PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 3152, 3719               PRINTER'S NO. 3827



No. 2359 Session of 1975

                     Report of the Committee of Conference

        To the Members of the House of Representatives and Senate:

           We, the undersigned, Committee of Conference on the part of
        the House of Representatives and Senate for the purpose of
        considering House Bill No. 2359, entitled:
        "An act amending Title 1 (General Provisions) of the
        Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, adding and revising
        provisions relating to printing and distribution of statutes and
        making repeals,"

        respectfully submit the following bill as our report:

                                           K. LEROY IRVIS

                                           JAMES J. MANDERINO

                                           ROBERT J. BUTERA

                (Committee on the part of the House of Representatives.)

                                           STANLEY M. NOSZKA

                                           JOSEPH F. SMITH

                                           RICHARD A. TILGHMAN

                                  (Committee on the part of the Senate.)

                                     AN ACT

     1  To further provide for the expenses of the Executive,
     2     Legislative and Judicial Departments of the Commonwealth for
     3     the fiscal period July 1, 1976 to June 30, 1977; to make
     4     additional appropriations from the Federal augmentation to
     5     the Executive Department for the fiscal period July 1, 1976
     6     to June 30, 1977, and to appropriate the Federal funds
     7     available for implementation of Title II, Public Law 94-369,
     8     to the several hereinafter named agencies of the Executive
     9     Department.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  This act shall be known and may be cited as the
    13  "Supplemental Appropriation Act of 1976."
    14     Section 2.  The following sums, or as much thereof as may be
    15  necessary, are hereby specifically appropriated from the General
    16  Fund to the several hereinafter named agencies of the Executive,
    17  Legislative and Judicial Departments of the Commonwealth for the
    18  payment of the salaries, wages or other compensation and travel
    19  expenses of the duly elected or appointed officers and employees
    20  of the Commonwealth, for payment of fees of contractual services
    21  rendered, for the purchase or rental of goods, services,
    22  printing, equipment, land and buildings and for payment of any
    23  other expenses, as provided by law or by this act, necessary for
    24  the proper conduct of the duties, functions and activities and
    25  for the purposes hereinafter set forth for the fiscal period
    26  beginning July 1, 1976 and for the payment of bills incurred and
    27  remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal period ending June
    28  30, 1976.
    29                      I.  EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT
    30                          To the Governor
    31     For payments to fund the Governor's share of
    32  the administrative expenses of the Commonwealth

     1  Compensation Commission created by the act of
     2  June 29, 1976 (No.111)...........................         25,000
     3                     To the Treasury Department
     4     For the salaries, wages and all necessary
     5  expenses for the proper conduct of the
     6  following purposes and activities:
     7     Administration of the Treasury Department.....      4,400,000
     8     For death benefits payable by the Treasury
     9  Department under the provisions of the act of
    10  June 24, 1976 (No.101)...........................        500,000
    11     For awards made by the Crime Victim's
    12  Compensation Board and payable by the Treasury
    13  Department under the provisions of the act of
    14  July 9, 1976 (No.139)............................        500,000
    15               To the Department of Community Affairs
    16     For grants for housing and redevelopment
    17  assistance as authorized by the act of May 20,
    18  1949 (P.L.1633, No.493), known as the "Housing
    19  and Redevelopment Assistance Law," and by payment
    20  of the costs of administering such act up to but
    21  not exceeding an amount equaling 2% of the
    22  appropriation....................................     15,650,000
    23     No more than 20% of the amount herein appropri-
    24  ated shall be allocated or granted to any one
    25  political subdivision.  The 20% limitation shall
    26  not include allocations or grants for money
    27  formally committed in a prior year to any
    28  municipality.
    29            To the Department of Environmental Resources
    30     For the salaries, wages and all necessary
    19760H2359B3827                  - 2 -

     1  expenses for the proper administration of the
     2  Department of Environmental Resources including
     3  flood control, prevention, control and extinction
     4  of forest fires, reduction of disease and insect
     5  damage to forests, air pollution control, water
     6  quality management, community environment
     7  management, occupational health and safety,
     8  radiological health, development, utilization and
     9  regulation of water, land and mineral resources,
    10  and development, operation and maintenance of
    11  recreational areas and facilities................     16,024,000
    12     Stream Improvement Projects...................        750,000
    13     Improvements to Hillman State Park............        200,000
    14     For establishing, maintaining and preserving
    15  the Appalachian Trail............................        250,000
    16     The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, through the
    17  Department of Environmental Resources, is authorized
    18  to enter into written cooperative agreements with
    19  political subdivisions, landowners, private
    20  organizations and individuals, and to acquire by
    21  agreement, gift, eminent domain or purchase, land,
    22  rights-of-way and easements for the purpose of
    23  establishing, protecting and maintaining a walking
    24  trail right-of-way across this Commonwealth, now
    25  generally known as the Appalachian Trail, under
    26  such terms and conditions, including payment by the
    27  department in lieu of property taxes on trail lands
    28  or property so acquired or subject to such use in
    29  accordance with the act of May 17, 1929 (P.L.1798,
    30  No.591), relating to payments made by the Common-
    19760H2359B3827                  - 3 -

     1  wealth in lieu of taxes as shall protect the interests
     2  of the actual or adjacent landowners, or land users
     3  and as shall further the purposes of this act but in
     4  the event of acquisition by eminent domain the total
     5  amount of land so acquired shall not exceed an average
     6  of 25 acres per mile of trail.
     7                    To the Department of Health
     8     For payment of expenses incurred or to be
     9  incurred by the Commonwealth and the City of
    10  Philadelphia from research, surveillance and
    11  investigative efforts related to the
    12  "Legionnaires' Disease"..........................        250,000
    13     For the Emergency Care Research Institute.....        350,000
    14                    To the Department of Revenue
    15     For the distribution of Public Utility Realty
    16  Tax..............................................     27,016,000
    17             To the Pennsylvania Securities Commission
    18     For the salaries, wages and all necessary
    19  expenses for the proper administration of the
    20  Pennsylvania Securities Commission...............        861,000
    21                     To the Department of State
    22     For the costs incurred resulting from the
    23  implementation of postcard voter registration....      1,200,000
    24             To the State Employees' Retirement System
    25     For payment of the cost of medical/hospital
    26  insurance for Commonwealth annuitants............      1,700,000
    27                  To the Pennsylvania State Police
    28     For the payment of nonservice connected
    29  disability benefits and nonservice connected
    30  death benefits pursuant to the Greshenfeld Awards
    19760H2359B3827                  - 4 -

