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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3268



No. 2432 Session of 2000

        INTRODUCED BY B. SMITH, MARCH 27, 2000


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, further providing for licenses to
     3     carry concealed firearms.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Section 6109(e)(1) of Title 18 of the
     7  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
     8  § 6109.  Licenses.
     9     * * *
    10     (e)  Issuance of license.--
    11         (1)  A license to carry a firearm shall be for the
    12     purpose of carrying a firearm concealed on or about one's
    13     person or in a vehicle and shall be issued if, after an
    14     investigation not to exceed 45 days, it appears that the
    15     applicant is an individual concerning whom no good cause
    16     exists to deny the license. A license shall not be issued to
    17     any of the following:
    18             (i)  An individual whose character and reputation is

     1         such that the individual would be likely to act in a
     2         manner dangerous to public safety.
     3             (ii)  An individual who has been convicted of an
     4         offense under the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64),
     5         known as The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and
     6         Cosmetic Act which is graded as a misdemeanor of the
     7         second degree or less within ten years of the date of
     8         application for a license under this section.
     9             (iii)  An individual convicted of a crime enumerated
    10         in section 6105.
    11             (iv)  An individual who, within the past ten years,
    12         has been adjudicated delinquent for a crime enumerated in
    13         section 6105 or for an offense under The Controlled
    14         Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act.
    15             (v)  An individual who is not of sound mind or who
    16         has ever been committed to a mental institution.
    17             (vi)  An individual who is addicted to or is an
    18         unlawful user of marijuana or a stimulant, depressant or
    19         narcotic drug.
    20             (vii)  An individual who is a habitual drunkard.
    21             (viii)  An individual who is charged with or has been
    22         convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a
    23         term exceeding one year except as provided for in section
    24         6123 (relating to waiver of disability or pardons).
    25             (ix)  A resident of another state who does not
    26         possess a current license or permit or similar document
    27         to carry a firearm issued by that state if a license is
    28         provided for by the laws of that state, as published
    29         annually in the Federal Register by the Bureau of
    30         Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms of the Department of the
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     1         Treasury under 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(19) (relating to
     2         definitions).
     3             (x)  An alien who is illegally in the United States.
     4             (xi)  An individual who has been discharged from the
     5         armed forces of the United States under dishonorable
     6         conditions.
     7             (xii)  An individual who is a fugitive from justice.
     8         This subparagraph does not apply to an individual whose
     9         fugitive status is based upon nonmoving or moving summary
    10         offense under Title 75 (relating to vehicles).
    11             (xiii)  An individual who is otherwise prohibited
    12         from possessing, using, manufacturing, controlling,
    13         purchasing, selling or transferring a firearm as provided
    14         by section 6105.
    15         * * *
    16     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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