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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3603



No. 2470 Session of 2006

           WILT, FEBRUARY 27, 2006


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), entitled, as
     2     reenacted, "An act relating to alcoholic liquors, alcohol and
     3     malt and brewed beverages; amending, revising, consolidating
     4     and changing the laws relating thereto; regulating and
     5     restricting the manufacture, purchase, sale, possession,
     6     consumption, importation, transportation, furnishing, holding
     7     in bond, holding in storage, traffic in and use of alcoholic
     8     liquors, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages and the
     9     persons engaged or employed therein; defining the powers and
    10     duties of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board; providing
    11     for the establishment and operation of State liquor stores,
    12     for the payment of certain license fees to the respective
    13     municipalities and townships, for the abatement of certain
    14     nuisances and, in certain cases, for search and seizure
    15     without warrant; prescribing penalties and forfeitures;
    16     providing for local option, and repealing existing laws,"
    17     further providing for the definitions of "limited winery" and
    18     "wine," for wine auction permits, for interlocking business
    19     prohibited, for breweries, for unlawful acts relative to
    20     liquor, alcohol and liquor licensees, for unlawful acts
    21     relative to liquor, malt and brewed beverages and licensees,
    22     for license required, for limited wineries and for posting of
    23     license and business hours.

    24     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    25  hereby enacts as follows:

