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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3603



No. 2406 Session of 2008



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the establishment of two programs of savings for
     2     services for adult children with special needs, a guaranteed
     3     savings program and an investment program; establishing the
     4     Special Needs Account Program within the Treasury Department;
     5     establishing special needs account funds; and providing for
     6     Special Needs Account Program contracts.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9  Section 1. Short title.
    10     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Special Needs
    11  Account Program Act.
    12  Section 2.  Declaration of policy.
    13     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    14         (1) Thousands of Pennsylvanians with various special
    15     needs require assistance transitioning into employment or
    16     higher education.

     1         (2)  These individuals are eager to begin employment or
     2     to continue their education in institutions of higher
     3     education, or to enhance their skills through trade schools.
     4         (3)  Many people with special needs who complete their
     5     secondary education and reach the age of 21 still require
     6     services and programs to assist them in making this
     7     transition.
     8         (4)  It is in the best interest of all the citizens of
     9     this Commonwealth to provide the support necessary for people
    10     with special needs to succeed and realize their full
    11     potential.
    12         (5)  With the proper encouragement and support, this
    13     transition can be made easier, enabling people with special
    14     needs to reach their goals.
    15         (6)  The purpose of this act is to enable families of
    16     children with special needs with a means of saving funds
    17     which can be utilized to purchase programs and services that
    18     will assist their adult children to transition into
    19     employment or educational programs.
    20  Section 3.  Definitions.
    21     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    22  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    23  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    24     "Account."  The account of an account owner.
    25     "Account owner."  Any individual, corporation, association,
    26  partnership or other legal entity that enters into a program
    27  contract.
    28     "Beneficiary."  A person who meets the eligibility criteria
    29  of this chapter and by the Treasury Department and on whose
    30  behalf an account owner enters into a program contract.
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     1     "Board."  The Special Needs Tuition Account Programs Advisory
     2  Board established in section 5.
     3     "Bureau."  The Special Needs Account Program Bureau
     4  established in section 4.
     5     "Department."  The Treasury Department of the Commonwealth.
     6     "Eligible services."  The term includes education expenses,
     7  vocational assistance and physical and mental care.
     8     "Fund."  The guaranteed savings fund or the investment fund.
     9     "Guaranteed savings contract."  A contract under the
    10  guaranteed savings program.
    11     "Guaranteed savings fund."  The Special Needs Account
    12  Guaranteed Savings Program Fund established in section 7(c).
    13     "Guaranteed savings program."  The program established under
    14  section 7(a).
    15     "Investment contract."  A contract under the investment
    16  program.
    17     "Investment fund."  The Special Needs Account Investment
    18  Program Fund established in section 7(d).
    19     "Investment program."  The program established under section
    20  7(b).
    21     "Lawful investment."  An investment described in either 24
    22  Pa.C.S. § 8521 (relating to management of funds and accounts) or
    23  71 Pa.C.S. § 5931 (relating to management of funds and
    24  accounts).
    25     "Net earnings rate of the guaranteed savings fund."  The
    26  percentage return of the investment of guaranteed savings fund
    27  assets after adjusting for any taxes and operating expenses.
    28     "Program."  The guaranteed savings program or the investment
    29  program.
    30     "Program contract."  A guaranteed savings contract or an
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     1  investment contract.
     2     "Special needs."  Diagnoses including medical, behavioral,
     3  developmental, mental health and learning issues.
     4     "Value of the account."  As follows:
     5         (1)  For a guaranteed savings contract, an amount
     6     calculated by compounding annually each separate contribution
     7     to the date of the calculation at the actual annual net
     8     earnings rate of the guaranteed savings fund.
     9         (2)  For an investment contract, an amount determined by:
    10             (i)  subtracting expenses, fees and taxes, if any,
    11         from the value of the investment fund; and
    12             (ii)  prorating the remaining net value by shares.
    13  Section 4.  Bureau.
    14     (a)  Establishment.--There is established within the
    15  department the Special Needs Account Program Bureau.
    16     (b)  Purpose.--The purpose of the bureau is to administer the
    17  guaranteed savings program and the investment program.
