See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3279



No. 2435 Session of 2000



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the financial stability of cities of the second
     2     class; establishing an authority empowered to assist cities
     3     of the second class in their financial affairs and to issue
     4     findings and recommendations to cities of the second class
     5     and to the General Assembly; providing for powers and duties
     6     of the authority; authorizing each city of the second class
     7     and the authority to enter into intergovernmental cooperation
     8     agreements and specifying certain terms of such agreements
     9     and ordinances whereby cities of the second class enter into
    10     such agreements; empowering the authority to incur
    11     indebtedness, receive revenues, acquire the obligations of
    12     assisted cities, make loans and offer other financial
    13     assistance to such cities subject to conditions; establishing
    14     procedures for the preparation and review of financial plans
    15     of cities of the second class while bonds of the authority
    16     are outstanding and providing remedies for failure to adhere
    17     to such plans; requiring certain contracts to be consistent
    18     with the financial plan; making certain provisions with
    19     respect to short-term borrowing by cities of the second
    20     class; establishing procedures for handling authority funds,
    21     and providing for certain payments to the authority;
    22     providing security for bonds and notes issued by the
    23     authority; authorizing the creation of a debt service reserve
    24     fund and providing for its maintenance; granting to the
    25     holders of the authority's indebtedness and to the authority
    26     certain remedies in the event of default by the authority or
    27     by an assisted city on authorized obligations; authorizing
    28     cities of the second class to receive financial assistance
    29     from the authority under certain terms and conditions;
    30     establishing the method for the appointment and composition
    31     of the authority board; prohibiting the authority and
    32     assisted cities from filing a petition under Federal
    33     bankruptcy statutes; authorizing an appropriation for

     1     authority operating expenses; authorizing cities of the
     2     second class to impose an optional sales and use tax;
     3     authorizing cities of the second class to impose certain
     4     taxes for the authority; creating the Second Class City Sales
     5     and Use Tax Fund and the Second Class City Fiscal Authority
     6     Tax Fund; authorizing emergency payment deferral; providing
     7     jurisdiction for challenges to this act; making an
     8     appropriation; and making a repeal.

     9                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
    10  Chapter 1.  General Provisions
    11  Section 101.  Short title.
    12  Section 102.  Purpose and legislative intent.
    13  Section 103.  Legislative findings.
    14  Section 104.  Definitions.
    15  Chapter 2.  Second Class City Fiscal Authority
    16  Section 201.  Authority created.
    17  Section 202.  Governing board.
    18  Section 203.  Powers and duties.
    19  Section 204.  Term of existence of authority.
    20  Section 205.  Fiscal year.
    21  Section 206.  Annual budget of authority.
    22  Section 207.  Annual report to be filed; annual audits.
    23  Section 208.  Authority's financial assistance to cities.
    24  Section 209.  Financial plan of an assisted city.
    25  Section 210.  Powers and duties of authority with respect to
    26                 financial plans.
    27  Section 211.  Limitation on authority and on assisted cities
    28                 to file petition for relief under Federal
    29                 bankruptcy law.
    30  Section 212.  Sovereign immunity.
    31  Chapter 3.  Bonds and Funds of Authority
    32  Section 301.  Bonds.
    33  Section 302.  Exemption from taxation.

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     1  Section 303.  Validity of bonds; limitation on actions.
     2  Section 304.  Provisions of bonds; trust indentures.
     3  Section 305.  Remedies of obligee of authority.
     4  Section 306.  Validity of pledge.
     5  Section 307.  Commonwealth pledges.
     6  Section 308.  Resolution and law are contracts with holders of
     7                 bonds.
     8  Section 309.  Bonds to be legal investments.
     9  Section 310.  Right to enforcement of pledge of revenues.
    10  Section 311.  Funds of authority; sources of revenue.
    11  Section 312.  Payment of proceeds of tax levied for authority
    12                 purposes.
    13  Section 313.  Debt service reserve fund.
    14  Section 314.  Bond payment account and city account.
    15  Section 315.  Other funds and accounts.
    16  Section 316.  Exchange of bonds for obligations of city.
    17  Section 317.  Initial issue of authority bonds.
    18  Section 318.  Payment of taxes with authority bonds.
    19  Section 319.  Final date for issuance of bonds.
    20  Section 320.  City payment of authority bonds.
    21  Chapter 4.  Tax Anticipation Notes
    22  Section 401.  Tax anticipation notes of cities of second class.
    23  Section 402.  Limitation on amount of tax and revenue
    24                 anticipation notes.
    25  Section 403.  Limitation on stated maturity date of tax and
    26                 revenue anticipation notes; time of payment of
    27                 interest.
    28  Section 404.  Other terms of tax and revenue anticipation notes.
    29  Section 405.  Security for tax and revenue anticipation notes;
    30                 sinking fund or trust fund.
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     1  Section 406.  Certification as to taxes and revenues to be
     2                 collected.
     3  Section 407.  Sale of tax anticipation notes.
     4  Section 408.  Filing of proceedings with authority.
     5  Section 409.  Purchase of tax anticipation notes by authority.
     6  Section 410.  Failure to pay principal or interest.
     7  Section 411.  Remedies of holders of tax and revenue
     8                 anticipation notes.
     9  Chapter 5.  Optional Sales and Use Tax
    10  Section 501.  Definitions.
    11  Section 502.  Construction of chapter.
    12  Section 503.  Imposition of additional tax.
    13  Section 504.  Situs for imposition of tax.
    14  Section 505.  Licenses.
    15  Section 506.  Rules and regulations.
    16  Section 507.  Exclusion from rate limitations.
    17  Section 508.  Procedure and administration.
    18  Section 509.  Dedication and disbursement.
    19  Chapter 6.  Second Class City Fiscal Authority Tax
    20  Section 601.  Imposition of authority tax.
    21  Section 602.  Duration of tax.
    22  Section 603.  Creation of fund and disbursement.
    23  Section 604.  Collection of Second Class City Fiscal Authority
    24                 Taxes.
    25  Chapter 7.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    26  Section 701.  Appropriation.
    27  Section 702.  Original and exclusive jurisdiction of Supreme
    28                 Court.
    29  Section 703.  General rights and prohibitions.
    30  Section 704.  Nondiscrimination.
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     1  Section 705.  Emergency payment deferral.
     2  Section 706.  Construction of act.
     3  Section 707.  Limitation of authority powers.
     4  Section 708.  Repeals.
     5  Section 709.  Effective date.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8                             CHAPTER 1
     9                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    10  Section 101.  Short title.
    11     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Second Class
    12  City Fiscal Authority Act.
    13  Section 102.  Purpose and legislative intent.
    14     (a)  Policy.--It is hereby declared to be a public policy of
    15  the Commonwealth to exercise its retained sovereign powers with
    16  regard to taxation, debt issuance and matters of Statewide
    17  concern in a manner calculated to foster the fiscal integrity of
    18  cities of the second class to assure that these cities provide
    19  for the health, safety and welfare of their citizens; pay
    20  principal and interest owed on their debt obligations when due;
    21  meet financial obligations to their employees, vendors and
    22  suppliers; and provide for proper financial planning procedures
    23  and budgeting practices. The inability of a city of the second
    24  class to provide essential services to its citizens as a result
    25  of a fiscal emergency is hereby determined to affect adversely
    26  the health, safety and welfare not only of the citizens of that
    27  municipality but also of other citizens in this Commonwealth.
    28     (b)  Legislative intent.--
    29         (1)  It is the intent of the General Assembly to:

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     1             (i)  provide cities of the second class with the
     2         legal tools with which such cities can eliminate budget
     3         deficits that render them unable to perform essential
     4         municipal services;
     5             (ii)  create an authority that will enable cities of
     6         the second class to access capital markets for deficit
     7         elimination and seasonal borrowings to avoid default on
     8         existing obligations and chronic cash shortages that will
     9         disrupt the delivery of municipal services;
    10             (iii)  foster sound financial planning and budgetary
    11         practices that will address the underlying problems which
    12         result in such deficits for cities of the second class,
    13         which city shall be charged with the responsibility to
    14         exercise efficient and accountable fiscal practices, such
    15         as:
    16                 (A)  increased managerial accountability;
    17                 (B)  consolidation or elimination of inefficient
    18             city programs;
    19                 (C)  recertification of tax-exempt properties;
    20                 (D)  increased collection of existing tax
    21             revenues;
    22                 (E)  privatization of appropriate city services;
    23                 (F)  sale of city assets as appropriate;
    24                 (G)  improvement of procurement practices
    25             including competitive bidding procedures; and
    26                 (H)  review of compensation and benefits of city
    27             employees; and
    28             (iv)  exercise its powers consistent with the rights
    29         of citizens to home rule and self-government.
    30         (2)  The General Assembly further declares that this
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     1     legislation is intended to remedy the fiscal emergency
     2     confronting cities of the second class through the
     3     implementation of sovereign powers of the Commonwealth with
     4     respect to taxation, indebtedness and matters of Statewide
     5     concern. To safeguard the rights of the citizens to the
     6     electoral process and home rule, the General Assembly intends
     7     to exercise its power in an appropriate manner with the
     8     elected officers of cities of the second class.
     9         (3)  The General Assembly further declares that this
    10     legislation is intended to authorize the imposition of a tax
    11     or taxes to provide a source of funding for an
    12     intergovernmental cooperation authority to enable it to
    13     assist cities of the second class and to incur debt of such
    14     authority for such purposes; however, the General Assembly
    15     intends that such debt shall not be a debt or liability of
    16     the Commonwealth or a city of the second class nor shall debt
    17     of the authority payable from and secured by such source of
    18     funding create a charge directly or indirectly against
    19     revenues of the Commonwealth or a city of the second class.
    20  Section 103.  Legislative findings.
    21     It is hereby determined and declared as a matter of
    22  legislative finding:
    23         (1)  That cities of the second class have encountered
    24     recurring financial difficulties which may affect the
    25     performance of necessary municipal services to the detriment
    26     of the health, safety and general welfare of residents of
    27     such cities.
    28         (2)  That, due to the economic and social
    29     interrelationship among all citizens in our economy, the
    30     fiscal integrity of cities of the second class is a matter of
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     1     concern to residents of the entire Commonwealth, and the
     2     financial problems of such cities have a direct and negative
     3     effect on the entire Commonwealth.
     4         (3)  That, because cities of the second class consume a
     5     substantial proportion of the products of Pennsylvania's
     6     farms, factories, manufacturing plants and service
     7     enterprises, economic difficulties confronting cities of the
     8     second class detrimentally affect the economy of the
     9     Commonwealth as a whole and become a matter of Statewide
    10     concern.
    11         (4)  That, because residents of cities of the second
    12     class contribute a substantial proportion of all Commonwealth
    13     tax revenues, a disruption of the economic and social life of
    14     such cities may have a significant detrimental effect upon
    15     Commonwealth revenues.
    16         (5)  That cities of the second class and the Commonwealth
    17     have shown a willingness to cooperate in order to address
    18     important financial and budgetary concerns.
    19         (6)  That the financial difficulties of cities of the
    20     second class can best be addressed and resolved by
    21     cooperation between governmental entities.
    22         (7)  That the Constitution of Pennsylvania grants
    23     municipalities authority to cooperate with other governmental
    24     entities in the exercise of any function or responsibility.
    25         (8)  That the Commonwealth retains certain sovereign
    26     powers with respect to cities of the second class, among them
    27     the powers to authorize and levy taxes, to authorize the
    28     incurring of indebtedness and to provide financial assistance
    29     that may be necessary to assist cities in solving their
    30     financial problems.
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     1         (9)  That the Commonwealth may attach conditions to
     2     grants of authority to incur indebtedness or assistance to
     3     cities of the second class in order to ensure that deficits
     4     are eliminated and access to capital markets is maintained.
     5         (10)  That such conditions shall be incorporated into
     6     intergovernmental cooperation agreements between the
     7     Commonwealth or its instrumentalities and cities of the
     8     second class.
     9         (11)  That cities of the second class and the
    10     Commonwealth will benefit from the creation of an independent
    11     authority composed of members experienced in finance and
    12     management which may advise such cities, the General Assembly
    13     and the Governor concerning solutions to fiscal problems
    14     cities of the second class may face.
    15         (12)  That the creation of such an authority with the
    16     power to borrow money and issue bonds in order to assist
    17     cities of the second class will allow such cities to continue
    18     to provide the necessary municipal services for their
    19     residents and to contribute to the economy of the
    20     Commonwealth.
    21         (13)  That, in order for an authority to effectively
    22     assist cities of the second class in financing their cash
    23     flow needs and for cities of the second class to be able to
    24     cost-effectively finance their cash flow needs during the
    25     term of any authority bonds and thereafter, the enactment of
    26     certain provisions of law in connection with the issuance of
    27     tax and revenue anticipation notes of cities of the second
    28     class is necessary and desirable.
    29         (14)  That a dedicated source of funding for the
    30     authority is necessary in order to address the immediate
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     1     financial difficulties of cities of the second class.
     2         (15)  That the Commonwealth's action in authorizing
     3     cities of the second class to impose taxes for the authority
     4     will allow such cities to continue to provide necessary
     5     services for their residents and for those nonresidents
     6     enjoying the benefits of such services.
     7         (16)  That the levy of a tax within cities of the second
     8     class for the authority should be authorized by the
     9     Commonwealth for the benefit of cities of the second class,
    10     with the revenue produced as a result of such levy being
    11     Commonwealth-authorized revenues and revenues of a State
    12     authority, and not revenues of the city of the second class.
    13         (17)  That the authority to levy a tax only within cities
    14     of the second class or at a rate that is higher than that
    15     imposed outside cities of the second class is based upon a
    16     legitimate classification which the General Assembly deems to
    17     be reasonable and just since the benefit received by
    18     taxpayers in cities of the second class as a result of such
    19     levy is determined to be in proportion to the tax burden
    20     imposed in such cities of the second class.
    21         (18)  That a levy imposed only, or at a higher rate, in
    22     cities of the second class will be used to benefit citizens
    23     of cities of the second class by providing for their health,
    24     safety, convenience and welfare.
    25         (19)  That if this act is challenged, a prompt, final
    26     ruling as to the legality of the authority created by this
    27     act and the validity of bonds issued by the authority will be
    28     necessary so that the authority will be able to enter capital
    29     markets to assist cities of the second class.
    30  Section 104.  Definitions.
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     1     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     2  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     3  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     4     "Assisted city."  A city of the second class which receives
     5  assistance from the Second Class City Fiscal Authority created
     6  by this act.
     7     "Authority."  The Second Class City Fiscal Authority
     8  established in this act.
     9     "Board."  The governing board of the Second Class City Fiscal
    10  Authority.
    11     "Bond."  A note, bond, refunding note and bond, interim
    12  certificate, debenture and other evidence of indebtedness or
    13  obligation which an authority is authorized to issue pursuant to
    14  this act.
    15     "Bond payment account."  A trust fund held exclusively for
    16  the equal and ratable benefit of the holders of bonds of the
    17  Second Class City Fiscal Authority, as described in section
    18  314(a) and (b).
    19     "Cash flow deficit."  A cash deficit occurring solely because
    20  revenues and expenditures, even when in balance on a fiscal year
    21  basis, are not received and disbursed at equivalent rates
    22  throughout the fiscal year.
    23     "City."  A city of the second class.
    24     "City account."  A trust fund held for the exclusive benefit
    25  of an assisted city as described in section 314(c).
    26     "Corporate entity."  An authority or other corporate entity
    27  of which one or more of the members of its governing board is
    28  appointed by the mayor of a city and which performs governmental
    29  functions for a city.
    30     "Debt service reserve fund."  A fund which may be created by
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     1  the authority and which shall be used, when required, solely for
     2  the payment of the principal of bonds secured in whole or in
     3  part by such fund, or of the sinking fund payments, if any, with
     4  respect to such bonds, the purchase or redemption of such bonds,
     5  the payment of interest on such bonds or the payment of any
     6  redemption premium required to be paid when such bonds and notes
     7  are redeemed prior to maturity, as described in section 313.
     8     "Deficit."  Such negative fund balance in any principal
     9  operating fund or funds of a city existing or projected to exist
    10  as of the close of a fiscal year, as may be more specifically
    11  identified, calculated and set forth in an intergovernmental
    12  cooperation agreement or financial plan of an assisted city
    13  described in section 209.
    14     "Federal agency."  The United States of America, the
    15  President of the United States of America and any department or
    16  corporation, agency or instrumentality heretofore or hereafter
    17  created, designated or established by the United States of
    18  America.
    19     "Financial ability to pay."  Financial ability to pay shall
    20  mean the reasonable likelihood that the assisted city will
    21  receive funds sufficient to pay the cost of any increase in
    22  wages or fringe benefits without requiring an increase in the
    23  rates of local taxation existing in the fiscal year immediately
    24  preceding the fiscal year when such increase is intended to take
    25  effect and without causing an adverse effect on the levels of
    26  service in the fiscal year when such increase is intended to
    27  take effect.
    28     "Governing body."  The legislative body of a city.
    29     "Government agency."  The Governor, departments, boards,
    30  commissions, authorities and other officers and agencies of
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     1  State government, including those which are not subject to the
     2  policy supervision and control of the Governor, any political
     3  subdivision, municipal or other local authority, and any officer
     4  or agency of any such political subdivision or local authority,
     5  but the term does not include any court or other officer or
     6  agency of the unified judicial system or the General Assembly or
     7  its officers and agencies.
     8     "Intergovernmental cooperation agreement."  Any agreement
     9  made by the Second Class City Fiscal Authority and a city under
    10  the provisions of section 203(d).
    11     "Loan committee."  The mayor, the city controller and city
    12  solicitor of a city of the second class.
    13     "Net proceeds."  The aggregate principal amount of any bonds
    14  issued by the Second Class City Fiscal Authority reduced by any
    15  amount of such bonds constituting interest under the Internal
    16  Revenue Code of 1986 (Public law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 1 et seq.)
    17  or any successor or amendatory revenue act and further reduced
    18  by the portion of the aggregate principal amount of such bonds
    19  issued for any of the following purposes:
    20         (1)  Fund any reserve, including a debt service reserve
    21     fund, established for the Second Class City Fiscal
    22     Authority's bonds.
    23         (2)  Provide capitalized interest on bonds.
    24         (3)  Pay fees or premiums in connection with any policy
    25     of municipal bond insurance or other credit enhancement or
    26     liquidity facility.
    27         (4)  Repay the amount set forth in section 701, fund up
    28     to $500,000 of initial operating expenses and pay any costs
    29     of issuance relating to such bonds.
    30     "Obligee of the authority."  Any holder or owner of any bond
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     1  of the Second Class City Fiscal Authority or any trustee or
     2  other fiduciary for any such holder or any provider of a letter
     3  of credit, policy of municipal bond insurance or other credit
     4  enhancement or liquidity facility for bonds of the authority.
     5     "Outstanding."  With respect to bonds of the authority, shall
     6  mean all bonds of the authority issued from time to time except:
     7         (1)  Bonds purchased by the authority or the city for
     8     cancellation by the authority or otherwise required to be
     9     canceled by the authority.
    10         (2)  Bonds for the payment of the principal of and
    11     interest on which moneys or investments sufficient to make
    12     such payments timely have been irrevocably deposited with a
    13     fiduciary for obligees of the authority owning such bonds.
    14     "Party officer."  The following members or officers of any
    15  political party:
    16         (1)  a member of a national committee;
    17         (2)  a chairman, vice chairman, secretary, treasurer or
    18     counsel of a State committee or member of the executive
    19     committee of a State committee;
    20         (3)  a county chairman, vice chairman, counsel, secretary
    21     or treasurer of a county committee; or
    22         (4)  a city chairman, vice chairman, counsel, secretary
    23     or treasurer of a city committee.
    24     "Public official."  Any elected or appointed official or
    25  employee in the executive, legislative or judicial branch of the
    26  Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof, provided that
    27  it shall not include members of advisory boards that have no
    28  authority to expend public funds other than reimbursement for
    29  personal expense or to otherwise exercise the power of the
    30  Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof. The term
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     1  "public official" shall not include any appointed official who
     2  receives no compensation other than reimbursement for actual
     3  expenses.
     4     "Qualified majority."  A majority of the governing board of
     5  the Second Class City Fiscal Authority which includes any four
     6  voting members.
     7     "School district."  A school district of the first class A.
     8     "Tax anticipation notes" or "notes."  Tax anticipation notes,
     9  revenue anticipation notes or tax and revenue anticipation notes
    10  authorized to be issued pursuant to Chapter 4 and designated as
    11  prescribed in section 401.
    12                             CHAPTER 2
    14  Section 201.  Authority created.
    15     A body corporate and politic to be known as the Second Class
    16  City Fiscal Authority is hereby created as a public authority
    17  and instrumentality of the Commonwealth, exercising public
    18  powers of the Commonwealth as an agency and instrumentality
    19  thereof. The exercise by the authority of the powers conferred
    20  by this act is hereby declared to be and shall for all purposes
    21  be deemed and held to be the performance of an essential public
    22  function.
    23  Section 202.  Governing board.
    24     (a)  Composition of board.--The powers and duties of the
    25  authority shall be exercised by a governing board composed of
    26  five members:
    27         (1)  One member shall be appointed by the Governor.
    28         (2)  One member shall be appointed by the President pro
    29     tempore of the Senate.
    30         (3)  One member shall be appointed by the Minority Leader
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     1     of the Senate.
     2         (4)  One member shall be appointed by the Speaker of the
     3     House of Representatives.
     4         (5)  One member shall be appointed by the Minority Leader
     5     of the House of Representatives.
     6         (6)  The Secretary of the Budget of the Commonwealth and
     7     the treasurer of each assisted city shall serve as ex officio
     8     members of the board. The ex officio members may not vote,
     9     shall not be counted for purposes of establishing a quorum
    10     and may designate in writing a representative of their
    11     respective offices to attend meetings of the board on their
    12     behalf.
    13         (7)  All members shall have had experience in finance or
    14     management.
    15         (8)  All members of the board shall be residents of the
    16     Commonwealth and, except the Secretary of the Budget, shall
    17     either be residents of the assisted city or have their
    18     primary places of business or employment in such city.
    19     (b)  Term.--Appointing authorities shall appoint the initial
    20  members of the board within ten days of the effective date of
    21  this act. The term of a board member shall begin on the date of
    22  appointment. A member's term shall be coterminous with that of
    23  his or her appointing authority, provided that the member's term
    24  shall continue until his or her replacement is appointed. Board
    25  members shall serve at the pleasure of his or her appointing
    26  authority. Whenever a vacancy occurs on the board, whether prior
    27  to or on the expiration of a term, the appointing authority who
    28  originally appointed the board member whose seat has become
    29  vacant shall appoint a successor member within 30 days of the
    30  vacancy. A member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to
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     1  the expiration of a term shall serve the unexpired term.
     2     (c)  Organization.--The appointee of the Governor shall set a
     3  date, time and place for the initial organizational meeting of
     4  the board within ten days of the appointment of the initial
     5  members of the board. The members shall elect from among
     6  themselves a chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, treasurer
     7  and such other officers as they may determine. A member may hold
     8  more than one office of the board at any time.
     9     (d)  Meetings.--The board shall meet as frequently as it
    10  deems appropriate but at least once during each quarter of the
    11  fiscal year. In addition, a meeting of the board shall be called
    12  by the chairperson if a request for a meeting is submitted to
    13  the chairperson by at least two members of the board. A majority
    14  of the board shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of
    15  conducting the business of the board and for all other purposes.
    16  All actions of the board shall be taken by a majority of the
    17  board unless specific provisions of this act require that action
    18  be taken by a qualified majority. The provisions of 65 Pa.C.S.
    19  Ch. 7 (relating to open meetings) shall apply to the board.
    20     (e)  Expenses.--A member shall not receive compensation or
    21  remuneration but shall be entitled to reimbursement for all
    22  reasonable and necessary actual expenses.
    23     (f)  Public officials and party officers.--
    24         (1)  Except for the Secretary of the Budget of the
    25     Commonwealth and the treasurer of an assisted city, neither
    26     members of the board nor the executive director shall seek or
    27     hold a position as any other public official within this
    28     Commonwealth or as a party officer while in the service of
    29     the authority. Members of the board and the executive
    30     director shall not seek election as public officials or party
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     1     officers for one year after their service with the authority.
     2     Members of the authority and the executive director may serve
     3     as appointive public officials any time after their periods
     4     of service with the authority.
     5         (2)  Employees of the authority shall not seek or hold
     6     other positions as public officials or party officers while
     7     in the employ of the authority; provided, however, that the
     8     authority may receive the loan of services of persons in
     9     other government agencies in accordance with subsection (g),
    10     notwithstanding that such persons are public officials.
    11     Employees of the authority shall not seek election as public
    12     officials or party officers for one year after leaving the
    13     employ of the authority.
    14     (g)  Employees and agents.--The board shall fix and determine
    15  the number of employees of the authority and their respective
    16  compensation and duties. The board may contract for or receive
    17  the loan of services of persons in the employ of other
    18  government agencies, and other government agencies shall be
    19  authorized to make such employees available. The board shall
    20  retain an executive director upon the vote of a qualified
    21  majority. The board shall, by the vote of a qualified majority,
    22  hire an independent general counsel to the authority and may
    23  engage consultants and contract for other professional services
    24  upon the vote of a qualified majority. The board shall, upon the
    25  approval of a qualified majority, delegate to the executive
    26  director such powers of the board as the board shall deem
    27  necessary to carry out the purposes of the authority, subject in
    28  every case to the supervision and control of the board.
    29     (h)  Statutes applying to authority.--The provisions of the
    30  following acts shall apply to the authority: The act of June 21,
    20000H2435B3279                 - 18 -

