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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3304



No. 2365 Session of 2002

           FEBRUARY 12, 2002


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 2, 1915 (P.L.736, No.338), entitled, as
     2     reenacted and amended, "An act defining the liability of an
     3     employer to pay damages for injuries received by an employe
     4     in the course of employment; establishing an elective
     5     schedule of compensation; providing procedure for the
     6     determination of liability and compensation thereunder; and
     7     prescribing penalties," further providing for the payment of
     8     compensation to widows, widowers and children.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Section 307 of the act of June 2, 1915 (P.L.736,
    12  No.338), known as the Workers' Compensation Act, reenacted and
    13  amended June 21, 1939 (P.L.520, No.281) and amended July 2, 1993
    14  (P.L.190, No.44), is amended to read:
    15     Section 307.  In case of death, compensation shall be
    16  computed on the following basis, and distributed to the
    17  following persons: Provided, That in no case shall the wages of
    18  the deceased be taken to be less than fifty per centum of the
    19  Statewide average weekly wage for purposes of this section:

     1     [1.] (1)  If there be no widow nor widower entitled to
     2  compensation, compensation shall be paid to the guardian of the
     3  child or children, or, if there be no guardian, to such other
     4  persons as may be designated by the board as hereinafter
     5  provided as follows:
     6     (a)  If there be one child, thirty-two per centum of wages of
     7  deceased, but not in excess of the Statewide average weekly
     8  wage.
     9     (b)  If there be two children, forty-two per centum of wages
    10  of deceased, but not in excess of the Statewide average weekly
    11  wage.
    12     (c)  If there be three children, fifty-two per centum of
    13  wages of deceased, but not in excess of the Statewide average
    14  weekly wage.
    15     (d)  If there be four children, sixty-two per centum of wages
    16  of deceased, but not in excess of the Statewide average weekly
    17  wage.
    18     (e)  If there be five children, sixty-four per centum of
    19  wages of deceased, but not in excess of the Statewide average
    20  weekly wage.
    21     (f)  If there be six or more children, sixty-six and two-
    22  thirds per centum of wages of deceased, but not in excess of the
    23  Statewide average weekly wage.
    24  The amounts payable under clauses (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f)
    25  shall be divided equally among the children if those children
    26  are with different guardians.
    27     [2.] (2)  To the widow or widower, if there be no children,
    28  fifty-one per centum of wages, but not in excess of the
    29  Statewide average weekly wage.
    30     [3.  To the widow or widower, if there be one child, sixty
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     1  per centum of wages, but not in excess of the Statewide average
     2  weekly wage.
     3     4.  To the widow or widower, if there be two children, sixty-
     4  six and two-thirds per centum of wages but not in excess of the
     5  Statewide average weekly wage.
     6     4 1/2.  To the widow or widower, if there be three or more
     7  children, sixty-six and two thirds per centum of wages, but not
     8  in excess of the Statewide average weekly wage.
     9     5.]  (3)  To the widow or widower who is a custodial parent:
    10     (a)  If there is one child, sixty per centum of wages, but
    11  not in excess of the Statewide average weekly wage.
    12     (b)  If there are two or more children, sixty-six and two-
    13  thirds per centum of wages, but not in excess of the Statewide
    14  average weekly wage.
    15     (4)  To the widow or widower who is a non-custodial parent:
    16     (a)  If there is one child, sixty per centum of wages, but
    17  not in excess of the Statewide average weekly wage to be divided
    18  equally between the widow or widower and the child.
    19     (b)  If there are two or more children, sixty-six and two-
    20  thirds per centum of wages, but not in excess of the Statewide
    21  average weekly wage to be divided equally between the widow or
    22  widower and the children.
    23     (5)  If there be neither widow, widower, nor children
    24  entitled to compensation, then to the father or mother, if
    25  dependent to any extent upon the employe at the time of the
    26  injury, thirty-two per centum of wages but not in excess of the
    27  Statewide average weekly wage: Provided, however, That in the
    28  case of a minor child who has been contributing to his parents,
    29  the dependency of said parents shall be presumed: And provided
    30  further, That if the father or mother was totally dependent upon
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     1  the deceased employe at the time of the injury, the compensation
     2  payable to such father or mother shall be fifty-two per centum