    18  Section 5.  Board.
    19     (a)  Establishment.--The Special Needs Account Programs
    20  Advisory Board is established as follows:
    21         (1)  The following are executive members:
    22             (i)  The Secretary of Education.
    23             (ii)  The Secretary of Health.
    24             (iii)  The Secretary of Labor and Industry.
    25             (iv)  The Secretary of Public Welfare.
    26             (v)  The State Treasurer.
    27         (2)  The following are legislative members:
    28             (i)  Two members appointed by the Majority Leader of
    29         the Senate and two members appointed by the Minority
    30         Leader of the Senate.
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     1             (ii)  Two members appointed by the Majority Leader of
     2         the House of Representatives and two members appointed by
     3         the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives.
     4         (3)  The Governor shall appoint six public members.
     5         (4)  Members under paragraphs (2) and (3) must have:
     6             (i)  knowledge, skill and expertise in financial
     7         affairs; or
     8             (ii)  experience in working with people with special
     9         needs.
    10     (b) Terms.--
    11         (1)  A member under subsection (a)(1) shall serve ex
    12     officio.
    13         (2)  A member under subsection (a)(2):
    14             (i)  shall serve a term of two years;
    15             (ii)  may be removed only for cause; and
    16             (iii)  may not serve more than two terms.
    17         (3)  A member under subsection (a)(3):
    18             (i)  shall serve a term of four years;
    19             (ii)  may be removed only for cause; and
    20             (iii)  may not serve more than two terms.
    21         (4)  Vacancies under subsection (a)(2) and (3) shall be
    22     filled for the unexpired terms of appointed members of the
    23     board in the same manner as original appointments.
    24     (c) Meetings and chair.--
    25         (1)   The Secretary of Public Welfare shall call the
    26     organizational meeting of the board.
    27         (2)  At the organizational meeting, a chairperson shall
    28     be selected from among the members. If a vacancy in the
    29     office of chairperson occurs, the vacancy shall be filled by
    30     a selection from among the members.
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     1         (3)  Meetings of the board shall be held at least
     2     quarterly or at the call of the chairperson.
     3     (d)  Functions.--
     4         (1)  The board has the following duties:
     5             (i)  Consider, study and review the work of the
     6         bureau.
     7             (ii)  Advise the department on requests.
     8             (iii)  Report annually to the Governor, the Secretary
     9         of the Senate and the Chief Clerk of the House of
    10         Representatives on its work.
    11         (2)  The board has the following powers:
    12             (i)  Make recommendations on its own initiative for
    13         the improvement of the special needs account programs.
    14             (ii)  Make interim reports to the Governor, the
    15         Secretary of the Senate and the Chief Clerk of the House
    16         of Representatives on its work.
    17             (iii)  Enlist voluntary assistance as available from
    18         citizens, research organizations and other agencies.
    19     (e)  Staff.--The department shall provide the board with
    20  experts, stenographers and assistants as necessary to carry out
    21  the work of the board.
    22  Section 6.  Department.
    23     The department has the following powers and duties:
    24         (1)  Implement this act.
    25         (2)  Administer the guaranteed savings program and the
    26     investment program.
    27         (3)  Enter into program contracts.
    28         (4)  Pay directly to an account owner, a beneficiary or a
    29     third party authorized by the account owner, upon the receipt
    30     of appropriate documentation, money due under a program
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     1     contract.
     2         (5)  Contract for goods and services and engage and
     3     employ personnel. This paragraph includes services of private
     4     consultants, actuaries, managers, legal counsel and auditors
     5     for rendering professional, managerial and technical
     6     assistance and advice.
     7         (6)  Solicit and accept gifts, grants, loans and other
     8     aid from a person or from Federal, State or local government.
     9         (7)  Participate in a Federal, State or local government
    10     program for prudent management or the establishment and
    11     administration of a program.
    12         (8)  Charge and collect administrative fees and charges
    13     in connection with a transaction, including continued
    14     participation in a program.
    15         (9)  As to a program contract:
    16             (i)  to adjust the term;
    17             (ii)  to limit the time period; and
    18             (iii)  to terminate it and make a refund.
