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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3521



No. 2409 Session of 2008

           YOUNGBLOOD, APRIL 2, 2008


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 9, 1955 (P.L.323, No.130), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act relating to counties of the first, third,
     3     fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth classes; amending,
     4     revising, consolidating and changing the laws relating
     5     thereto; relating to imposition of excise taxes by counties,
     6     including authorizing imposition of an excise tax on the
     7     rental of motor vehicles by counties of the first class; and
     8     providing for regional renaissance initiatives," further
     9     providing for authorization of vehicle rental tax by counties
    10     of the first class.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Section 2398 of the act of August 9, 1955
    14  (P.L.323, No.130), known as The County Code, added June 25, 1999
    15  (P.L.182, No.25), is amended to read:
    16     Section 2398.  Authorization of Vehicle Rental Tax by
    17  Counties of the First Class.--(a)  Notwithstanding any provision
    18  of this act or any law to the contrary, each county of the first
    19  class is hereby authorized to impose an excise tax on the rental
    20  of a rental vehicle in that county. If the county is coterminous
    21  with a city of the first class, imposition of the tax in that

     1  county, if any, shall be by that city. The tax may be imposed on
     2  any person renting a rental vehicle at a rate of up to two per
     3  centum of the purchase price of the rental. For purposes of this
     4  section, the situs of the rental of the vehicle is the place
     5  where the renter takes possession of the rental vehicle.
     6     (b)  All of the proceeds of the vehicle rental tax shall be
     7  dedicated solely to the payment of the costs of capital
     8  projects, which costs may include, without limitation, lease
     9  payments or service agreements with authorities for capital
    10  projects and debt service on bonds issued for capital projects.
    11  The Commonwealth does hereby pledge to and agree with any
    12  person, firm or corporation subscribing to or acquiring bonds
    13  issued by the county, city or an authority to finance a capital
    14  project for which the tax was dedicated that the Commonwealth
    15  itself will not repeal this authorization or reduce the rate of
    16  tax authorized under this section until all such bonds, together
    17  with the interest thereon, have been paid or provision for such
    18  payment shall have been made, nor shall a county or city of the
    19  first class imposing such tax and dedicating such tax as
    20  provided in this section be permitted to repeal such tax or to
    21  reduce the rate of such tax or to revoke such dedication until
    22  all of such bonds, together with interest thereon, shall have
    23  been paid or provision for such payment shall have been made.
    24  Payments by a county or a city of the first class under any
    25  lease or service agreement as hereinabove described shall not
    26  constitute debt of the Commonwealth or of a county or city of
    27  the first class.
    28     (c)  The vehicle rental tax shall be collected by each
    29  vehicle rental company in the county or city imposing the tax.
    30  The tax shall be collected at the time the rental vehicle is
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     1  rented by that vehicle rental company and shall be remitted by
     2  the vehicle rental company to the county or city that imposed
     3  the tax in accordance with rules and regulations established by
     4  the county or city or the tax collection agencies of that county
     5  or city for collection and remittance of the tax. Any person
     6  required to collect or pay over any tax authorized by this
     7  section and who fails to collect or pay over any such tax shall
     8  be liable for the full amount of such tax, including any
     9  interest or penalties which may be imposed by a county or city
    10  of the first class.
    11     (d)  The county or city and its tax collection agencies are
    12  authorized to promulgate and enforce rules and regulations not
    13  inconsistent with the provisions of this section relating to any
    14  matter or thing pertaining to the collection, administration and
    15  enforcement of the provisions of this section.
    16     (d.1)  This section shall not apply to nonprofit carsharing
    17  organizations or services.
    18     (e)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    19  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    20  subsection:
    21     "Nonprofit carsharing organization."  An organization,
    22  administered without the intent of or concern for monetary
    23  profit, which provides an integrated citywide network of
    24  neighborhood-based motor vehicles available only to members by
    25  reservation on an hourly basis, or in smaller intervals, and at
    26  variable rates as part of a mobility enhancement service. These
    27  services are designed to complement existing transit and bicycle
    28  transportation systems by providing a practical alternative to
    29  private motor vehicle ownership, with the goal of reducing
    30  overdependency on individually owned motor vehicles.
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     1     "Rental vehicle" shall mean a private passenger motor vehicle
     2  designed to transport fifteen or fewer passengers or a truck,
     3  trailer or semitrailer used in the transportation of property
     4  other than commercial freight, that is rented without a driver,
     5  is part of a fleet of five or more rental vehicles that are used
     6  for that purpose and owned or leased by the same person or
     7  entity and is rented for a period of twenty-nine or fewer
     8  consecutive days, excluding vehicles owned or leased by a non-
     9  profit carsharing organization.
    10     "Vehicle rental company" shall mean any business entity
    11  engaged in the business of renting motor vehicles in this
    12  Commonwealth. The term does not include a non-profit carsharing
    13  organization.
    14     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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