     1  1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know Law;
     2  the act of July 19, 1957 (P.L.1017, No.451), known as the State
     3  Adverse Interest Act; and 65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 11 (relating to ethics
     4  standards and financial disclosure); provided, however, that,
     5  notwithstanding the provisions of the State Adverse Interest
     6  Act, the Secretary of the Budget and the treasurer of each
     7  assisted city shall, while serving as ex officio members of the
     8  board, also serve in their official capacities with respect to
     9  the negotiation and execution of intergovernmental cooperation
    10  agreements and other agreements between an assisted city and the
    11  authority.
    12     (i)  Limitation on action.--Notwithstanding the provisions of
    13  section 706, if any provision of this section is held invalid by
    14  a court of competent jurisdiction, the authority shall not
    15  borrow further moneys nor issue further bonds, nor shall the
    16  authority further disburse to a city proceeds of any issue of
    17  bonds authorized theretofore to fund a deficit of a city or to
    18  provide other financial assistance to a city; to finance any
    19  cash flow deficit of a city; or to purchase any obligations of a
    20  city issued to finance cash flow deficits; or to pay the costs
    21  of capital projects, but all provisions of outstanding bonds of
    22  the authority and all rights and remedies of obligees of the
    23  authority under this act shall be and shall remain valid and
    24  enforceable.
    25  Section 203.  Powers and duties.
    26     (a)  General powers and duties.--The authority is established
    27  for the purposes, without limitation, by itself or by agreement
    28  in cooperation with others, of assisting cities in solving their
    29  budgetary and financial problems and helping cities achieve and
    30  maintain access to the capital markets.
    20000H2435B3279                 - 19 -

     1     (b)  Specific duties.--The authority shall have the powers
     2  and its duties shall be:
     3         (1)  To assist cities in achieving financial stability in
     4     any manner consistent with the purposes and powers described
     5     by this act.
     6         (2)  To assist cities in avoiding defaults, eliminating
     7     and financing deficits, maintaining sound budgetary practices
     8     and avoiding the interruption of municipal services.
     9         (3)  To borrow money and issue bonds to assist cities.
    10         (4)  To negotiate intergovernmental cooperation
    11     agreements with cities containing such terms and conditions
    12     as will enable such cities to eliminate and avoid deficits,
    13     maintain sound budgetary practices and avoid interruption of
    14     municipal services.
    15         (5)  To make annual reports within 120 days of the close
    16     of the authority's fiscal year, commencing with the fiscal
    17     year ending June 30, 2001, to the Governor and the General
    18     Assembly describing its progress with respect to restoring
    19     the financial stability of assisted cities and achieving
    20     balanced budgets for assisted cities, such reports to be
    21     filed with the Governor, with the presiding officers of the
    22     Senate and the House of Representatives, with the chairperson
    23     and minority chairperson of the Appropriations Committee of
    24     the Senate and the chairperson and the minority chairperson
    25     of the Appropriations Committee of the House of
    26     Representatives and with the governing body, mayor and
    27     controller of the assisted city.
    28         (6)  To comply with the provisions of section 317
    29     concerning the maximum amount of the first series of
    30     authority bonds and the date of issuance thereof.
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     1     (c)  Specific powers.--In addition to the powers and duties
     2  set forth elsewhere in this act, the authority shall have the
     3  specific powers:
     4         (1)  To obtain copies of all reports regarding the
     5     revenues, expenditures, budgets, costs, plans, operations,
     6     estimates and any other financial or budgetary matters of an
     7     assisted city or any corporate entity.
     8         (2)  To obtain additional reports on the above matters in
     9     such form as are deemed necessary by the authority.
    10         (3)  To make factual findings concerning an assisted
    11     city's budgetary and fiscal affairs.
    12         (4)  To make recommendations to an assisted city
    13     concerning its budgetary and fiscal affairs.
    14         (5)  To make recommendations to the Governor and the
    15     General Assembly regarding legislation or resolutions that
    16     affect Commonwealth aid or mandates to an assisted city or
    17     that concern an assisted city's taxing powers or relate to an
    18     assisted city's fiscal stability.
    19         (6)  To provide financial assistance, including loans and
    20     grants, to assist cities upon such terms and conditions as
    21     may be approved by a qualified majority of the board or as
    22     may be specified by the General Assembly to eliminate or
    23     prevent deficits of a city.
    24         (7)  Subject to any limitations in agreements with
    25     obligees of the authority, to enter into and amend as shall
    26     be necessary from time to time intergovernmental cooperation
    27     agreements with a city provided that such agreements and
    28     amendments are approved by a qualified majority of the board.
    29         (8)  To exercise, while any bonds issued by the authority
    30     to assist the city remain outstanding, powers of review
    20000H2435B3279                 - 21 -

     1     concerning the budgetary and fiscal affairs of that city
     2     consistent with this act and the city's home rule charter or
     3     other optional plan of government.
     4         (9)  To receive revenues from any source, directly or by
     5     assignment, pledge or otherwise.
     6         (10)  To sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded,
     7     complain and defend in all courts.
     8         (11)  To adopt, use and alter at will a corporate seal.
     9         (12)  To make bylaws for the management and regulation of
    10     its affairs and adopt rules, regulations and policies in
    11     connection with the performance of its functions and duties
    12     which, notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
    13     contrary, shall not be subject to review pursuant to the act
    14     of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the Regulatory
    15     Review Act.
    16         (13)  To make and enter into contracts and other
    17     instruments necessary or convenient for the conduct of its
    18     business and the exercise of the powers of the authority.
    19         (14)  To appoint officers, agents, employees and servants
    20     and to prescribe their duties and to fix their compensation
    21     as set forth in section 202(g).
    22         (15)  To retain counsel and auditors to render such
    23     professional services as the authority deems appropriate. The
    24     authority shall not be considered either an executive agency
    25     or an independent agency for the purpose of the act of
    26     October 15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as the Commonwealth
    27     Attorneys Act, but shall possess the same status for such
    28     purpose as the Auditor General, State Treasurer and the
    29     Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission; except that the
    30     provisions of section 204(b) and (f) of the Commonwealth
    20000H2435B3279                 - 22 -

     1     Attorneys Act shall not apply to the authority;
     2     notwithstanding the provisions of section 221(1) of the act
     3     of October 5, 1980 (P.L.693, No.142), known as the JARA
     4     Continuation Act of 1980, the authority, through its legal
     5     counsel, shall defend actions brought against the authority
     6     or its members, officers, officials and employees when acting
     7     within the scope of their official duties.
     8         (16)  To cooperate with any Federal agency or government
     9     agency.
    10         (17)  To acquire, by gift or otherwise, purchase, hold,
    11     receive, lease, sublease and use any franchise, license,
    12     property, real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible or
    13     any interest therein. However, the authority shall be
    14     absolutely limited in its power to acquire real property
    15     under this act to real property that will be used only for
    16     the office space in which the authority will conduct its
    17     daily business.
    18         (18)  To sell, transfer, convey and dispose of any
    19     property, real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible or
    20     any interest therein.
    21         (19)  To enter into contracts for group insurance and to
    22     contribute to retirement plans for the benefit of its
    23     employees and to enroll its employees in an existing
    24     retirement system of a government agency.
    25         (20)  To accept, purchase or borrow equipment, supplies,
    26     services or other things necessary or convenient to the work
    27     of the authority from other government agencies, and all
    28     government agencies are authorized to sell, lend or grant to
    29     the authority such equipment, supplies, services or other
    30     things necessary or convenient to the work of the authority.
    20000H2435B3279                 - 23 -

     1         (21)  To borrow money for the purpose of assisting a
     2     city, or in anticipation of the receipt of income of the
     3     authority or of an assisted city and to evidence the same;
     4     make and issue bonds of the authority; secure the payment of
     5     such bonds or any part thereof, by pledge of or security
     6     interest in all or any of its revenues, receipts, accounts,
     7     tangible personal property and contract rights; make such
     8     agreements with the purchasers or holders of such bonds or
     9     with other obligees of the authority in connection with any
    10     bonds, whether issued or to be issued, as the authority shall
    11     deem advisable, which agreements shall constitute contracts
    12     with such holders or purchasers; obtain such credit
    13     enhancement or liquidity facilities in connection with any
    14     bonds as the authority shall determine to be advantageous;
    15     and, in general, provide for the security for said bonds and
    16     the rights of the holders thereof.
    17         (22)  To lend, grant or otherwise transfer or pledge for
    18     the benefit of an assisted city such assets, including
    19     proceeds of bonds, as the authority deems appropriate, to be
    20     used by such a city as capital or operating funds as provided
    21     in an intergovernmental cooperation agreement, to refinance
    22     or secure debt of an assisted city or for other purposes
    23     consistent with this act.
    24         (23)  To enter into agreements with an assisted city that
    25     receives funds or other financial assistance from the
    26     authority pursuant to which such city may pledge assets,
    27     rights, revenues and receipts, including tax revenues, to
    28     secure the repayment of such funds or assistance by such city
    29     if such security is required by the authority.
    30         (24)  To invest any funds held by the authority as set
    20000H2435B3279                 - 24 -

     1     forth in section 311(b).
     2         (25)  To receive and hold assets, moneys and funds from
     3     any source, including, but not limited to, appropriations,
     4     grants, gifts and such tax revenues as may be allocated or
     5     directed to it by law for the purposes of securing authority
     6     indebtedness and providing assistance to cities in accordance
     7     with this act.
     8         (26)  To procure such insurance, guarantees and sureties
     9     containing such coverages, including, without limitation,
    10     contracts insuring or guaranteeing the timely payment in full
    11     of principal, interest and premium, if any, on bonds of the
    12     authority, or providing liquidity for purchase of bonds of
    13     the authority, in such amounts, from such insurers, sureties,
    14     guarantors or other parties as the authority may determine to
    15     be necessary or desirable for its purposes.
    16         (27)  To pledge the credit of the authority in the manner
    17     provided in section 304.
    18         (28)  To do all acts and things necessary or convenient
    19     for the promotion of its purposes and the general welfare of
    20     the authority and to carry out the powers granted to it by
    21     this act or any other acts.
    22     (d)  Intergovernmental cooperation agreements.--The authority
    23  shall have the power, and its duty shall be, to enter into and
    24  to implement fully such intergovernmental cooperation agreements
    25  with cities as are approved by a qualified majority of the
    26  board. No bonds may be issued by the authority until an
    27  intergovernmental cooperation agreement has been approved by a
    28  qualified majority of the board, except that the authority, at
    29  anytime during the first 45 days after the effective date of
    30  this act, may enter into an interim financing arrangement in
    20000H2435B3279                 - 25 -

     1  anticipation of the initial bond issue without an
     2  intergovernmental cooperation agreement in effect. Such
     3  agreements, including, but not limited to, the initial
     4  agreements described in section 209(a), may include such
     5  definitions and procedures as may be necessary to implement the
     6  financial planning process set forth in sections 209 and 210.
     7  Intergovernmental cooperation agreements as well as other
     8  service agreements to provide assistance to a city shall not be
     9  deemed to create debt of the city. Intergovernmental cooperation
    10  agreements shall contain such terms and be negotiated in such
    11  manner as the authority and an assisted city shall determine
    12  consistent with this act and the Constitution of Pennsylvania.
    13         (1)  A city may enter into an intergovernmental
    14     cooperation agreement in which it, consistent with this act,
    15     covenants to cooperate or agree in the exercise of any
    16     function, power or responsibility with, or delegate or
    17     transfer any function, power or responsibility to, the
    18     authority upon the adoption by the governing body of such
    19     city of an ordinance authorizing and approving the
    20     intergovernmental cooperation agreement.
    21         (2)  An ordinance that authorizes a city to enter into an
    22     intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the authority
    23     shall specify:
    24             (i)  The purpose and objectives of the agreement.
    25             (ii)  The conditions of the agreement.
    26             (iii)  The term of the agreement, including
    27         provisions relating to its termination.
    28         (3)  Except for assistance provided through an interim
    29     financing arrangement, as provided for in this subsection, or
    30     assistance necessary to enable a city to pay principal of or
    20000H2435B3279                 - 26 -