     1     Section 1.  The definitions of "limited winery" and "wine" in
     2  section 102 of the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known
     3  as the Liquor Code, reenacted and amended June 29, 1987 (P.L.32,
     4  No.14) and added December 8, 2004 (P.L.1810, No.239), are
     5  amended to read:
     6     Section 102.  Definitions.--The following words or phrases,
     7  unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, shall have the
     8  meanings ascribed to them in this section:
     9     * * *
    10     "Limited Winery" shall mean a winery with a maximum [output
    11  of two hundred thousand (200,000)] production of one hundred
    12  fifty thousand (150,000) gallons per year.
    13     * * *
    14     "Wine" shall mean liquor which is fermented from [grapes and
    15  other fruits, having] agricultural, apicultural, horticultural,
    16  silvicultural and viticultural commodities, having an alcoholic
    17  content of twenty-four per centum or less. The term "wine" shall
    18  not include any products containing alcohol derived from malt,
    19  grain, cereal, molasses or cactus.
    20     * * *
    21     Section 2.  Section 408.12(g) and (h) of the act, added July
    22  1, 1994 (P.L.402, No.61), are amended to read:
    23     Section 408.12.  Wine Auction Permits.--* * *
    24     (g)  Any wine sold under this section shall be purchased from
    25  a Pennsylvania Liquor Store, a [Pennsylvania] limited winery or
    26  any seller authorized to sell wine by the bottle or case in this
    27  Commonwealth or shall be donated by a person who is neither a
    28  licensee nor a permittee who has legally acquired the wine and
    29  legally possesses it in this Commonwealth.
    30     (h)  If any wine sold under this section is purchased from a
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     1  seller other than a Pennsylvania Liquor Store or a
     2  [Pennsylvania] limited winery, the permittee shall provide
     3  thirty days' notice to the board of its intent to purchase such
     4  wine. The notice shall include a description of the wine to be
     5  purchased, the quantity to be purchased, the name of the seller
     6  and any other information which the board may require. The
     7  permittee shall comply with all board regulations regarding
     8  taxes and fees.
     9     * * *
    10     Section 3.  Section 443 of the act, amended May 31, 1996
    11  (P.L.312, No.49) and June 18, 1998 (P.L.664, No.86), is amended
    12  to read:
    13     Section 443.  Interlocking Business Prohibited.--(a)  No
    14  manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages and no officer or
    15  director of any such manufacturer shall at the same time be a
    16  distributor, importing distributor or retail dispenser, or an
    17  officer, director or stockholder or creditor of any distributor,
    18  importing distributor or retail dispenser, nor, except as
    19  hereinafter provided, be the owner, proprietor or lessor of any
    20  place for which a license has been issued for any importing
    21  distributor, distributor or retail dispenser, or for which a
    22  hotel, restaurant or club liquor license has been issued:
    23  Provided, however, That a holder of a manufacturer's license
    24  under section 431(a) who is eligible to operate a brewery pub
    25  under section 446(2) [or a limited winery as provided for under
    26  section 505.2] may also hold and operate under a hotel liquor
    27  license, a restaurant liquor license or a malt and brewed
    28  beverages retail license on the manufacturer's [or limited
    29  winery's] licensed premises. The hotel liquor license or
    30  restaurant liquor license or the malt and brewed beverages
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     1  retail license shall be acquired by the manufacturer [or limited
     2  winery] subject to section 461 and shall satisfy all
     3  requirements for each respective license.
     4     (b)  No distributor or importing distributor and no officer
     5  or director of any distributor or importing distributor shall at
     6  the same time be a manufacturer, a retail dispenser or a liquor
     7  licensee, or be an officer, director, stockholder or creditor of
     8  a manufacturer, a retail dispenser or a liquor licensee, or,
     9  directly or indirectly, own any stock of, or have any financial
    10  interest in, or be the owner, proprietor or lessor of, any place
    11  covered by any other malt or brewed beverage or liquor license.
    12     (c)  No licensee licensed under this subdivision (B) of
    13  Article IV and no officer or director of such licensee shall,
    14  directly or indirectly, own any stock of, or have any financial
    15  interest in, any other class of business licensed under this
    16  subdivision: Provided, however, That a holder of a
    17  manufacturer's license under section 431(a) who is eligible to
    18  operate a brewery pub under section 446(2) [or a limited winery
    19  as provided for under section 505.2] may also hold and operate
    20  under a hotel liquor license, a restaurant liquor license or a
    21  malt and brewed beverages retail license on the manufacturer's
    22  [or limited winery's] licensed premises. The hotel liquor
    23  license or restaurant liquor license or the malt and brewed
    24  beverages retail license shall be acquired by the manufacturer
    25  [or limited winery] subject to section 461 and shall satisfy all
    26  requirements for each respective license.
    27     (d)  Excepting as hereinafter provided, no malt or brewed
    28  beverage manufacturer, importing distributor or distributor
    29  shall in any wise be interested, either directly or indirectly,
    30  in the ownership or leasehold of any property or in any mortgage
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     1  against the same, for which a liquor or retail dispenser's
     2  license is granted; nor shall any such manufacturer, importing
     3  distributor or distributor, either directly or indirectly, lend
     4  any moneys, credit or equivalent thereof to, or guarantee the
     5  payment of any bond, mortgage, note or other obligation of, any
     6  liquor licensee or retail dispenser, in equipping, fitting out,
     7  or maintaining and conducting, either in whole or in part, an
     8  establishment or business operated under a liquor or retail
     9  dispenser's license, excepting only the usual and customary
    10  credits allowed for returning original containers in which malt
    11  or brewed beverages were packaged for market by the manufacturer
    12  at the place of manufacture: Provided, however, That a holder of
    13  a manufacturer's license under section 431(a) who is eligible to
    14  operate a brewery pub under section 446(2) [or a limited winery
    15  as provided for under section 505.2] may also hold and operate
    16  under a hotel liquor license, a restaurant liquor license or a
    17  malt and brewed beverages retail license on the manufacturer's
    18  [or limited winery's] licensed premises. The hotel liquor
    19  license or restaurant liquor license or the malt and brewed
    20  beverages retail license shall be acquired by the manufacturer
    21  [or limited winery] subject to section 461 and shall satisfy all
    22  requirements for each respective license.
    23     (e)  Excepting as hereinafter provided, no manufacturer of
    24  malt or brewed beverages shall in any wise be interested, either
    25  directly or indirectly, in the ownership or leasehold of any
    26  property or any mortgage lien against the same, for which a
    27  distributor's or importing distributor's license is granted; nor
    28  shall any such manufacturer, either directly or indirectly, lend
    29  any moneys, credit, or their equivalent to, or guarantee the
    30  payment of any bond, mortgage, note or other obligation of, any
    20060H2470B3603                  - 5 -     

