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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3385



No. 2411 Session of 2004



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 19, 1988 (P.L.1262, No.156),
     2     entitled, as amended, "An act providing for the licensing of
     3     eligible organizations to conduct games of chance, for the
     4     licensing of persons to distribute games of chance, for the
     5     registration of manufacturers of games of chance, and for
     6     suspensions and revocations of licenses and permits;
     7     requiring records; providing for local referendum by
     8     electorate; and prescribing penalties," further providing for
     9     prize limits, for limited sales and for recordkeeping;
    10     repealing certain provisions relating to advertising; and
    11     further providing for eligible organizations' use of
    12     locations for conducting small games of chance and for
    13     separate individual prize limitations.

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  Section 5 of the act of December 19, 1988
    17  (P.L.1262, No.156), known as the Local Option Small Games of
    18  Chance Act, amended December 19, 1990 (P.L.812, No.195) and
    19  October 18, 2000 (P.L.602, No.79), is amended to read:
    20  Section 5.  Prize limits.
    21     (a)  Individual prize limit.--[The] Except as provided for in
    22  subsection (i), maximum cash value which may be awarded for any

     1  single chance shall be [$500] $1,000.
     2     [(b)  Weekly limit.--No more than $5,000 in cash or
     3  merchandise shall be awarded by any eligible organization in any
     4  seven-day period.]
     5     (c)  Limit on raffles.--No more than $5,000 in cash or
     6  merchandise shall be awarded in raffles in any calendar month.
     7     (d)  Exception.--An eligible organization may conduct a
     8  raffle and award a prize or prizes valued in excess of [$500]
     9  $1,000 each only under the following conditions:
    10         (1)  The licensing authority has issued a special permit
    11     for the raffle under section 11.
    12         (2)  Eligible organizations shall be eligible to receive
    13     no more than two special permits in any licensed year except
    14     that volunteer fire, ambulance and rescue organizations shall
    15     be eligible to receive no more than three special permits in
    16     any licensed year.
    17         (3)  Only one raffle may be conducted under each special
    18     permit.
    19         (4)  The total cash value of all prizes shall be no more
    20     than $100,000 per calendar year.
    21     (e)  Limit on daily drawings.--Daily drawings shall be
    22  governed by the prize [limitations] limitation contained in
    23  [subsections (a) and (b)] subsection (a). An eligible
    24  organization shall not conduct daily drawings during a period
    25  when a weekly drawing is taking place.
    26     (f)  Exception.--The prize limitation contained in
    27  [subsections (a) and (b)] subsection (a) may be exceeded by a
    28  daily drawing under the following circumstances: a daily drawing
    29  may award a prize where the cash value is in excess of [$500]
    30  $1,000 if such prize is the result of a carryover of a drawing
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     1  or drawings which resulted from the winning number in such
     2  drawing or drawings not being among the eligible entrants in
     3  such drawings. Nothing contained herein shall authorize the
     4  prize [limitations] limitation as contained in [subsections (a)
     5  and (b)] subsection (a) to be exceeded as a result of a failure
     6  to conduct a drawing on an operating day during which chances
     7  were sold for a daily drawing or for a daily drawing for which
     8  chances were sold in excess of $1 or for which more than one
     9  chance was sold to an eligible participant.
    10     [(g)  Daily drawing and weekly drawing exception.--When a
    11  daily drawing or weekly drawing is set up or conducted in such a
    12  manner as to pay out or award 100% of the gross revenues
    13  generated from such drawing, the limitations contained in
    14  subsection (b) shall not apply.
    15     (h)  Limit on weekly drawings.--Weekly drawings shall be
    16  governed by the prize limitations contained in subsection (b).
    17  The prize limitation contained in subsection (b) may be exceeded
    18  by a weekly drawing under the following circumstances: a weekly
    19  drawing may award a prize where the cash value is in excess of
    20  $5,000 if such prize is the result of a carryover of a drawing
    21  or drawings which resulted from the winning number or numbers in
    22  such drawing or drawings not being among the eligible entrants
    23  in such drawings. Nothing contained in this act shall authorize
    24  the prize limitations as contained in subsection (b) to be
    25  exceeded as a result of a failure to conduct a drawing for a
