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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3371



No. 2401 Session of 2002



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," providing for a Statewide system of
     6     licensing and oversight of cyber schools and for payments.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  The act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known
    10  as the Public School Code of 1949, is amended by adding an
    11  article to read:
    12                           ARTICLE XVII-C
    13                           CYBER SCHOOLS
    14  Section 1701-C.  Short title.
    15     This article shall be known and may be cited as the
    16  Pennsylvania Cyber School Act.
    17  Section 1702-C.  Legislative findings and purposes.
    18     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    19         (1)  Since the enactment of the Charter School Law,

     1     charter school applicants have sought and received charters
     2     to operate cyber charter schools wherein academic instruction
     3     is delivered entirely or predominantly via the Internet or
     4     other computer linkages to students situated in their own
     5     homes.
     6         (2)  Because technology readily enables cyber charter
     7     schools to serve students residing in all of the school
     8     districts throughout this Commonwealth, many cyber charter
     9     schools have operated with a charter from a single school
    10     district without any significant interaction with the school
    11     districts from which their students have been drawn.
    12         (3)  Pennsylvania's charter school law does not
    13     contemplate the creation of cyber charter schools, and that
    14     law does not provide an adequate framework for curriculum
    15     evaluation, operations and finances of cyber charter schools
    16     nor does it authorize cyber education as a legal method of
    17     education.
    18         (4)  The General Assembly, in enacting this article,
    19     intends to authorize cyber education through the creation of
    20     a Statewide system of licensing and oversight by the
    21     Department of Education and by allowing public school
    22     entities to create their own cyber education programs.
    23         (5)  By this article the General Assembly intends to
    24     increase the opportunities for parents and students to
    25     participate in high quality cyber education programs while
    26     ensuring fiscal accountability to the taxpayers of this
    27     Commonwealth.
    28  Section 1703-C.  Definitions.
    29     The following words and phrases when used in this article
    30  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
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     1  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     2     "Charter School Law."  Article XVII-A.
     3     "Compulsory attendance."  The requirement for school-aged
     4  children to attend a legally recognized school as contained in
     5  section 1327.
     6     "Correction service."  The procedure for receiving and
     7  correcting all tests and other student work in a timely manner,
     8  providing appropriate comments and suggestions for correction of
     9  errors and apparent weaknesses, promptly returning the corrected
    10  tests and other student work to the student concerned and
    11  recommending other assignments and areas of inquiry.
    12     "Cyber education program."  A program of instruction offered
    13  by a cyber school or school entity for school-aged children
    14  delivered entirely or predominantly via the Internet or other
    15  computer linkages.
    16     "Cyber education provider."  A cyber school or school entity
    17  that provides a cyber education program.
    18     "Cyber school."  A school that provides a cyber education
    19  program.
    20     "Department."  The Department of Education of the
    21  Commonwealth.
    22     "PSSA."  The Pennsylvania System of School Assessment.
    23     "School-aged child."  A child residing within this
    24  Commonwealth eligible for free school privileges pursuant to
    25  section 1301.
    26     "School entity."  A school district, vocational-technical
    27  school, intermediate unit, charter school or independent school.
    28     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Education of the Commonwealth.
    29     "State board."  The State Board of Education.
    30  Section 1704-C.  License required.
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     1     (a)  General rule.--A cyber school shall not enroll school-
     2  aged children within this Commonwealth unless the cyber school
     3  has obtained from the secretary a license issued in the manner
     4  and form prescribed by this article.
     5     (b)  Exception.--Notwithstanding subsection (a), no license
     6  shall be required and the provisions of this article shall not
     7  apply to the delivery of a cyber education program by a school
     8  entity exclusively to resident school-aged children enrolled
     9  within the school entity.
    10  Section 1705-C.  Application for license.
    11     (a)  General rule.--Before any license is issued to a cyber
    12  school, a verified application shall be submitted to the
    13  secretary in writing and on a form prepared and furnished by the
    14  department.
    15     (b)  Name.--An application for a license shall be submitted
    16  by and in the name of a nonsectarian corporation not-for-profit,
    17  as defined in 15 Pa.C.S. § 102 (relating to definitions) or by
    18  and in the name of a school entity.
    19     (c)  Contents.--The application for a license shall include
    20  all of the following:
    21         (1)  The name, mailing address and telephone number of
    22     the proposed cyber school.
    23         (2)  The name, mailing address and telephone number of
    24     the contact person for the application.