     1  distributor or importing distributor, in equipping, fitting out,
     2  or maintaining and conducting, either in whole or in part, an
     3  establishment or business where malt or brewed beverages are
     4  licensed for sale by a distributor or importing distributor,
     5  excepting only the usual credits allowed for the return of
     6  original containers in which malt or brewed beverages were
     7  originally packaged for the market by the manufacturer at the
     8  place of manufacture: Provided, however, That a holder of a
     9  manufacturer's license under section 431(a) who is eligible to
    10  operate a brewery pub under section 446(2) [or a limited winery
    11  as provided for under section 505.2] may also hold and operate
    12  under a hotel liquor license, a restaurant liquor license or a
    13  malt and brewed beverages retail license on the manufacturer's
    14  [or limited winery's] licensed premises. The hotel liquor
    15  license or restaurant liquor license or the malt and brewed
    16  beverages retail license shall be acquired by the manufacturer
    17  [or limited winery] subject to section 461 and shall satisfy all
    18  requirements for each respective license. Nothing in this
    19  section shall be construed to prohibit an out of State
    20  manufacturer from engaging in a transaction or making payments
    21  authorized by section 431(a.1).
    22     (f)  No distributor, importing distributor or retail
    23  dispenser shall in anywise receive, either directly or
    24  indirectly, any credit, loan, moneys or the equivalent thereof
    25  from any other licensee, or from any officer, director or firm
    26  member of any other licensee, or from or through a subsidiary or
    27  affiliate of another licensee, or from any firm, association or
    28  corporation, except banking institutions, in which another
    29  licensee or any officer, director or firm member of another
    30  licensee has a substantial interest or exercises a control of
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     1  its business policy, for equipping, fitting out, payment of
     2  license fee, maintaining and conducting, either in whole or in
     3  part, an establishment or business operated under a
     4  distributor's, importing distributor's or retail dispenser's
     5  license, excepting only the usual and customary credits allowed
     6  for the return of original containers in which malt or brewed
     7  beverages were packaged for the market by the manufacturer at
     8  the place of manufacture: Provided, however, That a holder of a
     9  manufacturer's license under section 431(a) who is eligible to
    10  operate a brewery pub under section 446(2) [or a limited winery
    11  as provided for under section 505.2] may also hold and operate
    12  under a hotel liquor license, a restaurant liquor license or a
    13  malt and brewed beverages retail license on the manufacturer's
    14  [or limited winery's] licensed premises. The hotel liquor
    15  license or restaurant liquor license or the malt and brewed
    16  beverages retail license shall be acquired by the manufacturer
    17  [or limited winery] subject to section 461 and shall satisfy all
    18  requirements for each respective license. Nothing in this
    19  section shall be construed to prohibit an importing distributor
    20  from receiving payment from an out of State manufacturer for
    21  engaging in a transaction or performing services authorized by
    22  section 431(b) or 444(a.1).
    23     (g)  The purpose of this section is to require a separation
    24  of the financial and business interests between the various
    25  classes of business regulated by subdivision (B) of this
    26  article, and no person or corporation shall, by any device
    27  whatsoever, directly or indirectly, evade the provisions of this
    28  section. But in view of existing economic conditions, nothing
    29  contained in this section shall be construed to prohibit the
    30  ownership of property or conflicting interest by a malt or
    20060H2470B3603                  - 7 -     

