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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3324



No. 2371 Session of 2002

           FEBRUARY 13, 2002

           FEBRUARY 13, 2002

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 24, 1951 (P.L.1304, No.315),
     2     entitled, as amended, "An act to improve local health
     3     administration throughout the Commonwealth by authorizing the
     4     creation, establishment and administration of single-county
     5     or joint-county departments of health in all counties;
     6     exempting certain municipalities from the jurisdiction of
     7     single-county or joint-county departments of health;
     8     permitting the dissolution of departments or boards of health
     9     in certain municipalities; authorizing State grants to
    10     counties which establish departments of health and to certain
    11     municipalities if they meet prescribed requirements;
    12     conferring powers and duties upon the State Department of
    13     Health in connection with the creation, establishment and
    14     administration of single-county or joint-county departments
    15     of health and administration of the health laws in parts of
    16     certain municipalities not subject to the jurisdiction of
    17     single-county or joint-county departments of health, and the
    18     administration of State grants; and repealing an act which
    19     confers health powers upon counties of the first class,"
    20     defining "public health emergency"; providing for public
    21     health emergency response, public health monitoring and
    22     public health assessment; and further providing for State
    23     grants to county departments of health and to certain
    24     municipalities.

    25     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    26  hereby enacts as follows:

     1     Section 1.  Section 3 of the act of August 24, 1951
     2  (P.L.1304, No.315), known as the Local Health Administration
     3  Law, is amended by adding a definition to read:
     4     Section 3.  Definitions.--The following terms, whenever used
     5  in this act, have the meanings indicated in this section, except
     6  where the context indicates a clearly different meaning:
     7     * * *
     8     (j)  Public health emergency."  An occurrence or imminent
     9  threat of an illness or health condition, caused by
    10  bioterrorism, epidemic or pandemic disease or novel and highly
    11  infectious agent or biological or chemical toxin, that poses a
    12  substantial risk of human fatality or long-term disability, or
    13  an occurrence where such illness or health condition results
    14  from a natural or man-made disaster.
    15     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    16     Section 10.1.  Public Health Emergency Response.--County
    17  health departments shall have the authority to plan for and
    18  respond to public health emergencies within their jurisdiction.
    19  Such plans shall include:
    20     (1)  reasonable and appropriate mechanisms for monitoring the
    21  potential for and the spread of an event which could or does
    22  pose a public health emergency;
    23     (2)  reliable testing and evaluation in order to determine
    24  the presence of a public health emergency;
    25     (3)  mechanisms for identifying and treating all individuals
    26  thought to have been exposed to an illness or health condition
    27  resulting in a public health emergency;
    28     (4)  provisions for quarantining and isolating individuals
    29  and groups who may have been exposed to or infected by a
    30  contagious or infectious agent;
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     1     (5)  provisions for providing mass inoculations or treatment
     2  for individuals who have been exposed or could reasonably be
     3  expected to be exposed to a contagious or infectious agent,
     4  including the stockpiling of inoculations, vaccines, immunizing
     5  agents, antibiotics, serums, antitoxins, medications and medical
     6  supplies as may be deemed appropriate;
     7     (6)  provisions for closing, evacuating and decontaminating
     8  facilities where there is a reasonable cause to believe that a
     9  condition may endanger the public health;
    10     (7)  provisions for dealing with the victims of a public
    11  health emergency, including corpses;
    12     (8)  provisions for disposing of contaminated materials and
    13  supplies;
    14     (9)  an inventory of resources available to the county to
    15  respond to a public health emergency; and
    16     (10)  provisions for commanding the use of such resources as
    17  may be necessary to reasonably respond to a public health
    18  emergency.
    19     Section 10.2.  Public Health Monitoring.--County health
    20  departments shall have the authority to create systems,
    21  including electronic means, to monitor and collect data and
    22  other information that would enable that health department to
    23  determine if a public health emergency is imminent.
    24     Section 10.3.  Public Health Assessment.--County health
    25  departments shall have the authority to collect baseline health
    26  status data, disease data and other data and information that
    27  would allow that county to assess the health status of the
    28  residents of that county and evaluate the success of any public
    29  health improvement effort.
    30     Section 3.  Section 25 of the act, amended December 17, 1990
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     1  (P.L.717, No.179), is amended and the section is amended by
     2  adding subsections: to read:
     3     Section 25.  State Grants to County Departments of Health and
     4  to Certain Municipalities.--* * *
     5     (d)  Environmental Health Services.--The Commonwealth shall
     6  pay an additional annual grant of not more than [one dollar and
     7  fifty cents ($1.50)] three dollars ($3.00) per capita resident
     8  to each county department of health or department or board of
     9  health of a municipality eligible for grants under this act for
    10  environmental health services provided by the county or
    11  municipality.
    12     As used in this subsection "environmental health services"
    13  means services such as but not limited to air and noise
    14  pollution control, restaurant and wholesale food inspection,
    15  rodent and vector control, water and sewage inspection, housing
    16  code enforcement and other similar services in addition to other
    17  local health grants for public health services.
    18     (e)  Planning and Incentive Grants.--In order to stimulate
    19  local and regional public health infrastructure, the Department
    20  of Health shall offer counties, which do not have a county
    21  health department or are not participating in a joint county
    22  health department on the effective date of this subsection, one-
    23  time grants to enable them to plan for the development of a
    24  local health department. The maximum grant awarded to any county
    25  for planning under this section shall be fifty thousand dollars
    26  ($50,000). In addition, the Department of Health shall offer
    27  incentive grants to counties, which do not have a county health
    28  department or are not participating in a joint county health
    29  department on the effective date of this subsection, to assist
    30  them in the costs of creating a county health department. The
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     1  maximum incentive grant offered to any county shall be five
     2  hundred thousand dollars ($500,000).
     3     (f)  Public Health Emergency Planning Grants.--County health
     4  departments, joint-county health departments and municipal
     5  health departments certified by the Secretary of Health pursuant
     6  to this act shall receive a grant from the Department of Health
     7  to develop a local public health emergency plan pursuant to this
     8  act. Such grants shall be either seven and one-half cents (7
     9  1/2¢) cents per capita resident or one hundred thousand dollars
    10  ($100,000), whichever amount is greater.
    11     (g)  Public Health Monitoring Grants.--County health
    12  departments, joint-county health departments and municipal
    13  health departments certified by the Secretary of Health pursuant
    14  to this act shall receive a one-time implementation grant from
    15  the Department of Health to develop a health monitoring system
    16  pursuant to this act. Such grants shall be for no more than two
    17  hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000). After such
    18  monitoring systems are implemented, counties shall receive a
    19  monitoring system maintenance payment equal to ten cents (10¢)
    20  per capita resident.
    21     * * *
    22     Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2002.

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