    19         (10)  Contract for insurance, letters of credit and
    20     collateral agreements.
    21         (11)  Restrict the number of participants in the
    22     programs.
    23         (12)  Solicit answers from the appropriate Federal
    24     agencies regarding the application of security or other
    25     Federal laws to a program.
    26         (13)  Arrange for an account owner to have contributions
    27     deducted from salary.
    28         (14)  Promulgate regulations.
    29  Section 7.  Programs and funds.
    30     (a)  Guaranteed savings program.--
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     1         (1)  All contributions to the guaranteed savings program
     2     shall be held in a beneficiary's account. At the time of
     3     redemption, documentation outlining the services and the
     4     costs of those services to be purchased shall be provided.
     5         (2)  The guaranteed savings program shall provide that
     6     money may be contributed pursuant to a guaranteed savings
     7     contract for the future payment of eligible services.
     8     (b)  Investment program.--
     9         (1)  The department shall do all of the following:
    10             (i)  Establish an investment plan that defines the
    11         investment program structure and sets forth investment
    12         policies and guidelines to be utilized in administering
    13         the investment program.
    14             (ii)  Pursuant to an investment contract, specify all
    15         of the following:
    16                 (A)  The minimum and maximum amounts of
    17             contributions.
    18                 (B)  The terms and condition for transferring the
    19             investment contract to another account owner or
    20             substituting a beneficiary for the originally named
    21             beneficiary.
    22                 (C)  The terms and conditions for withdrawing
    23             contributions or terminating the investment contract.
    24                 (D)  The methods and procedures for:
    25                     (I)  making payments pursuant to the
    26                 investment contract;
    27                     (II)  making payments of beneficiaries'
    28                 qualified service expenses; and
    29                     (III)  all other rights and obligations of
    30                 the account owner and the department.
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     1         (2)  The department may obtain the services of investment
     2     managers, program managers and trustees as described in
     3     section 8(b) to assist in establishing and administering the
     4     plan.
     5         (3)  The investment program shall provide that money may
     6     be contributed pursuant to an investment contract for future
     7     payments for eligible services.
     8         (4)  The investment program shall have no guarantee.
     9     (c)  Guaranteed savings fund.--
    10         (1)  There is established in the State Treasury the
    11     Special Needs Account Guaranteed Savings Program Fund.
    12         (2)  The following are the sources of the fund:
    13             (i)  Appropriations.
    14             (ii)  Income under section 6(6) and (8).
    15             (iii)  Contributions by account owners under
    16         guaranteed savings program contracts.
    17             (iv)  Return on money in the guaranteed savings fund.
    18         (3)  The money in the guaranteed savings fund is
    19     continuously appropriated into the guaranteed savings fund.
    20     This appropriation shall not lapse at the end of any fiscal
    21     year.
    22         (4)  The department shall repay from the fees, charges
    23     and investment earnings of the guaranteed savings fund to the
    24     General Fund any money appropriated for the initial planning,
    25     organization and administration of the guaranteed savings
    26     program. The repayment shall take place within a ten-year
    27     period commencing July 1, 2010.
    28         (5)  The assets of the guaranteed savings fund shall be
    29     preserved, invested and expended by the department solely for
    30     the purposes set forth in this paragraph. Costs of
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     1     administering the investment program must be approved by
     2     annual appropriation. The following apply:
     3             (i)  The department shall obtain appropriate
     4         actuarial assistance to establish, maintain and certify
     5         that the guaranteed savings fund is sufficient to defray
     6         its obligations and shall annually evaluate, or cause to
     7         be evaluated, its actuarial soundness.
     8             (ii)  Annually, after the fiscal year has ended, the
     9         department shall determine whether the guaranteed savings
    10         fund has been actuarially certified as being sufficient
    11         to defray its obligations and whether the actuarial
    12         soundness of the guaranteed savings fund, as actuarially
    13         evaluated, can be maintained with fewer assets and, if
    14         so, the dollar value of any excess surplus assets. In
    15         making the determination, the department shall consider
    16         the projected costs and expenses of the guaranteed
    17         savings program and material subsequent events occurring
    18         between the end of the fiscal year and the date on which
    19         the determination is made.