    25         (3)  If the application is submitted by a nonsectarian
    26     corporation not-for-profit, a copy of the filed articles of
    27     incorporation for the proposed cyber school.
    28         (4)  If the application is submitted by a nonsectarian
    29     corporation not-for-profit, the governance structure of the
    30     proposed cyber school, including the bylaws.
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     1         (5)  The grade or age levels and total student enrollment
     2     to be served by the proposed cyber school.
     3         (6)  The mission and educational goals of the proposed
     4     cyber school; the curriculum to be offered; the equipment,
     5     material, instructional staff, correction service and support
     6     services that will be made available to students; and the
     7     methods of assessing student achievement, including
     8     participation in the PSSA as provided for in 22 Pa. Code Ch.
     9     4 (relating to academic standards and assessment) or in any
    10     successor to that chapter.
    11         (7)  The enrollment policy and criteria for evaluating
    12     applications for enrollment in the proposed cyber school.
    13         (8)  The procedures that the proposed cyber school will
    14     use to suspend or expel students and to notify the school
    15     district in which a student resides that the student has been
    16     suspended or expelled from the cyber school or is otherwise
    17     no longer enrolled in the cyber school.
    18         (9)  The financial resources that will be utilized to
    19     equip, maintain and operate the proposed cyber school, the
    20     projected annual budget for the school and the provisions
    21     that will be made for auditing the school under section 437.
    22         (10)  The procedures that will be established to review
    23     complaints from parents regarding the operation of the
    24     proposed cyber school.
    25         (11)  The place or places at which tests will be given
    26     and face-to-face interaction between teachers and students
    27     will occur.
    28         (12)  An explanation of how the proposed cyber school
    29     will assure that each student receives a minimum of 180 days
    30     of instruction per year, 900 hours of instruction at the
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     1     elementary level per year, 990 hours of instruction at the
     2     secondary level per year, or an explanation of how the
     3     proposed cyber school will assure that each student receives
     4     equivalent instruction sufficient to be deemed by the
     5     secretary as in compliance with section 1327.
     6         (13)  The number and professional qualifications of the
     7     employees of the proposed cyber school.
     8         (14)  Any agreements that have been entered into or plans
     9     that have been developed with school districts regarding
    10     participation of the proposed cyber school's students in
    11     extracurricular activities.
    12         (15)  A report of the criminal history record, pursuant
    13     to section 111, for all trustees, officers and employees of
    14     the proposed cyber school.
    15         (16)  An official clearance statement regarding child
    16     injury or abuse from the Department of Public Welfare as
    17     required by 23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 63 Subch. C.2 (relating to
    18     background checks for employment in schools) for all
    19     trustees, officers and employees of the proposed cyber
    20     school.
    21         (17)  An explanation of how the proposed cyber school
    22     will provide adequate liability and other appropriate
    23     insurance.
    24         (18)  Any additional information the secretary may deem
    25     necessary in order to determine the adequacy of the program
    26     of instruction and the financial integrity of the proposed
    27     cyber school.
    28     (d)  Notice.--The department shall publish notice of the
    29  license application in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and shall
    30  provide for a period of at least 30 days for the submission of
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     1  public comments on the license application.
     2     (e)  Public records.--The license application, any document
     3  submitted in support of the license application, any public
     4  comment on the license application and any document prepared by
     5  the department with regard to the license application shall be a
     6  public record for purposes of the act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390,
     7  No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know Law.
     8     (f)  Hearing.--After completion of the public comment period
     9  and a review of the license application, including any public
    10  hearing the secretary deems necessary and any public comments,
    11  the secretary shall issue a written decision approving or
    12  disapproving the application. Notice shall be provided and such
    13  hearing shall be conducted in accordance with 65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7
    14  (relating to open meetings).
    15     (g)  Approval.--The secretary shall not approve the license
    16  application unless the secretary determines that the proposed
    17  cyber school:
    18         (1)  Has submitted an application that fully complies
    19     with subsections (a), (b) and (c).
    20         (2)  Is capable of providing an adequate program of
    21     instruction that will increase learning opportunities.
    22         (3)  Will be accountable for meeting measurable academic
    23     standards and for demonstrating gains in student achievement.
    24         (4)  Will be viable and accountable from a financial
    25     standpoint.
    26  Section 1706-C.  Issuance of license.
    27     (a)  General rule.--Upon approval of a license application
    28  pursuant to section 1705-C, the secretary shall issue a license
    29  to the proposed cyber school for a term of no less than three
    30  years and no more than five years. The license shall incorporate
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     1  the license application with any revisions therein required by
     2  the secretary and shall set forth any conditions imposed by the
     3  secretary on the cyber school's operation.