    26  week during which chances were sold for a weekly drawing or for
    27  a weekly drawing for which chances were sold in excess of $1. An
    28  eligible organization shall not conduct weekly drawings during a
    29  period when a daily drawing is taking place.]
    30     (i)  Progressive games.--Progressive games shall be permitted
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     1  with a maximum cash value of $25,000. For the purpose of this
     2  section, progressive games are those in which a winning ticket
     3  awards the ticket holder an additional chance at another game or
     4  games.
     5     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     6  Section 5.1.  Insured games.
     7     Notwithstanding any provision of this act to the contrary, an
     8  eligible organization may conduct small games of chance using
     9  insured games. For the purposes of this section, an insured game
    10  is a game in which the distributor or other third party
    11  guarantees making the payment on a win of a jackpot.
    12     Section 3.  Sections 6, 9(b) and 10(b.1) of the act, amended
    13  December 19, 1990 (P.L.812, No.195), are amended to read:
    14  Section 6.  Sales limited.
    15     No person shall sell, offer for sale or furnish games of
    16  chance for use within this Commonwealth except to an eligible
    17  organization or distributor licensed under this act. No game of
    18  chance, other than a raffle, sold, offered for sale or furnished
    19  for use within this Commonwealth shall contain, permit, depict
    20  or designate a prize having a cash value in excess of [$500]
    21  $1,000.
    22  Section 9.  Regulations of department.
    23     * * *
    24     (b)  Limitation on recordkeeping requirements.--This section
    25  shall not be construed to authorize the department to promulgate
    26  regulations providing for recordkeeping requirements for
    27  eligible organizations which require unreasonable or unnecessary
    28  information or a repetitious listing of information. The
    29  department shall strive to keep such recordkeeping requirements
    30  from being an undue hardship or burden on eligible
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     1  organizations. Under no circumstances shall the department
     2  require the retention of records for a period in excess of two
     3  years. Each eligible organization shall report to the department
     4  prizes awarded as required by the Internal Revenue Service.
     5  Section 10.  Licensing of eligible organizations to conduct
     6                 games of chance.
     7     * * *
     8     (b.1)  Location of small games of chance.--Where there exists
     9  a location or premises which is the normal business or operating
    10  site of the eligible organization and is owned or leased by that
    11  eligible organization to conduct its normal business, that site
    12  shall be the licensed premises for small games of chance
    13  conducted by the eligible organization. If that location
    14  consists of more than one building and the eligible organization
    15  wishes to conduct its games in a different building at that
    16  location from the one that is listed on its application and
    17  license, the eligible organization must notify, in writing, the
    18  district attorney and the licensing authority of the change in
    19  building site and the dates and times that will be affected.
    20  When an eligible organization does not own or lease a specific
    21  location to conduct its normal business, that eligible
    22  organization may use another eligible organization's premises to
    23  conduct its games or may make such other arrangements that are
    24  consistent with this act, including, but not limited to, leasing
    25  a premise under a written agreement for a rental which is not
    26  determined by either the amount of receipts realized from the
    27  playing of games of chance nor the number of people attending
    28  except that an eligible organization may lease a facility for a
    29  banquet where a per head charge is applied in connection with
    30  the serving of a meal. More than one organization may use the
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     1  same location, provided that each organization has its own
     2  license and that the prize limitations of this act shall apply
     3  separately to each organization. When such eligible organization
     4  changes the site of its games from that which is listed on its
     5  application and license, the eligible organization must notify,
     6  in writing, the district attorney and licensing authority of the
     7  change in their games' site and dates and times that will be
     8  affected.
     9     * * *
    10     Section 4.  Section 15 of the act is repealed.
    11     Section 5.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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