     1  brewed beverage manufacturer of any place occupied by a
     2  distributor, importing distributor or retail dispenser after the
     3  manufacturer has continuously owned and had a conflicting
     4  interest in such place for a period of at least five years prior
     5  to the eighteenth day of July, one thousand nine hundred thirty-
     6  five: Provided, however, That a holder of a manufacturer's
     7  license under section 431(a) who is eligible to operate a
     8  brewery pub under section 446(2) [or a limited winery as
     9  provided for under section 505.2] may also hold and operate
    10  under a hotel liquor license, a restaurant liquor license or a
    11  malt and brewed beverages retail license on the manufacturer's
    12  [or limited winery's] licensed premises. The hotel liquor
    13  license or restaurant liquor license or the malt and brewed
    14  beverages retail license shall be acquired by the manufacturer
    15  [or limited winery] subject to section 461 and shall satisfy all
    16  requirements for each respective license.
    17     The term "manufacturer" as used in this section shall include
    18  manufacturers of malt or brewed beverages as defined in this act
    19  and any person manufacturing any malt or brewed beverages
    20  outside of this Commonwealth.
    21     Section 4.  Section 446(2) of the act, amended January 6,
    22  2006 (P.L.1, No.1), is amended to read:
    23     Section 446.  Breweries.--Holders of a brewery license may:
    24     * * *
    25     (2)  Operate a restaurant or brewery pub on the licensed
    26  premises under such conditions and regulations as the board may
    27  enforce: Provided, however, That sales on Sunday may be made
    28  irrespective of the volume of food sales if the licensed
    29  premises are at a public venue location. The holder of a brewery
    30  license may sell at its brewery pub premises [Pennsylvania]
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     1  wines it has purchased from either the holder of a
     2  [Pennsylvania] limited winery license or from the board:
     3  Provided, however, That said wines must be consumed at the
     4  licensed brewery pub premises.
     5     * * *
     6     Section 5.  Section 491(2) of the act, amended February 21,
     7  2002 (P.L.103, No.10), is amended to read:
     8     Section 491.  Unlawful Acts Relative to Liquor, Alcohol and
     9  Liquor Licensees.--
    10     It shall be unlawful--
    11     * * *
    12     (2)  Possession or Transportation of Liquor or Alcohol. For
    13  any person, except a manufacturer or the board or the holder of
    14  a sacramental wine license or of an importer's license, to
    15  possess or transport any liquor or alcohol within this
    16  Commonwealth which was not lawfully acquired prior to January
    17  first, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four, or has not
    18  been purchased from a Pennsylvania Liquor Store or a licensed
    19  limited winery [in Pennsylvania], except in accordance with
    20  section 488 or the board's regulations. In addition, it shall be
    21  lawful for anyone to possess miniatures totaling less than one
    22  gallon purchased in another state or a foreign country. The
    23  burden shall be upon the person possessing or transporting such
    24  liquor or alcohol to prove that it was so acquired. But nothing
    25  herein contained shall prohibit the manufacture or possession of
    26  wine by any person in his home for consumption of himself, his
    27  family and guests and not for sale, not exceeding, during any
    28  one calendar year, two hundred gallons, any other law to the
    29  contrary notwithstanding. Such wine shall not be manufactured,
    30  possessed, offered for sale or sold on any licensed premises.
    20060H2470B3603                  - 9 -     

     1     None of the provisions herein contained shall prohibit nor
     2  shall it be unlawful for any person to import into Pennsylvania,
     3  transport or have in his possession, an amount of liquor not
     4  exceeding one gallon in volume upon which a State tax has not
     5  been paid, if it can be shown to the satisfaction of the board
     6  that such person purchased the liquor in a foreign country or
     7  United States territory and was allowed to bring it into the
     8  United States. Neither shall the provisions contained herein
     9  prohibit nor make it unlawful for (i) any member of the armed
    10  forces on active duty, or (ii) any retired member of the armed
    11  forces, or (iii) any totally disabled veteran, or (iv) the
    12  spouse of any person included in the foregoing classes of
    13  persons to import into Pennsylvania, transport or have in his
    14  possession an amount of liquor not exceeding one gallon per
    15  month in volume upon which the State tax has not been paid, so
    16  long as such liquor has been lawfully purchased from a package
    17  store established and maintained under the authority of the
    18  United States and is in containers identified in accordance with
    19  regulations issued by the Department of Defense. Such liquor
    20  shall not be possessed, offered for sale or sold on any licensed
    21  premises.
    22     None of the provisions herein contained shall prohibit nor
    23  shall it be unlawful for any consul general, consul or other
    24  diplomatic officer of a foreign government to import into
    25  Pennsylvania, transport or have in his possession liquor upon
    26  which a State tax has not been paid, if it can be shown to the
    27  satisfaction of the board that such person acquired the liquor
    28  in a foreign country and was allowed to bring it into the United
    29  States. Such liquor shall not be possessed, offered for sale or
    30  sold on any licensed premises.
    20060H2470B3603                 - 10 -     