     4     (b)  Amended license.--The cyber school shall not deviate
     5  materially from the license issued pursuant to subsection (a)
     6  unless the cyber school applies for and receives an amended
     7  license. The procedure for obtaining an amended license shall be
     8  the same as the procedure prescribed under section 1705-C for
     9  obtaining a license.
    10  Section 1707-C.  Renewal of license.
    11     (a)  General rule.--A cyber school may apply for renewal of
    12  its license for a term of five years.
    13     (b)  Application.--Not later than one year prior to the
    14  expiration of the term of its current license, a cyber school
    15  that seeks to renew that license shall submit a license renewal
    16  application to the secretary that includes all of the following:
    17         (1)  All of the information required by section 1705-C(c)
    18     for an initial application, as updated or otherwise revised.
    19         (2)  Such additional information as the secretary may
    20     require in order to assess the performance of the cyber
    21     school during the term of the expiring license.
    22     (c)  Notice.--The department shall publish notice of the
    23  license renewal application in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and
    24  shall provide for a period of at least 30 days for the
    25  submission of public comments on the license renewal
    26  application.
    27     (d)  Public record.--The license renewal application, any
    28  document submitted in support of the license renewal
    29  application, any public comment on the license renewal
    30  application and any document prepared by the department with
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     1  regard to the license renewal application shall be a public
     2  record for purposes of the act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390,
     3  No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know Law.
     4     (e)  Public hearing.--After completion of the public comment
     5  period and a review of the license renewal application,
     6  including any public hearing the secretary deems necessary and
     7  any public comments, the secretary shall issue a written
     8  decision approving or disapproving renewal of the license.
     9  Notice shall be provided and such hearing shall be conducted in
    10  accordance with 65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating to open meetings).
    11     (f)  Approval.--The secretary shall not approve renewal of
    12  the license unless the secretary determines that the cyber
    13  school:
    14         (1)  has submitted a license renewal application that
    15     fully complies with subsection (b);
    16         (2)  has provided and is capable of continuing to provide
    17     an adequate program of instruction that will increase
    18     learning opportunities;
    19         (3)  has been and will continue to be accountable for
    20     meeting measurable academic standards and for demonstrating
    21     gains in student achievement;
    22         (4)  has been and will continue to be viable and
    23     accountable from a financial standpoint; and
    24         (5)  has operated and will continue to operate in
    25     accordance with its license.
    26     (g)  Revisions and conditions.--If the secretary approves the
    27  renewal of the license, the secretary may require revisions in
    28  or impose conditions on the license previously issued pursuant
    29  to section 1706-C or 1713-C.
    30  Section 1708-C.  Operation of cyber school.
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     1     (a)  Not-for-profit.--Except as provided in subsection (c), a
     2  cyber school shall be organized and operated as a corporation
     3  not-for-profit in accordance with 15 Pa.C.S. (relating to
     4  corporations and unincorporated associations).
     5     (b)  Board of trustees.--Except as provided in subsection
     6  (c), a cyber school shall be governed by a board of trustees
     7  that shall have the powers and duties of the board of directors
     8  of a corporation not-for-profit in accordance with 15 Pa.C.S.
     9  All meetings of the board of trustees shall be held within this
    10  Commonwealth and in accordance with 65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating
    11  to open meetings).
    12     (c)  Exceptions.--
    13         (1)  Subsections (a) and (b) shall not apply to a cyber
    14     school if the cyber school's license application was
    15     submitted by and in the name of a school entity.
    16         (2)  A cyber school to which subsections (a) and (b) do
    17     not apply shall be organized and operated as part of a school
    18     entity in the same manner as an additional school established
    19     under section 502 is operated by a school district.
    20     (d)  Powers and duties.--A cyber school:
    21         (1)  May contract for management, administrative or
    22     curriculum services to be provided by an entity that is a
    23     corporation, partnership or limited liability company under
    24     15 Pa.C.S. only if, after reviewing the negotiated contract,
    25     the secretary determines that:
    26             (i)  the contractual relationship will be consistent
    27         with the cyber school's license and with the fiduciary
    28         obligation of the cyber school's board of trustees under
    29         15 Pa.C.S. § 5712 (relating to standard of care and
    30         justifiable reliance); and
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     1             (ii)  the cyber school's board of trustees will have
     2         real and substantial authority and responsibility for the
     3         educational decisions.
