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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 3529, 3562               PRINTER'S NO. 3626



No. 2472 Session of 2004


           MARCH 31, 2004

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of February 9, 1999 (P.L.1, No.1), entitled "An
     2     act providing for borrowing for capital facilities;
     3     conferring powers and duties on various administrative
     4     agencies and officers; making appropriations; and making
     5     repeals," adding and amending definitions; and further
     6     providing for borrowing limitations, for bond terms and
     7     conditions, for the Capital Debt Fund, for registration of
     8     bonds, for appropriation for and limitation on redevelopment
     9     assistance capital projects and for funding and
    10     administration of redevelopment assistance capital projects.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Section 302 of the act of February 9, 1999
    14  (P.L.1, No.1), known as the Capital Facilities Debt Enabling
    15  Act, amended October 28, 2002 (P.L.889, No.130), is amended to
    16  read:
    17  Section 302.  Definitions.
    18     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    19  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    20  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    21     "Acquisition cost."  The cost of acquiring:

     1         (1)  buildings;
     2         (2)  structures;
     3         (3)  facilities;
     4         (4)  property, real, personal or mixed, tangible or
     5     intangible; or
     6         (5)  any other interest;
     7  necessary or desirable in connection with a capital project,
     8  whether the acquisition be by purchase or by condemnation,
     9  including the amount of an award or final judgment in a
    10  proceeding to acquire by condemnation lands, rights-of-way,
    11  rights-of-slope, property rights, franchises, easements or other
    12  interests as deemed necessary or convenient in connection with
    13  the acquisition or construction of a project, and costs of
    14  options and partial payments on and under options.
    15     "Capital project."  A project which is financed by debt or by
    16  other funds and which meets all of the following:
    17         (1)  Is an undertaking to construct, repair, renovate,
    18     improve, equip, furnish or acquire any:
    19             (i)  building, structure, facility or physical public
    20         betterment or improvement;
    21             (ii)  land or rights in land; or
    22             (iii)  furnishings, machinery, apparatus or equipment
    23         for a building, structure, facility or physical public
    24         betterment or improvement.
    25         (2)  Is designated in a capital budget as a capital
    26     project.
    27         (3)  Has an estimated useful life in excess of five
    28     years.
    29         (4)  Has an estimated financial cost in excess of
    30     $100,000. This paragraph does not apply to original equipment
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     1     or furnishings for previously authorized public improvement
     2     projects.
     3  Capital projects are categorized as [community college
     4  projects,] flood control projects, highway projects, [other
     5  capital projects, PIDA projects,] public improvement projects,
     6  redevelopment assistance capital projects[, redevelopment
     7  assistance projects, site development projects] and
     8  transportation assistance projects.
     9     "Commonwealth agency or authority."  Excludes an agency or
    10  authority organized by action of a political subdivision.
    11     Community college projects."  Projects at an institution now
    12  or hereafter created pursuant to Article XIX-A of the act of
    13  March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code
    14  of 1949, or the former act of August 24, 1963 (P.L.1132,
    15  No.484), known as the Community College Act of 1963.
    16     ["Community college projects."  Projects for a community
    17  college of a type which the State Public School Building
    18  Authority is authorized to undertake under the provisions of the
    19  act of July 5, 1947 (P.L.1217, No.498), known as the State
    20  Public School Building Authority Act, to the extent that
    21  obligations issued to finance these projects are debt within the
    22  meaning of this chapter.]
    23     "Construction cost."  Obligations incurred:
    24         (1)  for labor and to contractors, builders and
    25     materialmen in connection with the construction, fabrication
    26     or assembly of a capital project;
    27         (2)  for machinery and equipment required for
    28     construction under paragraph (1);
    29         (3)  for the restoration of property damaged or destroyed
    30     in connection with construction under paragraph (1); and
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     1         (4)  for the payment of damages incurred by others
     2     incident to or consequent upon construction under paragraph
     3     (1) which the Commonwealth or its agency or authority is
     4     under legal obligation to pay or desires to pay in settlement
     5     of a disputed claim of liability.
     6     "Debt."  The issued and outstanding obligations of the
     7  Commonwealth incurred without a vote of the electorate or
     8  incurred with such vote under a law making such debt subject to
     9  the provisions of section 7(a)(4) of Article VIII of the
    10  Constitution of Pennsylvania. The term includes obligations of
    11  Commonwealth agencies and authorities to the extent that such
    12  obligations are to be repaid from lease rentals or other charges
    13  payable directly or indirectly from revenues of the
    14  Commonwealth. The term does not include:
    15         (1)  that portion of debt which is to be repaid from
    16     charges made to the public for the use of the capital
    17     projects financed, as such portion of debt may be determined
    18     by the Auditor General;
    19         (2)  obligations to be repaid from lease rentals or other
