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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3247



No. 2421 Session of 2000

           AND YUDICHAK, MARCH 22, 2000

           MARCH 22, 2000

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 17, 1956 (1955 P.L.1609, No.537),
     2     entitled "An act to promote the welfare of the people of the
     3     Commonwealth by the reduction of unemployment in certain
     4     areas of the Commonwealth determined to be critical economic
     5     areas; providing for the establishment of industrial
     6     development projects in such areas; creating The Pennsylvania
     7     Industrial Development Authority as a body corporate and
     8     politic with power to allocate funds for and make secured
     9     loans to industrial development agencies for the payment of a
    10     part of the cost of industrial development projects in
    11     critical economic areas; authorizing the Authority to enter
    12     into agreements with the Government of the United States or
    13     any Federal agency or industrial development agency;
    14     empowering the Authority to take title to, sell, convey and
    15     lease industrial development projects where necessary to
    16     protect loans made by the Pennsylvania Industrial Development
    17     Authority on industrial development projects; providing that
    18     no debt of the Commonwealth, its municipalities or political
    19     subdivisions shall be incurred in the exercise of any powers
    20     granted by this act; and providing for the examination of the
    21     accounts and affairs of the Authority; and making an
    22     appropriation," including biotechnology enterprises and small
    23     business incubators within the scope of the act; and further
    24     regulating loans to industrial development agencies.