     1  but payable only for fiscal year 1976-1977.......         80,000
     2                    II.  LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT
     3                           To the Senate
     4     Miscellaneous Expenses:
     5     For payments to fund the President pro
     6  tempore's share of the administrative expenses
     7  of the Commonwealth Compensation Commission
     8  created by the act of June 29, 1976 (No.111).....         25,000
     9                  To the House of Representatives
    10     For payments to fund the Speaker of the
    11  House of Representatives' share of the
    12  administrative expenses of the Commonwealth
    13  Compensation Commission created by the act of
    14  June 29, 1976 (No.111)...........................         25,000
    15     For payment to the Chief Clerk of the House
    16  of Representatives for reimbursement of costs
    17  and expenses of members and officers of the
    18  General Assembly attending the conference for
    19  new members.......................................         7,500
    20                To the Legislative Reference Bureau
    21     For salaries, wages and all necessary expenses
    22  for the work of the Legislative Reference Bureau
    23  including the Document Law Section...............      1,065,000
    24     Printing of Laws (including the Pennsylvania
    25  Consolidated Statutes)...........................        141,000
    26     Advance copies of statutes and volumes of the
    27  Laws of Pennsylvania shall be printed under
    28  contracts entered into by the Legislative
    29  Reference Bureau (without the intervention of any
    30  other State agency or officer and without regard
    19760H2359B3827                  - 5 -

     1  to any other statute regulating printing
     2  contracts) and distributed (without regard to any
     3  other statute regulating distribution of laws)
     4  as determined by the Bureau and moneys from sales
     5  shall be made to the Bureau or the Department of
     6  General Services, as the Bureau shall determine,
     7  which shall pay the same into the State Treasury
     8  to the credit of the General Fund.  Such moneys
     9  are hereby appropriated from the General Fund
    10  to the Legislative Reference Bureau for the print-
    11  ing of such laws.
    12                      III. JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT
    13                           Supreme Court
    14     Court Administrator, including the expenses of
    15  the Judicial Council of Pennsylvania, and the
    16  District Justice Administrator pursuant to the act
    17  of July 15, 1976 (No.204)........................      1,198,000
    18          Community Courts-District Justices of the Peace
    19     Salaries of Community Court Judges and
    20  District Justices of the Peace...................     12,174,000
    21                  IV.  FEDERAL AUGMENTATION FUNDS
    22     The following sums, or as much thereof as may be necessary,
    23  are hereby specifically appropriated from the Federal
    24  augmentation funds to the several hereinafter named agencies of
    25  the Executive and Judicial Departments of the Commonwealth for
    26  the payment of the expenses of implementing and carrying out the
    27  programs stated herein for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
    28  1976.
    29                        EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT
    30                          To the Governor
    19760H2359B3827                  - 6 -

     1               (a)  For the Office of Human Resources
     2     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     3  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     4  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     5  of $151,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
     6  revenues for administration and operation:
     7     (1)  "Developmental Disabilities - Basic
     8  Support":  To plan, administer, provide services
     9  and contract facilities for the developmentally
    10  disabled.........................................     $3,000,000
    11     (2)  "Partnership grant for Services Inte-
    12  gration":  To assess, coordinate and improve the
    13  delivery of human services at the State, county,
    14  and local levels.................................         56,000
    15     (3)  "Grant from the Department of Health,
    16  Education and Welfare."
    17     To prepare for a National Conference on Handi-
    18  capped Individuals...............................         14,000
    19                     (b)  Office of Administration
    20     The following Federal augmentation
    21  amounts, or as much thereof as may be necessary,
    22  are hereby specifically appropriated to supplement
    23  the sum of $3,821,000 appropriated from
    24  Commonwealth revenues for administration:
    25     (1)  "Intergovernmental Personnel Act" - For
    26  improvement of the State personnel system including
    27  but not limited to the completion of evaluation
    28  studies, the purchasing of equipment and the
    29  employment of consultants........................        400,000
    30     (2)  "Law Enforcement Assistance - Telecommun-
    19760H2359B3827                  - 7 -

     1  ications Grant" - For provision, by the Bureau of
     2  Management Services, of telecommunication
     3  services to the Governor's Justice Commission....        143,000
     4       (c)  For the Office of State Planning and Development
     5     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     6  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     7  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     8  of $1,063,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
     9  revenues for administration:
    10     (1)  "Comprehensive Planning Assistance" - To
    11  undertake State land use policy and Pennsylvania
    12  Projection Services planning activities..........        324,000
    13     (2)  "Appalachian State Research, Technical
    14  Assistance and Demonstration Projects" - To
    15  undertake citizen participation development and
    16  demonstration project activities.................        200,000
    17              (d)  For the Human Relations Commission
    18     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    19  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    20  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    21  of $3,672,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    22  revenues for administration:
    23     (1)  Equal Employment Opportunity
    24  Commission-Special Project Grant - To
    25  undertake, identify and eliminate discrimi-
    26  nation in employment due to race, color, religion,
    27  sex, ancestry or national origin, in hiring,
    28  recruitment, placement, promotion, referral,
    29  transfer, lay-off, discharge and other employment
    30  practices........................................        460,000
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     1     (2)  "Department of Housing and Urban Develop-
     2  ment-Special Project Grant."
     3     To develop a program to combat discrimination
     4  in housing.......................................        135,000
     5     (3)  "Law Enforcement Assistance Agency Anti-
     6  discrimination Grant."
     7     To combat discrimination in law enforcement
     8  agencies.........................................         40,000
     9           (e)  For the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
    10     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    11  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    12  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    13  of $1,004,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    14  revenues for administration:
    15     (1)  "Labor Liaison" - To form a liaison
    16  between union members, their families, organi-
    17  zations and communities and the State's artists,
    18  art groups and institutions......................         18,000
    19     (2)  "Program Development" - To provide
    20  support of a music program director, dance
    21  touring administrator, visual arts administrator
    22  and support staff................................         41,000
    23     (3)  Emergency School Aid to provide a pilot
    24  program to aid in dealing with racially troubled
    25  schools..........................................         94,000
    26               (f)  For the Governor's Energy Council
    27     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    28  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    29  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    30  of $291,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    19760H2359B3827                  - 9 -