    20     charges payable by a school district or other local taxing
    21     authority; or
    22         (3)  obligations to be repaid by agencies or authorities
    23     created for the joint benefit of the Commonwealth and one or
    24     more other state governments.
    25     "Financial cost."  Acquisition cost and construction cost,
    26  where applicable, and an allocated portion of all of the
    27  following:
    28         (1)  Fees, expenses and costs of issuing obligations the
    29     proceeds of which are used to finance the project.
    30         (2)  Fees, expenses and costs of issuing and selling
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     1     notes or replacement notes issued under this chapter.
     2         (3)  Establishing and maintaining any purchase, loan or
     3     credit agreements in connection with an issue or series of
     4     issues of notes, and the fees and expenses of any fiscal or
     5     loan and transfer agent and bond counsel incurred in
     6     connection with the issue of the obligations.
     7         (4)  Premiums on insurance in connection with a project
     8     during construction.
     9         (5)  Taxes and other municipal or governmental charges
    10     lawfully levied or assessed during construction.
    11         (6)  Fees and expenses of architects, engineers and other
    12     professionals for:
    13             (i)  making preliminary studies, reports or estimates
    14         of costs;
    15             (ii)  preparing plans and specifications and
    16         inspecting and reviewing the progress of construction;
    17         and
    18             (iii)  obtaining abstracts of title, title insurance
    19         or title opinions.
    20         (7)  Costs and expenses of preliminary investigations,
    21     preplanning, surveys and reports to determine the proper
    22     scope, feasibility and probable costs of capital projects to
    23     be included in future capital budgets.
    24         (8)  Costs of administration, including the salaries and
    25     expenses of administrators, reviewing architects and
    26     engineers, construction inspectors, accountants and legal
    27     counsel of the Commonwealth and its agencies or authorities,
    28     incurred for the proper planning and supervision of the
    29     capital projects program.
    30     "Flood control projects."  Projects of the type which the
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     1  Water and Power Resources Board is authorized to construct,
     2  improve, equip, maintain, acquire or operate under the
     3  provisions of the act of August 7, 1936 (1st Sp.Sess., P.L.106,
     4  No.46), referred to as the Flood Control Law.
     5     "Fund."  Any fund other than a fund, or an account in a fund,
     6  established by this chapter.
     7     "Funding bonds."  General obligation bonds used to provide
     8  funds for and towards the payment of outstanding notes or to
     9  refund other outstanding bonds prior to or at or after the
    10  stated maturity date of the bonds being refunded or of the notes
    11  being funded.
    12     "Highway projects."  Projects of a type which the Department
    13  of Transportation is authorized to construct, improve, equip,
    14  maintain, acquire or operate.
    15     "Hospital."  As defined in section 802.1 of the act of July
    16  19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as the Health Care Facilities
    17  Act.
    18     "Issuing officials."  The Governor, the Auditor General and
    19  the State Treasurer.
    20     "Net debt."
    21         (1)  The aggregate principal amount of all debt; plus
    22         (2)  the amount of any past due and unpaid interest on
    23     that debt; minus
    24         (3)  all funds held exclusively for the payment of that
    25     principal and past due interest.
    26  Neither accrued but not yet past due interest nor funds held for
    27  the payment of the interest next falling due, up to the amount
    28  of such interest, shall be included in such computations.
    29     "Notes."  Temporary obligations and replacement notes issued
    30  by the Commonwealth pursuant to this chapter in anticipation of
    20040H2472B3626                  - 6 -     

     1  bonds.
     2     "Obligations."  Notes or bonds of the Commonwealth, its
     3  agencies or authorities, issued pursuant to any debt authorizing
     4  act.
     5     ["Other capital projects."  Only that undertaking to equip
     6  and furnish those public improvement projects which are
     7  specifically enumerated under the heading of "Other Capital
     8  Projects" in section 3(d) of the act of July 20, 1968 (P.L.560,
     9  No.218), known as the Capital Budget Act for the 1968-1969
    10  Fiscal Year. Upon final completion of the undertakings
    11  authorized by section 3(d) of that act, no equipment or
    12  furnishing undertaking or any other undertaking or project shall
    13  be listed in any capital budget act for the fiscal year 1969-
    14  1970 or any fiscal year thereafter under the heading of "Other
    15  Capital Projects"; but if the undertaking or project comes
    16  within the meaning of a capital project, it shall be listed in
    17  future capital budget acts as a capital project under one of the
    18  categories enumerated in paragraph (2) of the definition of
    19  "capital project."
    20     "PIDA projects."  Projects of the type which the Pennsylvania
    21  Industrial Development Authority is authorized to finance under
    22  the provisions of the act of May 17, 1956 (1955 P.L.1609,
    23  No.537), known as the Pennsylvania Industrial Development
    24  Authority Act.]
    25     "Public improvement projects."  Projects of a type which the
    26  General State Authority is authorized to construct, improve,
    27  equip, furnish, maintain, acquire or operate under the
    28  provisions of the act of March 31, 1949 (P.L.372, No.34), known
    29  as The General State Authority Act of one thousand nine hundred
    30  forty-nine, and projects which the Department of General
    20040H2472B3626                  - 7 -     