     1     interest on its outstanding bonds, or lease payments securing
     2     bonds of other government agencies, as provided for in
     3     section 209(a), no assistance shall be provided by the
     4     authority to a city unless an intergovernmental cooperation
     5     agreement is in effect.
     6     (e)  Limitation.--Notwithstanding any purpose or general or
     7  specific power granted by this act or any other act, whether
     8  express or implied:
     9         (1)  The authority shall have no power to pledge the
    10     credit or taxing powers of the Commonwealth or any other
    11     government agency, including an assisted city, except the
    12     credit of the authority created by this act, nor shall any of
    13     the bonds of the authority be deemed a debt or liability of
    14     the Commonwealth or of any other government agency, including
    15     a city.
    16         (2)  Neither the Commonwealth nor any government agency,
    17     including a city, except the authority created by this act,
    18     shall be liable for the payment of the principal, interest or
    19     premium on any such bonds.
    20         (3)  Notwithstanding any provision of this or any other
    21     law to the contrary or of any implication that may be drawn
    22     therefrom, the Commonwealth and all other government
    23     agencies, except the authority, but including an assisted
    24     city unless otherwise agreed to by such city pursuant to this
    25     act, shall have no legal or moral obligation for the payment
    26     of any expenses or obligations of the authority, including,
    27     but not limited to, bond principal and interest, the funding
    28     or refunding of any reserves and any administrative or
    29     operating expenses whatsoever, other than for the advance of
    30     funds for initial operating expenses of the authority
    20000H2435B3279                 - 27 -

     1     contained in section 701 to be repaid by the authority as set
     2     forth in sections 206(c) and 701.
     3         (4)  Bonds of the authority shall contain a prominent
     4     statement of the limitation set forth in this subsection and
     5     shall further recite that obligees of the authority shall
     6     have no recourse, either legal or moral, to the Commonwealth
     7     or to any other government agency, including the city, for
     8     payment of such bonds.
     9  Section 204.  Term of existence of authority.
    10     The authority shall have continuing existence and succession
    11  for a term not exceeding one year after all of its liabilities,
    12  including, without limitation, its bonds, have been fully paid
    13  and discharged. Upon the termination of the existence of the
    14  authority, all of its rights and properties, including funds
    15  remaining in the debt service reserve fund, shall be paid to the
    16  Commonwealth to the extent the Commonwealth has contributed such
    17  rights or property; otherwise, such rights or property shall
    18  pass to and be vested in the assisted city.
    19  Section 205.  Fiscal year.
    20     The fiscal year of the authority shall be the same as the
    21  fiscal year of the Commonwealth.
    22  Section 206.  Annual budget of authority.
    23     (a)  Budget.--Before March 1 of each year, the authority
    24  shall adopt a budget by a qualified majority of the board
    25  setting forth in reasonable detail the projected expenses of
    26  operation of the authority for the ensuing fiscal year
    27  (exclusive of the amounts set forth in paragraphs (1), (2), (3)
    28  and (4)), including, but not limited to, the salary and benefits
    29  of the executive director and any other employees of the
    30  authority, and the projected revenues of the authority to be
    20000H2435B3279                 - 28 -

     1  derived from investment earnings and any other moneys of the
     2  authority which are estimated to be available to pay the
     3  operating expenses set forth in the budget. A copy of the
     4  authority's budget shall be submitted to the Governor and to the
     5  General Assembly. The authority or its designated
     6  representatives may be afforded an opportunity to appear before
     7  the Governor and the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and
     8  the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives
     9  regarding the authority's budget. The following information
    10  shall be submitted with the authority's budget:
    11         (1)  the total amount of debt service to become due on
    12     authority bonds for such ensuing fiscal year, including
    13     payments of interest and principal, maturity value or sinking
    14     fund payments;
    15         (2)  the amount, if any, due to any provider of any
    16     credit or liquidity facility representing payments made by
    17     such provider as provided in the applicable resolution or
    18     trust indenture as a result of any previous failure of the
    19     authority to make any payment provided for in the applicable
    20     resolution or trust indenture, including any related
    21     reasonable interest, fees or charges so provided;
    22         (3)  the amount, if any, required to restore the debt
    23     service reserve fund to the level required under section 313
    24     and the resolution of the authority establishing such fund;
    25     and
    26         (4)  the amount, if any, required to be rebated to the
    27     United States to provide for continued Federal tax exemption
    28     for bonds of the authority.
    29     (b)  Limit on operating expenses.--Following the submission
    30  of the authority's budget to the Governor and the General
    20000H2435B3279                 - 29 -

     1  Assembly and any hearing held by an appropriations committee
     2  under subsection (a), the General Assembly, by concurrent
     3  resolution with presentment to the Governor, in accordance with
     4  section 9 of Article III of the Constitution of Pennsylvania,
     5  may limit the operating expenses of the authority. In that
     6  event, it shall be unlawful for the authority to spend more for
     7  operating expenses than the limit established for that fiscal
     8  year by the concurrent resolution. If the General Assembly does
     9  not adopt a concurrent resolution prior to May 30, the
    10  authority's budget shall be deemed approved for that fiscal
    11  year.
    12     (c)  Sources of payment of authority expenses.--Authority
    13  operating expenses shall be budgeted and paid first from the
    14  revenues derived from the investment income of the authority and
    15  then from other moneys of the authority described in subsection
    16  (a) or from a tax imposed pursuant to Chapter 6 as permitted in
    17  subsection (a). The amount appropriated in section 701 shall be
    18  repaid by the authority from such sources or from the proceeds
    19  of the initial issue of bonds by the authority, and up to
    20  $500,000 of initial authority operating expenses may be funded
    21  with proceeds of the initial issue of bonds. The Commonwealth
    22  shall not be responsible for funding the annual budget of the
    23  authority.
    24     (d)  Examination of books.--The chairperson and minority
    25  chairperson of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and
    26  the chairperson and minority chairperson of the Appropriations
    27  Committee of the House of Representatives shall have the right
    28  at any time to examine the books, accounts and records of the
    29  authority.
    30  Section 207.  Annual report to be filed; annual audits.
    20000H2435B3279                 - 30 -

     1     Every authority shall file an annual report with the
     2  chairperson and the minority chairperson of the Appropriations
     3  Committee of the Senate and chairperson and the minority
     4  chairperson of the Appropriations Committee of the House of
     5  Representatives, which shall make provisions for the accounting
     6  of revenues and expenses. The authority shall have its books,
     7  accounts and records audited annually in accordance with
     8  generally accepted auditing standards by an independent auditor
     9  who shall be a certified public accountant, and a copy of his
    10  audit report shall be attached to and be made a part of the
    11  authority's annual report. A concise financial statement shall
    12  be published annually in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    13  Section 208.  Authority's financial assistance to cities.
    14     (a)  Loans.--Provided the authority has entered into an
    15  intergovernmental cooperation agreement with a city and there is
    16  an approved financial plan in effect, the authority may render
    17  financial assistance to the city in the form of loans and grants
    18  from authority funds, including proceeds from bonds, and the
    19  city may borrow or receive such funds for any lawful purpose.
    20  However, if the authority has not entered into an
    21  intergovernmental cooperation agreement with a city or if there
    22  is not an approved financial plan in effect, the authority shall
    23  not render financial assistance to the city except for any
    24  amounts necessary to enable such city to pay principal of or
    25  interest on its outstanding bonds, or lease payments securing
    26  bonds of other government agencies, as provided for in section
    27  209(a). Loans and grants authorized by this section shall be
    28  made on such terms and conditions as a qualified majority of the
    29  board shall approve.
    30     (b)  City pledge.--A city may pledge any available source of
    20000H2435B3279                 - 31 -

     1  revenue to secure payments due to the authority under any
     2  agreement with the authority, including an intergovernmental
     3  cooperation agreement. Any pledge of revenues made by a city for
     4  these purposes, including, without limitation, a pledge of tax
     5  revenues, shall be binding and enforceable upon such city and
     6  its governing body for as long as any agreement secured by such
     7  pledge remains outstanding. A city shall take no action during
     8  the term of such agreement, or so long as bonds secured by
     9  payments under such agreement are outstanding, that would
    10  transfer for another purpose or reduce pledged revenues, or take
    11  any other action which would impair the rights of the authority
    12  or obligees of the authority.
    13     (c)  Additional city appropriations.--A city that receives a
    14  loan or grant from the authority after such city has adopted its
    15  operating budget may, at any time during the course of a fiscal
    16  year, make additional appropriations to the extent of the
    17  proceeds of such loan or grant received or to be received by
    18  such city in such fiscal year.
    19  Section 209.  Financial plan of an assisted city.
    20     (a)  Requirement of a financial plan.--While any bonds issued
    21  by the authority to assist a city remain outstanding, an
    22  assisted city shall develop, implement and periodically revise a
    23  financial plan as described in this section. The authority shall
    24  not provide the net proceeds of the initial bond issue described
    25  in section 317 and any subsequent bond issue, other than any
    26  amounts necessary to enable such city to pay principal of or
    27  interest on its outstanding bonds, or lease payments securing
    28  bonds of other government agencies, which payments, in the
    29  authority's discretion, may be made directly to the paying
    30  agents for such bonds until the authority and the city have
    20000H2435B3279                 - 32 -

     1  agreed upon such a plan.
     2     (b)  Elements of plan.--The financial plan shall include:
     3         (1)  Projected revenues and expenditures of the principal
     4     operating fund or funds of the city for five fiscal years
     5     consisting of the current fiscal year and the next four
     6     fiscal years.
     7         (2)  Plan components that will:
     8             (i)  eliminate any projected deficit for the current
     9         fiscal year and for subsequent fiscal years;
    10             (ii)  restore to special fund accounts money from
    11         those accounts used for purposes other than those
    12         specifically authorized;
    13             (iii)  balance the current fiscal year budget and
    14         subsequent budgets in the financial plan through sound
    15         budgetary practices, including, but not limited to,
    16         reductions in expenditures, improvements in productivity,
    17         increases in revenues or a combination of these steps;
    18             (iv)  provide procedures to avoid a fiscal emergency
    19         condition in the future; and
    20             (v)  enhance the ability of the city to regain access
    21         to the short-term and long-term credit markets.
    22     (c)  Standards for formulation of plan.--
    23         (1)  All projections of revenues and expenditures in a
    24     financial plan shall be based on reasonable and appropriate
    25     assumptions and methods of estimation, all such assumptions
    26     and methods to be consistently applied.
    27         (2)  All revenue and appropriation estimates shall be on
    28     a modified accrual basis in accordance with generally
    29     accepted standards. Revenue estimates shall recognize
    30     revenues in the accounting period in which they become both
    20000H2435B3279                 - 33 -

     1     measurable and available. Estimates of city-generated
     2     revenues shall be based on current or proposed tax rates,
     3     historical collection patterns and generally recognized
     4     econometric models. Estimates of revenues to be received from
     5     the State government shall be based on historical patterns,
     6     currently available levels or on levels proposed in a budget
     7     by the Governor. Estimates of revenues to be received from
     8     the Federal Government shall be based on historical patterns,
     9     currently available levels or on levels proposed in a budget
    10     by the President or in a congressional budget resolution.
    11     Nontax revenues shall be based on current or proposed rates,
    12     charges or fees, historical patterns and generally recognized
    13     econometric models. Appropriation estimates shall include, at
    14     a minimum, all obligations incurred during the fiscal year
    15     and estimated to be payable during the fiscal year or in the
    16     24-month period following the close of the current fiscal
    17     year and all obligations of prior fiscal years not covered by
    18     encumbered funds from prior fiscal years. Any deviations from
    19     these standards of estimating revenues and appropriations
    20     proposed to be used by a city shall be specifically disclosed
    21     and shall be approved by a qualified majority of the board.
    22         (3)  All cash flow projections shall be based upon
    23     reasonable and appropriate assumptions as to sources and uses
    24     of cash, including, but not limited to, reasonable and
    25     appropriate assumptions as to the timing of receipt and
    26     expenditure thereof, and shall provide for operations of the
    27     assisted city to be conducted within the resources so
    28     projected. All estimates shall take due account of the past
    29     and anticipated collection, expenditure and service demand
    30     experience of the assisted city and of current and projected
    20000H2435B3279                 - 34 -

     1     economic conditions.
     2     (d)  Form of plan.--Each financial plan shall, consistent
     3  with the requirements of an assisted city's home rule charter or
     4  optional plan of government:
     5         (1)  be in such form and shall contain:
     6             (i)  for each of the first two fiscal years covered
     7         by the financial plan, such information as shall reflect
     8         an assisted city's total expenditures by fund and by lump
     9         sum amount for each board, commission, department or
    10         office of an assisted city; and
    11             (ii)  for the remaining three fiscal years of the
    12         financial plan, such information as shall reflect an
    13         assisted city's total expenditures by fund and by lump
    14         sum amount for major object classification;
    15         (2)  include projections of all revenues and expenditures
    16     for five fiscal years, including, but not limited to,
    17     projected capital expenditures and short-term and long-term
    18     debt incurrence and cash flow forecasts by fund for the first
    19     year of the financial plan;
    20         (3)  include a schedule of projected capital commitments
    21     of the assisted city and proposed sources of funding for such
    22     commitments; and
    23         (4)  be accompanied by a statement describing, in
    24     reasonable detail, the significant assumptions and methods of
    25     estimation used in arriving at the projections contained in
    26     such plan.
    27     (e)  Annual submission of plan.--An assisted city shall
    28  develop, and the authority shall review and act upon, an initial
    29  five-year financial plan for the city as soon as practicable
    30  after the effective date of this act. During each subsequent
    20000H2435B3279                 - 35 -

     1  fiscal year while bonds of the authority are outstanding, the
     2  mayor or chief executive officer of each assisted city shall, at
     3  least 100 days prior to the beginning of its fiscal year or on
     4  such other date as the authority may approve upon the request of
     5  the assisted city, prepare and submit its proposed five-year
     6  plan. At the same time the plan is submitted, the mayor or chief
     7  executive officer shall also submit to the authority:
     8         (1)  the mayor's or chief executive officer's proposed
     9     annual operating budget and capital budget which shall be
    10     consistent with the first year of the financial plan and
    11     which shall be prepared in accordance with the assisted
    12     city's home rule charter or other optional plan of
    13     government; and
    14         (2)  a statement by the mayor or chief executive officer
    15     that such budget:
    16             (i)  is consistent with the financial plan;
    17             (ii)  contains funding adequate for debt service
    18         payments, legally mandated services and lease payments
    19         securing bonds of other government agencies; and
    20             (iii)  is based upon reasonable and appropriate
    21         assumptions and methods of estimation.
    22     (f)  Authority review and approval of plan.--
    23         (1)  The authority shall promptly review each financial
    24     plan, proposed operating budget and capital budget submitted
    25     by the assisted city. In conducting such review, the
    26     authority shall request from the city controller of the
    27     assisted city an opinion or certification prepared in
    28     accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, with
    29     respect to the reasonableness of the assumptions and
    30     estimates in the financial plan. The city controller and
    20000H2435B3279                 - 36 -

     1     other elected officials shall comply with any such request
     2     from the authority. Not more than 30 days after submission of
     3     a financial plan and proposed operating budget, the authority
     4     shall determine whether:
     5             (i)  the financial plan projects balanced budgets,
     6         based upon reasonable assumptions as described in this
     7         section, for each year of the plan; and
     8             (ii)  the proposed operating budget and capital
     9         budget are consistent with the proposed financial plan.
    10     If the authority determines that these criteria are
    11     satisfied, the authority shall approve such financial plan by
    12     a qualified majority vote.
    13         (2)  The authority shall not be bound by any opinions or
    14     certifications of the city controller of the assisted city
    15     issued pursuant to this subsection.
    16         (3)  If the authority fails to take any action within 30
    17     days on a financial plan, the financial plan as submitted
    18     shall be deemed approved. However, if during the 30 days a
    19     written request by two members of the authority board for a
    20     meeting and vote on the question of approval of the financial
    21     plan has been submitted to the chairperson and a meeting and
    22     vote does not take place, the financial plan shall be deemed
    23     disapproved.
    24     (g)  Authority disapproval of plan.--
    25         (1)  If the authority disapproves the proposed financial
    26     plan, the authority shall, when it notifies an assisted city
    27     of its decision, state in writing in reasonable detail the
    28     reasons for such disapproval, including the amount of any
    29     estimated budget imbalance.
    30         (2)  The assisted city shall submit a revised financial
    20000H2435B3279                 - 37 -

     1     plan to the authority within 15 days of such disapproval,
     2     which revised plan eliminates the budget imbalance. Not more
     3     than 15 days after the submission of such revised financial
     4     plan, the authority shall determine whether the revised plan
     5     satisfies the criteria set forth in subsection (f)(1). If the
     6     authority determines that these criteria are satisfied, the
     7     authority shall approve such financial plan by a qualified
     8     majority vote. If the authority shall not so approve the
     9     financial plan, then the authority shall, subject to the
    10     occurrence of the events described in section 210(e), certify
    11     the assisted city's noncompliance with the financial plan to
    12     the Secretary of the Budget.
    13     (h)  Revisions to plan.--
    14         (1)  While any bonds of the authority remain outstanding,
    15     the plan shall be revised on an annual basis to include the
    16     operating budget for the next fiscal year and to extend the
    17     plan for an additional fiscal year. In addition, the mayor or
    18     chief executive officer of an assisted city shall, within 90
    19     days of assuming office, propose revisions to the financial
    20     plan or certify to the authority that he or she adopts the
    21     existing plan. A city may, during the course of a fiscal
    22     year, submit proposed revisions to the financial plan and
    23     shall submit a proposed revision for any amendment to the
    24     city's operating or capital budget.
    25         (2)  The authority shall review each proposed revision
    26     within 20 days of its submission. The authority shall approve
    27     the revision if it will not, based on reasonable assumptions,
    28     cause the plan to become imbalanced. Proposed revisions shall
    29     become part of the financial plan upon the approval of a
    30     qualified majority of the authority board unless some other
    20000H2435B3279                 - 38 -

     1     method of approval is permitted by authority rules and
     2     regulations approved by a qualified majority or pursuant to
     3     an agreement with the city contained in an intergovernmental
     4     cooperation agreement. If the authority fails to take action
     5     within 20 days on a proposed revision, such submission shall
     6     be deemed approved unless a written request for a meeting and
     7     vote has been made in accordance with subsection (f)(3) in
     8     which event, if a meeting and vote does not take place, the
     9     proposed revision shall be deemed disapproved.
    10         (3)  If the governing body of an assisted city adopts a
    11     budget inconsistent with an approved financial plan, that
    12     city shall submit the enacted budget to the authority as a
    13     proposed revision to the plan. The authority shall review the
    14     proposed revision within 30 days of its submission in
    15     accordance with the criteria set forth in subsection (f) and
    16     the approval process set forth in paragraph (2).
    17     (i)  Supplemental reports.--Within 45 days of the end of each
    18  fiscal quarter, or monthly if a variation from the financial
    19  plan has been determined in accordance with section 210(c), the
    20  mayor or chief executive officer of an assisted city shall
    21  provide the authority with reports describing actual or current
    22  estimates of revenues and expenditures compared to budgeted
    23  revenues and expenditures for such period reflected in its cash
    24  flow forecast. Each report required under this section shall
    25  indicate any variance between actual or current estimates and
    26  budgeted revenues, expenditures and cash for the period covered
    27  by such report. An assisted city shall also provide periodic
    28  reports on debt service requirements in conformity with section
    29  210(b).
    30     (j)  Effect of plan upon contracts and collective bargaining
    20000H2435B3279                 - 39 -

