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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3409



No. 2416 Session of 2004

           AND TANGRETTI, MARCH 15, 2004


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 2, 1937 (P.L.1198, No.308), entitled
     2     "An act relating to employes and organizations thereof;
     3     defining labor disputes; prescribing the procedure by which
     4     and the conditions under which injunctions may be granted in
     5     such disputes, and the scope thereof; declaring certain
     6     undertakings and promises between employers and employes
     7     contrary to public policy and void; prescribing the nature of
     8     proof necessary in actions arising out of labor disputes
     9     against persons or associations; prescribing the terms and
    10     conditions for bonds to be furnished prior to the issuance of
    11     injunctions; prescribing the procedure in case of appeal from
    12     granting injunctions; limiting the duration of temporary and
    13     permanent injunctions in case of labor disputes; and
    14     providing for the payment of costs; and repealing all acts or
    15     parts of acts inconsistent herewith," further providing for
    16     restraining orders and injunctions.

    17     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    18         (1)  Citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have a
    19     strong local interest in protecting the public welfare during
    20     labor disputes involving employers or employees located
    21     within this Commonwealth.
    22         (2)  Violence during labor disputes adversely affects the
    23     public welfare and one of the greatest sources of labor

     1     violence is the decision by management to hire temporary or
     2     permanent replacements during a strike by employees.
     3         (3)  To the extent the judicial power of the Commonwealth
     4     is invoked in connection with such labor disputes, it is
     5     incumbent on the Commonwealth to ensure that it acts to
     6     reduce all sources of violence in labor disputes in a manner
     7     which is fair and evenhanded.
     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 4 of the act of June 2, 1937 (P.L.1198,
    11  No.308), known as the Labor Anti-Injunction Act, amended June 9,
    12  1939 (P.L.302, No.163), is amended to read:
    13     Section 4.  No court of this Commonwealth shall have
    14  jurisdiction to issue any restraining order or temporary or
    15  permanent injunction in a case included within this act, except
    16  in strict conformity with the provisions of this act, nor shall
    17  any such restraining order or temporary or permanent injunction
    18  be issued contrary to the public policy declared in this act.
    19  Exclusive jurisdiction and power to hear and determine all
    20  actions and suits coming under the provisions of this act, shall
    21  be vested in the courts of common pleas of the several counties
    22  of this Commonwealth: Provided, however, That, unless an
    23  employer hires temporary or permanent replacement employes to
    24  perform the work subject to the labor dispute, this act shall
    25  not apply in any case--
    26     (a)  Involving a labor dispute, as defined herein, which is
    27  in disregard, breach, or violation of, or which tends to procure
    28  the disregard, breach, or violation of, a valid subsisting labor
    29  agreement arrived at between an employer and the representatives
    30  designated or selected by the employes for the purpose of
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     1  collective bargaining, as defined and provided for in the act,
     2  approved the first day of June, one thousand nine hundred and
     3  thirty-seven (Pamphlet Laws, one thousand one hundred sixty-
     4  eight), entitled "An act to protect the rights of employes to
     5  organize and bargain collectively; creating the Pennsylvania
     6  Labor Relations Board; conferring powers and imposing duties
     7  upon the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board, officers of the
     8  State government, and courts; providing for the right of
     9  employes to organize and bargain collectively; declaring certain
    10  labor practices by employers to be unfair; further providing
    11  that representatives of a majority of the employes be the
    12  exclusive representatives of all the employes; authorizing the
    13  board to conduct hearings and elections, and certify as to
    14  representatives of employes for purposes of collective
    15  bargaining; empowering the board to prevent any person from
    16  engaging in any unfair labor practice, and providing a procedure
    17  for such cases, including the issuance of a complaint, the
    18  conducting of a hearing, and the making of an order; empowering
    19  the board to petition a court of common pleas for the
    20  enforcement of its order, and providing a procedure for such
    21  cases; providing for the review of an order of the board by a
    22  court of common pleas on petition of any person aggrieved by
    23  such order, and establishing a procedure for such cases;
    24  providing for an appeal from the common pleas court to the
    25  Supreme Court; providing the board with investigatory powers,
    26  including the power to issue subpoenas and the compelling of
