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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3314



No. 2360 Session of 2004

           TIGUE AND DALEY, FEBRUARY 10, 2004

           FEBRUARY 10, 2004

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of November 6, 1987 (P.L.381, No.79), entitled
     2     "An act relating to the protection of the abused, neglected,
     3     exploited or abandoned elderly; establishing a uniform
     4     Statewide reporting and investigative system for suspected
     5     abuse, neglect, exploitation or abandonment of the elderly;
     6     providing protective services; providing for funding; and
     7     making repeals," further providing for criminal history for
     8     employees; establishing the State Board of Long-Term Care
     9     Employment Review in the Bureau of Professional and
    10     Occupational Affairs; and making a related repeal.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Chapter 5 of the act of November 6, 1987
    14  (P.L.381, No.79), known as the Older Adults Protective Services
    15  Act, is repealed.
    16     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a chapter to read:
    17                             CHAPTER 5
    18                   CRIMINAL HISTORY FOR EMPLOYEES
    19  Section 501.  Definitions.

     1     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
     2  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     3  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     4     "Applicant."  An individual who submits an application, which
     5  is being considered for employment, to a facility.
     6     "Board."  The State Board of Long-Term Care Employment Review
     7  established in section 504.
     8     "Certificate."  A certificate of employment provided by the
     9  State Board of Long-Term Care Employment Review under section
    10  504 to an individual who has been precluded from employment by a
    11  facility under section 503.
    12     "Proof of release from incarceration."  Reliable information
    13  concerning the completion of the individual's incarceration.
    14     "State Police."  The Pennsylvania State Police.
    15  Section 502.  Information relating to prospective facility
    16                 personnel.
    17     (a)  General rule.--A facility shall require all applicants
    18  to submit with their applications, and shall require all
    19  administrators and any operators who have or may have direct
    20  contact with a recipient to submit, the following information
    21  obtained within the preceding one-year period:
    22         (1)  Pursuant to 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 91 (relating to criminal
    23     history record information), a report of criminal history
    24     record information from the State Police or a statement from
    25     the State Police that central repository of the State Police
    26     contains no such information relating to that individual. The
    27     criminal history record information shall be limited to that
    28     which is disseminated pursuant to 18 Pa.C.S. § 9121(b)(2)
    29     (relating to general regulations).
    30         (2)  Where the applicant is not and for the two years
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     1     immediately preceding the date of application has not been a
     2     resident of this Commonwealth, a report of Federal criminal
     3     history record information pursuant to the Federal Bureau of
     4     Investigation's appropriation under the Departments of State,
     5     Justice, and Commerce, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies
     6     Appropriation Act, 1973 (Public Law 92-544, 86 Stat. 1109).
     7     The applicant must submit the report with the applicant's
     8     application for employment. The department shall be the
     9     intermediary for the purposes of this paragraph. For the
    10     purposes of this paragraph, the applicant shall submit a full
    11     set of fingerprints to the State Police, which shall forward
    12     them to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a national
    13     criminal history record check. The information obtained from
    14     the criminal record check shall be used by the department to
    15     determine the applicant's eligibility. The determination
    16     shall be submitted to the administrator by the applicant
    17     prior to commencing employment. The administrator shall
    18     insure confidentiality of the information.
    19     (b)  Fees.--The State Police may charge the applicant a fee
    20  of not more than $10 to conduct the criminal record check
    21  required under subsection (a)(1). The State Police may charge a
    22  fee of not more than the established charge by the Federal
    23  Bureau of Investigation for the criminal history record check
    24  required under subsection (a)(2). The State Police shall develop
    25  a billing system to allow facilities and administrators to
    26  assume responsibility for the fee under this subsection. The
    27  State Police shall allow facilities or administrators to
    28  establish an account for quarterly payment.
    29  Section 503.  Grounds for denying employment.
    30     (a)  Lifetime disqualification.--Except as provided in
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     1  sections 504 and 507, a facility may not hire an applicant or
     2  retain an employee required to submit information pursuant to
     3  section 502(a) if the applicant's or employee's criminal history
     4  record information indicates the applicant or employee has been
     5  convicted of any of the following offenses:
     6         (1)  An offense under one or more of the following
     7     provisions of 18 Pa.C.S. (relating to crimes and offenses):
     8             Chapter 25 (relating to criminal homicide).
     9             Section 2713 (relating to neglect of care-dependent
    10         person).
    11             Section 2901 (relating to kidnapping).
    12             Section 3121 (relating to rape).
    13             Section 3122.1 (relating to statutory sexual
    14         assault).
    15             Section 3123 (relating to involuntary deviate sexual
    16         intercourse).
    17             Section 3124.1 (relating to sexual assault).
    18             Section 3124.2 (relating to institutional sexual
    19         assault).