     1  agreements.--
     2         (1)  A contract or collective bargaining agreement in
     3     existence in an assisted city prior to the approval by the
     4     authority of a financial plan submitted pursuant to this
     5     section shall remain effective after approval of such plan
     6     until such contract or agreement expires.
     7         (2)  After the approval by the authority of a financial
     8     plan submitted pursuant to this section, an assisted city
     9     shall execute contracts and collective bargaining agreements
    10     in compliance with such plan. If a city executes a contract
    11     or a collective bargaining agreement which is not in
    12     compliance with the plan, the contract or agreement shall not
    13     be void or voidable solely by reason of such noncompliance,
    14     but the city shall submit to the authority a proposed
    15     revision to the plan which demonstrates that revenues
    16     sufficient to pay the costs of the contract or collective
    17     bargaining agreement will be available in the affected fiscal
    18     years of the plan.
    19     (k)  Effect of plan upon certain arbitration awards.--
    20         (1)  After the approval by the authority of a financial
    21     plan submitted pursuant to this section, any determination of
    22     a board of arbitration established pursuant to the provisions
    23     of the act of June 24, 1968 (P.L.237, No.111), referred to as
    24     the Policemen and Firemen Collective Bargaining Act,
    25     providing for an increase in wages or fringe benefits of any
    26     employee of an assisted city under the plan, in addition to
    27     considering any standard or factor required to be considered
    28     by applicable law, shall take into consideration and accord
    29     substantial weight to:
    30             (i)  The approved financial plan.
    20000H2435B3279                 - 40 -

     1             (ii)  The financial ability of the assisted city to
     2         pay the cost of such increase in wages or fringe benefits
     3         without adversely affecting levels of service.
     4         (2)  Such determination shall be in writing, and a copy
     5     thereof shall be forwarded to each party to the dispute and
     6     the authority. Any determination of the board of arbitration
     7     which provides for an increase in wages or fringe benefits of
     8     any employee of an assisted city shall state with specificity
     9     in writing all factors which the board of arbitration took
    10     into account in considering and giving substantial weight to:
    11             (i)  the approved financial plan of the assisted
    12         city; and
    13             (ii)  the assisted city's financial ability to pay
    14         the cost of such increase.
    15         (3)  (i)  Any party to a proceeding before a board of
    16         arbitration may appeal to the court of common pleas to
    17         review:
    18                 (A)  the consideration of the assisted city's
    19             financial plan;
    20                 (B)  the determination as to the assisted city's
    21             financial ability to pay; or
    22                 (C)  the failure of the board of arbitration to
    23             issue a determination, including a detailed writing
    24             of all factors which the board of arbitration took
    25             into account in considering and giving substantial
    26             weight to the assisted city's financial ability to
    27             pay and the assisted city's financial plan.
    28             (ii)  The decision of the board of arbitration shall
    29         be vacated and remanded to the board of arbitration if
    30         the court finds:
    20000H2435B3279                 - 41 -

     1                 (A)  that the board of arbitration failed to take
     2             into consideration and accord substantial weight to
     3             the approved financial plan;
     4                 (B)  that the board of arbitration's
     5             determination as to the assisted city's financial
     6             ability to pay is not supported by substantial
     7             evidence as produced by the parties to the
     8             proceedings before the board of arbitration; or
     9                 (C)  that the board of arbitration has failed to
    10             state with specificity in writing the factors which
    11             it took into account in considering and giving
    12             substantial weight to the assisted city's financial
    13             ability to pay or the assisted city's approved
    14             financial plan.
    15             (iii)  Such appeal shall be commenced not later than
    16         30 days after the issuance of a final determination by
    17         the board of arbitration.
    18             (iv)  If, after the exhaustion of all appeals, the
    19         final arbitration award is not in compliance with the
    20         approved financial plan, the award shall not be void or
    21         voidable solely by reason of such noncompliance, but the
    22         assisted city shall submit to the authority a proposed
    23         revision to the plan which demonstrates that revenues
    24         sufficient to pay the costs of the award will be
    25         available in the affected fiscal years of the plan.
    26  Section 210.  Powers and duties of authority with respect to
    27                 financial plans.
    28     (a)  Formulation and approval of plan.--To enhance the
    29  security of bonds issued by the authority, to minimize the need
    30  for future borrowing by the authority and to advance the
    20000H2435B3279                 - 42 -

     1  financial recovery of each assisted city, the authority shall
     2  require such city to submit a five-year financial plan in
     3  accordance with section 209. With regard to the formulation of
     4  such plan, the authority shall:
     5         (1)  Consult with an assisted city as it prepares the
     6     financial plan.
     7         (2)  Prescribe the form of the financial plan, insofar as
     8     that form is consistent with an assisted city's home rule
     9     charter or other optional plan of government and with this
    10     act.
    11         (3)  Prescribe the supporting information required in
    12     connection with such plan, such information to include at a
    13     minimum:
    14             (i)  debt service payments due or projected to be due
    15         during the relevant fiscal years;
    16             (ii)  payments for legally mandated services included
    17         in the plan and due or projected to be due during the
    18         relevant fiscal years; and
    19             (iii)  a statement in reasonable detail of the
    20         significant assumptions and methods of estimation used in
    21         arriving at the projections in the plan.
    22         (4)  Exercise any rights of approval or disapproval and
    23     issue such recommendations as are authorized by this act in
    24     accordance with the standards for formulation of the plan set
    25     forth in section 209(c).
    26     (b)  Authority functions after plan is approved.--After a
    27  financial plan has been approved, the authority shall:
    28         (1)  Receive and review:
    29             (i)  the financial reports submitted by the mayor or
    30         chief executive officer of an assisted city under section
    20000H2435B3279                 - 43 -

     1         209(i);
     2             (ii)  reports concerning the debt service
     3         requirements on all bonds, notes of such city and lease
     4         payments of such city securing bonds or other government
     5         agencies for the following quarter, which reports shall
     6         be in such form and contain such information as the
     7         authority shall determine, and which shall be issued no
     8         later than 60 days prior to the beginning of the quarter
     9         to which they pertain, and shall be updated immediately
    10         upon each issuance of bonds or notes, by the assisted
    11         city or execution of a lease securing bonds of another
    12         government agency, after the date of such report to
    13         reflect any change in debt service requirements as a
    14         result of such issuance; and
    15             (iii)  any additional information provided by the
    16         assisted city concerning changed conditions or unexpected
    17         events which may affect the city's adherence to the
    18         financial plan. The reports described in subparagraph
    19         (ii) shall be certified by the city controller.
    20         (2)  Determine, on the basis of information and reports
    21     described in paragraph (1), whether an assisted city has
    22     adhered to the financial plan.
    23     (c)  Variation from the plan.--If the authority determines,
    24  based upon reports submitted by an assisted city under
    25  subsection (b) or independent audits, examinations or studies of
    26  the assisted city's finances obtained under subsection (i)(4),
    27  that an assisted city's actual revenues and expenditures vary
    28  from those estimated in the financial plan, the authority shall
    29  require the city to provide such additional information as the
    30  authority deems necessary to explain the variation. The
    20000H2435B3279                 - 44 -

     1  authority shall take no action with respect to an assisted city
     2  for departures from the financial plan in a fiscal quarter if:
     3         (1)  the city provides a written explanation for the
     4     variation that the authority deems reasonable;
     5         (2)  the city proposes remedial action which the
     6     authority believes will restore the city's overall compliance
     7     with the financial plan;
     8         (3)  information provided by the city in the immediately
     9     succeeding quarterly financial report demonstrates that the
    10     city is taking such remedial action and otherwise complying
    11     with the plan; and
    12         (4)  the city submits monthly supplemental reports in
    13     accordance with section 209(i) until it regains compliance
    14     with the financial plan.
    15     (d)  Authority may make recommendations.--The authority may
    16  at any time issue recommendations as to how an assisted city may
    17  achieve compliance with the financial plan and shall provide
    18  copies of such recommendations to the mayor or chief executive
    19  officer and the governing body of the city and to the officials
    20  named in section 203(b)(5).
    21     (e)  When Commonwealth shall withhold funds.--
    22         (1)  The authority shall certify to the Secretary of the
    23     Budget an assisted city's noncompliance with the financial
    24     plan during any period when the authority has determined by
    25     the vote of a qualified majority that the city has not
    26     adhered to the plan and has not taken acceptable remedial
    27     action during the next quarter following such departure from
    28     the plan.
    29         (2)  The authority shall certify to the Secretary of the
    30     Budget that an assisted city is not in compliance with the
    20000H2435B3279                 - 45 -

     1     plan if the city:
     2             (i)  has no financial plan approved by the authority,
     3         or has failed to file a financial plan with the
     4         authority; or
     5             (ii)  has failed to file mandatory revisions to the
     6         plan or reports as required by section 209(h), (i), (j)
     7         or (k); and
     8             (iii)  has not been compelled to file a financial
     9         plan, a mandatory revision to the plan or a report
    10         through a mandamus action authorized under subsection
    11         (j).
    12         (3)  If the authority certifies that an assisted city is
    13     not in compliance with the financial plan under paragraph (1)
    14     or (2), the Secretary of the Budget shall notify the city
    15     that such certification has been made and that each grant,
    16     loan, entitlement or payment to the assisted city by the
    17     Commonwealth, or any of its agencies, including payment from
    18     the city account established pursuant to section 314, shall
    19     be suspended pending compliance with the financial plan.
    20     Funds withheld shall be held in escrow by the Commonwealth
    21     or, in the case of the city account, be retained in that city
    22     account until compliance with the plan is restored as set
    23     forth in paragraph (4). Funds held in escrow pursuant to this
    24     subsection shall not lapse pursuant to section 621 of the act
    25     of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The
    26     Administrative Code of 1929, or any other law.
    27         (4)  The authority shall, by qualified majority vote,
    28     determine when the conditions which caused an assisted city
    29     to be certified as not in compliance with the financial plan
    30     have ceased to exist and shall promptly notify the Secretary
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     1     of the Budget of such vote. The Secretary of the Budget shall
     2     thereupon release all funds held in escrow, together with all
     3     interest and income earned thereon during the period held in
     4     escrow, and the disbursements of amounts in the city account
     5     shall resume as provided in section 314(c).
     6     (f)  Exemptions.--Notwithstanding the provisions of
     7  subsection (e), the following shall not be withheld from an
     8  assisted city:
     9         (1)  funds for capital projects under contract in
    10     progress;
    11         (2)  funds granted or allocated to an assisted city
    12     directly from an agency of the Commonwealth or from the
    13     Federal Government for distribution by the Commonwealth after
    14     the declaration of a disaster resulting from a catastrophe;
    15         (3)  pension fund payments required by law;
    16         (4)  funds administered by the assisted city's department
    17     of human services or department of health that provide
    18     benefits or service to recipients;
    19         (5)  funds that the assisted city has pledged to repay
    20     revenue bonds or notes issued; and
    21         (6)  funds appropriated by the Commonwealth for the court
    22     system or correctional programs of the assisted city.
    23     (g)  Effect of Commonwealth's failure to disburse funds.--The
    24  provisions of subsection (e) also shall not apply and an
    25  assisted city shall not be found to have departed from the
    26  financial plan due to the Commonwealth's failure to pay any
    27  money, including payment of Federal funds distributed by or
    28  through the Commonwealth, due to the city from moneys
    29  appropriated by the General Assembly.
    30     (h)  Assisted city to determine expenditure of available
    20000H2435B3279                 - 47 -

     1  funds.--Nothing in this act shall be construed to limit the
     2  power of an assisted city to determine, from time to time,
     3  within available funds of the assisted city, the purposes for
     4  which expenditures are to be made by the assisted city and the
     5  amounts of such expenditures then permitted under the financial
     6  plan of the assisted city.
     7     (i)  Documents and examinations to be reviewed or undertaken
     8  by the authority.--The authority shall:
     9         (1)  receive from an assisted city, and review, the
    10     reports, documents, budgetary and financial planning data and
    11     other information prepared by or on behalf of such assisted
    12     city and which are to be made available to the authority
    13     under this act;
    14         (2)  receive from a corporate entity or school district,
    15     and review, the reports, documents, budgetary and financial
    16     planning data and other information prepared by or on behalf
    17     of a corporate entity or school district and which are to be
    18     made available to the authority under this act as the
    19     authority deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this
    20     act;
    21         (3)  inspect and copy such books, records and information
    22     of an assisted city, corporate entity or school district as
    23     the authority deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of
    24     this act; and
    25         (4)  conduct or cause to be conducted such independent
    26     audits, examinations or studies of a school district or
    27     assisted city's finances as the authority deems appropriate.
    28         (5)  conduct or cause to be conducted such independent
    29     audits, examinations or studies of a corporate entity's
    30     finances as the authority by a qualified majority of the
    20000H2435B3279                 - 48 -

     1     board deems appropriate.
     2     (j)  Remedies of authority for failure of an assisted city to
     3  file financial plans and reports.--In the event that an assisted
     4  city shall fail to file with the authority any financial plan,
     5  revision to a financial plan, report or other information
     6  required to be filed with the authority pursuant to this act,
     7  the authority, in addition to all other rights which the
     8  authority may have at law or in equity, shall have the right by
     9  mandamus to compel the assisted city and the officers, employees
    10  and agents thereof to file with the authority the financial
    11  plan, revision to a financial plan, report or other information
    12  which the assisted city has failed to file. The authority shall
    13  give the assisted city written notice of the failure of the
    14  assisted city to file and of the authority's intention to
    15  initiate an action under this subsection and shall not initiate
    16  such an action earlier than ten days after the giving of such
    17  notice.
    18  Section 211.  Limitation on authority and on assisted cities to
    19                 file petition for relief under Federal bankruptcy
    20                 law.
    21     (a)  Limitation on bankruptcy filing.--Notwithstanding any
    22  other provision of law, so long as the authority shall have
    23  outstanding any bonds issued pursuant to this act, the authority
    24  and any assisted city shall not be authorized to file a petition
    25  for relief under 11 U.S.C. Ch. 9 (relating to bankruptcy) or any
    26  successor Federal bankruptcy law, and no government agency shall
    27  authorize the authority or such city to become a debtor under 11
    28  U.S.C. Ch. 9 or any successor Federal bankruptcy law.
    29     (b)  Bankruptcy filing approval.--In addition to the
    30  limitation set forth in subsection (a), and notwithstanding any
    20000H2435B3279                 - 49 -

     1  other provision of law, no city of the second class shall be
     2  authorized to file a petition for relief under 11 U.S.C. Ch. 9
     3  or any successor Federal bankruptcy law unless such petition has
     4  first been submitted to and the filing thereof has been first
     5  approved in writing by the Governor. The Governor is hereby
     6  designated, in accordance with 11 U.S.C. § 109(c)(2) (relating
     7  to the debtor status of a municipality), as the organization of
     8  the Commonwealth which shall have power to approve or disapprove
     9  the filing of any such petition of a political subdivision and
    10  to approve or disapprove any plan of readjustment of the debts
    11  of any such political subdivision prepared, filed and submitted
    12  with the petition to the court, as provided under 11 U.S.C. Ch.
    13  9.
    14     (c)  Review of bankruptcy petition.--
    15         (1)  When any such petition shall be submitted to the
    16     Governor for approval, accompanied with a proposed plan of
    17     readjustment of the debts of a city, the Governor shall make
    18     a careful and thorough investigation of the financial
    19     condition of such city, of its assets and liabilities, of its
    20     sinking fund and whether the affairs thereof are managed in a
    21     careful, prudent and economic manner in order to ascertain
    22     whether the presentation of such petition is justified or
    23     represents an unjust attempt by such city to evade payment of
    24     some of its contractual obligations, and, if the Governor
    25     believes that such petition should be approved, whether the
    26     plan of readjustment submitted will be helpful to the
    27     financial condition of the city and is feasible, and, at the
    28     same time, fair and equitable to all creditors.
    29         (2)  The Governor shall also, prior to giving his
    30     approval, ascertain the amount, if any, of the obligations of
    20000H2435B3279                 - 50 -

     1     any such petitioning city which is held by any agency or
     2     agencies of the State government as trust funds and shall,
     3     before approving any such petition and plan of readjustment,
     4     consult with and give every such agency an opportunity to be
     5     heard and the privilege to examine the findings of the
     6     Governor resulting from the investigation hereinbefore
     7     required to be made and shall likewise hear any other
     8     creditor of such city, whether resident in or outside of this
     9     Commonwealth, who shall apply therefor.
    10         (3)  The Governor, if he approves a petition, shall,
    11     before giving his approval, require such modification in the
    12     proposed plan for readjusting the debts as to him appears
    13     proper.
    14     (d)  Effective date.--Subsections (b) and (c) shall take
    15  effect on the effective date of this act and shall apply to an
    16  assisted city whenever the authority does not have any
    17  outstanding bonds issued pursuant to this act.
    18  Section 212.  Sovereign immunity.
    19     Members of the board shall not be liable personally on any
    20  obligations of the authority, including, without limitation,
    21  bonds of the authority. It is hereby declared to be the intent
    22  of the General Assembly that the authority created by this act
    23  and its members, officers, officials and employees shall enjoy
    24  sovereign and official immunity, as provided in 1 Pa.C.S. § 2310
    25  (relating to sovereign immunity reaffirmed; specific waiver),
    26  and shall remain immune from suit except as provided by and
    27  subject to the provisions of 42 Pa.C.S. §§ 8501 (relating to
    28  definitions) through 8528 (relating to limitations on damages).
    29                             CHAPTER 3
    30                    BONDS AND FUNDS OF AUTHORITY
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     1  Section 301.  Bonds.
     2     (a)  Authorization.--The bonds of the authority shall be
     3  authorized by resolution of the board by vote of a qualified
     4  majority and shall be of such series, bear such date or dates,
     5  bear or accrue interest at such rate or rates as shall be
     6  determined by the board as necessary to issue and sell the
     7  authorized bonds, be in such denominations, be in such form,
     8  either coupon or fully registered without coupons or in
     9  certificated or book-entry-only form, carry such registration,
    10  exchangeability and interchangeability privileges, be payable in
    11  such medium of payment and at such place or places, be subject
    12  to such terms of redemption and be entitled to such priorities
    13  of payment in the revenues or receipts of the authority as such
    14  resolution or resolutions of the board may provide. The bonds
    15  shall be signed by or shall bear the facsimile signatures of
    16  such officers as the board shall determine, and coupon bonds
    17  shall have attached thereto interest coupons bearing the
    18  facsimile signature of the treasurer of the authority, and all
    19  bonds shall be authenticated by an authenticating agent, fiscal
    20  agent or trustee, all as may be prescribed in such resolution or
    21  resolutions. Any such bonds may be issued and delivered
    22  notwithstanding that one or more of the officers signing such
    23  bonds or the treasurer whose facsimile signature shall be upon
    24  the coupon, or any thereof, shall have ceased to be such officer
    25  or officers at the time when such bonds shall actually be
    26  delivered.
    27     (b)  Maturity date.--
    28         (1)  Bonds issued to finance a deficit other than a cash
    29     flow deficit or to provide other financial assistance to an
    30     assisted city shall mature at such time or times not
    20000H2435B3279                 - 52 -