    27  obedience to them through application to the proper court;
    28  providing for service of papers and process of the board;
    29  prescribing certain penalties," and amendments thereto, or as
    30  defined and provided for in the National Labor Relations Act,
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     1  approved the fifth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and
     2  thirty-five: Provided, however, That the complaining person has
     3  not, during the term of the said agreement, committed an act as
     4  defined in both of the aforesaid acts as an unfair labor
     5  practice or violated any of the terms of said agreement.
     6     (b)  Where a majority of the employes have not joined a labor
     7  organization, or where two or more labor organizations are
     8  competing for membership of the employes, and any labor
     9  organization or any of its officers, agents, representatives,
    10  employes, or members engages in a course of conduct intended or
    11  calculated to coerce an employer to compel or require his
    12  employes to prefer or become members of or otherwise join any
    13  labor organization.
    14     (c)  Where any person, association, employe, labor
    15  organization, or any employe, agent, representative, or officer
    16  of a labor organization engages in a course of conduct intended
    17  or calculated to coerce an employer to commit a violation of the
    18  Pennsylvania Labor Relations Act of 1937 or the National Labor
    19  Relations Act of 1935.
    20     (d)  Where in the course of a labor dispute as herein
    21  defined, an employe, or employes acting in concert, or a labor
    22  organization, or the members, officers, agents, or
    23  representatives of a labor organization or anyone acting for
    24  such organization, seize, hold, damage, or destroy the plant,
    25  equipment, machinery, or other property of the employer with the
    26  intention of compelling the employer to accede to any demands,
    27  conditions, or terms of employment, or for collective
    28  bargaining.
    29     Section 2.  Section 9 of the act is amended to read:
    30     Section 9.  No court of this Commonwealth shall issue any
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     1  restraining order or a temporary or permanent injunction in any
     2  case involving or growing out of a labor dispute, except after
     3  hearing the testimony of witnesses in open court (with
     4  opportunity for cross-examination) in support of the allegations
     5  of a complaint made under oath, and testimony in opposition
     6  thereto, if offered, and except after findings of fact by the
     7  court to the effect--
     8     (a)  That unlawful acts have been threatened and will be
     9  committed unless restrained, or have been committed and will be
    10  continued unless restrained, but no temporary or permanent
    11  injunction or temporary restraining order shall be issued on
    12  account of any threat or unlawful act, excepting against the
    13  person or persons, association or organization, making the
    14  threat or committing the unlawful act, or actually authorizing
    15  or ratifying the same after actual knowledge thereof.
    16     (b)  That substantial and irreparable injury to complainant's
    17  property will follow unless the relief requested is granted.
    18     (c)  That, as to each item of relief granted, greater injury
    19  will be inflicted upon complainant by the denial of relief than
    20  will be inflicted upon defendants by granting of relief.
    21     (d)  That no item of relief granted is relief which is
    22  prohibited under section six of this act.
    23     (e)  That complainant has no adequate remedy at law; and
    24     (f)  That the public officers charged with the duty to
    25  protect complainant's property are unable to furnish adequate
    26  protection.
    27     (g)  The employer has not hired temporary or permanent
    28  replacement employes to perform the work subject to the labor
    29  disputes.
    30     Such hearing shall be held only after a verified bill of
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     1  complaint and a verified bill of particulars specifying in
     2  detail the time, place, and the nature of the acts complained
     3  of, and the names of the persons alleged to have committed the
     4  same or participated therein, have been served, and after due
     5  and personal notice thereof has been given, in such manner as
     6  the court shall direct, to all known persons against whom relief
     7  is sought, and also to the chief of those public officials of
     8  the county and city, within which the unlawful acts have been
     9  threatened or committed, charged with the duty to protect
    10  complainant's property. The hearing shall consist of the taking
    11  of testimony in open court with opportunity for cross-
    12  examination and testimony in opposition thereto, if offered, and
    13  no affidavits shall be received in support of any of the
    14  allegations of the complaint.
    15     Section 3.  This act shall apply retroactively to labor
    16  disputes which are in progress on the effective date of this
    17  act.
    18     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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