    20             Section 3125 (relating to aggravated indecent
    21         assault).
    22             Section 3126 (relating to indecent assault).
    23             Section 4302 (relating to incest).
    24             Section 4303 (relating to concealing death of child).
    25             Section 6312 (relating to sexual abuse of children).
    26         (2)  A Federal or out-of-State offense or offenses
    27     similar in nature to those crimes listed in paragraph (1).
    28     (b)  Ten-year disqualifications.--Except as provided in
    29  sections 504 and 507, a facility may not hire an applicant or
    30  retain an employee required to submit information pursuant to
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     1  section 502(a) if the applicant's or employee's criminal history
     2  record information indicates the applicant or employee has been
     3  convicted or released from incarceration, whichever is later,
     4  within ten years immediately preceding the date of the report
     5  required by section 502(a) of any of the following offenses:
     6         (1)  An offense designated as a felony under the act of
     7     April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The Controlled
     8     Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act.
     9         (2)  An offense under one or more of the following
    10     provisions of 18 Pa.C.S.:
    11             Section 2702 (relating to aggravated assault).
    12             Section 2902 (relating to unlawful restraint).
    13             Section 3127 (relating to indecent exposure).
    14             Section 3301 (relating to arson and related
    15         offenses).
    16             Section 3502 (relating to burglary).
    17             Section 3701 (relating to robbery).
    18             A felony offense under Chapter 39 (relating to theft
    19         and related offenses).
    20             Section 4101 (relating to forgery).
    21             Section 4114 (relating to securing execution of
    22         documents by deception).
    23             Section 4952 (relating to intimidation of witnesses
    24         or victims).
    25             Section 4953 (relating to retaliation against
    26         witness, victim or party).
    27             A felony offense under section 5902(b) (relating to
    28         prostitution and related offenses).
    29             Section 5903(c) or (d) (relating to obscene and other
    30         sexual materials and performances).
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     1         (3)  Two or more misdemeanors under the following
     2     provisions of 18 Pa.C.S.:
     3             Section 3921 (relating to theft by unlawful taking or
     4         disposition).
     5             Section 3922 (relating to theft by deception).
     6             Section 3923 (relating to theft by extortion).
     7             Section 3924 (relating to theft of property lost,
     8         mislaid, or delivered by mistake).
     9             Section 3925 (relating to receiving stolen property).
    10             Section 3927 (relating to theft by failure to make
    11         required disposition of funds received).
    12             Section 3929 (relating to retail theft).
    13         (4)  A Federal or out-of-State offense or offenses
    14     similar in nature to those crimes listed under paragraphs
    15     (1), (2) and (3).
    16     (c)  Use of information.--Whenever a facility is in receipt
    17  of information which is part of an individual's criminal history
    18  record information file and where the individual is not barred
    19  from employment under this act, the facility may use felony and
    20  misdemeanor conviction for the purposes of deciding whether or
    21  not to hire the applicant only in accordance with 18 Pa.C.S. §
    22  9125 (relating to use of records for employment) and shall
    23  provide the applicant notice regarding a decision not to hire as
    24  provided in 18 Pa.C.S. § 9125(c).
    25  Section 504.  Certificate of employability.
    26     (a)  General rule.--An individual who would otherwise be
    27  precluded from employment by a facility under section 503(a) or
    28  (b) may apply to the board for a certificate of employment. A
    29  certificate of employment granted by the board is applicable for
    30  any facility subject to this act.
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     1     (b)  Board established.--
     2         (1)  The State Board of Long-Term Care Employment Review
     3     is hereby established in the Bureau of Professional and
     4     Occupational Affairs within the Department of State. The
     5     board shall consist of the following members:
     6             (i)  The Commissioner of Professional and
     7         Occupational Affairs.
     8             (ii)  Three members appointed by the Governor, each
     9         chosen upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Aging,
    10         the Secretary of Health and the Secretary of Public
    11         Welfare, which members shall have a background in long-
    12         term care.
    13             (iii)  Five members appointed in the following
    14         manner:
    15                 (A)  One member appointed by the President pro
    16             tempore of the Senate.
    17                 (B)  One member appointed by the Minority Leader
    18             of the Senate.
    19                 (C)  One member appointed by the Speaker of the
    20             House of Representatives.
    21                 (D)  One member appointed by the Minority Leader
    22             of the House of Representatives.
    23                 (E)  One member appointed by the Governor.
    24         (2)  Members appointed by the legislative officers shall
    25     include:
    26             (i)  An individual affiliated with a union that
    27         represents employees of facilities.
    28             (ii)  An individual affiliated with a facility or an
    29         organization that represents facilities, such as a trade
    30         association.
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     1             (iii)  A criminologist.
