basis
    27  if the municipality pays annually into the retirement system
    28  amounts sufficient to completely liquidate the municipality's
    29  unfunded accrued liability [for prior service] within a period
    30  not to exceed [thirty years.] the applicable amortization period
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     1  pursuant to the act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205),
     2  known as the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and
     3  Recovery Act."
     4     (b)  No liability, on account of retirement allowances or
     5  pensions being paid from any retirement or pension fund of the
     6  municipality, shall attach against the fund, except as provided
     7  in the agreement, making a transfer of an existing system in
     8  accordance with this section. The liability to continue payment
     9  of pensions not so transferred shall attach against the
    10  municipality, which shall annually make appropriations from its
    11  tax revenues sufficient to pay the same[.] pursuant to the
    12  "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act." In
    13  cases where workers covered by an existing retirement or pension
    14  system elect to join the system created by this act, the
    15  election to join shall be deemed to have been made at the time
    16  the municipality elected to join the system, and the liabilities
    17  of the municipality shall be fixed accordingly.
    18     (c)  If a municipality elects to cover its municipal firemen
    19  under the provisions of the system created by this Article III,
    20  then each municipal fireman shall be required to become a member
    21  of the system.
    22     (d)  If a municipality elects to cover its municipal police
    23  under the provisions of the system created by this Article III,
    24  then each municipal policeman shall be required to become a
    25  member of the system.
    26     (e)  When a municipality has established a policy of placing
    27  new employes on a probationary status it may elect to refrain
    28  from enrolling such employes into the system for a period of up
    29  to one year from the date the probationary employe first entered
    30  the service of the municipality. In such cases service credits
    19900H2342B3170                 - 16 -

     1  shall not be earned by the employe for probationary time served
     2  prior to enrollment. Notwithstanding any other provision herein,
     3  the board may, in its discretion, entertain a request from a
     4  municipality to join the system established by this act for
     5  those employes who are excluded from local pension plan coverage
     6  by virtue of the collective bargaining process or otherwise. The
     7  request to join the system must be accompanied by an affirmative
     8  vote of no less than three-fourths of those employes not covered
     9  by the local pension plan. The benefits to be established may be
    10  in accordance with the provisions of this article or any other
    11  relevant pension law covering that class of municipality. The
    12  other requirements of this section for joining this system shall
    13  be observed.
    14     Section 306.  Determination of Municipal Liability.--(a)  The
    15  board shall, as soon as may be, determine the [present value of
    16  the] accrued liability and unfunded accrued liability of each
    17  municipality [for the prior service credits to its original
    18  members,] pursuant to Chapter 2 of the act of December 18, 1984
    19  (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding
    20  Standard and Recovery Act," and shall establish an amount
    21  payable annually over a period not exceeding [thirty years,] the
    22  applicable amortization period pursuant to the "Municipal
    23  Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act," through which
    24  payments [such prior service] the unfunded accrued liability may
    25  be funded. Each municipality shall have the option to spread the
    26  payment of [such prior service] the unfunded accrued liability
    27  over such period of years.
    28     (b)  The municipal accrued liability and unfunded accrued
    29  liability shall be based upon credit for all years of prior
    30  service toward the municipal annuity of each original member.
    19900H2342B3170                 - 17 -

     1     (c)  The board shall also determine, from time to time, the
     2  [amount] normal cost amount pursuant to Chapter 2 of the
     3  "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act,"
     4  which shall be contributed annually by each municipality, for
     5  service credits of original and new members subsequent to the
     6  time the municipality joined the system, and the additional
     7  amount which shall be contributed annually by each municipality
     8  toward a reserve account for disability allowances payable to
     9  original and new members, in order that all future service
    10  liability may be fully funded on an actuarial basis.
    11     (d)  The amounts so determined by the board may be expressed
    12  in a percentage of payroll of the municipality covering its
    13  contributing members.
    14     (e)  The payments of general municipal pension system State
    15  aid made by the State Treasurer to the treasurer of the
    16  municipality [from moneys received from taxes paid upon premiums
    17  by foreign fire insurance companies for purposes of pension,
    18  retirement or disability benefits for municipal firemen shall be
    19  used as follows: (i) to reduce the unfunded liability or, after
    20  such liability has been funded, (ii) to apply against the annual
    21  obligation of the municipality for future service and disability
    22  reserve costs. It shall be the duty of the governing body to
    23  apply such payments in accordance with the provisions of this
    24  act.
    25     The payments made by the State Treasurer to the treasurer of
    26  the municipality from the moneys received from taxes paid upon
    27  premiums by foreign casualty insurance companies for purposes of
    28  pension, retirement or disability benefits for municipal
    29  policemen shall be used as follows: (i) to reduce the unfunded
    30  liability or, after such liability has been funded, (ii) to
    19900H2342B3170                 - 18 -

