No. 2359 Session of 1976



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 1 (General Provisions) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, adding and revising provisions
     3     relating to printing and distribution of statutes and making
     4     repeals.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Sections 501 and 502 of Title 1, act of November
     8  25, 1970 (P.L.707, No.230), known as the Pennsylvania
     9  Consolidated Statutes, added June 17, 1974 (P.L.330, No.107),
    10  are amended to read:
    11  § 501.  Publication and distribution.
    12     (a)  General rule.--The Legislative Reference Bureau may
    13  compile, edit, publish, print, supplement and revise or contract
    14  directly or through the Legislative Printing Clerk for the
    15  compilation, editing, publishing, printing, supplementation or
    16  revision of an official publication of the Pennsylvania
    17  Consolidated Statutes and amendments thereto. It shall be the
    18  duty of the Department of [Property and Supplies] General
    19  Services, upon request of the bureau, to arrange for the prompt

     1  distribution of the official publication and the supplements
     2  thereto and revisions thereof in accordance with the provisions
     3  of this chapter. This publication shall be in addition to the
     4  publication of advance copies of statutes and the Laws of
     5  Pennsylvania [except that the bureau, when authorized by
     6  concurrent resolution of the General Assembly, may reduce the
     7  number of such statutes and laws published and printed and
     8  provide for the manner of their distribution and a fee to be
     9  charged for certain distributions].
    10     (b)  Sale and distribution.--The prices to be charged for
    11  individual copies of and subscriptions to the official
    12  publication, the supplements thereto and revisions thereof, for
    13  reprints and bound volumes thereof, which prices may be fixed
    14  without reference to the restrictions placed upon and fixed for
    15  the sale of other publications of the Commonwealth, and the
    16  number of copies which shall be distributed free for official
    17  use shall be established by the bureau subject, however, to
    18  requirements or limitations, if any, established by concurrent
    19  resolution of the General Assembly. Without limiting the
    20  generality of the foregoing, the bureau may provide for the free
    21  reciprocal exchange of publications between this Commonwealth
    22  and other states and foreign jurisdictions and for the free
    23  distribution of at least one copy of every publication printed
    24  under authority of this chapter to each:
    25         (1)  County for the use of its law library.
    26         (2)  Member of the General Assembly [at the post office
    27     address specified by him].
    28         (3)  Law school library which pursuant to rules of court
    29     receives copies of printed briefs and records filed in the
    30     Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
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     1     (c)  Payments and disposition of moneys.--Payments for
     2  documents published by authority of this chapter shall be made
     3  to the Legislative Reference Bureau or the Department of
     4  [Property and Supplies] General Services, as the bureau shall
     5  determine, which shall pay the same into the State Treasury to
     6  the credit of the General Fund. Such moneys are hereby
     7  appropriated from the General Fund to the Legislative Reference
     8  Bureau to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
     9  § 502.  Preparation and contents.
    10     (a)  General rule.--In compiling and editing the Pennsylvania
    11  Consolidated Statutes and amendments thereto for publication,
    12  the bureau may:
    13         (1)  Omit provisions of the amendatory acts which do not
    14     become a part of the structure of this act or which do not
    15     constitute part of the law as provided in section 1101(b) of
    16     this title (relating to enacting clause and unofficial
    17     provisions).
    18         (2)  Include the provisions or a summary of the
    19     provisions referred to in paragraph (1) of this subsection in
    20     a footnote, appendix, table or other form at such a place and
    21     in such a manner as it deems appropriate but any unofficial
    22     provisions so included shall not constitute part of the law.
    23         (3)  Include tables of contents, summary analyses, source
    24     notes, parallel tables, indexes, cross references to statutes
    25     and regulations, and such other provisions, whether or not
    26     contained in this act or in any amendment or amendments to
    27     this act, as the bureau deems appropriate but any unofficial
    28     provisions so included shall not constitute part of the law.
    29         (4)  Include the Constitution of Pennsylvania and
    30     proposed amendments thereto as well as selected general and
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     1     permanent laws and amendments thereto.
     2         (5)  Establish a form of citation of such publication or
     3     any part thereof which may be used for the purpose of
     4     drafting amendments to this act and for other purposes not
     5     inconsistent with the provisions of section 102 of this title
     6     (relating to citation of Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes)
     7     and section 303 of this title (relating to cross references
     8     between provisions of the Consolidated Statutes).
     9     (b)  Approvals by legislative officers.--The President pro
    10  tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
    11  Representatives shall approve[:
    12         (1)  The] the form and contents of the publication
    13     prepared by the bureau.
    14         [(2)  All contracts entered into by the bureau or the
    15     Legislative Printing Clerk pursuant to section 501(a) of this
    16     title (relating to publication and distribution).
    17         (3)  All regulations and decisions of the bureau relating
    18     to the distribution of the publication and the prices to be
    19     charged for such publications pursuant to section 501(b) of
    20     this title (relating to publication and distribution).]
    21     Section 2.  Section 1103 of Title 1, added December 6, 1972
    22  (P.L.1339, No.290), is amended to read:
    23  § 1103.  [Preparation] Printing of statutes [for printing].