     1  revenues for administration:
     2     "Cooperative Agreement" - For specific energy
     3  projects including but not limited to studies on
     4  energy conservation..............................        466,000
     5         (g)  Governor's Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse
     6     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     7  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     8  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     9  of $17,184,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    10  revenues for Grants to Drug and Alcohol Programs:
    11     (1)  State Training Systems Project National
    12  Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse........         45,562
    13     (2)  Integrated Drug Abuse Reporting Process -
    14  National Institute on Drug Abuse.................         52,507
    15                  To the Department of Agriculture
    16     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    17  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    18  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    19  of $13,658,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    20  revenues for general government operations:
    21     (1)  "Title 1 of the Comprehensive Employment
    22  and Training Act of 1973 (CETA)" - To develop a
    23  multiservice program for rehabilitating housing
    24  and provide employment for economically disadvan-
    25  taged, underemployed and unemployed persons; also,
    26  for the repair of rural homes, particularly homes
    27  owned by the handicapped, low income public
    28  assistance recipients and senior citizens, with
    29  high priority given to farm houses and rural
    30  small town residents.............................        277,000
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     1     (2)  "Fruit Tree Survey" - To conduct a survey
     2  of fruit trees and grapevines during fiscal year
     3  1976-1977........................................          6,700
     4     (3)  Federal/State Ornamental Crop Reporting
     5  for development and support of a marketing infor-
     6  mation system....................................         21,000
     7               To the State Council of Civil Defense
     8     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     9  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    10  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    11  of $456,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    12  revenues for general government operations:
    13     "Civil Defense - Federal CFDA Program
    14  No. 12.300" - For payment of salaries, benefits
    15  and administrative expenses and travel of author-
    16  ized State and local civil defense employees and
    17  for equipment, supplies and facilities...........        564,000
    18               To the State Civil Service Commission
    19     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    20  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    21  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    22  of $1,000 appropriated from Commonwealth revenues
    23  for general government operations:
    24     (1)  "Sharing With a Purpose (S.W.A.P.)" - For
    25  publication of a newsletter containing research
    26  data related to Civil Service personnel
    27  activities.......................................          8,000
    28     (2)  Federal Social Security Act, Title IV
    29  Parts A and C as enacted 1960 and 1971 (State)
    30  Work Incentive Program..........................          1,000
    19760H2359B3827                 - 11 -

     1                   To the Department of Commerce
     2     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     3  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     4  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     5  of $4,759,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
     6  revenues for general government operations:
     7     (1)  "Appalachian Regional Commission - Child
     8  Development Grant" - For provision and develop-
     9  ment of demonstration health centers, child
    10  development facilities, and day care centers.....         20,000
    11     (2)  "Appalachian Regional Commission - Manage-
    12  ment Grant" - For salary and expenses of one
    13  individual responsible for completion of project
    14  status and assessment reports on all Appalachian
    15  Regional Commission project established in
    16  Pennsylvania since 1965..........................         27,000
    17     (3)  "Minority Business Development Grant" -
    18  To assist in the development and operation of the
    19  State minority enterprise program................        110,000
    20     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    21  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    22  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    23  of $950,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    24  revenues for the Pennsylvania Science and
    25  Engineering Foundation:
    26     Public Works and Economic Development Act
    27  Section 304 grant for public works projects for
    28  the purposes of making loans or grants for urban
    29  land acquisition, site development, and construc-
    30  tion costs for industrial development purposes...        506,000
    19760H2359B3827                 - 12 -

     1                To the State Bicentennial Commission
     2     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     3  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     4  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     5  of $1,250,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
     6  revenues for general government operations:
     7     (1)  "Bicentennial Administration - Matching
     8  Project Grant" - For promotion of Bicentennial
     9  projects in the State............................        230,000
    10     (2)  "Bicentennial Administration - Direct
    11  Grants" - To support the Bicentennial Commission.         25,000
    12               To the Department of Community Affairs
    13     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    14  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    15  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    16  of $5,782,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    17  revenues for general government operations:
    18     (1)  "Water Pollution Control Training" -
    19  Training wastewater treatment plant operators in
    20  technical subjects at regional locations.........         32,000
    21     (2)  "Economic Opportunity Act of 1964,
    22  Title II_B, Section 231, as amended" - To provide
    23  technical assistance and program review to C.S.A.
    24  funded programs in the Commonwealth and to assist
    25  grantee agencies, public or private, in develop-
    26  ing innovative new concepts and sustaining
    27  effective current anti-poverty programs..........        312,000
    28     (3)  "Consultive Services to Local Government
    29  in Police Administration" - To provide consulting
    30  services to municipalities to improve police
    19760H2359B3827                 - 13 -

     1  administration by LEAA support of five positions
     2  in the regional offices..........................         75,000
     3     (4)  Federal Planning Grants and Innovative
     4  Housing Program - Appalachian Regional Commis-
     5  sion."  Use of funds for planning purposes and
     6  establishment of an Appalachian Housing Program
     7  providing seed money and technical assistance....        638,000
     8     (5)  "Specialized Services to Minorities"
     9  CETA Title III - To provide services to
    10  migrants.........................................         73,000
    11     The following Federal augmentation amount
    12  or as much thereof as may be necessary is hereby
    13  specifically appropriated to supplement the
    14  sum of $1,750,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    15  revenues for the Statewide manpower employment
    16  assistance and training program:
    17     Second Language Program for non-English
    18  speaking residents of the Commonwealth...........         95,000
    19                   To the Department of Education
    20     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    21  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    22  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    23  of $12,328,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    24  revenues for general government operations:
    25     (1)  "Education of Exceptional Children - State
    26  Operated Program" - Administration of the
    27  initiation, expansion, and improvement of
    28  educational programs for handicapped children....        657,000
    29     (2)  "Higher Education Instruction Program
    30  (undergraduate), HEA Title VI A" - To administer a
    19760H2359B3827                 - 14 -