     1     Any person violating the provisions of this clause for a
     2  first offense involving the possession or transportation in
     3  Pennsylvania of any liquor in a package (bottle or other
     4  receptacle) or wine not purchased from a Pennsylvania Liquor
     5  Store or from a licensed limited winery [in Pennsylvania], with
     6  respect to which satisfactory proof is produced that the
     7  required Federal tax has been paid and which was purchased,
     8  procured or acquired legally outside of Pennsylvania shall upon
     9  conviction thereof in a summary proceeding be sentenced to pay a
    10  fine of twenty-five dollars ($25) for each such package, plus
    11  costs of prosecution, or undergo imprisonment for a term not
    12  exceeding ninety (90) days. Each full quart or major fraction
    13  thereof shall be considered a separate package (bottle or other
    14  receptacle) for the purposes of this clause. Such packages of
    15  liquor shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth in the manner
    16  prescribed in Article VI of this act but the vehicle, boat,
    17  vessel, animal or aircraft used in the illegal transportation of
    18  such packages shall not be subject to forfeiture: Provided,
    19  however, That if it is a second or subsequent offense or if it
    20  is established that the illegal possession or transportation was
    21  in connection with a commercial transaction, then the other
    22  provisions of this act providing for prosecution as a
    23  misdemeanor and for the forfeiture of the vehicle, boat, vessel,
    24  animal or aircraft shall apply.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 6.  Section 493(11) of the act, amended June 18, 1998
    27  (P.L.664, No.86), is amended to read:
    28     Section 493.  Unlawful Acts Relative to Liquor, Malt and
    29  Brewed Beverages and Licensees.--The term "licensee," when used
    30  in this section, shall mean those persons licensed under the
    20060H2470B3603                 - 11 -     

     1  provisions of Article IV, unless the context clearly indicates
     2  otherwise.
     3     It shall be unlawful--
     4     * * *
     5     (11)  Licensees Employed by Others. For any hotel, restaurant
     6  or club liquor licensee, or any malt or brewed beverage
     7  licensee, or any officer, servant, agent or employe of such
     8  licensee, to be at the same time employed, directly or
     9  indirectly, by any distributor, importing distributor,
    10  manufacturer, importer or vendor licensee or any out of State
    11  manufacturer. It shall also be unlawful for any distributor or
    12  importing distributor, or any officer, servant, agent or employe
    13  of such licensee, to be at the same time employed, directly or
    14  indirectly, by any other distributor, importing distributor,
    15  manufacturer, importer, vendor, out of State manufacturer, hotel
    16  restaurant, malt or brewed beverage licensee, or club liquor
    17  licensee. It shall also be unlawful for any manufacturer,
    18  importer, or vendor licensee, or any out of State manufacturer,
    19  or any officer, servant, agent or employe of such licensee or
    20  manufacturer, to be at the same time employed, directly or
    21  indirectly, by any hotel, restaurant or club liquor licensee or
    22  any malt or brewed beverage licensee or any distributor or
    23  importing distributor licensee. Nothing in this subsection shall
    24  be construed to prohibit a manufacturer or limited winery
    25  licensee, or any officer, servant, agent or employe of such
    26  licensee, to be employed at the same time by a hotel, restaurant
    27  or retail dispenser licensee if the hotel, restaurant or retail
    28  dispenser licensee is located at the manufacturer or limited
    29  winery premises pursuant to section 443 or 505.2. For the
    30  purposes of this subsection, an officer, servant, agent or
    20060H2470B3603                 - 12 -     

     1  employe of a licensee or manufacturer is an individual who has
     2  either an ownership interest in the licensee or manufacturer or
     3  who receives compensation for his or her work on behalf of the
     4  licensee or manufacturer.
     5     * * *
     6     Section 7.  Section 501 of the act is amended to read:
     7     Section 501.  License Required.--Except as otherwise provided
     8  in this article, and except as otherwise provided in article
     9  four as to malt and brewed beverages, it shall be unlawful for
    10  any person without a license obtained under provisions of this
    11  article to hold in storage as bailee for hire, or transport for
    12  hire, any malt or brewed beverage, or to manufacture, produce,
    13  distill, develop or use in the process of manufacture, denature,
    14  redistill, recover, rectify, blend, reuse, hold in bond, hold in
    15  storage as bailee for hire, or transport for hire, within this
    16  Commonwealth, any alcohol or liquor.[, except that a person may
    17  manufacture wine out of grapes grown in Pennsylvania by
    18  fermentation only and with no alcohol or alcoholic product added
    19  thereto by way of fortification and sell the same to a licensed
    20  winery.]
    21     Section 8.  Section 505.2 of the act, amended December 8,
    22  2004 (P.L.1810, No.239), is amended to read:
    23     Section 505.2.  Limited Wineries.--(a)  [In the interest of
    24  promoting tourism and recreational development in Pennsylvania,
    25  holders] Holders of a limited winery license may:
    26     (1)  Produce alcoholic ciders[, wines and wine coolers] and
    27  wines, subject to the exceptions provided under this section,
    28  only from an agricultural commodity grown in Pennsylvania.
    29     (2)  Sell alcoholic cider[, wine and wine coolers] and wine
    30  produced by the limited winery or purchased in bulk in bond from
    20060H2470B3603                 - 13 -     