    24     (a)  Notification by Department of State.--The Department of
    25  State, as soon as any bill becomes a law, shall promptly notify
    26  the Legislative Reference Bureau of that fact and transmit any
    27  documentation requested by the bureau or otherwise required.
    28     (b)  Preparation of statutes for printing.--The Director of
    29  the Legislative Reference Bureau shall, as soon as any bill
    30  becomes a law, prepare the same for printing, cause the same to
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     1  be printed immediately, and collate with and correct the proof
     2  sheets by the original rolls. He shall also have the statutes
     3  printed and indexed in book form as the Laws of Pennsylvania as
     4  early as possible succeeding each regular session of the General
     5  Assembly, for distribution in accordance with law.
     6     (c)  Contracts for printing.--The Director of the Legislative
     7  Reference Bureau may contract directly or through the
     8  Legislative Printing Clerk for the printing and binding of
     9  advance copies of statutes and the Laws of Pennsylvania which
    10  contracts shall be given to the lowest responsible bidder after
    11  notice to prospective bidders published in the Pennsylvania
    12  Bulletin. In the alternative and with the approval of the
    13  President pro tempore of the Senate and Speaker of the House of
    14  Representatives, the bureau may contract with an established law
    15  book publisher for the printing, binding, sale and distribution
    16  of statutes under such terms and conditions as shall be in the
    17  best interest of this Commonwealth. Approval of the contracts by
    18  the Governor, Auditor General or State Treasurer shall not be
    19  required. This subsection applies to contracts relating to the
    20  official publication of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes
    21  authorized under section 501(a) (relating to publication and
    22  distribution).
    23     Section 3.  Title 1 is amended by adding a section to read:
    24  § 1107.  Distribution of statutes.
    25     (a)  General rule.--The number of advance copies of statutes
    26  and volumes of the Laws of Pennsylvania printed or published,
    27  the prices to be charged for individual copies and subscriptions
    28  (which prices may be fixed without reference to the restrictions
    29  placed upon and fixed for the sale of other publications of the
    30  Commonwealth) and the number of copies which shall be
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     1  distributed free for official use shall be established by the
     2  bureau subject, however, to requirements or limitations, if any,
     3  established by concurrent resolution of the General Assembly.
     4  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the bureau may
     5  provide for the free reciprocal exchange of statutes between
     6  this Commonwealth and other states and foreign jurisdictions and
     7  for the free distribution of at least one copy of every statute
     8  printed under authority of this subchapter to each:
     9         (1)  Prothonotary of each county.
    10         (2)  County for the use of its law library.
    11         (3)  Member of the General Assembly.
    12         (4)  Department, board, commission and agency in the
    13     Executive Branch.
    14         (5)  Law school library which pursuant to rules of court
    15     receives copies of printed briefs and records filed in the
    16     Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
    17     (b)  Distribution agency.--The bureau shall provide for the
    18  manner of distribution of the advance copies of statutes and the
    19  Laws of Pennsylvania. It shall be the duty of the Department of
    20  General Services, upon request of the bureau, to arrange for the
    21  prompt distribution of statutes in accordance with the
    22  provisions of this section.
    23     (c)  Payments and disposition of moneys.--Payments for
    24  statutes printed and published by authority of this subchapter
    25  shall be made to the Legislative Reference Bureau or the
    26  Department of General Services, as the bureau shall determine,
    27  which shall pay the same into the State Treasury to the credit
    28  of the General Fund. Such moneys are hereby appropriated from
    29  the General Fund to the Legislative Reference Bureau to carry
    30  out the provisions of this subchapter.
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     1     Section 4.  (a) Sections 804(c) and 2406(h), act of April 9,
     2  1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as "The Administrative Code of
     3  1929," are repealed.
     4     (b)  The following acts and parts of acts are repealed in so
     5  far as they relate to printing and binding used in the
     6  Legislative Reference Bureau and the printing, binding and
     7  distribution of laws:
     8     Section 10, act of May 7, 1923 (P.L.158, No.119), entitled
     9  "An act creating a Legislative Reference Bureau; providing for
    10  the election of a director by the General Assembly; designating
    11  the officers and employes of such bureau, defining their duties;
    12  fixing their salaries; abolishing the present Legislative
    13  Reference Bureau; and making an appropriation."
    14     Act of May 8, 1923 (P.L.161, No.120), entitled "An act
    15  providing for and regulating the public printing and binding,
    16  the editing for publication and the distribution of all
    17  documents, reports, bulletins, and other publications for the
    18  use of the Commonwealth, the several departments, boards,
    19  commissions, and other agencies engaged in the legislative,
    20  judicial, and administrative work of the State Government; the
    21  sale of waste paper; the appointment of a director and other
    22  employes; and repealing inconsistent and conflicting
    23  legislation."
    24     Section 2406(d), act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175),
    25  known as "The Administrative Code of 1929."
    26     Act of August 21, 1961 (P.L.1014, No.455), entitled "An act
    27  relative to Commonwealth printing; establishing conditions upon
    28  which contracts will be awarded; and prescribing remedies and
    29  penalties for noncompliance with such conditions."
    30     (c)  All other acts and parts of acts are repealed in so far
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     1  as they are inconsistent with this act.
     2     Section 5.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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