     1  program to acquire laboratory and special equip-
     2  ment, closed circuit television equipment and
     3  related materials................................         21,000
     4     (3)  "Administration of ESEA Title IV B" -
     5  To administer a program to improve quality of
     6  education by distributing Federal funding for
     7  libraries, learning resources and guidance.......        373,000
     8     (4)  "Food and Nutrition Service (Administration)" -
     9  To administer all food nutrition programs........        600,000
    10     (5)  "Indo-Chinese Children Refugee Program" -
    11  To assist in providing inservice training for
    12  cultural adjustment..............................         32,000
    13     (6)  "Program for Bilingual Education, ESEA Title
    14  VII".  Coordination of Technical Assistance to
    15  Monitor Local Education Agency Programs..........         17,000
    16     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    17  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    18  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    19  of $1,486,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    20  revenues for the State Library:
    21     "Library Services and Construction Act Title I,
    22  Public Library Services" - To provide library
    23  services and administer aid to public libraries..        800,000
    24     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    25  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    26  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    27  of $169,026,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    28  revenues for the State Colleges and State-owned
    29  University:
    30     (1)  "Basic Education Opportunity Grants" - For
    19760H2359B3827                 - 15 -

     1  scholarships to students.........................     10,703,000
     2     (2)  "Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants" -
     3  For scholarships to students.....................      1,111,000
     4     (3)  "National Direct Student Loan Program" -
     5  For loans to students............................      1,328,000
     6     (4)  "Vocational Education Information Network" -
     7  For Millersville State College to collect and
     8  disseminate materials for use in the vocational
     9  and technical schools of the Commonwealth........        197,000
    10     (5)  "Migrant Project" - For Millersville State
    11  College to develop and provide and administer a
    12  program which meets the educational needs of
    13  children of migrant workers......................        400,000
    14     (6)  "Head Start Program" - For California
    15  State College to administer a program throughout
    16  Fayette County to provide pre-school educational
    17  experience for three to five year old children
    18  from economically disadvantaged families.........        365,000
    19     (7)  "Basic Institutional Development Program" -
    20  To strengthen the programs at Cheyney State
    21  College through curriculum development,
    22  administrative development, and student services.        375,000
    23     (8)  "Law Enforcement Education Program" - For
    24  grants and loans to students at Indiana Univer-
    25  sity.............................................        129,000
    26     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    27  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    28  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    29  of $3,834,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    30  revenues for the Scotland School for Veteran's
    19760H2359B3827                 - 16 -

     1  Children:
     2     "ESEA Title I - Education for the Disadvantaged" -
     3  To provide programs in: remedial reading,
     4  developmental and corrective reading, remedial
     5  math, environmental education; summer school
     6  instruction, and home life counseling............        245,000
     7     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     8  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     9  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    10  of $8,896,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    11  revenues for the improvement of library services:
    12     (1)  Library Services and Construction Act
    13  Title I, Public Library Services" - To promote the
    14  extension of library services, develop library
    15  systems, improve library services for minorities
    16  and provide special library services for blind
    17  and physically handicapped.......................      2,339,000
    18     (2)  "Library Services and Construction Act -
    19  Title III" - To encourage inter library
    20  cooperation and coordination of library services
    21  and resources....................................        124,000
    22            To the Department of Environmental Resources
    23     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    24  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    25  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    26  of $16,774,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    27  revenues for general government operations:
    28     (1)  Federal Reimbursement for Acid Mine
    29  Drainage, Environmental Protection Agency for
    30  cost incurred for literary reviews and research
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     1  and demonstration projects to abate acid mine
     2  drainage from abandoned mines....................        107,000
     3     (2)  Federal Reimbursement - Abandoned Mine
     4  Reclamation Program A.R.C. for reclamation of
     5  non-burning refuse banks.........................         29,000
     6     (3)  Federal Reimbursement - Land Use Inven-
     7  tory Data Collection A.R.C.......................          9,000
     8     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     9  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    10  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    11  of $2,144,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    12  revenues for the deep mine safety inspections:
    13     "Training and Education of Underground Coal
    14  Miners" - For the conduct of a training program
    15  for private coal industry employees in mine safety
    16  and first aid practice including: (i) safe mine
    17  machinery operation, (ii) emergency medical
    18  training, and (iii) underground gas detection
    19  training and other such activities as may be
    20  necessary to carry out the purposes of this grant
    21  program..........................................        353,000
    22     The following Federal Augmentation Amounts,
    23  or as much thereof as may be necessary, are
    24  hereby specifically appropriated to supplement
    25  the sum of $600,000 appropriated from Common-
    26  wealth revenues for occupational health:
    27     (a)  "Occupational Health and Safety Pro-
    28  grams" - For the conduct of (1) special consulta-
    29  tive programs with foundries in Pennsylvania, (2)
    30  OSHA planning for State and local government
    19760H2359B3827                 - 18 -

     1  employees, and (3) the Target Health Hazards
     2  Program.
     3     (b)  "Childhood Lead Poisoning Centralized
     4  Laboratory Facility" - For the operation of a
     5  centralized laboratory facility for lead
     6  detection and analysis and other such activities
     7  as may be necessary to carry out the purposes
     8  of these grant programs..........................        384,000
     9     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    10  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    11  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    12  of $2,409,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    13  revenues for land protection:
    14     "Solid Waste Planning, Study, Feasibility and
    15  Demonstration Grants" and "Water Pollution
    16  Control Areawide Waste Treatment Management
    17  Planning Grants" (consolidated) - To be used for
    18  the purposes of : (i) hazardous solid waste
    19  planning, (ii) demonstrate and evaluate recla-
    20  mation, stabilization and erosion control of strip
    21  mine land for agricultural purposes using
    22  municipal sewage sludge, (iii) use of flu gas
    23  desulfurization sludges and fly ash to abate
    24  mine drainage and subsidence, and (iv) feasibility
    25  of lime encapsulation of planting waste sludges to
    26  prevent waste pollution and for the conduct of a
    27  program relating to the residual waste work
    28  plan portion of the Comprehensive Water Quality
    29  Management Planning Grant - P.L.92-500, section
    30  208, and other such activities as may be required
    19760H2359B3827                 - 19 -

