No. 2374 Session of 1984



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 8, 1937 (P.L.262, No.66), entitled, as
     2     amended, "An act relating to consumer credit; requiring
     3     licenses from the Secretary of Banking; restricting licenses
     4     to domestic business corporations; fixing minimum capital
     5     requirements; conferring certain powers on the Secretary of
     6     Banking; limiting interest and other charges; providing
     7     certain exemptions; and imposing penalties," further
     8     providing for the maximum loan amount; and deleting an
     9     obsolete limitation.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  The definition of "revolving loan account" in
    13  section 2 of the act of April 8, l937 (P.L.262, No.66), known as
    14  the Consumer Discount Company Act, amended March 3, 1976
    15  (P.L.36, No.17), is amended to read:
    16     Section 2.  Definitions.--The following terms shall be
    17  construed in the act to have the following meanings, except in
    18  those instances where the context clearly indicates otherwise:
    19     * * *
    20     "Revolving loan account" means an agreement pursuant to which
    21  (i) the licensee may permit the borrower to obtain one or a

     1  series of loans or advances from time to time: Provided,
     2  however, That the aggregate of the unpaid principal balances due
     3  a licensee from a consumer under this act on any date shall not
     4  exceed the sum of [five thousand dollars ($5,000)] fifteen
     5  thousand dollars ($15,000), (ii) the unpaid principal balances
     6  and the appropriate charges are debited to an account, (iii) the
     7  charges for the loan are computed on the outstanding unpaid
     8  principal balances of the account from time to time, and (iv)
     9  the borrower has the privilege of paying the balances in
    10  installments.
    11     Section 2.  Section 3 of the act, amended March 3, 1976
    12  (P.L.36, No.17). is amended to read:
    13     Section 3.  License Required.--A.  On and after the effective
    14  date of this act, no person shall engage or continue to engage
    15  in this Commonwealth, either as principal, employe, agent or
    16  broker, in the business of negotiating or making loans or
    17  advances of money on credit, in the amount or value of [five
    18  thousand dollars ($5,000)] fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) or
    19  less, and charge, collect, contract for or receive interest,
    20  discount, bonus, fees, fines, commissions, charges, or other
    21  considerations which aggregate in excess of the interest that
    22  the lender would otherwise be permitted by law to charge if not
    23  licensed under this act on the amount actually loaned or
    24  advanced, or on the unpaid principal balances when the contract
    25  is payable by stated installments except a domestic business
    26  corporation organized under or existing by virtue of the
    27  Business Corporation Law of this Commonwealth, after first
    28  obtaining a license from the Secretary of Banking of the
    29  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the provisions
    30  of this act.
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     1     B.  Any person who shall hold himself out as willing or able
     2  to arrange for or negotiate such loans of [five thousand dollars
     3  ($5,000)] fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000), or less where the
     4  interest, discount, bonus, fees, fines, commissions or other
     5  considerations in the aggregate exceeds the interest that the
     6  lender would otherwise be permitted by law to charge or who
     7  solicits prospective borrowers of such loans of [five thousand
     8  dollars ($5,000)] fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000), or less
     9  shall be deemed to be engaged in the business contemplated by
    10  this act, unless otherwise permitted by law to engage in such
    11  activities. The referring borrowers to a licensee shall not be
    12  deemed to be engaged in the business contemplated by this act if
    13  no charge, no matter how denominated, for such reference is
    14  imposed on the prospective borrower by the person making the
    15  reference. No licensee shall knowingly include in any loan under
    16  this act any amount which is to be paid by the borrower to
    17  another as a fee or charge, no matter how denominated, for
    18  referring said borrower to the licensee.
    19     Section 3.  Section 13 E. of the act, amended December 9,
    20  1982 (P.L.1072, No.249), is amended to read:
    21     Section 13.  Powers Conferred on Licensees.--In addition to
    22  the general powers conferred upon a corporation by the Business
    23  Corporation Law of this Commonwealth, a corporation licensed
    24  under this act shall have power and authority:
    25     * * *
    26     E.  To charge, contract for, receive or collect interest or
    27  discount at a rate not to exceed nine dollars and fifty cents
    28  ($9.50) per one hundred dollars ($100) per year when the
    29  contract is repayable within forty-eight (48) months from the
    30  date of making. When the contract is repayable more than forty-
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     1  eight (48) months from the date of making, the rate of interest
     2  or discount which may be charged, contracted for, received or
     3  collected, shall not exceed nine dollars and fifty cents ($9.50)
     4  per one hundred dollars ($100) per year for the first forty-
     5  eight (48) months of the term of the contract plus six dollars
     6  ($6) per one hundred dollars ($100) per year for any remainder
     7  of the term of the contract. Such interest or discount shall be
     8  computed at the time the loan is made on the face amount of the
     9  contract for the full term of the contract from the date of the
    10  contract to the date of the scheduled maturity notwithstanding
    11  any requirement for installment payments. On contracts for
    12  periods which are less or greater than one year, or which are
    13  not a multiple of one year, the interest or discount shall be
    14  computed proportionately on even calendar months: Provided,
    15  however, That for a period of less than one month the
    16  computation may be based on a full calendar month. The face
    17  amount of any note or contract made pursuant to this act may,
    18  notwithstanding any other provision, exceed [five thousand
    19  dollars ($5,000)] fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) by the
    20  amount of interest or discount and service or other charge
    21  authorized by this act collected or deducted in advance or added
    22  to the principal at the time of making the loan. As an
    23  alternative to the rates provided for in this clause, a licensee
    24  may charge, contract for, and collect interest at the rate and
    25  in the manner provided for in section 17.1A: Provided, however,
    26  That on loans secured by a security interest, mortgage or other
    27  lien on real property, and in which the principal amount exceeds
    28  five thousand dollars ($5,000), a licensee may not charge,
    29  contract for, receive, or collect interest in excess of the rate
    30  specified in section 9 of the act of December 12, 1980
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     1  (P.L.1179, No.219), known as the "Secondary Mortgage Loan Act."