     1     exceeding ten years from their respective dates of original
     2     issue as the authority shall by resolution determine.
     3         (2)  Bonds issued to finance the costs of capital
     4     projects shall mature at such time or times not exceeding the
     5     weighted average useful life of the projects being financed
     6     and in no event exceeding 30 years from their respective
     7     dates of original issue as the authority shall by resolution
     8     determine.
     9         (3)  Bonds issued in anticipation of income of the
    10     authority or to finance a cash flow deficit of a city shall
    11     mature within the fiscal year of the date of issuance
    12     thereof, except for bonds issued in anticipation of grants
    13     from the Commonwealth, a government agency or Federal agency,
    14     which bonds shall mature no later than the time of
    15     anticipated receipt of such grant.
    16         (4)  Bonds issued to purchase obligations of a city shall
    17     mature not more than 30 days after the maturity of the
    18     obligations purchased.
    19     (c)  Sale.--Bonds may be sold at public sale or invited sale
    20  for such price or prices and at such rate or rates of interest
    21  as the authority shall determine. Bonds may be sold at private
    22  sale by negotiation at such price or prices and at such rate or
    23  rates of interest as the authority shall determine but only if
    24  the authority makes a written public explanation of the
    25  circumstances and justification for the private sale by
    26  negotiation. Pending the preparation of the definitive bonds,
    27  interim receipts may be issued to the purchaser or purchasers of
    28  such bonds and may contain such terms and conditions as the
    29  authority may determine.
    30     (d)  Negotiable instruments.--Bonds of an authority shall
    20000H2435B3279                 - 53 -

     1  have the qualities of negotiable instruments under 13 Pa.C.S.
     2  (relating to commercial code).
     3     (e)  Use of proceeds.--The proceeds of an issue of bonds may
     4  be used to pay the costs of issuance of such bonds, to pay costs
     5  of administration of authority assistance to a city, to fund
     6  reserves for such bonds, to capitalize interest on such bonds
     7  for a period not to exceed 12 months, to fund an existing or
     8  projected deficit of a city or to provide for other financial
     9  assistance to a city, to finance any cash flow deficit of a city
    10  or of the authority or to purchase any obligations of a city
    11  issued to finance cash flow deficits or to pay the costs of
    12  capital projects, provided that the authority shall not issue
    13  bonds to finance the costs of a capital project in and for an
    14  assisted city unless it receives the request described in
    15  subsection (g) accompanied by a certification that the assisted
    16  city cannot obtain financing for such capital projects at
    17  reasonable rates except through the issuance of authority bonds
    18  and that the construction or acquisition of such capital
    19  projects is a material element of such city's approved financial
    20  plan and the authority determines by a qualified majority of the
    21  board that the capital project is:
    22         (1)  an emergency capital project which must necessarily
    23     be undertaken as a direct result of an order by a court of
    24     competent jurisdiction or for the repair or replacement of an
    25     existing facility that had been placed in service prior to
    26     the effective date of this act and is owned or occupied by a
    27     city on the effective date of this act; or
    28         (2)  a capital project necessary to achieve savings and
    29     balanced budgets under an approved financial plan.
    30  In addition to the requirement of a qualified majority of the
    20000H2435B3279                 - 54 -

     1  board, the Governor and either the Auditor General or State
     2  Treasurer shall certify that a capital project under paragraph
     3  (2) is a capital project necessary to achieve savings and
     4  balanced budgets under an approved financial plan of an assisted
     5  city. Proceeds of the initial bond issue of the authority may be
     6  applied to reimburse the Commonwealth for the advance set forth
     7  in section 701 and to fund up to $500,000 of initial operating
     8  expenses of the authority.
     9     (f)  Refunding.--Subject to the provisions of the outstanding
    10  bonds, notes or other obligations issued under this or other
    11  acts and subject to the provisions of this act, the authority
    12  shall have the right and power to refund any outstanding debt of
    13  the authority or a city, whether such debt represents principal
    14  or interest, in whole or in part, at any time. The term "refund"
    15  and its variations shall mean the issuance and sale of
    16  obligations the proceeds of which are used, or are to be used,
    17  for the payment or redemption of outstanding obligations upon or
    18  prior to maturity. The term of any bonds issued for refunding
    19  purposes shall not extend to a maturity date which could not
    20  have been included in the original issue of bonds being
    21  refunded.
    22     (g)  City request prerequisite.--The authority shall not
    23  issue any bonds except bonds to refund its bonds unless it has
    24  received a request from a city for such issuance executed by the
    25  mayor or chief executive officer of such city and approved by
    26  the governing body of such city by resolution.
    27  Section 302.  Exemption from taxation.
    28     The effectuation of the authorized purposes of the authority
    29  shall and will be in all respects for the benefit of the people
    30  of this Commonwealth, for the increase of their commerce and
    20000H2435B3279                 - 55 -

     1  prosperity and for the improvements of their health, safety,
     2  welfare and living conditions; and, since the authority will, as
     3  a public instrumentality of the Commonwealth, be performing
     4  essential governmental functions in effectuating such purposes,
     5  the authority shall not be required to pay any taxes or
     6  assessments upon any property acquired or used or permitted to
     7  be used by the authority for such purposes; and the bonds issued
     8  by the authority, their transfer and the income therefrom,
     9  including any profits made on the sale thereof, shall, at all
    10  times, be free from State and local taxation within this
    11  Commonwealth. This exemption shall not extend to gift, estate,
    12  succession or inheritance taxes or any other taxes not levied
    13  directly on the bonds, the transfer thereof, the income
    14  therefrom or the realization of profits on the sale thereof.
    15  Section 303.  Validity of bonds; limitation on actions.
    16     (a)  Presumption.--Any bond reciting in substance that it has
    17  been issued by the authority to accomplish the public purposes
    18  of this act shall be conclusively deemed in any suit, action or
    19  proceeding involving the validity or enforceability of such
    20  bonds or security therefor to have been issued for such
    21  purposes.
    22     (b)  Filing.--The authority may cause a copy of any
    23  resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds adopted by it to be
    24  filed for public inspection in its office and in the office of
    25  the clerk of the governing body of the city to be assisted and
    26  may thereupon cause to be published in a newspaper of general
    27  circulation published or circulating in the city a notice
    28  stating:
    29         (1)  The fact and date of such adoption.
    30         (2)  The places where such resolution has been so filed
    20000H2435B3279                 - 56 -

     1     for public inspection.
     2         (3)  The date of publication of such notice.
     3         (4)  That any action or proceeding of any kind or nature
     4     in any court questioning the validity or proper authorization
     5     of bonds provided for by the resolution, or the validity of
     6     any covenants, agreements or contract provided for by such
     7     resolution, shall be commenced within 10 days after the
     8     publication of such notice.
     9  If any such notice shall at any time be published and if no
    10  action or proceeding questioning the validity or proper
    11  authorization of bonds provided for by the resolution referred
    12  to in such notice, or the validity of any covenants, agreements
    13  or contract provided by such resolution, shall be commenced
    14  within 10 days after the publication of such notice, then all
    15  residents, taxpayers and owners of property in the city and all
    16  other persons whatsoever shall be forever barred and foreclosed
    17  from instituting or commencing any action or proceeding in any
    18  court, or pleading any defense to any action or proceedings,
    19  questioning the validity or proper authorization of such bonds,
    20  or the validity of any such covenants, agreements or contracts,
    21  and said bonds, covenants, agreements and contracts shall be
    22  conclusively deemed to be valid and binding obligations in
    23  accordance with their terms and tenor.
    24     (c)  Estoppel.--After issuance of bonds, all such bonds shall
    25  be conclusively presumed to be fully authorized and issued by
    26  all the laws of this Commonwealth, and any person shall be
    27  estopped from questioning their sale, execution or delivery by
    28  the authority.
    29  Section 304.  Provisions of bonds; trust indentures.
    30     In connection with the issuance of bonds and in order to
    20000H2435B3279                 - 57 -

     1  secure the payment of such bonds, the authority, in addition to
     2  its other powers, shall have the power to:
     3         (1)  pledge or grant a security interest in all or any
     4     part of its gross or net revenues, including the proceeds of
     5     any tax levied for the purposes of or made available for use
     6     by the authority, to which its right then exists or which may
     7     thereafter come into existence;
     8         (2)  grant a security interest in all or any part of its
     9     personal property then owned or thereafter acquired;
    10         (3)  covenant against pledging or granting a security
    11     interest in all or any part of its revenues or all or any
    12     part of its personal property to which its right or title
    13     exists or may thereafter come into existence, or against
    14     permitting or suffering any lien on such revenues or
    15     property; covenant with respect to limitations on its right
    16     to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any of its real
    17     property; and covenant as to which other or additional debts
    18     or obligations may be incurred by it;
    19         (4)  covenant as to the bonds to be issued and as to the
    20     issuance of such bonds, in escrow or otherwise, and as to the
    21     use and disposition of the proceeds thereof; provide for the
    22     replacement of lost, destroyed or mutilated bonds; covenant
    23     against extending the time for the payment of bonds or
    24     interest thereon; redeem the bonds, and covenant for their
    25     redemption and provide the terms and conditions thereof;
    26         (5)  covenant as to the amount of revenues to be received
    27     in each fiscal year or other period of time by the authority,
    28     as well as to the use and disposition to be made thereof,
    29     create or authorize the creation of special funds or reserves
    30     for debt service or other purposes and covenant as to the use
    20000H2435B3279                 - 58 -

     1     and disposition of the moneys held in such funds;
     2         (6)  prescribe the procedure, if any, by which the terms
     3     of any contract with bondholders may be amended or abrogated,
     4     and the amount of bonds the holders of which must consent
     5     thereto, and the manner in which such consent may be given;
     6         (7)  covenant as to the use of any or all of its real or
     7     personal property, to warrant its title, and covenant as to
     8     the maintenance of its real and personal property, the
     9     replacement thereof, the insurance to be carried thereon and
    10     the use and disposition of insurance proceeds;
    11         (8)  covenant as to the rights, liabilities, powers and
    12     duties arising upon the breach by it of any covenant,
    13     condition or obligation, provided that the authority shall
    14     not be permitted to covenant that upon such breach any or all
    15     of its bonds shall become or may be declared due before
    16     stated maturity;
    17         (9)  vest in a trustee or the holders of bonds, or any
    18     proportion of them, the right to enforce the payment of the
    19     bonds or any covenants securing or relating to the bonds;
    20     vest in a trustee the right, in the event of default in
    21     payments of interest or on principal of bonds by the
    22     authority, to take possession and use, operate and manage any
    23     real or personal property and to collect the revenues and
    24     receipts of an authority and to dispose of such moneys in
    25     accordance with the agreement of the authority with the
    26     trustee; provide for the powers and duties of a trustee and
    27     to limit liabilities thereof; and provide the terms and
    28     conditions upon which a trustee or the holders of bonds, or
    29     any proportion of them, may enforce any covenant or rights
    30     securing or relating to the bonds;
    20000H2435B3279                 - 59 -

     1         (10)  enter into interest rate exchange agreements,
     2     interest rate cap and floor agreements and other similar
     3     agreements which in the judgment of the authority will assist
     4     the authority in managing the interest costs of the
     5     authority;
     6         (11)  obtain letters of credit, bonds insurance and other
     7     facilities for credit enhancement and liquidity; and
     8         (12)  exercise all or any part or combination of the
     9     powers granted in this act, make covenants other than and in
    10     addition to the covenants expressly authorized by this act,
    11     make such covenants and do any and all such acts and things
    12     as may be necessary or convenient or desirable in order to
    13     secure its bonds or, in the absolute discretion of the
    14     authority, as will tend to accomplish the purposes of this
    15     act, by making the bonds more marketable notwithstanding that
    16     such covenants, acts or things may not be specifically
    17     enumerated by this act.
    18  Notwithstanding any provision of this act to the contrary, the
    19  real property of the authority shall not be mortgaged and shall
    20  not be subject to attachment nor levied upon by execution or
    21  otherwise. The revenues of the authority and the personal
    22  property of the authority shall be pledged or otherwise
    23  encumbered only as expressly provided in this section and,
    24  except to the extent necessary to effectuate such pledge or
    25  encumbrance, shall not be subject to attachment nor levied upon
    26  by execution or otherwise.
    27  Section 305.  Remedies of obligee of authority.
    28     An obligee of the authority shall have the right, in addition
    29  to all other rights which may be conferred on such obligees
    30  subject only to any contractual restrictions binding upon such
    20000H2435B3279                 - 60 -

     1  obligee:
     2         (1)  By mandamus, suit, action or proceeding at law or in
     3     equity, to compel the authority and the members of its
     4     governing board, officers, agents or employees thereof to
     5     perform each and every term, provision and covenant contained
     6     in any bond or contract of the authority with or for the
     7     benefit of such obligee and to require the carrying out of
     8     any or all such covenants and agreements of the authority and
     9     the fulfillment of all duties imposed upon the authority by
    10     this act.
    11         (2)  By proceeding in equity, to obtain an injunction
    12     against any acts or things which may be unlawful or the
    13     violation of any of the rights of such obligee of the
    14     authority.
    15         (3)  To require the authority to account as if it were
    16     the trustee of an express trust for the obligees of the
    17     authority for any pledged revenues received.
    18  Section 306.  Validity of pledge.
    19     Any pledge of or grant of a security interest in revenues of
    20  the authority or personal property of an authority made by the
    21  authority shall be valid and binding from the time when the
    22  pledge is made; the revenues or other property so pledged and
    23  thereafter received by the authority shall immediately be
    24  subject to the lien of any such pledge or security interest
    25  without any physical delivery thereof or further act, and the
    26  lien of any such pledge or security interest shall be valid and
    27  binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in
    28  tort, contract or otherwise against the authority irrespective
    29  of whether such parties have notice thereof. Neither the
    30  resolution nor any other instrument of the authority by which a
    20000H2435B3279                 - 61 -

     1  pledge or security interest is created need be recorded or filed
     2  to perfect such pledge or security interest.
     3  Section 307.  Commonwealth pledges.
     4     (a)  Bondholders.--The Commonwealth does hereby pledge to and
     5  agree with each and every obligee of the authority that the
     6  Commonwealth will not limit or alter the rights hereby vested in
     7  the authority in any manner inconsistent with the obligations of
     8  the authority to such obligees until all bonds at any time
     9  issued, together with the interest thereon, are fully paid and
    10  discharged. The Commonwealth does further pledge to and agree
    11  with any Federal agency that, in the event that any Federal
    12  agency shall contribute any funds to the authority for
    13  assistance to a city pursuant to this act, the Commonwealth will
    14  not alter or limit the rights and powers of the authority in any
    15  manner which would be inconsistent with the due performance of
    16  any agreements between the authority, the city and any such
    17  Federal agency.
    18     (b)  Lessees.--The Commonwealth does hereby pledge to and
    19  agree with any person who, as owner thereof, leases or subleases
    20  property to or from the authority, that the Commonwealth will
    21  not limit or alter the rights and powers hereby vested in the
    22  authority or otherwise created by this act in any manner which
    23  impairs the obligations of the authority until all such
    24  obligations of the authority under such lease or sublease are
    25  fully met and discharged.
    26     (c)  Reduction of pledged tax revenues.--If and to the extent
    27  that the authority pledges any proceeds of a tax authorized by
    28  law to be levied for the authority purposes or made available
    29  for use by the authority as security for bonds of the authority,
    30  or the city pledges any proceeds of a tax as security for
    20000H2435B3279                 - 62 -

     1  payment by such city to the authority, the Commonwealth does
     2  hereby pledge to and agree with each and every obligee of the
     3  authority acquiring bonds so secured to be issued by the
     4  authority that the Commonwealth itself will not, nor will it
     5  authorize any government agency levying such tax to, reduce the
     6  rate of tax imposed for such authority or city purposes, or made
     7  available for use by the authority, until all bonds so secured
     8  by the pledge of the authority, together with the interest
     9  thereon, are fully paid or provided for or until all payments to
    10  the authority so secured by the pledge of the city have been
    11  made or provided for.
    12  Section 308.  Resolution and law are contracts with holders of
    13                 bonds.
    14     Except as otherwise provided in any resolution of the
    15  authority authorizing or awarding bonds, the terms of such
    16  resolution and any agreement authorized by such resolution and
    17  the terms of this act as in effect when such bonds were
    18  authorized shall constitute a contract between the authority and
    19  the obligees from time to time of the authority, subject to
    20  modification by the vote by holders of such percentage of bonds
    21  as the resolution authorizing or awarding such bonds shall
    22  provide.
    23  Section 309.  Bonds to be legal investments.
    24     Bonds issued pursuant to this act are hereby made securities
    25  in which all government agencies, all insurance companies, trust
    26  companies, banking associations, banking corporations, savings
    27  banks, investment companies, executors, the trustees of any
    28  retirement, pension or annuity fund or system of the
    29  Commonwealth or of a city, trustees and other fiduciaries may
    30  properly and legally invest funds, including capital, deposits
    20000H2435B3279                 - 63 -

     1  or other funds in their control or belonging to them. Such bonds
     2  are hereby made securities which may properly and legally be
     3  deposited with and received by any government agency for any
     4  purpose for which the deposit of bonds or other obligations of
     5  the Commonwealth now or may hereafter be authorized by law.
     6  Section 310.  Right to enforcement of pledge of revenues.
     7     The obligees of the authority shall have the right to enforce
     8  a pledge of or security interest in revenues of the authority
     9  securing payment of bonds of the authority against all
    10  government agencies in possession of any such revenues at any
    11  time, which revenues may be collected directly from such
    12  officials upon notice by such obligees or a trustee for such
    13  obligees for application to the payment of such bonds as and
    14  when due or for deposits in any sinking, bond or debt service
    15  fund established by this act or established by resolution of the
    16  authority with such trustee at the times and in the amounts
    17  specified in such bonds or the resolution or indenture or trust
    18  agreement securing such bonds. Any government agency in
    19  possession of any such revenues shall make payment against
    20  receipt and shall thereby be discharged from any further
    21  liability or responsibility for such revenues. If such payment
    22  shall be to a holder of bonds, it shall be made against
    23  surrender of such bonds to the payor for delivery to the
    24  authority in the case of payment in full; otherwise, it shall be
    25  made against production of such bonds for notation thereon of
    26  the amount of the payment. The provisions of this section with
    27  respect to the enforceability and collection of revenues which
    28  secure bonds shall supersede any contrary or inconsistent
    29  statutory provision or rule of law. This section shall be
    30  construed and applied to fulfill the legislative purpose of
    20000H2435B3279                 - 64 -