     1  to carry out the purposes of these grant
     2  programs.........................................        444,000
     3     So much as may be necessary to aid the Common-
     4  wealth in establishing, preserving and maintaining
     5  the Appalachian Trail, including any additional
     6  funds which may be available from the Federal
     7  Government.......................................        250,000
     8                    To the Department of Health
     9     The following Federal augmentation amounts or
    10  as much thereof as may be necessary are hereby
    11  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    12  of $16,350,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    13  revenues for general government operations:
    14     (1)  "Comprehensive Health Planning - Grants
    15  to States" - To establish the health priorities
    16  of the Commonwealth through studies of existing
    17  and potential health facilities, manpower, and
    18  services, and stimulate the development of Regional
    19  Comprehensive Health Planning Agencies...........        950,000
    20     (2)  "Migrant Health Grants" - To provide
    21  clinic services at medical centers, and intensify
    22  public health nursing services and sanitary surveys
    23  of camps for migrant health laborers and their
    24  families in the Commonwealth.....................        223,000
    25     (3)  Cooperative Health Statistics Program -
    26  Manpower.
    27     To develop, establish and maintain the health
    28  manpower component of the cooperative health
    29  statistics system of the national center for
    30  health statistics at the State/local level of
    19760H2359B3827                 - 20 -

     1  government.......................................         98,000
     2     (4)  Tuberculosis record system to refine the
     3  tuberculosis reporting system in the State.......         51,000
     4     (5)  "Maternal and Child Health Services" - To
     5  extend and improve services, in rural areas and
     6  in areas suffering from severe distress, for
     7  reducing infant mortality and improvement of the
     8  health of mothers and children and to advancement
     9  of maternal and child health services............      9,308,000
    10     (6)  "Crippled Children's Services" - To provide
    11  medical, surgical and corrective care and services;
    12  facilities for diagnosis, hospitalization; and
    13  post-hospital care for children who are crippled
    14  or suffering from conditions which lead to
    15  crippling........................................      4,615,000
    16     (7)  "Comprehensive Public Health Services -
    17  Formula Grants" - To develop coordinated programs
    18  of State and local public health services, includ-
    19  ing those directed at maintaining physical and
    20  mental health; detection, preventing and controlling
    21  disease, injuries and disability; and protecting
    22  and maintaining a healthful environment..........      3,913,000
    23     (8)  For the purpose of administration of
    24  facility construction............................        100,000
    25     The following Federal augmentation amounts or
    26  as much thereof as may be necessary are hereby
    27  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    28  of $550,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    29  revenues for Maternal and Child Health:
    30     "Maternal and Child Health Research (Child
    19760H2359B3827                 - 21 -

     1  Health Research Grants Program" - To research and
     2  evaluate Prenatal Care and Pregnancy Outcome.....        140,000
     3     The following Federal augmentation amounts or
     4  as much thereof as may be necessary are hereby
     5  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     6  of $4,267,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
     7  revenues for the Elizabethtown Hospital for
     8  Children and Youth:
     9     "Educationally Deprived Children - Handicapped" -
    10  To provide an educational program for children
    11  from low-income families.........................        55,000
    12              To the Historical and Museum Commission
    13     The following Federal augmentation amounts or
    14  as much thereof as may be necessary are hereby
    15  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    16  of $5,477,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    17  revenues for general government operations:
    18     National Endowment for the Humanities Division
    19  of Research Grants.
    20     For microfilming and guide preparation of the
    21  records of the Pennsylvania Supreme Executive
    22  Council and for the acquisition and preparation
    23  of the Henry Boquet papers.......................         39,000
    24                    To the Department of Justice
    25     The following Federal augmentation amounts or
    26  as much thereof as may be necessary are hereby
    27  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    28  of $503,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    29  revenues for the Bureau of Investigations:
    30     "Law Enforcement Assistance - Improving and
    19760H2359B3827                 - 22 -

     1  Strengthening Law Enforcement" - To augment
     2  staffing in the Bureau of Investigations in the
     3  areas of investigation of organized crime........         70,000
     4     (1)  "Law Enforcement Assistance - Improving
     5  and Strengthening Law Enforcement" - For training
     6  of new State and local personnel in enforcement
     7  of the Commonwealth's Drug and Narcotic Laws.....         32,000
     8     (2)  "Law Enforcement Assistance Improving and
     9  Strengthening Law Enforcement - For the Bureau of
    10  Drug Control - For the Drug Diversion Investiga-
    11  tion Unit".......................................         53,000
    12     (3)  Law Enforcement Assistance - Improving
    13  and Strengthening Law Enforcement - For Drug
    14  Control Training for the Northwest Region........         23,000
    15     The following Federal augmentation amounts or
    16  as much thereof as may be necessary are hereby
    17  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    18  of $249,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    19  revenues for the Pennsylvania Crime Commission:
    20     "Law Enforcement Assistance - Improving and
    21  Strengthening Law Enforcement" - For support
    22  of the organized crime control program...........      1,096,000
    23     The following Federal Augmentation Amounts, or
    24  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    25  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    26  of $950,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    27  revenues for the Community Treatment Centers.
    28     Law Enforcement Assistance - Improving and
    29  Strengthening Law Enforcement - For the Community
    30  Service Centers Program..........................        296,000
    19760H2359B3827                 - 23 -