     1  apply against the annual obligation of the municipality for
     2  future service and disability reserve costs. It shall be the
     3  duty of the governing body to apply such payments in accordance
     4  with the provisions of this act.] pursuant to Chapter 4 of the
     5  "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act," and
     6  allocated to the police pension plan or to the paid firefighters
     7  pension plan by the governing body of the municipality shall be
     8  used only for authorized expenditures pursuant to subsection (g)
     9  of section 402 of the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard
    10  and Recovery Act."
    11     (f)  The cost of making the valuations required by this
    12  section and in the transfer of any existing pension system of
    13  any municipality, shall be part of the costs of administration
    14  of this act.
    15     Section 307.  Contributions by Members; Consolidation of
    16  Credits.--[Each] (a)  Except to the extent that subsection (c)
    17  of section 607 of the act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005,
    18  No.205), known as the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard
    19  and Recovery Act," applies, each single coverage member of the
    20  system created under this Article III, shall be required to
    21  contribute no more than eight per cent of his salary or
    22  compensation to the fund based on a uniform contribution rate as
    23  determined by the actuary to provide the benefit under this
    24  article.
    25     (b)  The amount of contribution by each joint coverage member
    26  shall be computed in the manner described above for a single
    27  coverage member, except that the amount of such deductions from
    28  salary or compensation shall be reduced with respect to wages
    29  (as defined in the Federal Insurance Contributions Act) by forty
    30  per cent of the tax on employes prescribed by the Federal
    19900H2342B3170                 - 19 -

     1  Insurance Contributions Act exclusive of that portion of such
     2  tax attributable to disability coverage.
     3     (c)  Members' contributions shall be paid into the fund by
     4  the municipality through payroll deductions in such manner and
     5  at such time as the board may by rule and regulation determine.
     6     Section 316.  Withdrawal Provisions.--(a)  A municipality
     7  which has joined the retirement system created or continued
     8  under this Article III may, for good and stated cause, file an
     9  application with the board for permission to withdraw from the
    10  system if it meets all of the following requirements:
    11     (1)  The municipality has been enrolled in the system for a
    12  period of at least five years.
    13     (2)  The municipality has met all of its financial
    14  obligations to the system.
    15     (3)  The legislative body of the municipality has passed an
    16  ordinance or resolution signifying its intention to withdraw
    17  from the system.
    18     (4)  The municipality has certified to the board that an
    19  affirmative vote approving withdrawal from the system had been
    20  obtained from at least seventy-five per cent of all of the
    21  municipal employes affected by the ordinance or resolution.
    22     (b)  The board shall within ninety days of its receipt, take
    23  action on an application filed by a municipality for permission
    24  to withdraw from the system. If the application is approved the
    25  withdrawing municipality shall be entitled to receive a net
    26  refund of the amounts then standing to the credit of the
    27  municipality in the member's account, member's excess investment
    28  account, the municipal account and the retired member's reserve
    29  accounts of the system. In no event shall the total amount of
    30  the net refund to the municipality exceed the pro rata interest
    19900H2342B3170                 - 20 -