     1  clarifying and facilitating the financing of the authority of
     2  the costs of assisting a city by assuring to the obligees of the
     3  authority the full and immediate benefit of the security for the
     4  bonds without delay, diminution or interference based on any
     5  statute, decision, ordinance or administrative rule or practice.
     6  Section 311.  Funds of authority; sources of revenue.
     7     (a)  Receipt by treasurer.--All funds of the authority
     8  received from any source shall be delivered to or upon the order
     9  of the treasurer of the authority or to such other agent of the
    10  authority as the board may designate. Such funds received by the
    11  authority shall be promptly deposited in a bank or banks in this
    12  Commonwealth as chosen by a qualified majority of the board. The
    13  moneys in such account or accounts may be paid by the treasurer
    14  of the authority or other designated agent of the authority on
    15  warrant of the treasurer of the authority or by such persons as
    16  the board may authorize to make such warrants. All such deposits
    17  of moneys may, if required by the authority, be secured by
    18  obligations of the United States or of the Commonwealth of a
    19  market value equal at all times to the amount of the deposit,
    20  and all banks and trust companies are authorized to give such
    21  security for such deposits, provided that no moneys deposited in
    22  a debt service reserve fund may be secured by a deposit of
    23  obligations issued by or obligations guaranteed by an assisted
    24  city.
    25     (b)  Investment of funds.--Subject to the provisions of any
    26  agreements with obligees of the authority, all funds of the
    27  authority, including the proceeds of bonds, which are not
    28  required for immediate use may be invested in obligations of an
    29  assisted city or in obligations of the Federal Government or of
    30  the Commonwealth or obligations which are legal investments for
    20000H2435B3279                 - 65 -

     1  Commonwealth funds. However, no moneys may be invested in
     2  obligations issued by or obligations guaranteed by an assisted
     3  city without the approval of a qualified majority of the board,
     4  and, in any case, no moneys held in a debt service reserve fund
     5  may be invested in obligations issued by or obligations
     6  guaranteed by an assisted city.
     7     (c)  Pledges from city.--To further secure repayment of
     8  obligations of an assisted city to the authority, such city is
     9  authorized to pledge or direct, and the authority is authorized
    10  to receive directly from the collector of such taxes or
    11  revenues, city taxes and other revenues otherwise payable to the
    12  city and so directed or pledged.
    13  Section 312.  Payment of proceeds of tax levied for authority
    14                 purposes.
    15     The proceeds of any tax levied for authority purposes or made
    16  available for use by the authority which tax proceeds shall have
    17  been pledged by the authority to secure its bonds and collected
    18  by the Department of Revenue shall be transferred by the State
    19  Treasurer at the times provided by law to the bond payment
    20  account established pursuant to section 314, to a debt service
    21  reserve fund established under the authority of section 313, to
    22  the authority for payment of operating expenses in the amount
    23  permitted pursuant to section 206 and then to the city account
    24  established pursuant to section 314, all in the manner provided
    25  in this act, subject to any limitations set forth in the
    26  resolution of the authority authorizing such bonds.
    27  Section 313.  Debt service reserve fund.
    28     (a)  Authorization.--The authority may establish one or more
    29  debt service reserve funds into which it shall deposit:
    30         (1)  The proceeds of any tax levied for authority
    20000H2435B3279                 - 66 -

     1     purposes or made available for use by the authority in excess
     2     of amounts required to be deposited in the bond payment
     3     account pursuant to section 314.
     4         (2)  Proceeds from the sale of bonds, to the extent
     5     provided in the resolution or resolutions authorizing such
     6     bonds.
     7         (3)  Any other moneys made available to the authority
     8     from any source for such purpose.
     9  All moneys held in any debt service reserve fund, except as
    10  provided hereafter, shall be used when required solely for the
    11  payment of the principal of bonds secured in whole or in part by
    12  such fund or of the sinking fund payments, if any, with respect
    13  to such bonds, the purchase or redemption of such bonds, the
    14  payment of interest on such bonds or the payment of any
    15  redemption premium required to be paid when such bonds and notes
    16  are redeemed prior to maturity. Any debt service reserve fund
    17  established pursuant to this section shall be a trust fund held
    18  for the benefit and security of the obligees of the authority
    19  whose bonds are secured by such fund. Moneys in a debt service
    20  reserve fund shall not be withdrawn from the fund at any time in
    21  an amount that would reduce the amount of the fund to less than
    22  the minimum reserve fund requirement established for such fund
    23  in the resolution of the authority creating such fund except for
    24  withdrawals for the purpose of making payments when due of
    25  principal, interest, redemption premiums and sinking fund
    26  payments, if any, with respect to such bonds for the payment of
    27  which other moneys of the authority are not available. Any
    28  income or interest earned by or increments to any debt service
    29  reserve fund due to the investment thereof may be transferred by
    30  the authority to other funds or accounts of the authority to the
    20000H2435B3279                 - 67 -

     1  extent such transfer does not reduce the amount of the debt
     2  service reserve fund below the minimum reserve fund requirement
     3  established for such fund. Funds transferred to other accounts
     4  in accordance with the preceding requirements may be used for
     5  whatever purposes the authority deems appropriate so long as
     6  such purposes are consistent with this act and the contracts of
     7  the authority with obligees of the authority and with assisted
     8  cities.
     9     (b)  Bond limitation.--The authority shall not at any time
    10  issue bonds secured in whole or in part by a debt service
    11  reserve fund if issuance of such bonds would cause the amount in
    12  the debt reserve fund to fall below the minimum reserve
    13  requirement for such fund unless the authority at the time of
    14  issuance of such bonds shall deposit in the fund an amount from
    15  the proceeds of the bonds to be issued or from other sources
    16  which when added to the amount already in such fund will cause
    17  the total amount on deposit in such fund to equal or exceed the
    18  minimum reserve fund requirement. For the purposes of this
    19  section, the term "minimum reserve fund requirement" shall mean
    20  that amount defined as the minimum reserve fund requirement in
    21  the resolution or resolutions of the authority authorizing the
    22  bonds.
    23  Section 314.  Bond payment account and city account.
    24     (a)  Payment of certain tax revenue.--When bonds or payments
    25  due to the authority from a city are secured by and payable from
    26  a tax or taxes levied for authority purposes or made available
    27  for use by the authority or levied by the assisted city, which
    28  tax has been pledged by the authority to secure payment of such
    29  bonds or by the assisted city to secure payments due to the
    30  authority, the proceeds of such taxes shall be paid by the
    20000H2435B3279                 - 68 -

     1  collector or receiver of such taxes directly to the bond payment
     2  account, any debt service reserve fund established pursuant to
     3  section 313 and the city account of the authority which are
     4  hereby directed to be established by the authority as trust
     5  funds with a bank with trust powers or a trust company with a
     6  place of business in the Commonwealth selected by the authority.
     7  Any payments of authority operating expenses in amounts
     8  permitted pursuant to section 206 shall be paid to or on the
     9  order of the authority after required payments to the bond
    10  payment account and any debt service reserve fund and before any
    11  payments to the city account. Such payments of authority
    12  operating expenses shall be no more frequent than monthly and
    13  shall be subject to any further limitation set forth in any
    14  agreement of the authority with the obligees of the authority.
    15     (b)  Bond payment account as trust fund.--The bond payment
    16  account shall be a trust fund held for the exclusive and equal
    17  and ratable benefit of the holders of the bonds of the authority
    18  secured by and payable from the proceeds of any tax pledged by
    19  the authority or secured by the payments due to the authority
    20  from the city as described in subsection (a). The authority
    21  shall establish a payment schedule for the deposit of amounts
    22  sufficient to accumulate the interest and principal becoming due
    23  on such bonds in each fiscal year of the authority, and the
    24  first moneys received from such tax or other pledged revenues
    25  shall be deposited in the bond payment account until the payment
    26  requirement established for the bonds has been met. Any proceeds
    27  of such tax or other pledged revenues in excess of the scheduled
    28  deposit shall be transferred first to the debt service reserve
    29  fund or funds of the authority established under section 313 to
    30  cure any deficiency in such fund. Any remaining proceeds shall
    20000H2435B3279                 - 69 -

     1  be paid to the authority in the amount permitted for authority
     2  operating expenses pursuant to section 206 and subsection (a),
     3  and the excess shall be transferred to the city account. If at
     4  any time proceeds of the tax are insufficient to meet the
     5  scheduled deposit requirement, all proceeds of the tax shall be
     6  paid into the bond payment account until all deficiencies have
     7  been restored. Income on investments of moneys on deposit in the
     8  bond payment account shall be retained in such account and
     9  applied when earned to reduce future deposit requirements.
    10     (c)  Status of city account.--The city account shall be a
    11  trust fund held for the exclusive benefit of an assisted city.
    12  Any proceeds of the taxes or other revenues pledged to secure
    13  the bonds or to secure payments due from the city to the
    14  authority in excess of the payment requirements for the bond
    15  payment account and in excess of any amount required to cure a
    16  deficiency in the debt service reserve fund or funds established
    17  pursuant to section 313 and in excess of any amount permitted to
    18  be paid to the authority for authority operating expenses
    19  pursuant to section 206 and subsection (a) shall be deposited in
    20  the city account. Amounts in the city account shall be invested
    21  at the direction of an assisted city in investments permitted by
    22  this act. Subject to any suspension of disbursements pursuant to
    23  section 210(e), amounts in the city account shall be disbursed
    24  to an assisted city not less often than monthly for credit to
    25  such city's general fund for application to the general expenses
    26  of government or for deposit in an operating reserve of such
    27  city if such operating reserve is created pursuant to an
    28  intergovernmental cooperation agreement.
    29  Section 315.  Other funds and accounts.
    30     (a)  Authorization.--The authority shall create such other
    20000H2435B3279                 - 70 -

     1  funds and accounts as may be necessary or desirable for its
     2  corporate purposes and shall pay into each such fund or account
     3  any moneys of the authority available for such purposes or any
     4  moneys made available by any other person for the purposes of
     5  such fund or account. No other provision of this act shall be
     6  construed to prohibit the authority from creating within any
     7  fund one or more accounts which may be used or pledged by the
     8  authority for a special purpose.
     9     (b)  Use of fund money.--Any moneys deposited in any fund
    10  created by the authority to be used to pay debt service,
    11  including, without limitation, the bond payment account, any
    12  sinking fund or debt service reserve fund and all investments
    13  and proceeds of investments thereof shall, without further
    14  action or filing, be subjected to a perfected security interest
    15  for the obligees of the authority for whom such fund is held
    16  until such moneys or investments shall be properly disbursed in
    17  accordance with this act and with the terms of the contract of
    18  the authority with its obligees.
    19  Section 316.  Exchange of bonds for obligations of city.
    20     (a)  Debt exchange.--The bonds of the authority may be issued
    21  in exchange for obligations issued by an assisted city in such
    22  manner and from time to time as may be determined by a qualified
    23  majority of the board, and the authority may pay all expenses,
    24  premiums and commissions incident to such exchange which the
    25  authority deems necessary or appropriate.
    26     (b)  Limitation.--The authority shall not exchange any of its
    27  bonds for obligations of a city unless:
    28         (1)  such city shall have entered into an
    29     intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the authority;
    30     and
    20000H2435B3279                 - 71 -

     1         (2)  the authority shall have determined that the terms
     2     of such exchange will not prejudice the rights of holders of
     3     other bonds and notes of such city.
     4     (c)  Authority action.--Upon receipt of the obligations of
     5  the city so exchanged, the authority may hold such obligations
     6  and receive all payments of principal and interest thereon or
     7  may deliver all or a portion of such obligations to the city or
     8  its fiscal agent for cancellation without receiving payment of
     9  principal or interest on such obligations, in which event the
    10  city or its fiscal agent shall cancel such obligations and the
    11  city shall have no further liability with respect thereto.
    12  Section 317.  Initial issue of authority bonds.
    13     (a)  Availability of proceeds.--The first series of bonds to
    14  be issued by the authority to finance a deficit, other than a
    15  cash flow deficit and other than the interim financing
    16  arrangement authorized in section 203, shall be issued in such
    17  manner and time so that the net proceeds of such bonds shall be
    18  available on or before June 30, 2000, or as soon as practicable
    19  thereafter, in an amount not less than the amount reasonably
    20  estimated by the city requesting the issuance of such bonds, to
    21  be its deficit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000.
    22     (b)  Amendment to city budget.--As of the effective date of
    23  this act, such city shall be authorized to amend its budgets for
    24  the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000, and June 30, 2001, to
    25  adjust appropriations in anticipation of receipt of the proceeds
    26  of the first series of bonds to be issued in accordance with
    27  subsection (a) and the proceeds of any tax levied pursuant to
    28  Chapter 5. The amendments, if any, shall be considered revisions
    29  to the city's financial plan and shall be subject to the
    30  authority's approval under section 209.
    20000H2435B3279                 - 72 -

     1  Section 318.  Payment of taxes with authority bonds.
     2     If the resolution of the authority authorizing or awarding
     3  bonds shall so provide, with the approval of the mayor or chief
     4  executive officer of the assisted city, the authority may issue
     5  bonds which shall, upon maturity, at the election of the holder
     6  thereof if so provided in such bonds, be receivable at full face
     7  value and in lieu of cash in payment of any tax which is pledged
     8  as security for such bonds or as security for any agreement
     9  between the authority and such city securing the bonds, any
    10  installment of estimated tax so pledged to secure such bonds or
    11  payment or any interest or penalties thereon. Any bonds of the
    12  authority so received in payment of any such tax or installment
    13  of estimated tax or interest or penalties shall be presented to
    14  the authority for tender to the appropriate collector of such
    15  taxes.
    16  Section 319.  Final date for issuance of bonds.
    17     No bond shall be issued for the purpose of financing a
    18  capital project or a deficit, other than a cash flow deficit, on
    19  a date later than December 31, 2003. No bond shall be issued for
    20  the purpose of financing a cash flow deficit on a date later
    21  than December 31, 2005. The limitations provided in this section
    22  shall not apply to any bond to be issued to refund an
    23  outstanding bond issued under this act.
    24  Section 320.  City payment of authority bonds.
    25     An assisted city shall have the right at any time to deposit
    26  funds with the authority in an amount sufficient to pay for the
    27  defeasance of all or part of the authority's bonds. The assisted
    28  city depositing funds with the authority pursuant to this
    29  section shall have the right to designate to the authority the
    30  maturities of bonds or portions thereof subject to defeasance by
    20000H2435B3279                 - 73 -

     1  such deposit. If an assisted city pays to the authority an
     2  amount sufficient to pay for the defeasance of all of the
     3  authority's bonds, the assisted city shall be deemed to have no
     4  further obligations under this act.
     5                             CHAPTER 4
     6                       TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES
     7  Section 401.  Tax anticipation notes of cities of second class.
     8     Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each city shall
     9  have the power and authority, by determination adopted by a
    10  majority of the loan committee, to borrow money from time to
    11  time in any fiscal year in anticipation of the receipt of
    12  current taxes or current revenues, or both, to evidence the
    13  obligation by tax anticipation notes, appropriately designated,
    14  and to authorize, issue and sell such notes in the manner and
    15  subject to the limitations provided in this chapter. Notes
    16  issued in anticipation of taxes shall be designated "tax
    17  anticipation notes," notes issued in anticipation of other
    18  revenues shall be designated "revenue anticipation notes" and
    19  notes issued in anticipation of taxes and revenues shall be
    20  designated "tax and revenue anticipation notes." Obligations
    21  evidenced by tax anticipation notes shall not be deemed to be
    22  debt of a city subject to the limitations of Article 9 of the
    23  Constitution of Pennsylvania. The power set forth in this
    24  article to borrow from time to time shall include, but not be
    25  limited to, the power to make a single authorization and then
    26  issue and sell portions of such amount of authorized tax
    27  anticipation notes whenever desired during the fiscal year.
    28  Negotiations for tax anticipation notes may be commenced not
    29  more than 30 days prior to the beginning of a fiscal year, but
    30  all tax anticipation notes shall be issued and mature within the
    20000H2435B3279                 - 74 -

     1  same fiscal year.
     2  Section 402.  Limitation on amount of tax and revenue
     3                 anticipation notes.
     4     No city shall authorize or issue tax anticipation notes in
     5  any one fiscal year which in the aggregate shall exceed 85% of:
     6         (1)  in the case of notes solely payable from and secured
     7     by a pledge of taxes, the amount of such taxes levied for the
     8     current fiscal year;
     9         (2)  in the case of notes solely payable from and secured
    10     by a pledge of revenues other than tax revenues, the amount
    11     of such revenues pledged; or
    12         (3)  in the case of notes payable from and secured by a
    13     pledge of taxes and other revenues, the sum of such taxes
    14     levied and such revenues pledged;
    15  which, in all cases, are certified, pursuant to section 406, as
    16  remaining to be collected or received in such fiscal year during
    17  the period when the notes will be outstanding. The certificate
    18  shall be as of a date not more than 30 days prior to and no
    19  later than the date of the adoption of the determination of the
    20  loan committee authorizing the issue and sale of the tax
    21  anticipation notes. In computing the aggregate amount of tax
    22  anticipation notes outstanding at any given time during the
    23  fiscal year for the purpose of the limitation imposed by this
    24  section, allowance shall be made for such notes as have already
    25  been fully paid and for amounts already paid into a sinking fund
    26  or trust fund established for payment of such notes, if any.
    27  Section 403.  Limitation on stated maturity date of tax and
    28                 revenue anticipation notes; time of payment of
    29                 interest.
    30     No tax anticipation notes shall be stated to mature beyond
    20000H2435B3279                 - 75 -

     1  the last day of the fiscal year in which such tax anticipation
     2  notes are issued. Interest on tax anticipation notes from the
     3  date thereof shall be payable at the maturity of such notes or
     4  payable in installments at such earlier dates and at such annual
     5  rate or rates, fixed or variable, as the loan committee by a
     6  majority of its members may determine.
     7  Section 404.  Other terms of tax and revenue anticipation notes.
     8     Tax anticipation notes shall be issued in such denomination,
     9  shall be subject to such rights of prior redemption, shall have
    10  such privileges of interchange and registration, shall be dated,
    11  shall be stated to mature on such dates and in such amounts,
    12  shall be in registered or bearer form with or without coupons or
    13  in certificated or book-entry-only form, shall be payable in
    14  such medium of payment and shall be payable at such place or
    15  places, all as the loan committee, by a majority of its members,
    16  may determine.
    17  Section 405.  Security for tax and revenue anticipation notes;
    18                 sinking fund or trust fund.
    19     (a)  Security.--All tax anticipation notes issued in a single
    20  fiscal year shall be equally and ratably secured by the pledge
    21  of, security interest in, and a lien and charge on, the taxes or
    22  revenues or both of the city specified in the authorizing
    23  determination to be collected or received during the period when
    24  the notes will be outstanding. Such pledge, lien and charge
    25  shall be fully perfected as against the city, all creditors
    26  thereof and all third parties in accordance with the terms of
    27  such authorizing determination from and after the filing of a
    28  financing statement or statements in accordance with 13 Pa.C.S.
    29  (relating to commercial code). For the purpose of such filing,
    30  the sinking fund depositary or trustee of a trust fund for note
    20000H2435B3279                 - 76 -