    25     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

     1  hereby enacts as follows:
     2     Section 1.  The last paragraph of section 2 of the act of May
     3  17, 1956 (1955 P.L.1609, No.537), known as the Pennsylvania
     4  Industrial Development Authority Act, amended July 10, 1963
     5  (P.L.221, No.125), is amended to read:
     6     Section 2.  Findings and Declaration of Policy.--It is hereby
     7  determined and declared as a matter of legislative finding--
     8     * * *
     9     Therefore, it is hereby declared to be the policy of the
    10  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to promote the health, safety,
    11  morals, right to gainful employment, business opportunities and
    12  general welfare of the inhabitants thereof by the creation of a
    13  body corporate and politic to be known as "The Pennsylvania
    14  Industrial Development Authority" which shall exist and operate
    15  for the public purpose of alleviating unemployment with its
    16  resulting spread of indigency and economic stagnation by the
    17  promotion and development of industrial and manufacturing
    18  enterprises [and], research and development facilities,
    19  biotechnology enterprises and small business incubators in those
    20  areas of the Commonwealth in which conditions of critical
    21  unemployment currently or may from time to time exist. Such
    22  purposes are hereby declared to be public purposes for which
    23  public money may be spent.
    24     Section 2.  Section 3(i) of the act, amended June 16, 1972
    25  (P.L.475, No.153), is amended and the section is amended by
    26  adding clauses to read:
    27     Section 3.  Definitions.--The following terms, whenever used
    28  or referred to in this act, shall have the following meanings,
    29  except in those instances where the context clearly indicates
    30  otherwise:
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     1     * * *
     2     (i)  The term "industrial development project" shall mean any
     3  land, site, structure, facility or undertaking comprising or
     4  being connected with or being a part of (i) an industrial
     5  enterprise, (ii) a manufacturing enterprise, (iii) a research
     6  and development enterprise, [or] (iv) an agricultural
     7  enterprise, (v) a biotechnology enterprise, or (vi) a small
     8  business incubator, established or to be established by an
     9  industrial development agency in a critical economic area.
    10     * * *
    11     (v)  The term "biotechnology enterprise" shall mean an
    12  enterprise which is engaged in the research, development,
    13  production or provision of biotechnology for the purpose of
    14  developing or providing products, processes or technologies for
    15  specific commercial or public purposes, including, but not
    16  limited to, medical, pharmaceutical, nutritional and other
    17  health-related purposes, agricultural purposes and environmental
    18  purposes, or engaged in providing services or products necessary
    19  for such research, development, product or provision of service.
    20  A biotechnology enterprise requires substantial capital by
    21  virtue of its technology needs. A biotechnology enterprise
    22  creates or will create substantial employment opportunities by
    23  its nature and technological needs.
    24     (w)  The term "small business incubator" shall mean a
    25  facility in which small units of space may be leased by a tenant
    26  and in which management maintains or provides access to business
    27  development services for use by tenants.
    28     Section 3.  Section 5(b) of the act, amended July 10, 1963
    29  (P.L.221, No.125), is amended to read:
    30     Section 5.  Powers of the Authority; General.--The Authority,
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     1  as a public corporation and governmental instrumentality
     2  exercising public powers of the Commonwealth, is hereby granted
     3  and shall have and may exercise all powers necessary or
     4  appropriate to carry out and effectuate the purposes of this
     5  act, including the following powers, in addition to others
     6  herein granted:
     7     * * *
     8     (b)  To co-operate with industrial development agencies in
     9  their efforts to promote the expansion of industrial,
    10  manufacturing [and], research and development, biotechnology and
    11  small business incubator activity in critical economic areas;
    12     * * *
    13     Section 4.  Section 6(a) of the act, amended July 13, 1988
    14  (P.L.534, No.95), is amended to read:
    15     Section 6.  Powers of the Authority; Loans to Industrial
    16  Development Agencies.--When it has been determined by the
    17  Authority upon application of an industrial development agency
    18  and hearing thereon in the manner hereinafter provided, that the
    19  establishment of a particular industrial development project of
    20  such industrial development agency in a critical economic area
    21  has accomplished or will accomplish the public purposes of this
    22  act, the Authority may contract to loan such industrial
    23  development agency an amount not in excess of the percentage of
    24  the cost of such industrial development project, as established
    25  or to be established as hereinafter set forth, subject, however,
    26  to the following conditions:
    27     (a)  Industrial development projects to be established:
    28     (1)  If the industrial development project is exclusively a
    29  research and development facility other than research and
    30  development of pollution control technology, the Authority may,
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     1  in each class of critical economic area, contract to loan the
     2  industrial development agency (45%) of the cost of such
     3  industrial development project if it has determined that the
     4  industrial development agency holds funds or property in an
     5  amount or value equal to not less than (5%) of the cost of
     6  establishing the industrial development project, which funds or
     7  property are available for and shall be applied to the
     8  establishment of such project. If the industrial development
     9  project is exclusively a research and development facility for
    10  technology concerning pollution control, the Authority may
    11  contract to loan the industrial development agency in critical
    12  economic area A an amount not in excess of (55%) and in a
    13  critical economic area B or a critical economic area C an amount
    14  not in excess of (50%) of the cost of the industrial development
    15  project: Provided, however, That in each such instance, the
    16  Authority has determined that the industrial development agency
    17  holds funds or property in an amount or value equal to not less
    18  than (5%) of the cost of establishing the industrial development
    19  project, which funds or property are available for and shall be
    20  applied to the establishment of such project.
    21     (2)  If the industrial development project is any other type
    22  of industrial development project than exclusively a research
    23  and development facility, the Authority may, in critical
    24  economic area A contract to loan the industrial development
    25  agency an amount not in excess of (40%) of the cost of such
    26  industrial development project if it has determined that the
    27  industrial development agency holds funds or property in an
    28  amount or value equal to not less than (10%) of the cost of
    29  establishing the industrial development project, which funds or
    30  property are available for and shall be applied to establishment
    20000H2421B3247                  - 5 -