     1  of the withdrawing municipality in the net assets of the entire
     2  fund based on the market value of the investments of the fund as
     3  of the date of receipt of the application for permission to
     4  withdraw. The liability for the continuation of retirement or
     5  disability allowances being paid from the fund shall attach
     6  against the withdrawing municipality and be paid from funds
     7  transferred to a retirement system established subsequent to its
     8  withdrawal from the system or from moneys appropriated annually
     9  from tax revenues sufficient to pay the same[.] pursuant to the
    10  act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the
    11  "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act." If
    12  the board disapproves the application of the municipality for
    13  permission to withdraw from the system the board shall promptly
    14  notify the municipality of its decision and advise the
    15  municipality of the board's reason or reasons for disapproval.
    16  The board shall establish rules and regulations, in accordance
    17  with the provisions of clause (10) of section 104 of this act,
    18  governing the details of the procedures to be followed in the
    19  withdrawal of municipalities from the system.
    20     Section 402.  Existing Local Retirement Systems and
    21  Compulsory and Optional Membership.--(a)  Where a municipality
    22  elects to join the system established by this act, and is then
    23  maintaining a retirement or pension system or systems covering
    24  its employes in whole or in part, those employes so covered, and
    25  employes thereafter eligible to join such pension system, shall
    26  not become members of the retirement system established by this
    27  act, unless at the time the municipality elects to join the
    28  system, the members of each such existing retirement or pension
    29  system shall, by the affirmative vote of seventy-five per cent
    30  of all the members of each pension system, elect to be covered
    19900H2342B3170                 - 21 -

     1  by the retirement system established by this act. At any time
     2  thereafter, within a period of three years after the
     3  municipality has elected to join the system, but not thereafter,
     4  the members of an existing retirement or pension system may, in
     5  like manner, elect to join the system established by this act.
     6  In any such case, provisions may be made for the transfer of
     7  moneys and securities in its retirement or pension fund or
     8  funds, in whole or in part, to the fund established by this act.
     9  Securities so transferred shall be only those acceptable to the
    10  board. Securities not so acceptable shall be converted into
    11  cash, and said cash transferred to the fund created by this act.
    12  In any such transfer, provision shall be made to credit the
    13  accumulated deductions of each member, at least the amount he
    14  has paid into the retirement or pension system of the
    15  municipality, which moneys shall be credited against the prior
    16  service contributions of such member, or a municipality may turn
    17  over to the retirement system created by this act any existing
    18  local pension system on a completely funded basis, as to
    19  pensioners and pension credits of members related to prior
    20  service to the date of transfer, or on a partially funded basis
    21  if the municipality pays annually into the retirement system
    22  amounts sufficient to completely liquidate the municipality's
    23  unfunded accrued liability [for prior service] within a period
    24  not to exceed [thirty years.] the applicable amortization period
    25  pursuant to the act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205),
    26  known as the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and
    27  Recovery Act."
    28     (b)  No liability, on account of retirement allowances or
    29  pensions being paid from any retirement or pension fund of the
    30  municipality, shall attach against the fund, except as provided
    19900H2342B3170                 - 22 -

     1  in the agreement, making a transfer of an existing system in
     2  accordance with this section. The liability to continue payment
     3  of pensions not so transferred shall attach against the
     4  municipality, which shall annually make appropriations from its
     5  tax revenues sufficient to pay the same[.] pursuant to the
     6  "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act." In
     7  cases where [workers] active employes covered by an existing
     8  retirement or pension system elect to join the system created by
     9  this act, the election to join shall be deemed to have been made
    10  at the time the municipality elected to join the system, and the
    11  liabilities of the municipality shall be fixed accordingly.
    12     (c)  If a municipality elects to join the system under the
    13  provisions of this Article IV, it shall first negotiate a
    14  contract with the board, acceptable to both the municipality and
    15  the board, which shall set forth all the specific details of
    16  municipal and member contribution rates and benefits. The
    17  municipality shall then pass an ordinance or resolution electing
    18  to join the system, and confirming the terms of the contract by
    19  reference thereto. Separate contracts and separate resolutions
    20  shall be executed for each class of employes, namely municipal
    21  employes, municipal firemen and municipal police in those cases
    22  where the municipality elects to bring more than one class of
    23  its employes into the system.
    24     (d)  When a municipality elects to enroll its municipal
    25  employes into the system, then each officer other than elected
    26  officers, and each municipal employe thereof, employed on a
    27  permanent basis, shall be required to become a member of the
    28  system. Each municipality shall determine whether membership in
    29  said system for elected officials and employes hired on a
    30  temporary or seasonal basis shall be compulsory, optional or
    19900H2342B3170                 - 23 -