     3  of wages, but not in excess of the Statewide average weekly
     4  wage.
     5     [6.] (6)  If there be neither widow, widower, children, nor
     6  dependent parent, entitled to compensation, then to the brothers
     7  and sisters, if actually dependent upon the decedent for support
     8  at the time of his death, twenty-two per centum of wages for one
     9  brother or sister, and five per centum additional for each
    10  additional brother or sister, with a maximum of thirty-two per
    11  centum of wages of deceased, but not in excess of the Statewide
    12  average wage, such compensation to be paid to their guardian, or
    13  if there be no guardian, to such other person as may be
    14  designated by the board, as hereinafter provided.
    15     [7.] (7)  Whether or not there be dependents as aforesaid,
    16  the reasonable expense of burial, not exceeding three thousand
    17  dollars ($3,000), which shall be paid by the employer or insurer
    18  directly to the undertaker (without deduction of any amounts
    19  theretofore paid for compensation or for medical expenses).
    20     Compensation shall be payable under this section to or on
    21  account of any child, brother, or sister, only if and while such
    22  child, brother, or sister, is under the age of eighteen unless
    23  such child, brother or sister is dependent because of disability
    24  when compensation shall continue or be paid during such
    25  disability of a child, brother or sister over eighteen years of
    26  age or unless such child is enrolled as a full-time student in
    27  any accredited educational institution when compensation shall
    28  continue until such student becomes twenty-three. No
    29  compensation shall be payable under this section to a widow,
    30  unless she was living with her deceased husband at the time of
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     1  his death, or was then actually dependent upon him and receiving
     2  from him a substantial portion of her support. No compensation
     3  shall be payable under this section to a widower, unless he be
     4  incapable of self-support at the time of his wife's death and be
     5  at such time dependent upon her for support. If members of
     6  decedent's household at the time of his death, the terms "child"
     7  and "children" shall include step-children, adopted children and
     8  children to whom he stood in loco parentis, and children of the
     9  deceased and shall include posthumous children. Should any
    10  dependent of a deceased employe die or remarry, or should the
    11  widower become capable of self-support, the right of such
    12  dependent or widower to compensation under this section shall
    13  cease except that if a widow remarries, she shall receive one
    14  hundred four weeks compensation at a rate computed in accordance
    15  with clause 2. of section 307 in a lump sum after which
    16  compensation shall cease: Provided, however, That if, upon
    17  investigation and hearing, it shall be ascertained that the
    18  widow or widower is living with a man or woman, as the case may
    19  be, in meretricious relationship and not married, or the widow
    20  living a life of prostitution, the board may order the
    21  termination of compensation payable to such widow or widower. If
    22  the compensation payable under this section to any person shall,
    23  for any cause, cease, the compensation to the remaining persons
    24  entitled thereunder shall thereafter be the same as would have
    25  been payable to them had they been the only persons entitled to
    26  compensation at the time of the death of the deceased.
    27     The board may, if the best interest of a child or children
    28  shall so require, at any time order and direct the compensation
    29  payable to a child or children, or to a widow or widower on
    30  account of any child or children, to be paid to the guardian of
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     1  such child or children, or, if there be no guardian, to such
     2  other person as the board as hereinafter provided may direct. If
     3  there be no guardian or committee of any minor, dependent, or
     4  insane employe, or dependent, on whose account compensation is
     5  payable, the amount payable on account of such minor, dependent,
     6  or insane employe, or dependent may be paid to any surviving
     7  parent, or such other person as the board may order and direct,
     8  and the board may require any person, other than a guardian or
     9  committee, to whom it has directed compensation for a minor,
    10  dependent, or insane employe, or dependent to be paid, to
    11  render, as and when it shall so order, accounts of the receipts
    12  and disbursements of such person, and to file with it a
    13  satisfactory bond in a sum sufficient to secure the proper
    14  application of the moneys received by such person.
    15     Section 2.  This act shall apply to all claims arising on or
    16  after the effective date of this act.
    17     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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