     1  of such project.
     2     (2.1)  Where a contract to loan to an industrial development
     3  agency is to be made under provisions of this subsection (a),
     4  the following shall apply: that, in critical economic areas A, B
     5  or C where an average of (8%) or more of the labor force has
     6  been unemployed for the preceding calendar year, the Authority
     7  may contract to loan the industrial development agency an amount
     8  not in excess of (50%) of the cost of an industrial development
     9  project and an amount not in excess of (60%) of the cost of an
    10  industrial development project wherein the responsible buyer or
    11  tenant is a small business on the date of the application; and
    12  where an average of (10%) or more of the labor force has been
    13  unemployed for the preceding calendar year, the Authority may
    14  contract to loan the industrial development agency an amount not
    15  in excess of (60%) of the cost of an industrial development
    16  project and an amount not in excess of (70%) of the cost of an
    17  industrial development project wherein the responsible buyer or
    18  tenant is a small business on the date of application; further,
    19  provided that in each such instance the industrial development
    20  agency project percentage shall be removed. Where a contract to
    21  loan to an industrial development agency is to be made under the
    22  provisions of this subsection (a), the following shall apply:
    23  that, in critical economic areas A, B or C where an average of
    24  (4%) or more of the labor force has been unemployed for the
    25  preceding calendar year, the Authority may contract to loan the
    26  industrial development agency an amount not in excess of (40%)
    27  of the cost of an industrial development project wherein the
    28  responsible buyer or tenant is a small business and where an
    29  average of (6%) or more of the labor force has been unemployed
    30  for the preceding calendar year, the Authority may contract to
    20000H2421B3247                  - 6 -

     1  loan the industrial development agency an amount not in excess
     2  of (50%) of the cost of an industrial development project
     3  wherein the responsible buyer or tenant is a small business and
     4  in such latter instance the industrial development agency
     5  project percentage shall be removed.
     6     (3)  If the industrial development project is any other type
     7  of industrial development project than exclusively a research
     8  and development facility, the Authority may, in critical
     9  economic areas B and C, contract to loan the industrial
    10  development agency an amount not in excess of (30%) of the cost
    11  of such industrial development project if it has determined that
    12  the industrial development agency holds funds or property in an
    13  amount or value equal to not less than (20%) of the cost of
    14  establishing the industrial development project, which funds or
    15  property are available for or shall be applied to the
    16  establishment of such project.
    17     (4)  Prior to the making of any loan under this subsection
    18  (a), the Authority shall have determined that the industrial
    19  development agency has obtained from other independent and
    20  responsible sources, such as banks and insurance companies or
    21  otherwise, a firm commitment for all other funds, over and above
    22  the loan of the Authority and such funds or property as the
    23  industrial development agency may hold, necessary for payment of
    24  all of the cost of establishing the industrial development
    25  project, and that the sum of all these funds, together with the
    26  machinery and equipment to be provided by the responsible tenant
    27  or responsible buyer, is adequate for the completion and
    28  operation of the industrial development project.
    29     (5)  If the industrial development project is a biotechnology
    30  enterprise or if it is a small business incubator, the Authority
    20000H2421B3247                  - 7 -

     1  may contract to loan the industrial development agency an amount
     2  not in excess of (40%) of the cost of such industrial
     3  development project if it has determined that the industrial
     4  development agency holds funds or property in an amount or value
     5  equal to not less than (5%) of the cost of establishing the
     6  industrial development project, which funds or property are
     7  available for and shall be applied to establishment of such
     8  project.
     9     (6)  If the industrial development project is a biotechnology
    10  project and otherwise would not qualify based upon existing and
    11  projected revenues, the Authority may contract to loan the
    12  industrial development agency an amount not in excess of (40%)
    13  of the cost of such industrial development project if it has
    14  determined that the biotechnology enterprise has at least one
    15  million dollars ($1,000,000) in unencumbered assets and if it
    16  has determined that the industrial development agency holds
    17  funds or property in an amount or value equal to not less than
    18  (5%) of the cost of establishing the industrial development
    19  project, which funds or property are available for and shall be
    20  applied to establishment of such project.
    21     * * *
    22     Section 5.  Section 7(a) of the act, amended July 10, 1963
    23  (P.L.221, No.125), is amended to read:
    24     Section 7.  Loan Application Requirements.--Prior to the
    25  loaning of any funds to an industrial development agency for an
    26  industrial development project in a critical economic area, the
    27  Authority shall receive from such industrial development agency
    28  a loan application in form adopted by the Authority which shall
    29  contain, without being limited to, the following provisions:
    30     (a)  A general description of the industrial development
    20000H2421B3247                  - 8 -

     1  project and a general description of the industrial or
     2  manufacturing enterprise [or], research and development
     3  facility, biotechnology enterprise or small business incubator
     4  for which the industrial development project has been or is to
     5  be established;
     6     * * *
     7     Section 6.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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