    20             (iii)  If the department determines that there are
    21         assets in excess of those needed to maintain the
    22         actuarial soundness of guaranteed savings fund and the
    23         assets actuarially certified as sufficient to defray the
    24         costs of the guaranteed savings program, the department
    25         may distribute the dollar value of any excess surplus
    26         assets by making additional contributions into accounts
    27         established pursuant to guaranteed savings contracts that
    28         have not been terminated as of the date of determination.
    29             (iv)  Any distribution of any excess surplus assets
    30         of the guaranteed savings fund shall be made on an
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     1         equitable basis as determined by the department.
     2     (d)  Investment fund.--
     3         (1)  There is established in the State Treasury the
     4     Special Needs Account Investment Program Fund.
     5         (2)  The following are the sources of the fund:
     6             (i)  Appropriations.
     7             (ii)  Income under section 6(6) and (8).
     8             (iii)  Contributions by account owners under
     9         investment program contracts.
    10             (iv)  Return on money in the investment fund.
    11         (3)  The money in the investment fund is continuously
    12     appropriated into the investment fund. This appropriation
    13     shall not lapse at the end of any fiscal year.
    14         (4)  The assets of the investment fund shall be
    15     preserved, invested and expended by the department solely for
    16     the purposes set forth in this paragraph. Costs of
    17     administering the investment program must be approved by
    18     annual appropriation. The following apply:
    19             (i)  The department shall obtain appropriate
    20         actuarial assistance to establish, maintain and certify
    21         that the investment fund is sufficient to defray its
    22         obligations and shall annually evaluate, or cause to be
    23         evaluated, its actuarial soundness.
    24             (ii)  Annually, after the fiscal year has ended, the
    25         department shall determine whether the investment fund
    26         has been actuarially certified as being sufficient to
    27         defray its obligations and whether the actuarial
    28         soundness of the investment fund, as actuarially
    29         evaluated, can be maintained with fewer assets and, if
    30         so, the dollar value of any excess surplus assets. In
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     1         making the determination, the department shall consider
     2         the projected costs and expenses of the investment
     3         program and material subsequent events occurring between
     4         the end of the fiscal year and the date on which the
     5         determination is made.
     6             (iii)  If the department determines that there are
     7         assets in excess of those needed to maintain the
     8         actuarial soundness of investment fund and the assets
     9         actuarially certified as sufficient to defray the costs
    10         of the investment program, the department may distribute
    11         the dollar value of any excess surplus assets by making
    12         additional contributions into accounts established
    13         pursuant to investment contracts that have not been
    14         terminated as of the date of determination.
    15             (iv)  Any distribution of any excess surplus assets
    16         of the investment fund shall be made on an equitable
    17         basis as determined by the department.
    18     (e)  Administration.--
    19         (1)  The department, in conjunction with the board, shall
    20     make an annual report to the Governor and the Secretary of
    21     the Senate and the Chief Clerk of the House of
    22     Representatives as follows:
    23             (i)  The report shall show the condition of the each
    24         fund.
    25             (ii)  The report shall contain the findings and
    26         recommendations of the department and the board and the
    27         recommendations of any private consultant providing, with
    28         or without compensation, services to the department or
    29         board.
    30             (iii)  Consistent with the goal of providing for the
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     1         maintenance of the fiscal sufficiency of the each fund,
     2         the report shall detail actions taken or needed to modify
     3         each program so that the each fund, account owners and
     4         beneficiaries will receive favorable treatment for
     5         purposes of Federal taxation.
     6             (iv)  The report shall detail actions taken or needed
     7         to modify the guaranteed savings program to insure the
     8         fiscal sufficiency of the guaranteed savings fund to meet
     9         its obligations under this act. The report shall address
    10         all of the following:
    11                 (A)  The relationship between:
    12                     (I)  existing and projected net investment
    13                 returns; and
    14                     (II)  existing and projected special needs
    15                 service costs.
    16                 (B)  The advisability or necessity of modifying:
    17                     (I)  the price of a guaranteed savings
    18                 contract;
    19                     (II)  the amount of administrative fee for a
    20                 guaranteed savings contract; and
    21                     (III)  the amount of refund offered upon
    22                 termination of a guaranteed savings contract.