     2             (iv)  An individual who is a member in good standing
     3         of the Pennsylvania Bar.
     4         (3)  The member appointed by the Governor must be an
     5     ombudsman or other advocate for care-dependent individuals.
     6     (c)  Board organization.--
     7         (1)  The terms of the members of the board shall be six
     8     years or until a successor has been appointed and qualified
     9     but not longer than six months beyond the six-year period. In
    10     the event that any board member dies or resigns or otherwise
    11     becomes disqualified during a term, a successor shall be
    12     appointed in the same way and with the same qualifications
    13     and shall hold office for the unexpired term. No member shall
    14     be eligible for appointment to serve more than two
    15     consecutive terms.
    16         (2)  A majority of the members of the board serving in
    17     accordance with law shall constitute a quorum. A member may
    18     not be counted as part of a quorum or vote on any issue,
    19     unless the member is physically in attendance at the meeting.
    20         (3)  The board shall select annually a chairperson from
    21     among its members. The board shall select an executive
    22     secretary who, with the approval of the Commissioner of
    23     Professional and Occupational Affairs, need not be a member
    24     of the board.
    25         (4)  Each member of the board, except the commissioner,
    26     shall receive $60 per diem when actually attending to the
    27     work of the board. Members shall also receive the amount of
    28     reasonable traveling, hotel and other necessary expenses
    29     incurred in the performance of their duties in accordance
    30     with Commonwealth regulations.
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     1         (5)  A member of the board who fails to attend three
     2     consecutive meetings shall forfeit the member's seat unless
     3     the commissioner, upon written request from the member, finds
     4     that the member should be excused from a meeting because of
     5     illness, death of a family member or other good cause.
     6         (6)  The board shall meet at least once every two months
     7     and at such additional times as may be necessary to conduct
     8     the business of the board.
     9         (7)  The board shall have the right and duty to establish
    10     rules and regulations for the review of applications for a
    11     certificate consistent with the guidelines established under
    12     this section. Copies of the rules and regulations shall be
    13     available for distribution to the public.
    14     (d)  Hearing.--The board shall conduct a hearing on any
    15  application filed by an individual who would otherwise be
    16  precluded from employment under section 503 and determine
    17  whether the individual demonstrates rehabilitation or whether
    18  the nature of the individual's offense is unrelated to the
    19  individual's suitability for employment in a facility.
    20     (e)  Factors.--
    21         (1)  In making a determination to issue a certificate,
    22     the board shall consider the following factors:
    23             (i)  Proof of release from incarceration and the
    24         amount of time that has elapsed since the last
    25         conviction.
    26             (ii)  The length and stability of the individual's
    27         employment history, particularly in the field in which
    28         the individual is seeking work.
    29             (iii)  The stability of the individual's family.
    30             (iv)  The circumstances of the crime for which the
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     1         individual was convicted and the nature of the
     2         convictions.
     3             (v)  If the crime was related to drug use, whether
     4         the individual has undergone drug treatment and is
     5         maintaining recovery and the length of time the
     6         individual has been in recovery.
     7             (vi)  The individual's age.
     8             (vii)  Other evidence of post-conviction
     9         rehabilitation, such as history of community service and
    10         character references.
    11             (viii)  Other information as the board deems
    12         appropriate.
    13         (2)  In addition to evidence submitted by the individual
    14     applying for a certificate, the board may consider testimony,
    15     letters or recommendations from:
    16             (i)  Licensed professionals.
    17             (ii)  Members of the community.
    18             (iii)  Public officials.
    19             (iv)  Former employers.
    20             (v)  An employer wishing to hire the individual.
    21             (vi)  Others with knowledge of the individual or
    22         other evidence relevant to the application.
    23         (3)  Paragraph (2) is not an exclusive list of persons
    24     from whom submissions can be received, nor are such
    25     submissions required.
    26     (f)  Standard of proof.--The individual applying for a
    27  certificate must prove the individual's fitness to work in a
    28  facility by a preponderance of the evidence.
    29     (g)  Determinations by board.--The board must resolve an
    30  application for a certificate within 30 days of a hearing,
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     1  unless the individual applying for the certificate requests
     2  additional time to present evidence, in which case the board
     3  shall resolve the request within 30 days of the last submission.
     4  The issuance of a certificate permits an individual to seek and
     5  possibly obtain employment within a facility subject to this
     6  act, but does not guarantee that a facility will offer a
     7  position of employment to the individual. Each determination
     8  made by the board shall be communicated to the department.
     9     (h)  Immunity.--An administrator or a facility shall not be
    10  held civilly liable for any action directly related to good
    11  faith compliance with this section.