     1  prohibited. Where membership may be optional with an elected
     2  officer or an employe hired on a temporary or seasonal basis, an
     3  election to join the system must be made within one year after
     4  the municipality elected to join the system or within one year
     5  after the officer or temporary or seasonal employe first entered
     6  the service of the municipality. Officers and employes paid only
     7  on a fee basis shall not be eligible to join the system.
     8     (e)  When a municipality elects to enroll its municipal
     9  firemen or its municipal police into the system, then each
    10  municipal fireman or each municipal policeman, as defined in
    11  section 102 of this act, shall be required to become a member of
    12  the system.
    13     (f)  When a municipality has established a policy of placing
    14  new employes on a probationary status it may elect to refrain
    15  from enrolling such employes into the system for a period of up
    16  to one year from the date the probationary employe first entered
    17  the service of the municipality. In such cases service credits
    18  shall not be earned by the employe for probationary time served
    19  prior to enrollment. Notwithstanding any other provision herein,
    20  the board may, in its discretion, entertain a request from a
    21  municipality to join the system established by this act for
    22  those employes who are excluded from local pension plan coverage
    23  by virtue of the collective bargaining process or otherwise. The
    24  request to join the system must be accompanied by an affirmative
    25  vote of no less than three-fourths of those employes not covered
    26  by the local pension plan. The benefits to be established may be
    27  in accordance with the provisions of this article or any other
    28  relevant pension law covering that class of municipality. The
    29  other requirements of this section for joining this system shall
    30  be observed.
    19900H2342B3170                 - 24 -

     1     Section 403.  Contract Provisions.--(a)  Any contract for an
     2  optional retirement plan entered into between a municipality and
     3  the board shall not provide for any benefits in excess of or
     4  minimum member's contribution rates less than those available to
     5  that municipality for that class of employes under any existing
     6  law pertaining to the establishment of a retirement or pension
     7  system, except to the extent that excess investment earnings are
     8  allocated to provide for additional pension benefits or member
     9  accruals as otherwise provided in this law.
    10     (b)  The contract shall specifically state the following
    11  terms and conditions:
    12     (1)  The superannuation retirement age at which a member
    13  shall become eligible for a full normal retirement allowance in
    14  accordance with the formula specified in the contract.
    15     (2)  Length of service requirements which must be met before
    16  a member becomes eligible for either a superannuation retirement
    17  allowance, an early retirement allowance and the method of
    18  determining any reduction factors involved in the computation of
    19  the amount of the allowance because of retirement prior to
    20  attaining superannuation age.
    21     (3)  Provisions for the refunding of accumulated deductions
    22  plus excess interest to employes who leave the service of the
    23  municipality before they become eligible for any type of
    24  retirement benefit and whether or not the employe shall be
    25  entitled to interest earned on contributions.
    26     (4)  Provisions relating to the types and amounts of
    27  disability retirement benefits for which a member may become
    28  eligible, and the qualifications therefore.
    29     (5)  The availability of any vesting or deferred benefits to
    30  which a member may become entitled.
    19900H2342B3170                 - 25 -

     1     (6)  A description of the amount and the manner in which a
     2  member may qualify for any death benefits, both before and after
     3  retirement, including any prescribed payments to widows or
     4  children under eighteen years of age.
     5     (7)  The formula used to determine the amount of normal
     6  retirement benefits, including an explanation of the salary or
     7  compensation to be used in the computations, and a statement
     8  concerning any social security offset provisions included in the
     9  contract.
    10     (8)  A description of any optional methods of payment of
    11  retirement allowances available to a member.
    12     (9)  Any provisions for cost-of-living increases, and
    13  limitations thereon, which may be included.
    14     (10)  The manner in which the rate or rates of employe
    15  contributions shall be determined, together with any provisions
    16  for additional voluntary contributions, which shall be
    17  consistent with subsection (c) of section 607 of the act of
    18  December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the "Municipal
    19  Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act," if applicable.
    20     (11)  The manner in which the rates of contribution from the
    21  municipalities shall be determined[.], which shall be consistent
    22  with the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery
    23  Act."
    24     (12)  The manner in which costs for the purchase of credit
    25  for prior service for which the municipality is willing to
    26  assume liability shall be determined, with respect to both the
    27  municipality's share and the member's share, if any.
    28     (13)  The manner in which credit for any allowable military
    29  service shall be determined and the manner in which costs of
    30  service shall be paid.
    19900H2342B3170                 - 26 -