     4         (2)  Shall be nonsectarian in all operations and shall
     5     not provide any religious instruction.
     6         (3)  May sue and be sued only to the same extent and upon
     7     the same condition that political subdivisions and local
     8     agencies may sue and be sued.
     9         (4)  Shall not unlawfully discriminate in any matter.
    10         (5)  Shall comply with 65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7.
    11         (6)  Shall provide the department with ongoing access to
    12     the cyber school's records and facilities.
    13         (7)  Shall submit an annual report to the department
    14     sufficient to demonstrate that the cyber school is operating
    15     in accordance with its license.
    16         (8)  May enroll students who reside anywhere within this
    17     Commonwealth.
    18         (9)  May limit enrollment to a particular grade level or
    19     levels or to a particular area or areas of concentration as
    20     set forth in the license application.
    21         (10)  Except as provided in paragraph (9), shall not
    22     discriminate in its enrollment policies or practices on the
    23     basis of intellectual ability, measures of achievement or
    24     aptitude, status as a person with a disability, proficiency
    25     in the English language or any other basis that would be
    26     unlawful if the cyber school were a school entity.
    27         (11)  Shall comply with Federal laws and regulations
    28     governing children with disabilities.
    29         (12)  Shall comply with all provisions of 22 Pa. Code Ch.
    30     4 (relating to academic standards and assessment) or any
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     1     successor to 22 Pa. Code Ch. 4, that are applicable to a
     2     charter school under the Charter School Law, provided that to
     3     the extent an applicable provision of this article, or an
     4     applicable regulation promulgated under this article,
     5     conflicts with a provision of 22 Pa. Code Ch. 4, or any
     6     successor to 22 Pa. Code Ch. 4, the cyber school shall comply
     7     with the provision of this article or the regulation
     8     promulgated under this article.
     9  Section 1709-C.  Standards for cyber education programs.
    10     (a)  Minimum standards.--No later than 12 months after the
    11  effective date of this article, the State board shall promulgate
    12  minimum standards regarding the curriculum content, operation
    13  and supervision of cyber education programs offered by cyber
    14  schools. The regulations shall contain provisions that ensure
    15  the following:
    16         (1)  That all academic instruction is aligned with
    17     regulations under 22 Pa. Code Ch. 4 (relating to academic
    18     standards and assessment) and the PSSA.
    19         (2)  That appropriate course delivery systems and
    20     technologies are used.
    21         (3)  That privacy and security measures to ensure that
    22     data gathered online adheres to confidentiality requirements
    23     under applicable Federal and State laws.
    24         (4)  That programs adequately address the issue of
    25     accountability for student authenticity of work, including
    26     homework, tests, essays and demonstration projects.
    27         (5)  That school-aged children participating in cyber
    28     education are properly supervised by an adult.
    29         (6)  That all programs allow for appropriate amounts of
    30     online time for elementary, middle and high school students.
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     1         (7)  That all programs specify the type and frequency of
     2     communication between the cyber education provider and the
     3     student to ensure academic integrity of the program.
     4         (8)  That programs provide for and deliver proper
     5     services to students identified as special education or
     6     gifted as required by Federal and State law.
     7     (b)  Interim guidelines.--The department shall promulgate
     8  interim guidelines consistent with the requirements of this
     9  section. Such guidelines shall be void upon the promulgation of
    10  final regulations by the State board as required in subsection
    11  (a).
    12  Section 1710-C.  Enrollment in cyber schools.
    13     (a)  General rule.--Notwithstanding the restrictions in
    14  subsection (b), enrollment in a cyber school shall be open to
    15  all school-aged children residing in this Commonwealth.
    16     (b)  Restriction on enrollment.--No school-aged child may
    17  enroll in a cyber school during the period for which the child
    18  has been suspended or expelled from a public school entity
    19  unless authorized to do so by the student's school district of
    20  residence.
    21     (c)  Verification of enrollment.--Before any student is
    22  enrolled in a cyber school, the cyber school shall verify by
    23  appropriate documentation to the school district of residence
    24  that the student has actually enrolled in its cyber education
    25  program. For purposes of this subsection, "appropriate
    26  documentation" includes an affidavit signed by a student's
    27  parent or guardian that enrollment in the school's cyber
    28  education program has taken place. No student shall be enrolled
    29  in a cyber school without the verification required by this
    30  section.
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     1     (d)  Verification of residency.--Before any student is
     2  enrolled in a cyber school, the cyber school shall verify by
     3  appropriate documentation to the student's school district of
     4  residence that the student is a resident. For purposes of this
     5  subsection, "appropriate documentation" includes a deed, title
     6  or other legal document establishing that the student's parent
     7  or guardian is a resident of the district.