    12     (i)  Fees.--No application for a certificate shall be
    13  considered unless accompanied by a fee of no more than $25. All
    14  fees imposed in accordance with this act shall be paid into the
    15  Professional Licensure Augmentation Account.
    16  Section 505.  Regulations.
    17     Except for rules and regulations required under section 504,
    18  the Department of Aging, in consultation with the Department of
    19  Health and the Department of Public Welfare, shall promulgate
    20  the regulations necessary to carry out this chapter.
    21  Section 506.  Violations.
    22     (a)  Administrative.--
    23         (1)  An administrator who intentionally or willfully
    24     fails to comply or obstructs compliance with this chapter
    25     commits a violation of this chapter and shall be subject to
    26     an administrative penalty under paragraph (3).
    27         (2)  A facility owner that intentionally or willfully
    28     fails to comply or obstructs compliance with this chapter
    29     commits a violation of this chapter and shall be subject to
    30     an administrative penalty under paragraph (3).
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     1         (3)  The Commonwealth agency or Commonwealth agencies
     2     which license the facility have jurisdiction to determine
     3     violations of this chapter and may issue an order assessing a
     4     civil penalty of not more than $2,500. An order under this
     5     paragraph is subject to 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to
     6     practice and procedure of Commonwealth agencies) and Ch. 7
     7     Subch. A (relating to judicial review of Commonwealth agency
     8     action).
     9     (b)  Criminal.--
    10         (1)  An administrator who intentionally or willfully
    11     fails to comply or obstructs compliance with this chapter
    12     commits a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall, upon
    13     conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $2,500 or to
    14     imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.
    15         (2)  A facility owner that intentionally or willfully
    16     fails to comply or obstructs compliance with this chapter
    17     commits a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall, upon
    18     conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $2,500 or to
    19     imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.
    20  Section 507.  Provisional employees for limited periods.
    21     Notwithstanding section 502, administrators may employ
    22  applicants on a provisional basis for a single period not to
    23  exceed 30 days or, for applicants under section 502(a)(2), a
    24  period of 90 days, if all of the following conditions are met:
    25         (1)  The applicant has applied for the information
    26     required under section 502(a) and the applicant provides a
    27     copy of the appropriate completed request forms to the
    28     administrator.
    29         (2)  The administrator has no knowledge of information
    30     pertaining to the applicant which would disqualify him from
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     1     employment pursuant to section 503, subject to 18 Pa.C.S. §
     2     4911 (relating to tampering with public records or
     3     information).
     4         (3)  The applicant swears or affirms in writing that he
     5     is not disqualified from employment under section 503.
     6         (4)  If the information obtained under section 502(a)
     7     reveals that the applicant is disqualified from employment
     8     under section 503, and the applicant seeks to apply for a
     9     certificate pursuant to section 504, the applicant shall be
    10     placed on suspension until such time as the certificate is
    11     issued.
    12         (5)  If an individual fails to file an application for a
    13     certificate within 60 days of being suspended by a facility
    14     receiving the information under section 502(a), the
    15     individual shall be dismissed by the administrator of the
    16     facility.
    17         (6)  If the board denies an application for a
    18     certificate, the individual shall be immediately dismissed by
    19     the administrator of the facility.
    20         (7)  At no time may an individual be dismissed from
    21     employment while an application is pending before the board
    22     and before a final determination of that application is made
    23     by the board.
    24         (8)  After an individual is granted a certificate under
    25     section 504, a facility shall not be permitted to use the
    26     criminal background information obtained under section 502(a)
    27     as the sole reason for a dismissal.
    28         (9)  If the board issues a certificate, an individual may
    29     work in facilities subject to this act so long as the
    30     individual is not convicted of a subsequent crime specified
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     1     in section 503(a) or (b).
     2         (10)  If an application for a certificate is denied, an
     3     individual may file another application for a certificate one
     4     year from the date of the board's written denial statement.
     5         (11)  The department shall develop guidelines regarding
     6     the supervision of applicants issued a certificate. For a
     7     home health care agency, supervision shall include random
     8     direct supervision by an employee who has been employed by
     9     the facility for a period of one year.
    10  Section 508.  State Police.
    11     No later than one year following the effective date of this
    12  section, the State Police and the department shall report to the
    13  Aging and Youth Committee of the Senate and the Aging and Older
    14  Adult Services Committee of the House of Representatives with
    15  their findings and recommendations regarding the implementation
    16  of this chapter.
    17  Section 509.  Applicability to current employees.
    18     An employee who has not provided the facility where the
    19  employee is employed with the information described in section
    20  502(a) since July 1, 1998, shall comply with section 502(a)
    21  within one year of the effective date of this section.
    22     Section 3.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    23         (1)  The addition of section 504 of the act shall take
    24     effect in 60 days.
    25         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect
    26     immediately.

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