     1     (14)  Any other information which might have a bearing on the
     2  costs or benefits of the retirement plan which might be required
     3  by the board in the administration of the plan.
     4     Section 404.  Determination of Municipal Liability.--(a)  The
     5  board shall, as soon as may be, determine the [present value of
     6  the] accrued liability and unfunded accrued liability of each
     7  municipality [for any prior service credits it has elected to
     8  extend to its original members,] pursuant to Chapter 2 of the
     9  act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the
    10  "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act," and
    11  shall establish an amount payable annually over a period not
    12  exceeding [thirty years,] the applicable amortization period
    13  pursuant to the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and
    14  Recovery Act," through which payments [such prior service] the
    15  unfunded accrued liability may be funded. Each municipality
    16  shall have the option to spread the payment of [such prior
    17  service] the unfunded accrued liability over such period of
    18  years.
    19     (b)  The municipal accrued liability and unfunded accrued
    20  liability shall be based upon credit for those years of prior
    21  service toward the municipal annuity of each original member,
    22  for which the municipality has agreed to pay, plus any liability
    23  for payment of the member's contributions for the prior service
    24  or any portion thereof of each original member which the
    25  municipality has agreed to pay.
    26     (c)  The board shall also determine, from time to time, the
    27  [amount] normal cost amount pursuant to Chapter 2 of the
    28  "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act,"
    29  which shall be contributed annually by each municipality for
    30  service credits of original and new members subsequent to the
    19900H2342B3170                 - 27 -

     1  time the municipality joined the system, and the additional
     2  amount which shall be contributed annually by each municipality
     3  toward a reserve account for disability allowance payable to
     4  original and new members, in order that all future service
     5  liability may be fully funded on an actuarial basis.
     6     (d)  The amounts so determined by the board may be expressed
     7  in a percentage of the payroll of the municipality covering its
     8  contributing members.
     9     (e)  The payments of general municipal pension system State
    10  aid made by the State Treasurer to the treasurer of the
    11  municipality [from moneys received from taxes paid upon premiums
    12  by foreign fire insurance companies for purposes of pension,
    13  retirement or disability benefits for municipal firemen shall be
    14  used as follows: (i) to reduce the unfunded liability or, after
    15  such liability has been funded, (ii) to apply against the annual
    16  obligation of the municipality for future service and disability
    17  reserve costs, and (iii) to reduce member contributions. It
    18  shall be the duty of the governing body to apply such payments
    19  in accordance with the provisions of this act.
    20     The payments made by the State Treasurer to the treasurer of
    21  the municipality from the moneys received from taxes paid upon
    22  premiums by foreign casualty insurance companies for purposes of
    23  pension, retirement or disability benefits for municipal
    24  policemen shall be used as follows: (i) to reduce the unfunded
    25  liability or, after such liability has been funded, (ii) to
    26  apply against the annual obligation of the municipality for
    27  future service and disability reserve costs, and (iii) to reduce
    28  member contributions. It shall be the duty of the governing body
    29  to apply such payments in accordance with the provisions of this
    30  act.] pursuant to Chapter 4 of the "Municipal Pension Plan
    19900H2342B3170                 - 28 -