     1     The following Federal augmentation amounts or
     2  as much thereof as may be necessary are hereby
     3  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     4  of $209,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
     5  revenues for the Juvenile Court Judges Commission:
     6     "Law Enforcement Assistance Improving and
     7  Strengthening Law Enforcement" - Statistical
     8  Analysis Center for the Juvenile Courts..........         87,000
     9     The following Federal augmentation amounts or
    10  as much thereof as may be necessary are hereby
    11  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    12  of $66,948,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    13  revenues for the State Correctional Institutions:
    14     (1)  Law Enforcement Assistance - Improving
    15  and Strengthening Law Enforcement for Staff
    16  Development and Training, Treatment Program
    17  for Drug Abusers, Treatment Program for
    18  Psychiatrically Disturbed Inmates, for Physical
    19  Fitness Training through Boxing, for Inmate
    20  Data Bank Tracking System, for a Two-Way Radio
    21  System, for Assessment, Training or Assertive
    22  and Perspective Skills and the County Cor-
    23  rectional Statistics Program.....................        954,000
    24               To the Department of Military Affairs
    25     The following Federal augmentation amounts or
    26  as much thereof as may be necessary are hereby
    27  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    28  of $851,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    29  revenues for the Soldiers and Sailors Home:
    30     "Soldiers and Sailors Home" - To maintain and
    19760H2359B3827                 - 24 -

     1  operate a domiciliary and nursing unit for
     2  discharged, aged and indigent veterans of the
     3  U.S. Armed Services..............................        517,000
     4                To the Department of Public Welfare
     5     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     6  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     7  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     8  of $20,204,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
     9  revenues for general government operations:
    10     (1)  "Child Welfare Services" - For adminis-
    11  trative expenses incurred to establish, extend, and
    12  strengthen services provided by the Commonwealth
    13  and local Public Welfare Programs for development
    14  of preventive services, which will prevent the
    15  neglect, abuse, exploitation, or delinquency of
    16  children.........................................      1,649,000
    17     (2)  Child Abuse - Prevention and Treatment
    18  Act..............................................          5,000
    19     (3)  Public Assistance - Social Services Train-
    20  ing - To train Commonwealth personnel in support
    21  of Social Services provision......................       105,000
    22     (4)  Food Stamp Program - For administration
    23  of the Food Stamp Program........................        760,000
    24     (5)  Supplemental Security Income - For
    25  administrative expenses in providing the
    26  Supplemental Security Income Program.............        100,000
    27     (6)  Work Incentive Program - For adminis-
    28  trative expenses relating to the Work Incentive
    29  Program..........................................        200,000
    30     The following Federal Augmentation Amounts,
    19760H2359B3827                 - 25 -

     1  or as much thereof as may be necessary, are
     2  hereby specifically appropriated to supplement
     3  the sum of $450,000 appropriated from Common-
     4  wealth revenues for Internal Audit and Investiga-
     5  tion Unit:
     6     Medical Assistance - Internal Audit and
     7  Investigation....................................        192,000
     8     Public Assistance - Internal Audit and
     9  Investigation....................................         61,000
    10     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    11  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    12  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    13  of $23,237,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    14  revenues for youth development centers and
    15  forestry camps:
    16     "Law Enforcement Assistance - Improving
    17  and Strengthening Law Enforcement" - To provide
    18  for community group homes, youth development
    19  centers, and for treatment of juvenile offenders
    20  from adult correctional institutions.............      3,001,000
    21     (1)  "Medicare" - To provide Medicare services
    22  for eligible persons at State Medical and
    23  Surgical Hospitals...............................     17,682,000
    24     (2)  Medical Assistance Program - To provide
    25  medical assistance services for eligible persons
    26  at State Medical and Surgical Hospitals..........      5,417,000
    27     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    28  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    29  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    30  of $50,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    19760H2359B3827                 - 26 -

     1  revenues for training personnel - geriatric
     2  homes:
     3     "Medical Assistance - Training" - For medical
     4  assistance expenses in the training of personnel
     5  for geriatric homes..............................        100,000
     6     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     7  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     8  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     9  of $323,271,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    10  revenues for institutions for the mentally ill
    11  and mentally retarded:
    12     (1)  "Hospital Improvement Grants" - To provide
    13  funds to State mental hospitals for projects which
    14  will improve the quality of care, treatment, and
    15  rehabilitation of patients, encourage transition
    16  to open institutions, and develop relations with
    17  community programs for mental health.............        306,000
    18     (2)  "Medical Assistance Program" - To provide
    19  medical assistance services for eligible persons
    20  at State mental hospitals and State schools and
    21  hospitals........................................    118,400,000
    22     (3)  "Medicare" - To provide Medicare service
    23  to eligible persons at State hospitals and
    24  State schools and hospitals......................      3,415,000
    25     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    26  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    27  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    28  of $8,000,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    29  revenues for the Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric
    30  Institution:
    19760H2359B3827                 - 27 -

     1     Public Health Service Grant - To provide
     2  training in mental health center cost outcome
     3  information system...............................         20,000
     4     Federal Grant - Indirect Cost Reimbursement...        200,000
     5     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     6  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     7  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     8  of $502,600,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
     9  revenues for cash assistance:
    10     "Indo-Chinese Refugee Program" - To furnish
    11  temporary aid for refugees from Vietnam and
    12  Cambodia.........................................      1,800,000
    13     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    14  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    15  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    16  of $93,573,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    17  revenues for county administration.
    18     (1)  "Public Assistance - Social Services" -
    19  To provide social services to eligible persons...     23,342,000
    20     (2)  "Medical Assistance" - For administrative
    21  expenses in relation to the providing of medical
    22  assistance services..............................     16,024,000
    23     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    24  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    25  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    26  of $3,173,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    27  revenues for claims settlement:
    28     "Child Support Enforcement Program" - To
    29  identify, locate and require parents, voluntarily
    30  or through court action, to financially support
    19760H2359B3827                 - 28 -

     1  their children...................................      9,345,000
     2     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     3  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     4  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     5  of $286,816,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
     6  revenues for medical assistance:
     7     "Indo-Chinese Refuge Program" - To provide
     8  Medical Assistance Services to refugees
     9  from Vietnam and Cambodia........................        538,000
    10     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    11  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    12  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    13  of $8,058,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    14  revenues for services for the aging:
    15     (1)  "Special Programs for the Aging - State
    16  Agency Activities and Area Planning and Social
    17  Services Programs" - For support of programs for
    18  older persons through Statewide planning, area
    19  planning and social services.....................      5,072,000
    20     (2)  "Special Programs for the Aging - Nutri-
    21  tion" - To provide older citizens with low cost
    22  nutritious meals with appropriate supportive
    23  services, including health services, education
    24  and counseling, outreach socialization and
    25  recreation.......................................     14,293,000
    26     (3)  "Special Programs for the Aging -
    27  Training" - To support activities that attract
    28  qualified persons to the field of aging, and
    29  train persons employed or preparing for employ-
    30  ment in aging and related fields.................        393,000
    19760H2359B3827                 - 29 -