     1  payments, if any, otherwise the fiscal agent or paying agent
     2  designated in the notes, may act as the representative of
     3  noteholders and, in such capacity, execute and file the
     4  financing statement and any continuation or termination
     5  statements as secured party. The authorizing determination may
     6  establish one or more sinking funds or trust funds for payment
     7  of notes and provide for periodic or other deposits therein and
     8  may contain such covenants or other provisions as the loan
     9  committee, by a majority of its members, shall determine. The
    10  amount of any tax anticipation notes issued in compliance with
    11  this chapter shall be general obligations of the city and, if
    12  the same shall not be paid within the fiscal year in which such
    13  notes were issued as required by section 403, shall be included
    14  in the budget of the city for the ensuing fiscal year and shall
    15  be payable from the taxes and revenues of such ensuing year.
    16     (b)  Enforcement of notes.--The holder of such tax
    17  anticipation notes issued by a city or the sinking fund
    18  depositary of the applicable sinking fund, or trustee of any
    19  trust fund for note payment, if any, shall have the right to
    20  enforce such pledge of, security interest in and lien and charge
    21  on the pledged taxes and revenues of the city against all
    22  governmental agencies in possession of any of such taxes and
    23  revenues at any time which taxes and revenues may be collected
    24  directly from such officials upon notice by such holder or
    25  depositary or trustee for application to the payment thereof as
    26  and when due or for deposit in the applicable sinking fund or
    27  trust fund at the times and in the amounts specified in such tax
    28  anticipation notes. Any government agencies in possession of any
    29  of such taxes and revenues shall make payment, against receipt
    30  therefor, directly to the holder of such tax anticipation notes
    20000H2435B3279                 - 77 -

     1  or to such depositary or trustee upon such notice and shall
     2  thereby be discharged from any further liability or
     3  responsibility for such taxes and revenues. If such payment
     4  shall be to a holder of tax anticipation notes, it shall be made
     5  against surrender of the notes to the payor for delivery to the
     6  city in the case of payment in full; otherwise, it shall be made
     7  against production of the notes for notation thereon of the
     8  amount of the payment. The provisions of this subsection with
     9  respect to the enforceability and collection of taxes and
    10  revenues which secure tax anticipation notes of a city shall
    11  supersede any contrary or inconsistent statutory provision or
    12  rule of law. This chapter shall be construed and applied to
    13  fulfill the legislative purpose of clarifying and facilitating
    14  temporary borrowings by a city by assuring to holders of tax
    15  anticipation notes the full and immediate benefit of the
    16  security therefor without delay, diminishment or interference
    17  based on any statute, decision, ordinance or administrative rule
    18  or practice.
    19     (c)  Limitation on previously pledged security.--
    20  Notwithstanding the foregoing, no taxes or revenues pledged to
    21  secure bonds of the authority or to secure payments due to the
    22  authority from a city pursuant to an agreement with the
    23  authority shall be pledged to secure payment of tax anticipation
    24  notes unless such pledge is, by its express terms, subordinate
    25  in all respects to the pledge of such taxes and revenues to
    26  secure the bonds of the authority or payments due to the
    27  authority and the written consent of the authority to such
    28  subordinated pledge is obtained prior to the issuance of the tax
    29  anticipation notes so secured. The holder of such tax
    30  anticipation notes so secured by a subordinated pledge described
    20000H2435B3279                 - 78 -

     1  in this subsection shall have no right to enforce such pledge in
     2  the manner described in subsection (b) unless all payments due
     3  to the authority or due on the bonds of an authority secured by
     4  the senior pledge of such taxes and revenues shall have been
     5  made or provided for.
     6  Section 406.  Certification as to taxes and revenues to be
     7                 collected.
     8     Prior to each authorization of tax anticipation notes, the
     9  treasurer of the city shall make an estimate of the moneys to be
    10  received during the period when such notes will be outstanding
    11  from taxes then levied and assessed, and revenues, including,
    12  without limitation, subsidies or reimbursements to be received.
    13  Such estimate shall take due account of the past and anticipated
    14  collection experience of the city and of current economic
    15  conditions. The estimate shall be certified by the treasurer,
    16  and the written certificate of the treasurer, dated as of a date
    17  not more than 30 days prior to the date of the authorization of
    18  the notes, shall be filed with the proceedings authorizing the
    19  tax anticipation notes with the fiscal agent, sinking fund
    20  depositary, trustee or paying agent for the notes or the
    21  authority as provided in section 408.
    22  Section 407.  Sale of tax anticipation notes.
    23     Tax anticipation notes may be sold at public, private or
    24  invited sale and at such price or prices as the loan committee
    25  by a majority of its members shall determine. At the time of
    26  delivery of each issue, series or subseries of tax anticipation
    27  notes, the treasurer of the city shall certify to the original
    28  purchasers thereof that the amount of all such notes to remain
    29  outstanding will not exceed the limitations of section 402
    30  calculated, however, from the date of such certificate to the
    20000H2435B3279                 - 79 -

     1  respective maturity dates of all such notes to remain
     2  outstanding. Such certificate shall be retained by the city
     3  until all tax anticipation notes issued during the fiscal year
     4  shall have been paid in full.
     5  Section 408.  Filing of proceedings with authority.
     6     While any bonds of the authority are outstanding, prior to
     7  the delivery of tax anticipation notes to the original
     8  purchasers thereof, the city shall file with the authority:
     9         (1)  the transcript of proceedings authorizing the
    10     issuance of the tax anticipation notes, consisting of the
    11     determination authorizing the notes;
    12         (2)  the certificate required by section 406 as to the
    13     amount of taxes and revenues to be collected during the term
    14     of the tax anticipation notes;
    15         (3)  the certificate required by section 407; and
    16         (4)  a true copy of the accepted proposal for the
    17     anticipation notes.
    18  Section 409.  Purchase of tax anticipation notes by authority.
    19     Subject to the limitations of this act, the authority is
    20  authorized with the approval of a qualified majority of the
    21  board to purchase tax anticipation notes of a city and to assign
    22  its rights to receive payment on such notes and the pledge of
    23  and security interest in the taxes and revenues of the city
    24  securing such tax anticipation notes.
    25  Section 410.  Failure to pay principal or interest.
    26     If a city fails to pay principal or interest on any of its
    27  tax anticipation notes as the same becomes due and payable
    28  whether at the stated maturity date or upon a mandatory or
    29  unrevoked call for prior redemption and such failure shall
    30  continue for 30 days, the holder thereof shall, subject to the
    20000H2435B3279                 - 80 -

     1  priorities created under this act and the provisions of any
     2  outstanding obligations of the city and to any limitation upon
     3  individual rights of action in the determination authorizing the
     4  tax anticipation notes, have the right to recover the amount due
     5  by action in the court of common pleas. The judgment recovered
     6  shall have an appropriate priority upon the moneys next coming
     7  into the treasury of the city.
     8  Section 411.  Remedies of holders of tax and revenue
     9                 anticipation notes.
    10     A holder of tax and revenue anticipation notes shall have the
    11  right, in addition to all other rights which may be conferred on
    12  such holder, subject only to any contractual restrictions
    13  binding upon such holder:
    14         (1)  By mandamus, suit, action or proceeding at law or in
    15     equity, to compel the city, the loan committee and the
    16     members thereof and the officers, agents or employees thereof
    17     to perform each and every term, provision and covenant
    18     contained in any note or contract of the city with or for the
    19     benefit of such holder and to require the carrying out of any
    20     or all such covenants and agreements of the city and the
    21     fulfillment of all duties imposed upon the city by this act.
    22         (2)  By proceeding in equity, to obtain an injunction
    23     against any acts or things which may be unlawful or the
    24     violation of any of the rights of such holder of tax and
    25     revenue anticipation notes.
    26         (3)  To require the city to account as if it were the
    27     trustee of an express trust for the holders of tax and
    28     revenue anticipation notes for any pledged taxes or revenues
    29     received.
    30                             CHAPTER 5
    20000H2435B3279                 - 81 -

     1                     OPTIONAL SALES AND USE TAX
     2  Section 501.  Definitions.
     3     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
     4  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     5  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     6     "Department."  The Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
     7     "Tax."  The tax authorized to be imposed by the governing
     8  body of a city under this chapter.
     9  Section 502.  Construction of chapter.
    10     The tax imposed by the governing body of a city pursuant to
    11  this chapter shall be in addition to any tax imposed by the
    12  Commonwealth pursuant to Article II of the act of March 4, 1971
    13  (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971. Except for
    14  the differing situs provisions under section 504, the provisions
    15  of Articles II and II-A of the Tax Reform Code of 1971 shall
    16  apply.
    17  Section 503.  Imposition of additional tax.
    18     (a)  Sales.--The governing body of a city may levy, assess
    19  and collect upon each separate sale at retail of tangible
    20  personal property or services, as defined in Article II of the
    21  act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code
    22  of 1971, within that city a tax on the purchase price. The tax
    23  shall be collected by the vendor from the purchaser and shall be
    24  paid over to the Commonwealth as provided in this chapter.
    25     (b)  Use.--In any city which imposes the tax authorized in
    26  subsection (a), there shall be levied, assessed and collected
    27  upon the use, within that city, of tangible personal property
    28  purchased at retail, and on services purchased at retail, as
    29  defined in Article II of the Tax Reform Code of 1971, a tax on
    30  the purchase price. The tax shall be paid over to the
    20000H2435B3279                 - 82 -

     1  Commonwealth by the person who makes such use. The use tax
     2  imposed pursuant to this chapter shall not be paid over to the
     3  Commonwealth by any person who has paid the tax imposed by
     4  subsection (a) or has paid the tax imposed by this subsection to
     5  the vendor with respect to such use.
     6     (c)  Hotel.--In any city which imposes a tax authorized in
     7  subsection (a), there shall be levied, assessed and collected an
     8  excise tax on the rent upon every occupancy of a room or rooms
     9  in a hotel in the city. The tax shall be collected by the
    10  operator or owner from the occupant and paid over to the
    11  Commonwealth.
    12     (d)  Rate and uniformity.--
    13         (1)  The tax authorized by subsections (a), (b) and (c)
    14     may be imposed at a rate of either 0.5% or 1%.
    15         (2)  The tax imposed by subsections (a), (b) and (c)
    16     shall be uniform.
    17     (e)  Tax computation.--The tax imposed under subsections (a),
    18  (b) and (c) shall be computed as follows:
    19         (1)  In cities imposing the tax authorized by this
    20     section at the rate of 0.5%, the tax shall be computed as
    21     follows:
    22             (i)  If the purchase price is $1 or less, no tax
    23         shall be collected.
    24             (ii)  If the purchase price is $1.01 or more but less
    25         than $3.01, 1¢ shall be collected.
    26             (iii)  If the purchase price is $3.01 or more but
    27         less than $5.01, 2¢ shall be collected.
    28             (iv)  If the purchase price is $5.01 or more but less
    29         than $7.01, 3¢ shall be collected.
    30             (v)  If the purchase price is $7.01 or more but less
    20000H2435B3279                 - 83 -

     1         than $9.01, 4¢ shall be collected.
     2             (vi)  If the purchase price is $9.01 or more but less
     3         than $10.01, 5¢ shall be collected.
     4             (vii)  If the purchase price is more than $10, 0.5%
     5         of each $10 of purchase price plus the above bracket
     6         charges upon any fractional part of a $10 increment shall
     7         be collected.
     8         (2)  In cities imposing the tax authorized by this
     9     section at the rate of 1%, the tax shall be computed as
    10     follows:
    11             (i)  If the purchase price is 50¢ or less, no tax
    12         shall be collected.
    13             (ii)  If the purchase price is 51¢ or more but less
    14         than $1.51, 1¢ shall be collected.
    15             (iii)  If the purchase price is $1.51 or more but
    16         less than $2.51, 2¢ shall be collected.
    17             (iv)  If the purchase price is $2.51 or more but less
    18         than $3.51, 3¢ shall be collected.
    19             (v)  If the purchase price is $3.51 or more but less
    20         than $4.51, 4¢ shall be collected.
    21             (vi)  If the purchase price is $4.51 or more but less
    22         than $5.51, 5¢ shall be collected.
    23             (vii)  If the purchase price is $5.51 or more but
    24         less than $6.51, 6¢ shall be collected.
    25             (viii)  If the purchase price is $6.51 or more but
    26         less than $7.51, 7¢ shall be collected.
    27             (ix)  If the purchase price is $7.51 or more but less
    28         than $8.51, 8¢ shall be collected.
    29             (x)  If the purchase price is $8.51 or more but less
    30         than $9.51, 9¢ shall be collected.
    20000H2435B3279                 - 84 -

     1             (xi)  If the purchase price is $9.51 or more but less
     2         than $10.01, 10¢ shall be collected.
     3             (xii)  If the purchase price is more than $10, 1% of
     4         each $10 purchase price plus the above bracket charges
     5         upon any fractional part of a $10 increment shall be
     6         collected.
     7  Section 504.  Situs for imposition of tax.
     8     (a)  Situs for retail sales.--For purposes of this chapter
     9  and except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a sale at
    10  retail shall be deemed to be consummated at the place of
    11  business of the retailer unless the tangible personal property
    12  sold is delivered by the retailer or his agent to an out-of-
    13  State destination or to a common carrier for delivery to an out-
    14  of-State destination or the United States mails for delivery to
    15  an out-of-State destination. In the event a retailer has more
    16  than one place of business in this Commonwealth which
    17  participates in the sale, the sale shall be deemed to be
    18  consummated at the place of business of the retailer where the
    19  initial order for the tangible personal property is taken even
    20  though the order must be forwarded elsewhere for acceptance,
    21  approval of credit, shipment or billing. A sale by a retailer's
    22  employee shall be deemed to be consummated at the place of
    23  business from which that employee works.
    24     (b)  Situs for vehicle, aircraft and motorcraft sales.--
    25  Except as provided in Article II-A of the act of March 4, 1971
    26  (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, the sale at
    27  retail or use of a motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer or mobile
    28  home, as defined in 75 Pa.C.S. (relating to vehicles), or of a
    29  motorboat, aircraft or other similar tangible personal property,
    30  required under either Federal or State laws to be registered or
    20000H2435B3279                 - 85 -

     1  licensed, shall be deemed to have been completed or used at the
     2  address of the purchaser or user. The tax due shall be paid by
     3  the purchaser or user directly to the Department of
     4  Transportation at the time of making application for the
     5  issuance of a certificate of title or directly to the department
     6  if licensing by the Department of Transportation is not required
     7  or obtained.
     8     (c)  Situs for utility services.--The sale or use of steam,
     9  natural and manufactured gas, electricity and telephone and
    10  telegraph service shall be deemed to occur at the service
    11  address in the city, which is the address where the telephone
    12  equipment is located and to which the telephone number is
    13  assigned or where the telegraph originated or where the meter
    14  which registers the service is located, without regard to where
    15  the services are rendered.
    16  Section 505.  Licenses.
    17     The license issued pursuant to Article II of the act of March
    18  4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, or
    19  a separate license may be issued by the department for the
    20  collection and reporting of the taxes imposed by section 503.
    21  The license or licenses shall be nonassignable and subject to
    22  renewal periodically at such times as may be required by the
    23  department in regulations but in no event more frequently than
    24  once within a five-year period. No fee shall be charged for
    25  either a license or any renewal. Failure of any person to obtain
    26  a license shall not relieve that person of liability to pay the
    27  taxes imposed by this chapter.
    28  Section 506.  Rules and regulations.
    29         (1)  The rules and regulations promulgated under section
    30     270 of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the
    20000H2435B3279                 - 86 -

     1     Tax Reform Code of 1971, shall be applicable to the taxes
     2     imposed by section 503 insofar as such rules and regulations
     3     are consistent with section 503.
     4         (2)  The department shall administer and enforce the
     5     provisions of this chapter and is authorized to promulgate
     6     and enforce rules and regulations not inconsistent with the
     7     provisions of this chapter relating to any matter or thing
     8     pertaining to the administration and enforcement of the
     9     provision of this chapter. The department may prescribe the
    10     extent to which any of such rules and regulations shall be
    11     applied without retroactive effect.
    12         (3)  The department, to cover its costs of
    13     administration, shall be entitled to retain a sum equal to
    14     costs of collection and shall inform the city in writing
    15     monthly of the sum retained and the costs of collection
    16     reimbursed. To provide a timely forecast and assure
    17     consideration of the sum retained, the department shall
    18     estimate its costs of collection for the next succeeding
    19     fiscal year and provide such estimates, with all supporting
    20     detail, to the chairperson and minority chairperson of the
    21     Appropriations Committee of the Senate and to the chairperson
    22     and minority chairperson of the Appropriations Committee of
    23     the House of Representatives, with a copy to the city and, in
    24     the event that all or any part of the tax imposed pursuant to
    25     this chapter is enacted as an intergovernmental cooperation
    26     authority tax pursuant to Chapter 6, a copy shall be provided
    27     to the authority. When the annual operating budget for the
    28     department is submitted to the General Assembly, the
    29     department shall also submit to the chairperson and minority
    30     chairperson of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and
    20000H2435B3279                 - 87 -

     1     to the chairperson and minority chairperson of the
     2     Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives the
     3     actual sums retained for costs of collection in the preceding
     4     fiscal year, together with all supporting details.
     5  Section 507.  Exclusion from rate limitations.
     6     Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the imposition of
     7  the tax authorized by section 503 shall not cause a reduction in
     8  the rate of tax imposed pursuant to Article XXXI-B of the act of
     9  July 28, 1953 (P.L.723, No.230), known as the Second Class
    10  County Code.
    11  Section 508.  Procedure and administration.
    12     (a)  Adoption of ordinance.--The governing body in any city
    13  desiring to impose the tax authorized by section 503 shall adopt
    14  an ordinance which shall state the tax rate and refer to this
    15  chapter.
    16     (b)  Notification to department.--A certified copy of a city
    17  ordinance shall be delivered to the department no later than 90
    18  days prior to the effective date of that ordinance. The city
    19  ordinance may have an effective date which is no earlier than
    20  the 90th day following the effective date of this act.
    21     (c)  Copy of repeal ordinance.--A certified copy of a repeal
    22  ordinance shall be delivered to the department at least 30 days
    23  prior to the effective date of such repeal.
    24     (d)  Copy of rate change ordinance.--A certified copy of any
    25  ordinance changing the rate of the tax imposed by section 503
    26  shall be delivered to the department at least 90 days prior to
    27  the effective date of such ordinance. Such rate changes shall be
    28  effective on the first January 1st which occurs 90 days after
    29  delivery of the rate change ordinance to the department.
    30  Section 509.  Dedication and disbursement.
    20000H2435B3279                 - 88 -