     1  Funding Standard and Recovery Act," and allocated to the police
     2  pension plan or to the paid firefighters pension plan by the
     3  governing body of the municipality shall be used only for
     4  authorized expenditures pursuant to subsection (g) of section
     5  402 of the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery
     6  Act."
     7     (f)  The cost of making the valuations required by this
     8  section and in the transfer of any existing pension system of
     9  any municipality, shall be part of the costs of administration
    10  of this act.
    11     Section 7.  Section 405 of the act is amended to read:
    12     Section 405.  Contributions by Members; Consolidation of
    13  Credits; Change of Employment.--[Each] (a)  Except to the extent
    14  that subsection (c) of section 607 of the act of December 18,
    15  1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the "Municipal Pension Plan
    16  Funding Standard and Recovery Act," applies, each member of the
    17  system shall be required to contribute to the fund such per cent
    18  of his actual salary or compensation, including fees where paid
    19  in part on a fee basis, as specified in the contract, which
    20  contributions shall be paid into the fund by the municipality
    21  through payroll deductions in such manner and at such time as
    22  the board may by rule and regulation determine.
    23     (b)  If such provision is contained in the contract between
    24  the municipality and the board, each member may increase his
    25  member's annuity by electing to make such additional voluntary
    26  contributions as prescribed therein.
    27     (c)  When a member is employed by more than one municipality,
    28  he shall be required to make contributions on account of his
    29  salary paid by each municipality. In such cases the board shall
    30  provide for the consolidation of credits of the contributor, and
    19900H2342B3170                 - 29 -

     1  upon his retirement, for a consolidated retirement allowance.
     2     (d)  When a contributor leaves the employ of a municipality
     3  which has joined the system, and enters into the employ of
     4  another municipality which has also joined the system, his
     5  service credits shall remain unimpaired, but in such cases any
     6  unpaid municipal liability for prior service shall be prorated
     7  by the board between the municipalities on an equitable basis.
     8     Section 8.  Section 412 of the act, amended May 17, 1980
     9  (P.L.135, No.50), is amended to read:
    10     Section 412.  Withdrawal Provisions.--(a)  A municipality
    11  which has joined the retirement system created or continued
    12  under this Article IV may, for good and stated cause, file an
    13  application with the board for permission to withdraw from the
    14  system if it meets all of the following requirements:
    15     (1)  The municipality has been enrolled in the system for a
    16  period of at least five years.
    17     (2)  The municipality has met all of its financial
    18  obligations to the system.
    19     (3)  The legislative body of the municipality has passed an
    20  ordinance or resolution signifying its intention to withdraw
    21  from the system.
    22     (4)  The municipality has certified to the board that an
    23  affirmative vote approving withdrawal from the system had been
    24  obtained from at least seventy-five per cent of all of the
    25  municipal employes affected by the ordinance or resolution.
    26     (b)  The board shall within ninety days of its receipt, take
    27  action on an application filed by a municipality for permission
    28  to withdraw from the system. If the application is approved the
    29  withdrawing municipality shall be entitled to receive a net
    30  refund of the amounts then standing to the credit of the
    19900H2342B3170                 - 30 -

     1  municipality in the member's account, the member's excess
     2  investment account, the municipal account and the retired
     3  member's reserve accounts of the system. In no event shall the
     4  total amount of the net refund to the municipality exceed the
     5  pro rata interest of the withdrawing municipality in the net
     6  assets of the entire fund based on the market value of the
     7  investments of the fund as of the date of receipt of the
     8  application for permission to withdraw. The liability for the
     9  continuation of retirement or disability allowances being paid
    10  from the fund shall attach against the withdrawing municipality
    11  and be paid from funds transferred to a retirement system
    12  established subsequent to its withdrawal from the system or from
    13  moneys appropriated annually from tax revenues sufficient to pay
    14  the same[.] pursuant to the act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005,
    15  No.205), known as the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard
    16  and Recovery Act." If the board disapproves the application of
    17  the municipality for permission to withdraw from the system the
    18  board shall promptly notify the municipality of its decision and
    19  advise the municipality of the board's reason or reasons for
    20  disapproval. The board shall establish rules and regulations, in
    21  accordance with the provisions of clause (10) of section 104 of
    22  this act, governing the details of the procedures to be followed
    23  in the withdrawal of municipalities from the system.
    24     Section 9.  This act shall take effect immediately.

    J18L53JRW/19900H2342B3170       - 31 -