     1  another [Pennsylvania] limited winery on the licensed premises,
     2  under such conditions and regulations as the board may enforce,
     3  to the board, to individuals and to brewery, hotel, restaurant,
     4  club and public service liquor licensees, and to Pennsylvania
     5  winery licensees: Provided, That a limited winery shall not, in
     6  any calendar year, purchase alcoholic cider or wine produced by
     7  other limited wineries in an amount in excess of fifty per
     8  centum of the alcoholic cider or wine produced by the purchasing
     9  limited winery in the preceding calendar year. [In addition, the
    10  holder of a limited winery license may purchase wine in bottles
    11  from another Pennsylvania limited winery if these wines undergo
    12  a second fermentation process.] Such alcoholic cider or wine may
    13  only be sold in bottles bearing the purchasing limited winery's
    14  label. [or the producing limited winery's label. Such wines, if
    15  sold by the board, may be sold by the producing limited winery
    16  to the purchasing limited winery at a price lower than the price
    17  charged by the board.]
    18     (3)  [Separately or in conjunction with other limited
    19  wineries, sell] Sell alcoholic cider[, wine and wine coolers]
    20  and wine produced by the limited winery on no more than five (5)
    21  board-approved satellite locations other than the primary
    22  licensed premises location, with no bottling or production
    23  requirement at [those additional board-approved] the board-
    24  approved satellite locations and under such conditions and
    25  regulations as the board may enforce, to the board, to
    26  individuals and to brewery, hotel, restaurant, club and public
    27  service liquor licensees. [If two or more limited wineries apply
    28  to operate an additional board-approved location in conjunction
    29  with each other, the wineries need only have one board-approved
    30  manager for the location, need only pay one application fee and
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     1  need not designate specific or distinct areas for each winery's
     2  licensed area. Each] A limited winery seeking a board-approved
     3  satellite location must file an application [for such an
     4  additional board-approved location, and such location shall
     5  count as one of the five permitted for each limited winery. Each
     6  limited winery is responsible for keeping only its own complete
     7  records. A limited winery may be cited for a violation of the
     8  recordkeeping requirements of sections 512 and 513 pertaining to
     9  its own records only] seeking board approval.
    10     (4)  At the discretion of the board, obtain a special permit
    11  to participate in alcoholic cider, wine and food expositions off
    12  the licensed premises. A special permit shall be issued upon
    13  proper application and payment of a fee of thirty dollars ($30)
    14  per day for each day of permitted use, not to exceed five (5)
    15  consecutive days. The total number of days for all the special
    16  permits may not exceed forty (40) days in any calendar year. A
    17  special permit shall entitle the holder to engage in the sale by
    18  the glass, by the bottle or in case lots of alcoholic cider or
    19  wine produced by the permittee under the authority of a limited
    20  winery license. Holders of special permits may provide tasting
    21  samples of alcoholic cider and wines in individual portions not
    22  to exceed one fluid ounce. Samples at alcoholic cider, wine and
    23  food expositions may be sold or offered free of charge. Except
    24  as provided herein, limited wineries utilizing special permits
    25  shall be governed by all applicable provisions of this act as
    26  well as by all applicable regulations or conditions adopted by
    27  the board.
    28     For the purposes of this clause, "alcoholic cider, wine and
    29  food expositions" are defined as affairs held indoors or
    30  outdoors with the primary intent of educating those in
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     1  attendance of the availability, nature and quality of
     2  [Pennsylvania-produced] alcoholic ciders and wines in
     3  conjunction with suitable food displays, demonstrations and
     4  sales. Alcoholic cider, wine and food expositions may also
     5  include activities other than alcoholic cider, wine and food
     6  displays, including arts and crafts, musical activities,
     7  cultural exhibits, agricultural exhibits and similar activities.
     8     (5)  Apply for and hold a hotel liquor license, a restaurant
     9  liquor license or a malt and brewed beverages retail license to
    10  sell for consumption at the restaurant or limited winery on the
    11  licensed winery premises, liquor, wine and malt or brewed
    12  beverages regardless of the place of manufacture under the same
    13  conditions and regulations as any other hotel liquor license,
    14  restaurant liquor license or malt and brewed beverages retail
    15  license.
    16     (6)  (i)  Secure a permit from the board to allow the holder
    17  of a limited winery license to use up to twenty-five per centum
    18  permitted fruit, not wine, in the current year's production.
    19  Each permit is valid only for the calendar year in which it is
    20  issued.
    21     (ii)  The fee for a permit to import and use permitted fruit
    22  shall be in an amount to be determined by the board.
    23     (iii)  The purpose of this section is to increase the
    24  productivity of limited wineries while at the same time
    25  protecting the integrity and unique characteristics of wine
    26  produced from fruit primarily grown in this Commonwealth.
    27  Prevailing climatic conditions have a significant impact on the
    28  character of the fruit. Accordingly, "permitted fruit" shall
    29  mean fruit grown or juice derived from fruit grown within three
    30  hundred fifty (350) miles of the winery.
    20060H2470B3603                 - 16 -     

