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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 3302                      PRINTER'S NO. 3422



No. 2363 Session of 2002


           AS AMENDED, MARCH 13, 2002

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties," further providing for the definition of
    11     "maintaining a place of business in this Commonwealth," for
    12     collection of tax and for seizure of property.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  Section 201(b) of the act of March 4, 1971
    16  (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, amended
    17  August 4, 1991 (P.L.97, No.22) and June 30, 1995 (P.L.139,
    18  No.21), is amended to read:
    19     Section 201.  Definitions.--The following words, terms and
    20  phrases when used in this Article II shall have the meaning

     1  ascribed to them in this section, except where the context
     2  clearly indicates a different meaning:
     3     * * *
     4     (b)  "Maintaining a place of business in this Commonwealth."
     5     (1)  Having [or], maintaining or using within this
     6  Commonwealth, directly or by [a] an agent or subsidiary, an
     7  office, distribution house, sales house, warehouse, service
     8  enterprise or other place of business, or any agent of general
     9  or restricted authority irrespective of whether the place of
    10  business or agent is located here permanently or temporarily or
    11  whether the person or subsidiary maintaining such place of
    12  business or agent is authorized to do business within this
    13  Commonwealth; or
    14     (2)  The engaging in any activity as a business within this
    15  Commonwealth by any person, directly or by [a] an agent or
    16  subsidiary, in connection with the lease, sale or delivery of
    17  tangible personal property or the performance of services
    18  thereon for use, storage or consumption or in connection with
    19  the sale or delivery for use of the services described in
    20  subclauses (11) through (18) of clause (k) of this section,
    21  including, but not limited to, having, maintaining or using any
    22  office, distribution house, sales house, warehouse or other
    23  place of business, any stock of goods or any solicitor,
    24  canvasser, salesman, agent or representative under its
    25  authority, at its direction or with its permission, regardless
    26  of whether the person or subsidiary is authorized to do business
    27  in this Commonwealth.
    28     (3)  Regularly or substantially soliciting orders within this
    29  Commonwealth in connection with the lease, sale or delivery of
    30  tangible personal property to or the performance thereon of
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     1  services or in connection with the sale or delivery of the
     2  services described in subclauses (11) through (18) of clause (k)
     3  of this section for residents of this Commonwealth by means of
     4  catalogues or other advertising, whether such orders are
     5  accepted within or without this Commonwealth.
     6     (3.1)  The entering of this Commonwealth on a regular basis
     7  by any person to provide assembly, service or repair for
     8  tangible personal property, either directly or indirectly
     9  through an agent, subsidiary or any person delivering tangible    <--
    10  personal property on behalf of such person. OR SUBSIDIARY.        <--
    11     (3.2)  Delivering furniture TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY to      <--
    12  residences, places of business or other locations within this
    13  Commonwealth on a regular basis when such delivery also includes
    14  the unpacking or assembling of such furniture TANGIBLE PERSONAL   <--
    15  PROPERTY.
    16     (3.3)  Having any other contact with this Commonwealth that
    17  would allow the Commonwealth to require a person to collect and
    18  remit tax under the Constitution of the United States.
    19     (4)  The term "maintaining a place of business in this
    20  Commonwealth" shall not include:
    21     (i)  Owning or leasing of tangible or intangible property by
    22  a person who has contracted with an unaffiliated commercial
    23  printer for printing, provided that:
    24     (A)  the property is for use by the commercial printer; and
    25     (B)  the property is located at the Pennsylvania premises of
    26  the commercial printer.
    27     (ii)  Visits by a person's employes or agents to the premises
    28  in this Commonwealth of an unaffiliated commercial printer with
    29  whom the person has contracted for printing in connection with
    30  said contract.
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     1     * * *
     2     Section 2.  Section 237(b) of the act, amended December 28,
     3  1972 (P.L.1633, No.340) and May 24, 2000 (P.L.106, No.23), is
     4  amended to read:
     5     Section 237.  Collection of Tax.--* * *
     6     (b)  Collection by Persons Maintaining a Place of Business in
     7  the Commonwealth. (1)  Every person maintaining a place of
     8  business in this Commonwealth and selling or leasing tangible
     9  personal property or services, the sale or use of which is
    10  subject to tax shall collect the tax from the purchaser or
    11  lessee at the time of making the sale or lease, and shall remit
    12  the tax to the department, unless such collection and remittance
    13  is otherwise provided for in this article.
    14     (1.1)  Every person maintaining a place of business in this
    15  Commonwealth who delivers furniture TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY    <--
    16  to a location within this Commonwealth and also unpacks or
    17  assembles such furniture TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY shall         <--
    18  collect the tax from the purchaser at the time of delivery, and
    19  shall remit the tax to the department: Provided, however, That
    20  this collection obligation shall apply only if the person
    21  delivering the furniture TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY is            <--
    22  responsible for collecting all or any portion of the purchase
    23  price on behalf of the seller and such person has not obtained
    24  from the seller a certification that the tax due under this
    25  article has been or will be collected by the seller or that the
    26  purchaser has provided the seller with a valid exemption
    27  certificate. Every person required to collect tax under this
    28  subclause shall be deemed to be selling or leasing services or
    29  tangible personal property, the sale or use of which is subject
    30  to tax, for purposes of this article.
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     1     (2)  Any person required under this article to collect tax
     2  from another person, who shall fail to collect the proper amount
     3  of such tax, shall be liable for the full amount of the tax
     4  which he should have collected.
     5     * * *
     6     Section 3.  Section 248.3 of the act, added December 22, 1983
     7  (P.L.300, No.82), is amended by adding a subsection to read:
     8     Section 248.3.  Seizure of Property.--(a)  If a transient
     9  vendor conducting business within the Commonwealth fails to
    10  exhibit a valid certificate upon demand by authorized employes
    11  of the department, those authorized employes shall have the
    12  authority to seize, without warrant, the tangible personal
    13  property and the automobile, truck or other means of
    14  transportation used to transport or carry that property. All
    15  property seized shall be deemed contraband and shall be subject
    16  to immediate forfeiture proceedings instituted by the department
    17  pursuant to procedures adopted by regulation, except as
    18  otherwise provided by this section.
    19     (b)  Property seized pursuant to subsection (a) shall be
    20  released upon:
    21     (1)  Presentation of a valid certificate to authorized
    22  employes of the department; or
    23     (2)  Registration by the transient vendor with the department
    24  and the posting of a bond in the amount of five hundred dollars
    25  ($500), either immediately or within fifteen days after the
    26  property is seized.
    27     (c)  If a person required to collect tax under section
    28  237(b)(1.1) fails to provide a valid sales tax license number
    29  upon demand by authorized employes of the department, the
    30  employes shall have the authority to seize, without warrant,
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     1  such person's truck or other means of transportation used to
     2  transport or carry TANGIBLE PERSONAL property delivered to any    <--
     3  location within this Commonwealth. All property seized pursuant
     4  to this subsection shall be deemed contraband and shall be
     5  subject to immediate forfeiture proceedings instituted by the
     6  department pursuant to the procedures adopted by regulation for
     7  the forfeiture of property seized from transient vendors, except
     8  that property seized pursuant to this subsection shall be
     9  released upon presentation to authorized employes of the
    10  department, within twenty days after the property is seized, of
    11  satisfactory proof that a sales tax license number has been
    12  obtained or applied for and that all delinquent tax returns, if
    13  any, have been filed with the department and all tax reported on
    14  such returns has been paid.
    15     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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