    23     (f)  Limitation.--Any obligation or debt under this act shall
    24  not be deemed an obligation or debt of the Commonwealth, nor
    25  shall the Commonwealth be liable to pay principal and interest
    26  on obligations or to offset any loss of principal and interest
    27  earnings on investments made by the Treasury Department or
    28  recommended by the board pursuant to this act. Program contracts
    29  must contain a plain language statement explaining the
    30  limitation contained in this section.
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     1  Section 8.  Investment policies and guidelines.
     2     (a)  General rule.--
     3         (1)  The policies governing the investment of the
     4     guaranteed savings fund shall be directed to obtaining
     5     sufficient income to:
     6             (i)  meet the obligations of the guaranteed savings
     7         fund;
     8             (ii)  maintain necessary reserves; and
     9             (iii)  cover operating expense.
    10         (2)  The policies governing the investment of the
    11     investment fund shall be directed to providing for an
    12     appropriate balance of risk, liquidity and return
    13     commensurate with the management of a prudent investor.
    14         (3)  With regard to each fund, the department, its
    15     investment managers, program managers and trustees shall have
    16     the authority to invest and reinvest the funds in all lawful
    17     investments.
    18     (b)  Managers and trustees.--
    19         (1)  On behalf of each program, the department may
    20     contract for investment managers, program managers and
    21     trustees to establish and develop each program and fulfill
    22     the objectives of each program.
    23         (2)  As a condition of a contract under paragraph (1) for
    24     the guaranteed savings program, the department shall require
    25     all of the following:
    26             (i)  The investment manager, program manager or
    27         trustee must act on the basis of program costs and
    28         expenses supplied by the department.
    29             (ii)  The investment manager, program manager or
    30         trustee must meet the obligation of the guaranteed
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     1         savings fund if, as a result of the imprudent selection
     2         or supervision of investments or the program by the
     3         investment manager, program manager or trustee, the
     4         guaranteed savings fund is not fiscally sufficient to
     5         meet its obligations.
     6         (3)  For a contract under paragraph (1) The department
     7     may impose liability on any investment manager, program
     8     manager or trustee for losses incurred by the fund or an
     9     account owner as a result of negligent, fraudulent or
    10     imprudent selection or supervision of investments.
    11  Section 9.  General provisions governing both programs.
    12     (a)  Levy, execution and security for loans.--An account or a
    13  legal interest in an account shall not be subject to attachment,
    14  levy or execution by a creditor of an account owner or of a
    15  beneficiary and shall not be used as security for a loan.
    16     (b)  Period of participation.--
    17         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), a minimum
    18     period of one year must elapse between:
    19             (i)  the time a contribution is made pursuant to a
    20         program contract; and
    21             (ii)  the time that the contribution and an increase
    22         in its value may be used for payment of qualified service
    23         expenses.
    24         (2)  The board may prescribe an alternative minimum
    25     period of time which must elapse between a contribution and
    26     its use for payment of qualified service expenses.
    27     (c)  Student aid.--
    28         (1)  Subject to paragraph (2), amounts contributed
    29     pursuant to a program contract and an increase in the value
    30     of a program contract shall not be used in calculating
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     1     personal asset contributions for determining eligibility and
     2     need for student loan programs, student grant programs or
     3     other student aid programs administered by any agency of the
     4     Commonwealth.
     5         (2)  Paragraph (1) may be overridden by Federal law.
     6     (d)  Cash contributions.--A contribution made pursuant to a
     7  program contract may only be made by cash, checks, money order,
     8  credit card or other similar method, as determined by the
     9  department.
    10     (e)  Transfers between programs.--The department, pursuant to
    11  a program contract, may specify the terms and conditions under
    12  which a transfer of contributions and an increased value of
    13  contributions may be made from one account to another by an
    14  account owner. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to
    15  require the department to allow such a transfer.
    16  Section 10.  Program contracts.
    17     Account owners making contributions for the use of
    18  beneficiaries must enter into a program contract with the
    19  department.
