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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3528



No. 2417 Session of 2008


           APRIL 2, 2008

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 22, 1983 (P.L.303, No.83), entitled
     2     "An act relating to destruction of pet animals; prohibiting
     3     certain methods of destruction; providing for a limited
     4     license to dispense certain drugs; providing for regulation
     5     and enforcement; providing for use of certain surplus funds;
     6     and providing penalties," further providing for prohibited
     7     means of destruction of animals, for methods of destruction
     8     of animals and for exclusions; and repealing provisions
     9     relating to use of carbon monoxide systems.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  Sections 1, 2 and 4 of the act of December 22,
    13  1983 (P.L.303, No.83), referred to as the Animal Destruction
    14  Method Authorization Law, are amended to read:
    15  Section 1.  Prohibited means of destruction of animals.
    16     (a)  General rule.--No animal shall be destroyed by means of
    17  a high altitude decompression chamber or decompression device[.]
    18  or a carbon monoxide gas system.
    19     (b)  Firearms.--No pet animal shall be destroyed by means of
    20  a firearm.

     1  Section 2.  [Methods] Required method of destruction of animals.
     2     [(a)  Required method.--]The required method of destruction
     3  shall be by the administration of an overdose of a barbiturate,
     4  barbiturate combinations, drug or drug combinations approved for
     5  this purpose by the Federal Drug Administration and in
     6  accordance with guidelines established by the Pennsylvania
     7  Department of Agriculture.
     8     [(b)  Authorized method.--Nothing in this act shall prevent a
     9  person or humane society organization from destroying a pet
    10  animal by means of firearms.]
    11  Section 4.  Exclusions.
    12     (a)  Dangerous pet animals.--Section 1(b) of this act shall
    13  not apply to a pet animal:
    14         (1)  running at large and unaccompanied by its owner or
    15     keeper on the public streets or highways of this Commonwealth
    16     or on the property of a person other than the owner of such
    17     pet animal; or
    18         (2)  located in a kennel or shelter setting;
    19  if the pet animal poses a clear and present danger to a person,
    20  property or another pet animal.
    21     (b)  Certain educational and research institutions.--Sections
    22  2 and 3 of this act shall not apply to a medical school or
    23  school of veterinary medicine or a research institution
    24  affiliated with a hospital or university.
    25     Section 2.  Section 5 of the act is repealed:
    26  [Section 5.  Use of carbon monoxide systems.
    27         (1)  Carbon monoxide gas may be used to destroy animals
    28     seven weeks of age or older.
    29         (2)  Chloroform, ether, halothane or fluothane may be
    30     used to destroy animals under seven weeks of age when
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     1     administered in an airtight chamber or transparent plastic
     2     bag providing for segregation of animals by size and age
     3     which is capable of permitting unobstructed visual
     4     observation and which does not permit direct contact with any
     5     device containing chloroform.
     6         (3)  Carbon monoxide gas systems shall consist of and be
     7     equipped with:
     8             (i)  A tightly enclosed cabinet for the purpose of
     9         containing the animals during the destruction process.
    10             (ii)  Internal lighting and a window for direct
    11         visual observation in the cabinet at all times.
    12             (iii)  A gas generation capable of achieving a
    13         concentration of carbon monoxide gas of at least 5%
    14         throughout the cabinet.
    15             (iv)  A gauge or gas concentration indicator or
    16         recording device.
    17             (v)  A means of separating animals from each other
    18         within the cabinet, if the cabinet is of sufficient size
    19         to facilitate more than one animal.
    20             (vi)  A means of fully removing the carbon monoxide
    21         gas from the cabinet upon completion of the destruction
    22         process.
    23             (vii)  If an internal combustion engine is used, a
    24         means of cooling the gas to a temperature not to exceed
    25         115 degrees Fahrenheit at the point of entry into the
    26         cabinet and not to exceed 90 degrees Fahrenheit at any
    27         point in the cabinet as determined by temperature gauges
    28         permanently installed at point of entry and inside the
    29         cabinet.
    30             (viii)  If the gas is generated by an internal
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     1         combustion engine, a means of removing or filtering out
     2         all noxious fumes, irritating acids and carbon particles
     3         from the gas before it enters the cabinet.
     4             (ix)  If an internal combustion engine is used, a
     5         means of substantially deadening the sound and vibration
     6         transmission from the engine to the cabinet, by placing
     7         them in separate rooms or soundproof compartments
     8         connecting them with flexible tubing or pipe at least 24
     9         inches in length, so that the noise level within the
    10         cabinet shall not exceed 70 decibels.
    11             (x)  If an internal combustion engine is used, a
    12         means for exhausting the internal combustion engine gas
    13         during the period of engine warmup.
    14         (4)  Upon completion of the destruction process, animals
    15     shall not be removed from the cabinet until the carbon
    16     monoxide gas has been fully removed from the cabinet.]
    17     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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