     1     (4)  "Public Assistance - Social Services -
     2  Training" - For training purposes in
     3  relationship to Aging programs for eligible
     4  persons..........................................        950,000
     5     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     6  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     7  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     8  of $32,689,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
     9  revenues for payments to counties for Child
    10  Welfare Programs:
    11     (1)  "Public Assistance - Maintenance Assistance"
    12  - To provide cash and emergency assistance to
    13  families with dependent children.................      7,145,000
    14     (2)  Indo-Chinese Refuge Program - To furnish
    15  temporary aid for refuges from Indo-China........        600,000
    16     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    17  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    18  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    19  of $18,500,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    20  revenues for Day Care:
    21     "Public Assistance - Social Services" -
    22  To provide social services to eligible persons...     41,723,000
    23     The following Federal Augmentation Amounts,
    24  or as much thereof as may be necessary, are
    25  hereby specifically appropriated to supplement
    26  the sum of $2,533,000 appropriated from
    27  Commonwealth Revenues for the Social Services
    28  Program.
    29     Public Assistance - Social Services - To provide
    30  social services to eligible persons...............     2,391,000
    19760H2359B3827                 - 30 -

     1     "Public Assistance - Social Services" - For
     2  the provision of social services program for
     3  eligible persons..................................    21,348,000
     4     "Public Assistance - Social Services -
     5  Training" - For training purposes in relation to
     6  social services programs for eligible persons.....       586,000
     7                To the Department of Transportation
     8     The following Federal augmentation amounts or
     9  as much thereof as may be necessary are hereby
    10  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    11  of $1,058,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    12  revenues for Mass Transit Operations:
    13     "Urban Mass Transportation Technical Studies
    14  Grants" - For support of planning and technical
    15  studies directed at development of a unified or
    16  officially coordinated Urban Transportation
    17  System...........................................        707,000
    18     The following Federal augmentation amounts or
    19  as much thereof as may be necessary are hereby
    20  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    21  of $1,200,000 appropriated from Commonwealth
    22  revenues for Intercity Rail Transportation:
    23     "Title IV Rail Assistance" - To be used to
    24  reimburse eight railroad companies or their
    25  successors for continuing freight operations on
    26  373 miles of railroad that would otherwise be
    27  abandoned........................................      8,000,000
    28                  V.  RESTRICTED RECEIPT ACCOUNTS
    29     The Secretary of the Budget may create the following
    30  restricted receipt accounts for the purpose of administering
    19760H2359B3827                 - 31 -

     1  Federal grants:
     2                         Governor's Office
     3     (1)  "Office of State Planning and Development - Western
     4  Pennsylvania Conservancy" - For deposit of private source funds
     5  and Federal funds received from the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
     6  and from a Federal Grant under the Housing Act of 1954. A
     7  disbursement will be made in the form of a grant to the Western
     8  Pennsylvania Conservancy.
     9     (2)  "Federal Grant - Economic Development Council" - For
    10  deposit of a Federal grant under the Housing Act of 1954 and the
    11  Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 to be conveyed to
    12  the Economic Development Council of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
    13     (3)  "Federal Grant - Comprehensive Employment and Training
    14  Act":
    15     Title 1 - Special grant.
    16     Title 2 - Public service employment programs - subgrants to
    17  prime sponsors.
    18     Title 3 - Specialized service to minorities.
    19     (4)  "Federal Grant - Office of State Planning and
    20  Development - Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission" -
    21  For a Federal planning grant to the Delaware Valley Regional
    22  Planning Commission. This restricted receipt will be a holding
    23  account until the grant is passed onto Delaware Valley Regional
    24  Planning Commission.
    25                      Department of Education
    26     (1)  "Gifts and Grants for Educational Research" for payment
    27  of Federal grants to State-owned colleges and universities for
    28  the conduct of educational research projects.
    29     (2)  "Higher Education Facilities Projects" for the purpose
    30  of constructing and equipping classroom facilities in the State-
    19760H2359B3827                 - 32 -

     1  owned colleges and universities.
     2     (3)  "ESEA Title V Part C - Aid to Local Educational
     3  Agencies" to provide technical training and assistance to
     4  improve planning skills in intermediate units and local school
     5  districts.
     6     (4)  "Library Services and Construction Act Title II -
     7  Library Construction" for matching payments to local libraries
     8  for construction of library facilities.
     9     (5)  "Manpower Development Training Grants" for the purpose
    10  of providing 90% of the training costs for unemployed and
    11  underemployed individuals seeking to improve their employable
    12  skills.
    13     (6)  "Area Redevelopment Act Training Grants" for payment of
    14  100% of training costs of unemployed individuals in Appalachian
    15  Counties with high unemployment rates.
    16     (7)  "NDEA Title III" - Reimbursement for Equipment - for
    17  reimbursement to school districts for the purchase of
    18  instructional equipment and materials to strengthen priority
    19  curriculum areas.
    20     (8)  "ESEA Title VI, Regional Resource Center" to stimulate
    21  the development of instructional media and support systems for
    22  handicapped learners and to provide education diagnosis and
    23  remediation programs for handicapped children.
    24     (9)  "Adult Indo-Chinese Refugee Education Program" to
    25  reimburse schools which have been providing English as a second
    26  language program for refugees and for State level special
    27  projects.
    28     (10)  "Higher Education Act of 1965; Community Services
    29  Program" for grants to universities assisting university
    30  communities in alleviating problems.
    19760H2359B3827                 - 33 -