    20  Section 11.  Eligible beneficiaries.
    21     (a)  Residents.--An individual who is a resident of this
    22  Commonwealth, diagnosed as having special needs, at the time
    23  when the program contract is entered into on the individual's
    24  behalf is eligible to be a beneficiary.
    25     (b)  Nonresidents.--
    26         (1)  An individual who is not a resident of this
    27     Commonwealth, diagnosed as having special needs, is eligible
    28     to be a beneficiary for a guaranteed savings contract if
    29     entered into on the individual's behalf by a resident of this
    30     Commonwealth, including a legal entity with its principal
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     1     place of business located within this Commonwealth.
     2         (2)  A nonresident, diagnosed as having special needs, is
     3     eligible to be a beneficiary of an investment contract.
     4     (c)  Designation.--
     5         (1)  The account owner must designate a beneficiary at
     6     the time the account owner enters into a program contract.
     7         (2)  The account owner may substitute for the current
     8     beneficiary only a member of the family of that beneficiary
     9     upon approval by the department.
    10  Section 12.  Termination and refund.
    11     (a)  Death.--If all beneficiaries die, the account owner or
    12  the account owner's designee shall receive the value of the
    13  account upon termination of a program contract.
    14     (b)  Refunds for other reasons.--A refund for a program
    15  contract under this subsection for reasons other than as set
    16  forth in subsection (a) shall be as follows:
    17         (1)  If the value of the account is less than or equal to
    18     the sum of the contributions made pursuant to the program
    19     contract, the value of the account.
    20         (2)  If the value of the account is more than the sum of
    21     the contributions made pursuant to the special needs account
    22     investment program contract, the sum of the contributions
    23     plus any accrued interest.
    24     (c)  Fees.--The department may impose a fee upon termination
    25  of the account for administrative costs and deduct the fee from
    26  the amount otherwise payable.
    27     (d)  Taxation of refunds.--A refund under this section shall
    28  be subject to taxation as income under the laws of this
    29  Commonwealth.
    30  Section 13.  Safeguards and protections.
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     1     (a)  Disclosure.--For a program contract, the department
     2  shall disclose the following information in writing to the
     3  account owner:
     4         (1)  The terms and conditions for purchasing an account.
     5         (2)  Restrictions on the substitution of beneficiaries.
     6         (3)  The time period during which and the purposes for
     7     which a designated beneficiary may receive benefits from
     8     eligible services.
     9         (4)  The terms and conditions under which money may be
    10     withdrawn from an account, the reasonable charges that may
    11     apply and the penalty for a nonqualified withdrawal.
    12         (5)  The probable tax consequences associated with
    13     contributions to and withdrawals from a special needs
    14     account.
    15         (6)  All other rights and obligations pertaining to
    16     participation in the program.
    17     (b)  Construction.--Nothing in this act shall be construed to
    18  do any of the following:
    19         (1)  Give a beneficiary a right or legal interest in an
    20     account unless the beneficiary is also the account owner.
    21         (2)  Establish residence in this Commonwealth for an
    22     individual solely because that individual is a designated
    23     beneficiary of an account established under this act.
    24  Section 14.  Exemption from security laws.
    25     A program contract is exempt from the act of December 5,
    26  1972, known as the Pennsylvania Securities Act of 1972.
    27  Section 15.  State tax exemption.
    28     The following shall be exempt from taxation by the
    29  Commonwealth or a political subdivision:
    30         (1)  Property of a fund. This paragraph includes income.
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     1         (2)  A contribution made pursuant to a program contract.
     2         (3)  An increase in the value of a contribution under
     3     paragraph (2).
     4         (4)  Retention, or transfer during life or as a result of
     5     death of a legal interest in a program contract.
     6         (5)  Payment of qualified service provider expenses of
     7     beneficiaries made pursuant to a program contract.
     8  Section 16.  Federal taxation.
     9     The department may take appropriate action in order to obtain
    10  a determination from the Internal Revenue Service or a Federal
    11  Court as to whether an item listed in section 15 is a
    12  transaction which will subject an account owner or a fund to
    13  Federal taxation.
    14  Section 40.  Effective date.
    15     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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