     1     (a)  Second Class City Sales and Use Tax Fund.--There is
     2  hereby created a Second Class City Sales and Use Tax Fund. The
     3  State Treasurer shall be custodian of the Second Class City
     4  Sales and Use Tax Fund, which shall be subject to the provisions
     5  of law applicable to funds listed in section 302 of the act of
     6  April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code.
     7  Except to the extent provided in Chapter 6, taxes imposed
     8  pursuant to section 503 shall be received by the department and
     9  paid to the State Treasurer and, along with interest and
    10  penalties, less any collection costs allowed under this chapter
    11  and any refunds and credits paid, shall be credited to the
    12  Second Class City Sales and Use Tax Fund not less frequently
    13  than every two weeks. During any period prior to the credit of
    14  moneys to the Second Class City Sales and Use Tax Fund, interest
    15  earned on moneys received by the department and paid to the
    16  State Treasurer pursuant to this chapter shall be deposited into
    17  the Second Class City Sales and Use Tax Fund. Moneys credited to
    18  the Second Class City Sales and Use Tax Fund shall be at all
    19  times property of the city and shall be distributed as provided
    20  in this section. All moneys in the Second Class City Sales and
    21  Use Tax Fund, including, but not limited to, moneys credited to
    22  the fund pursuant to this section, prior year encumbrances and
    23  the interest earned thereon, shall not lapse or be transferred
    24  to any other fund, but shall remain in the Second Class City
    25  Sales and Use Tax Fund and must be used exclusively as provided
    26  in this section. Pending their disbursement to cities, moneys
    27  received on behalf of or deposited into the Second Class City
    28  Sales and Use Tax Fund shall be invested or reinvested as are
    29  other funds in the custody of the State Treasurer in the manner
    30  provided by law. All earnings received from the investment or
    20000H2435B3279                 - 89 -

     1  deposit of such funds shall be credited to the Second Class City
     2  Sales and Use Tax Fund.
     3     (b)  Disbursement to cities.--On or before the 10th day of
     4  every month, the State Treasurer shall disburse to the city
     5  imposing the tax under this chapter the total amount of moneys
     6  which are, as of the last day of the previous month, contained
     7  in the Second Class City Sales and Use Tax Fund.
     8                             CHAPTER 6
    10  Section 601.  Imposition of authority tax.
    11     (a)  Tax imposed.--Notwithstanding anything contained in any
    12  other law to the contrary, the governing body of any city is
    13  hereby authorized to enact any combination of the following
    14  taxes, exclusively for purposes of the authority:
    15         (1)  The tax authorized by Chapter 5.
    16         (2)  A realty transfer tax such as is now or as may be
    17     hereafter enacted for general revenue purposes of the city.
    18         (3)  A tax on salaries, wages, commissions, compensation
    19     or other income received or to be received for work done by
    20     residents of the city.
    21     (b)  Rate.--The rate of any tax which is enacted for the
    22  authority pursuant to this act, when combined with the rate of
    23  the same tax, if any, enacted by the governing body for city
    24  general revenue purposes, shall not exceed the maximum tax rate
    25  for such tax, if any, established by the General Assembly. Any
    26  tax enacted pursuant to this section shall be known as the
    27  Second Class City Fiscal Authority Tax.
    28     (c)  Content of tax ordinance.--In any ordinance enacting
    29  such taxes, the city shall pledge to and agree with each and
    30  every obligee of the authority acquiring bonds secured by an
    20000H2435B3279                 - 90 -

     1  authority pledge of such taxes that the city will not repeal the
     2  tax or reduce the rate of such tax imposed for such authority
     3  until all bonds so secured by the pledge of the authority,
     4  together with the interest thereon, are fully paid or provided
     5  for. Once the taxes authorized to be enacted by this section are
     6  imposed by the city, the revenues from such taxes shall be
     7  revenues and property of the authority and shall not be revenues
     8  or property of the city. Such taxes shall be collected by the
     9  Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth and shall not be
    10  subject to the appropriations by the governing body of the city
    11  or by the General Assembly.
    12  Section 602.  Duration of tax.
    13     Any tax imposed under this chapter shall continue in effect
    14  until all bonds of the authority which are secured by the
    15  authority's pledge of such tax revenues are no longer
    16  outstanding. For as long as any such bonds remain outstanding,
    17  no governing body of a city shall repeal any ordinance or reduce
    18  the rate of tax imposed for the authority under this act.
    19  Section 603.  Creation of fund and disbursement.
    20     (a)  Second Class City Fiscal Authority Tax Fund.--There is
    21  hereby created a Second Class City Fiscal Authority Tax Fund.
    22  The State Treasurer shall be custodian of the Second Class City
    23  Fiscal Authority Tax Fund, which shall be subject to the
    24  provisions of law applicable to funds listed in section 302 of
    25  the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal
    26  Code. Taxes imposed pursuant to section 601 of this act shall be
    27  received by the Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth and
    28  paid to the State Treasurer and, along with interest and
    29  penalties, less any collection costs allowed under this chapter
    30  and any refunds and credits paid, shall be credited to the
    20000H2435B3279                 - 91 -

     1  Second Class City Fiscal Authority Tax Fund not less frequently
     2  than every two weeks. During any period prior to the credit of
     3  moneys to the Second Class City Fiscal Authority Tax Fund,
     4  interest earned on moneys received by the department and paid to
     5  the State Treasurer pursuant to this chapter shall be deposited
     6  into the Second Class City Fiscal Authority Tax Fund. Moneys
     7  credited to the Second Class City Fiscal Authority Tax Fund
     8  shall be distributed as provided in subsection (b). All moneys
     9  in the Second Class City Fiscal Authority Tax Fund, including,
    10  but not limited to, moneys credited to the fund pursuant to this
    11  section, prior year encumbrances and the interest earned
    12  thereon, shall not lapse or be transferred to any other fund,
    13  but shall remain in the Second Class City Fiscal Authority Tax
    14  Fund, and shall at all times be the property of the authority,
    15  and must be used exclusively as provided in this act. Pending
    16  their disbursement to the authority, moneys received on behalf
    17  of or deposited into the Second Class City Fiscal Authority Tax
    18  Fund shall be invested or reinvested as are other funds in the
    19  custody of the State Treasurer in the manner provided by law.
    20  All earnings received from the investment or deposit of such
    21  funds shall be credited to the Second Class City Fiscal
    22  Authority Tax Fund.
    23     (b)  Disbursement to Second Class City Fiscal Authority.--At
    24  least weekly, the State Treasurer shall disburse the total
    25  amount of moneys which are, as of the close of business of the
    26  previous week, contained in the Second Class City Fiscal
    27  Authority Tax Fund as a result of the tax imposed pursuant to
    28  section 601 to or upon the order of the authority and as
    29  provided in section 312. The State Treasurer shall make the
    30  initial disbursement pursuant to this subsection at the end of
    20000H2435B3279                 - 92 -

     1  the third week of the month immediately following the effective
     2  date of the ordinance imposing the Second Class City Fiscal
     3  Authority Tax.
     4  Section 604.  Collection of Second Class City Fiscal Authority
     5                 Taxes.
     6     (a)  General rule.--The Department of Revenue of the
     7  Commonwealth is charged with the administration, enforcement and
     8  collection of any tax imposed pursuant to section 601 and shall
     9  do so with respect to the tax authorized to be imposed by
    10  Chapter 5, under the administration, enforcement and collection
    11  procedures and subject to the fines, forfeitures, penalties and
    12  interest charges all as are provided for in the act of March 4,
    13  1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, and
    14  with respect to any other tax enacted under the authority of
    15  this chapter, under the administration, enforcement and
    16  collection procedures and subject to the fines, forfeitures,
    17  penalties and interest charges as shall be specified in the
    18  ordinance enacting such tax.
    19     (b)  Cost of collection.--The Department of Revenue of the
    20  Commonwealth, to cover its costs of administration, shall be
    21  entitled to retain a sum equal to costs of collection and shall
    22  inform the authority in writing monthly of the sum retained and
    23  the costs of collection reimbursed. To provide a timely forecast
    24  and assure consideration of the sum retained, the Department of
    25  Revenue of the Commonwealth shall estimate its costs of
    26  collection for the next succeeding fiscal year and provide the
    27  estimates, with all supporting details, to the chairperson and
    28  minority chairperson of the Appropriations Committee of the
    29  Senate and to the chairperson and minority chairperson of the
    30  Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives, with a
    20000H2435B3279                 - 93 -

     1  copy to the authority. When the annual operating budget for the
     2  Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth is submitted to the
     3  General Assembly, the department shall also submit to the
     4  chairperson and minority chairperson of the Appropriations
     5  Committee of the Senate and to the chairperson and minority
     6  chairperson of the Appropriations Committee of the House of
     7  Representatives the actual sums retained for costs of collection
     8  in the preceding fiscal year, together with all supporting
     9  details.
    10     (c)  Appointment of agents.--Except for the collection and
    11  enforcement of the tax authorized to be imposed by Chapter 5,
    12  the Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth is authorized to
    13  appoint as its agents, tax officers, clerks, collectors and
    14  other assistants, including revenue and legal departments of
    15  cities imposing a tax under this chapter, to collect and enforce
    16  any tax, including interest and penalties, imposed under
    17  authority of this chapter; provided, however, that any moneys
    18  collected by any such agent shall not be commingled with any
    19  other funds of such agent and must be segregated and paid over
    20  to the Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth at least every
    21  two weeks.
    22                             CHAPTER 7
    23                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    24  Section 701.  Appropriation.
    25     The sum of $150,000 is hereby appropriated to the Second
    26  Class City Fiscal Authority for the fiscal year July 1, 1999, to
    27  June 30, 2000, for the purpose of providing operating funds for
    28  the Second Class City Fiscal Authority. The appropriation in
    29  this section is an advance which shall be repaid by the
    30  authority from the sources described in section 206(c) as soon
    20000H2435B3279                 - 94 -

     1  as is practicable and in no event later than June 30, 2002. The
     2  General Assembly hereby declares that the advance of funds
     3  appropriated in this section is the absolute limit of its legal
     4  and moral obligations to the authority for any authority
     5  obligations or expenses.
     6  Section 702.  Original and exclusive jurisdiction of Supreme
     7                 Court.
     8     The Pennsylvania Supreme Court shall have exclusive
     9  jurisdiction to hear any challenge to or to render a declaratory
    10  judgment concerning the constitutionality of this act, the
    11  contractual rights of the parties relating to bonds issued
    12  pursuant to this act, or any action of the authority in issuing
    13  or attempting to issue bonds, whether with respect to the
    14  validity of the bonds, proper authorization of the bonds, the
    15  validity of any covenants, agreements or contracts provided by
    16  any resolution authorizing the bonds, or otherwise or any action
    17  of a city in entering into agreements with the authority in
    18  connection with the issuance of bonds by the authority. The
    19  Supreme Court is authorized to take such action as it deems
    20  appropriate, consistent with the Supreme Court retaining
    21  jurisdiction over such a matter, to find facts or to expedite a
    22  final judgment in connection with such a challenge or request
    23  for declaratory relief.
    24  Section 703.  General rights and prohibitions.
    25     Nothing in this act shall limit the rights or impair the
    26  obligations of any city to comply with the provisions of any
    27  contract in effect on the effective date of this act or shall in
    28  any way impair the rights of the obligees of any city with
    29  respect to any such contract.
    30  Section 704.  Nondiscrimination.
    20000H2435B3279                 - 95 -

     1     The authority shall comply in all respects with the
     2  nondiscrimination and contract compliance plans used by the
     3  Department of General Services to assure that all persons are
     4  accorded equality of opportunity in employment and contracting
     5  by the authority and its contractors, subcontractors, assignees,
     6  lessees, agents, vendors and suppliers.
     7  Section 705.  Emergency payment deferral.
     8     (a)  Application.--Notwithstanding any provision of law,
     9  including, but not limited to, the act of December 18, 1984
    10  (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the Municipal Pension Plan Funding
    11  Standard and Recovery Act, municipal ordinance, municipal
    12  resolution, municipal charter, pension plan agreement or pension
    13  plan contract to the contrary, this section shall apply to a
    14  city which has established and maintained, directly or
    15  indirectly, a pension plan for the benefit of its employees,
    16  irrespective of the manner in which the pension plan is
    17  administered and to the respective pension plan.
    18     (b)  Legislative finding.--The General Assembly finds that
    19  until such time as the authority has been established and is
    20  able to provide necessary financial assistance to cities and
    21  when there is imminent danger that a city will be unable to pay
    22  its outstanding indebtedness and to provide basic services
    23  critical to the health and safety of its inhabitants, it is
    24  essential that the State exercise its sovereign power to
    25  safeguard the vital interests of its people by precluding such
    26  city from taking actions upon the existence of certain
    27  conditions which would be against the general good of such city
    28  and of the Commonwealth and that doing so is clearly for the
    29  promotion of the commonweal, the general good of the public and
    30  is a proper exercise of the sovereign right of the Commonwealth
    20000H2435B3279                 - 96 -

     1  to protect lives, health, comfort and the general welfare of all
     2  people of the Commonwealth.
     3     (c)  Funding of pension plans.--
     4         (1)  The Secretary of the Budget shall examine prior to
     5     June 30, 2000, the financial condition of cities which have
     6     established pension plans for the benefit of their employees
     7     and shall determine based on such examination if any city's
     8     payment of its minimum obligation to fund its pension plan
     9     for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, is likely to cause
    10     the city to be unable to pay, prior to the city's receipt of
    11     the proceeds of the first series of bonds issued to finance a
    12     deficit described in section 317, the following:
    13             (i)  principal of or interest on its outstanding
    14         bonds or lease payments securing bonds of other
    15         government agencies;
    16             (ii)  payroll; or
    17             (iii)  any other payments necessary to protect the
    18         health and safety of the citizens of the city.
    19         (2)  If the Secretary of the Budget shall make such
    20     determination with regard to a city, he shall notify the
    21     chief financial officer of the city of his determination,
    22     and, subject to the provisions of subsection (d), the city
    23     shall be prohibited from discharging any unpaid, identifiable
    24     minimum obligation to fund the pension plan of the city for
    25     the fiscal year of the city beginning July 1, 1999, and
    26     ending June 30, 2000, other than any such payment which has
    27     been ordered to be paid by a court of competent jurisdiction
    28     prior to the effective date of this act, unless:
    29             (i)  the city and the trustees of the pension fund
    30         have reached agreement that the payment due to the
    20000H2435B3279                 - 97 -

     1         pension fund for such fiscal year shall be discharged by
     2         the city paying at least 10% of the amount owed by the
     3         first of each month commencing July 1, 2000, until the
     4         total amount due has been paid in accordance with such
     5         payment schedule; or
     6             (ii)  until payment has been made upon the occurrence
     7         of the earliest of:
     8                 (A)  the authority either having issued bonds or
     9             secured credit for such city and the city is in
    10             receipt of the proceeds thereof which are permitted
    11             to be used and are sufficient to make pension
    12             payments;
    13                 (B)  the city has issued and received the
    14             proceeds of tax anticipation notes as authorized by
    15             the General Assembly; or
    16                 (C)  October 1, 2000.
    17     (d)  Deferral.--Whatever minimum obligation to fund the
    18  pension plan of a city for the fiscal year of a city beginning
    19  July 1, 1999, and ending June 30, 2000, remains unpaid as of
    20  June 30, 2000, shall not constitute a failure or potential
    21  failure to comply with the city's applicable funding standard
    22  requirements in accordance with the act of December 18, 1984
    23  (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the Municipal Pension Plan Funding
    24  Standard and Recovery Act, and no cause of action in mandamus or
    25  otherwise shall arise by virtue of the city's failure to pay its
    26  minimum obligation within said fiscal year, provided that:
    27             (i)  the city complies with the provisions of the
    28         agreement with the trustees of the pension fund or with
    29         the other provisions of subsection (c); and
    30             (ii)  the city pays interest on any amount of its
    20000H2435B3279                 - 98 -

     1         minimum obligation which remains unpaid as of June 30,
     2         2000, which amount shall be added to the minimum
     3         obligation of the city for the fiscal year beginning July
     4         1, 2000, with interest from July 1, 1999, on any amount
     5         remaining unpaid at a rate equal to the interest
     6         assumption used for the actuarial valuation report or the
     7         discount rate applicable to treasury bills issued by the
     8         Department of Treasury of the United States with a six-
     9         month maturity as of the last business day in June 2000,
    10         whichever is greater, plus an additional 2% interest,
    11         expressed as a monthly rate and compounded monthly.
    12     (e)  Waiver of pension review study requirements.--The
    13  provisions of section 7 of the act of July 9, 1981 (P.L.208,
    14  No.66), known as the Public Employee Retirement Study Commission
    15  Act, are hereby waived and shall not apply to this act.
    16     (f)  Definitions.--Unless the context clearly indicates
    17  otherwise, the definitions provided for in the act of December
    18  18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the Municipal Pension Plan
    19  Funding Standard and Recovery Act, shall apply to this section.
    20  Section 706.  Construction of act.
    21     (a)  Liberal construction.--The provisions of this act
    22  providing for security for and rights and remedies of obligees
    23  of the authority shall be liberally construed to achieve the
    24  purposes stated and provided for by this act.
    25     (b)  Severability.--If any provision of the title or any
    26  chapter, section or clause of this act, or the application
    27  thereof to any person, party, corporation, public or private,
    28  shall be judged invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction,
    29  such order or judgment shall be confined in its operation to the
    30  controversy in which it was rendered and shall not affect or
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     1  invalidate the remainder of any provision of the title or any
     2  chapter or any section or clause of this act, or the application
     3  of any part thereof to any other person, party, corporation,
     4  public or private, or circumstance, and, to this end, the
     5  provisions of the title or any chapter, section or clause of
     6  this act hereby are declared to be severable. It is hereby
     7  declared as the legislative intent that this act would have been
     8  adopted had any provision declared unconstitutional not been
     9  included herein.
    10  Section 707.  Limitation of authority powers.
    11     Except as provided in section 210(i), nothing contained in
    12  this act shall be construed to confer upon the authority any
    13  powers with respect to a school district.
    14  Section 708.  Repeals.
    15     (a)  Partial.--
    16     Subchapter D of Chapter 2 of the act of July 10, 1987
    17  (P.L.246, No.47), known as the Financially Distressed
    18  Municipalities Act, is repealed as to cities of the second
    19  class. The remainder of the Financially Distressed
    20  Municipalities Act shall be suspended as to cities of the second
    21  class until the termination of the authority established by this
    22  act.
    23     (b)  General.--All other acts or parts of acts are repealed
    24  insofar as they are inconsistent with this act.
    25  Section 709.  Effective date.
    26     This act shall take effect immediately.

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