     1     (iv)  The [department] board is authorized to promulgate
     2  regulations requiring the filing of periodic reports by limited
     3  wineries to ensure compliance with the provisions of this
     4  section.
     5     (6.1)  [Sell] At the primary licensed premises location only,
     6  sell food for consumption on or off the licensed premises and
     7  sell by the glass only wine and alcoholic ciders that may
     8  otherwise be sold by the bottle.
     9     (6.2)  Sell wine- or liquor-scented candles acquired or
    10  produced by the limited winery.
    11     (6.3)  Sell alcoholic cider[, wine and wine coolers] and wine
    12  only between the hours of nine o'clock antemeridian and nine
    13  o'oclock postmeridian. During the period from Thanksgiving Day
    14  through New Year's Day, limited winery sales locations may
    15  remain open to conform with the closing times of neighboring
    16  mall or shopping district businesses but no later than ten
    17  o'clock postmeridian. A limited winery also may request approval
    18  from the board to extend sales hours in individual locations at
    19  other times during the year or beyond the limits set forth in
    20  this clause. The request shall be made in writing to the board's
    21  Office of the Chief Counsel and shall detail the exact locations
    22  where sales hours are proposed to be extended, the proposed
    23  hours and dates of extended operation and the reason for the
    24  proposed extended hours.
    25     (b)  The total production of alcoholic ciders[, wine and wine
    26  coolers] and wine by a limited winery may not exceed [two
    27  hundred thousand (200,000) gallons per year] one hundred and
    28  fifty thousand (150,000) gallons per year, including wine in
    29  bulk in bond sold to or obtained from other wineries.
    30     [(c)  The term "agricultural commodity" as used in this
    20060H2470B3603                 - 17 -     

     1  section shall include any of the following: agricultural,
     2  apicultural, horticultural, silvicultural and viticultural
     3  commodities.]
     4     (d)  (1)  No limited winery licensee, or its officers,
     5  directors, shareholders or members shall do any of the
     6  following:
     7     (i)  Hold any interest in any other license issued by the
     8  board.
     9     (ii)  Either directly or indirectly, lend any moneys, credit
    10  or the equivalent to any other licensee.
    11     (iii)  Guarantee the payment of any bond, mortgage, note or
    12  other obligation of any other licensee.
    13     (iv)  Be the owner, proprietor or lessor of any place for
    14  which any other license has been issued by the board.
    15     (2)  Notwithstanding this section, a limited winery licensee
    16  may hold and operate a hotel liquor license, a restaurant liquor
    17  license or a malt or brewed beverage retail dispenser license at
    18  the limited winery licensee's primary licensed premises
    19  location.
    20     Section 9.  Section 509 of the act, amended December 9, 2002
    21  (P.L.1653, No.212), is amended to read:
    22     Section 509.  License Must Be Posted; Business Hours.--
    23  Licenses shall be issued by the board under its official seal.
    24  Every license so issued must at all times be posted in a
    25  conspicuous place where the business is carried on under it.
    26  Licensees may be open every day except limited wineries which
    27  may be open as set forth by the board through regulations.
    28  Nothing in this section shall be construed as regulating the
    29  hours of operation by a limited winery for a location outside of
    30  this Commonwealth.
    20060H2470B3603                 - 18 -     

     1     Section 10.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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