     2     * * *
     3     Section 4.  Section 14A of the act, amended March 3, 1976
     4  (P.L.36, No.17) and repealed in part October 4, 1978 (P.L.909,
     5  No.173), is amended to read:
     6     Section 14.  Licensee Requirements and Limitations.--A.  A
     7  licensee shall not permit any person to become obligated to such
     8  licensee as a consumer on one or more loan contracts for an
     9  aggregate amount in excess of [five thousand dollars ($5,000)]
    10  fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000), exclusive of charges
    11  authorized by this act. This limitation shall not apply to the
    12  purchase of contracts which arise from the bona fide sale of
    13  goods or services by a seller regularly engaged in the sale of
    14  such goods or services. This limitation shall not impair the
    15  authority of a licensee to lend money, credit, goods or things
    16  in action, or to purchase contracts in amounts in excess of
    17  [five thousand dollars ($5,000)] fifteen thousand dollars
    18  ($15,000) and charge, contract for, receive or collect interest
    19  or discount at the legal rate established by the General Usury
    20  Statute of the Commonwealth.
    21     * * *
    22     Section 5.  Section 18 of the act, amended March 3, 1976
    23  (P.L.36, No.17), is amended to read:
    24     Section 18.  Penalties.--Any person who has not obtained a
    25  license from the Secretary of Banking of the Commonwealth of
    26  Pennsylvania in accordance with the provisions of this act, and
    27  who shall engage in the business of negotiating or making loans
    28  or advances of money or credit, in the amount or value of [five
    29  thousand dollars ($5,000)] fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000)
    30  or less, and charge, collect, contract for or receive interest,
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     1  discount, bonus, fees, fines, commissions, charges or other
     2  considerations which aggregate in excess of the interest that
     3  the lender would otherwise be permitted by law to charge if not
     4  licensed under this act on the amount actually loaned or
     5  advanced, or on the unpaid principal balances when the contract
     6  is payable by stated installments, shall be guilty of a
     7  misdemeanor, upon conviction thereof shall be sentenced to pay a
     8  fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500) or more than
     9  five thousand dollars ($5,000), and/or suffer imprisonment not
    10  less than six (6) months nor more than three (3) years, in the
    11  discretion of the court.
    12     Except as the result of an accidental bona fide error, a
    13  corporation licensed under the provisions of this act or any
    14  director, officer, employe or agent who shall violate any
    15  provision of this act or shall direct or consent to such
    16  violations, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon
    17  conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more
    18  than two thousand dollars ($2,000) for the first offense, and
    19  for each subsequent offense a like fine, and/or suffer
    20  imprisonment not to exceed one year, in the discretion of the
    21  court.
    22     The payment of [five thousand dollars ($5,000)] fifteen
    23  thousand dollars ($15,000) or less, in money, credit, goods or
    24  things in action as consideration for any sale or assignment of,
    25  or order for, the payment of wages, salary, commissions or other
    26  compensation for services, whether earned or to be earned,
    27  shall, for the purposes of regulation under this act, be deemed
    28  a loan secured by such assignment, and the amount by which such
    29  assigned compensation exceeds the amount of such consideration
    30  actually paid shall for the purpose of regulation under this
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     1  act, be deemed interest or charges upon such loan from the date
     2  of such payment to the date such compensation is payable. Such
     3  transactions shall be governed by and subject to the provisions
     4  of this act.
     5     The payment of [five thousand dollars ($5,000)] fifteen
     6  thousand dollars ($15,000) or less, in money, credit, goods or
     7  things in action as consideration for any sale of real or
     8  personal property which is made on condition or agreement,
     9  expressed or implied, that such property be sold back at a
    10  greater price shall, for the purpose of this act, be deemed to
    11  be a loan secured by such property, and the amount by which the
    12  repurchase price exceeds such original purchase price actually
    13  paid shall be deemed interest or charges upon such loan from the
    14  date such original payment is made until the date such
    15  repurchase price is paid. Such transaction shall be governed by
    16  and subject to the provisions of this act.
    17     When real or personal property is pledged as security on a
    18  loan of [five thousand dollars ($5,000)] fifteen thousand
    19  dollars ($15,000) or less, and the lender requires the borrower
    20  to pay for insurance thereon, such charge for insurance shall be
    21  construed as interest under this act when the lender has failed
    22  to have such insurance written by an insurance company legally
    23  authorized to conduct business in Pennsylvania. When the amount
    24  charged for such insurance is in excess of the standard cost of
    25  similar insurance in other insurance companies legally
    26  authorized to conduct business in Pennsylvania, the excess shall
    27  be construed as interest under this act.
    28     Section 6.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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