     1     (11)  "Higher Education Act of 1965; Teachers Program" to
     2  provide financial support for the training or retraining of
     3  vocational education personnel.
     4                       Department of Justice
     5     (1)  "Federal Law Enforcement Assistance Grants" - For
     6  implementation of the State's comprehensive State-wide law
     7  enforcement improvement program involving: Improvement of police
     8  operations; improvement of the courts and corrections systems;
     9  crime prevention; reduction of organized crime; improvement of
    10  community relations; research; and prevention and control of
    11  juvenile delinquency. Except as specified in section 2 of the
    12  act of July 1, 1976 (No.17-A), known as the "Federal
    13  Augmentation Appropriation Act of 1976," all funds in this
    14  account shall be grants to units of municipalities and private
    15  agencies only.
    16               Department of Environmental Resources
    17     (1)  "Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund Act" - For
    18  deposit of Federal funds received from the Bureau of Outdoor
    19  Recreation for outdoor recreation.
    20                    Department of Transportation
    21     (1)  "Federal Grants - Capital Assistance Elderly and
    22  Handicapped Programs."
    23     (2)  "Rural Highway Public Demonstration Program - FHWA."
    24                       VI.  PUBLIC LAW 94-369
    25     The General Assembly hereby appropriates $16,060,000, or as
    26  much thereof as may be necessary, from the Federal Funds
    27  available in the General Fund for implementation of Title II,
    28  Public Law 94-369, known as the "Public Works Employment Act of
    29  1976" to the several hereinafter named agencies of the Executive
    30  Department of the Commonwealth for the payment of expenses of
    19760H2359B3827                 - 34 -

     1  implementing and carrying out the programs stated herein for the
     2  fiscal year beginning July 1, 1976:
     3                          To the Governor
     4     For the salaries, wages and all necessary
     5  expenses for the proper administration of the
     6  Human Relations Commission Program...............        120,000
     7     For the administration and operation of the
     8  Pennsylvania Commission for Women................         20,000
     9                   To the Department of Education
    10     To the State Public School Building Authority
    11  for the salaries, wages and expenses incurred in
    12  the proper administration of the authority,
    13  subject to the condition that the authority
    14  shall repay the amount appropriated within five
    15  years. The repayments shall be paid into the
    16  General Fund.....................................      1,200,000
    17               To the Department of General Services
    18     For salaries, wages and all necessary expenses
    19  for the proper administration of the Department
    20  of General Services including distribution of
    21  surplus State property, purchase, maintenance
    22  and disposition of State automotive equipment,
    23  standards and specifications of commodities
    24  for State agencies, purchase of commodities
    25  for State agencies, real estate and insurance,
    26  building, construction and engineering, mainten-
    27  ance and custody of State office buildings and
    28  grounds, general services, Federal surplus
    29  property, and distribution of Federal surplus
    30  commodities......................................      1,000,000
    19760H2359B3827                 - 35 -

     1                   To the Department of Insurance
     2     For the salaries, wages and all necessary
     3  expenses for the proper administration of the
     4  Department of Insurance including policyholder
     5  services and protection, regulation of rates and
     6  policies, liquidation of companies and regulation
     7  of companies.....................................         70,000
     8                    To the Department of Justice
     9     For the Bureau of Consumer Protection.........        300,000
    10     For the operation, maintenance and administra-
    11  tion of the State Correctional Institutions......        750,000
    12     For the operation, maintenance and administra-
    13  tion of the community service centers............        800,000
    14                To the Department of Public Welfare
    15     For the operation, maintenance and administra-
    16  tion of the State institutions for the mentally
    17  ill and the mentally retarded, except for the
    18  Southeastern State School and Hospital and the
    19  Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute.......      2,300,000
    20     For the Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric
    21  Institute........................................      1,800,000
    22     For the operation, maintenance and administra-
    23  tion of the State Restoration Centers............        250,000
    24     For the operation, maintenance and administra-
    25  tion of the State medical and surgical hospitals.        250,000
    26                    To the Department of Revenue
    27     For salaries, wages and all necessary expenses
    28  for the proper administration of the Department
    29  of Revenue including corporation taxes, county
    30  collection, cigarette and beverage taxes,
    19760H2359B3827                 - 36 -

     1  education tax administration, and administration
     2  of the personal income tax.......................        250,000
     3                To the Department of Transportation
     4     For transfer to the Motor License Fund and
     5  specifically appropriated therefrom for the
     6  specific purpose of highway maintenance and
     7  snow removal.....................................      6,450,000
     8                  To the Pennsylvania State Police
     9     For the salaries, wages and all necessary
    10  expenses for the organization and operation of a
    11  new cadet class for the Pennsylvania State Police
    12  beginning in January of 1977.....................        500,000
    13     All Title II Federal funds expended by the several State
    14  agencies named herein, or by any political subdivision,
    15  organization or other agency receiving such moneys from the
    16  State agencies named herein shall be spent only in accordance
    17  with rules and regulations regarding the expenditure of funds
    18  made available under Public Law 94-369, entitled the "Public
    19  Works Employment Act of 1976."
    20     Section 3.  (a)  Except as provided in subsection (b) that
    21  part of all appropriations in this act unexpended, uncommitted
    22  and unencumbered as of June 30, 1977 shall automatically lapse
    23  as of that date.
    24     (b)  The appropriation to the Department of Community Affairs
    25  for housing and redevelopment assistance and the appropriations
    26  to the Legislative Department shall be continuing
    27  appropriations.
    28     Section 4.  It is the intent of the General Assembly that any
    29  appropriation under the provisions of this act which is the same
    30  or similar to an appropriation under the act of June 4, 1976
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     1  (No.7-A), entitled "An act to provide for the expenses of the
     2  Executive, Legislative and Judicial Departments of the
     3  Commonwealth, the public debt and for the public schools for the
     4  fiscal period July 1, 1976 to June 30, 1977, and for the payment
     5  of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the
     6  fiscal period ending June 30, 1976," or the act of July 1, 1976
     7  (No.17-A), entitled "An act appropriating the Federal
     8  augmentation to the Executive and Judicial Departments of the
     9  Commonwealth for the fiscal period July 1, 1976 to June 30,
    10  1977," shall replace such appropriation.
    11     Section 5.  (a)  The act of June 4, 1976 (No.7-A), known as
    12  the "General Appropriation Act of 1976," is repealed insofar as
    13  it is inconsistent herewith.
    14     (b)  The act of July 1, 1976 (No.17-A), known as the "Federal
    15  Augmentation Appropriation Act of 1976," is repealed insofar as
    16  it is inconsistent herewith.
    17     Section 6.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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