     8  Section 1711-C.  Payments on account of students enrolled in
     9                     cyber schools.
    10     (a)  Payments for tuition of students enrolled in cyber
    11  schools.--
    12         (1)  The student's school district of residence shall be
    13     responsible for a payment to a cyber school of $1,500 per
    14     student.
    15         (2)  The school district of residence shall be
    16     responsible for $750 per student on account of any resident
    17     student in the student's first year of participation in a
    18     cyber school who was not enrolled in the school district of
    19     residence in the immediately preceding school year.
    20         (3)  The department shall pay for any and all additional
    21     costs for cyber school students.
    22     (b)  Limitation on school district payments.--Notwithstanding
    23  the provisions of subsection (a), no school district shall be
    24  responsible for payments to cyber schools that exceed $1,500
    25  times the product of .008 multiplied by a school district's
    26  average daily membership for the 2001-2002 school year. School
    27  districts of the first class and first class A shall not be
    28  responsible for payments to cyber schools that exceed $1,500
    29  times the product of .0015 multiplied by the school district's
    30  2001-2002 average daily membership. The limitations established
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     1  in this subsection shall take into account all students
     2  participating in a cyber school, regardless of enrollment in the
     3  immediately preceding school year.
     4     (c)  Notification of enrollments.--A school district of
     5  residence shall not be liable for payment of the tuition of any
     6  student enrolled in a cyber school unless notification is made
     7  to the school district by March 31 of the immediately preceding
     8  school year.
     9     (d)  Other payments.--The payment of tuition for students
    10  enrolled in a cyber education program operated by a public
    11  school entity shall be subject to negotiation between the school
    12  district of residence and the cyber education provider.
    13  Section 1712-C.  Sharing of information.
    14     (a)  Cyber education program.--A school district that is
    15  paying any portion of a student's tuition to a cyber education
    16  provider shall have access to information on the cyber education
    17  program being provided, including information on assessments and
    18  financial records.
    19     (b)  Student progress records.--A school district that is
    20  paying any portion of a student's tuition to a cyber education
    21  provider shall have access to any records regarding a student's
    22  progress, provided such access is not prohibited by applicable
    23  Federal or State law.
    24     (c)  Changes in residence.--When a student who is enrolled in
    25  a cyber school changes the student's district of residence, the
    26  cyber school provider shall notify, within ten business days,
    27  both the district from which the student moved and the district
    28  into which the student is moving. The cyber school shall be
    29  responsible for providing the required documentation verifying
    30  enrollment and residency to the school district into which the
    20020H2401B3371                 - 15 -

     1  student moves.
     2     (d)  Information not provided.--A school district shall not
     3  be liable for the payment of tuition to a cyber education
     4  provider for any student for whom the information required under
     5  subsection (a), (b) or (c) is not provided within 30 days of the
     6  receipt of a request. All requests for information shall be made
     7  directly to the cyber education provider.
     8  Section 1713-C.  Transition.
     9     (a)  Surrender of charter.--Any cyber school that on the
    10  effective date of this article has a charter to operate as a
    11  charter school pursuant to the Charter School Law shall
    12  surrender that charter at the end of the then-current school
    13  year. In lieu of its surrendered charter, the cyber school shall
    14  receive from the secretary a license under this article without
    15  the necessity of submitting an application pursuant to section
    16  1705-C. Before issuing a license under this subsection, the
    17  secretary shall investigate any complaints that a cyber school
    18  is not providing the services provided for in its charter and
    19  take proper action to begin procedures for the revocation of the
    20  school's license if a finding is made that the cyber school has
    21  violated its charter.
    22     (b)  Term of license.--A license issued by the secretary in
    23  accordance with this subsection, shall be valid for the
    24  remainder of the term of the surrendered charter and may be
    25  renewed in accordance with this article. During the term of any
    26  license issued in accordance with this subsection, the cyber
    27  school shall adhere to the conditions, standards or procedures
    28  contained in the surrendered charter and to the provisions of
    29  this article and to the regulations promulgated under this
    30  article.
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     1     (b)  Prohibition.--Beginning on the effective date of this
     2  article, no charter to operate as a charter school shall be
     3  approved, granted, signed, renewed or otherwise issued for a
     4  cyber school pursuant to the Charter School Law.
     5     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2002, or
     6  immediately, whichever is later.

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