     1  Services is authorized to construct, improve, equip, furnish,
     2  maintain, acquire or operate, including community college
     3  projects.
     4     "Redevelopment assistance capital project."  The design and
     5  construction of facilities which meet the following:
     6         (1)  Are facilities, other than housing units, highways,
     7     bridges, waste disposal facilities, sewage facilities or
     8     water facilities[, which cannot obtain funding under other
     9     Federal or State programs.] This paragraph includes:
    10             (i)  Water and sewer infrastructure, bridges and
    11         roads when included as part of a business or industrial
    12         park facility.
    13             (ii)  Hospital facilities and capital improvements
    14         for hospital facilities.
    15         (2)  Are economic development projects which generate
    16     substantial increases in employment, tax revenues or other
    17     measures of economic activity. This paragraph includes
    18     projects with cultural, historical or civic significance.
    19         (3)  Are facilities which have a regional or
    20     multijurisdictional impact.
    21         (4)  Are eligible for tax-exempt bond funding under
    22     existing Federal law and regulations.
    23         (5)  Have a 50% non-State participation documented at the
    24     time of application, including a portion of any funds
    25     reserved for future physical maintenance and operation of the
    26     facilities:
    27             (i)  at least half of which is secured funding;
    28             (ii)  toward which the only noncash non-State
    29         participation permitted is land or fixed assets which
    30         have a substantial useful life and are directly related
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     1         to the project; [and]
     2             (iii)  toward which State funds from other programs
     3         may not be used[.]; and
     4             (iv)  toward which funds from Federal sources may be
     5         used.
     6         (6)  Have a total project cost [as follows:                <--
     7             (i)  At least $5,000,000 for projects in:
     8                 (A)  counties of the first class; or
     9                 (B)  counties of the second class.
    10             (ii)  At least $1,000,000 for projects in counties of
    11         the second class A through eighth class.
    12             (iii)  At least $1,000,000 for projects in:
    13                 (A)  municipalities designated as financially
    14             distressed municipalities under the act of July 10,
    15             1987 (P.L.246, No.47), known as the Municipalities
    16             Financial Recovery Act;
    17                 (B)  municipalities which are identified at the
    18             time of application by the Department of Community
    19             and Economic Development under the department's early
    20             warning system as scoring at least one-half standard
    21             deviation above the mean score; or
    22                 (C)  municipalities which have part or all of an
    23             enterprise zone within the municipal boundaries.] of   <--
    24             at least $1,000,000.
    25         (7)  [Have a cooperation agreement between the applicant
    26     and a redevelopment authority or industrial development
    27     authority or general purpose unit of local government if the
    28     applicant does not administer the grant.] Applicants [can]
    29     shall be [any] one of the following:
    30             [(i)  A redevelopment authority.
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     1             (ii)  An industrial development authority.]
     2             (iii)  A general purpose unit of local government.
     3             (iv)  A local development district which has an
     4         agreement with a general purpose unit of local government
     5         under which the unit assumes ultimate responsibility for
     6         debt incurred to obtain the 50% non-State participation
     7         required by paragraph (5).
     8             (v)  Any public authority established pursuant to the
     9         laws of this Commonwealth.
    10             (vi)  An industrial development agency which has been
    11         certified as an industrial development agency by the
    12         Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority Board
    13         pursuant to the act of May 17, 1956 (1955 P.L.1609,
    14         No.537), known as the Pennsylvania Industrial Development
    15         Authority Act, and which is itself or which is acting
    16         through a wholly owned subsidiary which is exempt from
    17         Federal taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
    18         Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 1
    19         et. seq.).
    20  The term also includes a fire truck and firefighting equipment
    21  to the extent that the request for assistance does not exceed
    22  $50,000.
    23     ["Redevelopment assistance projects."  Projects of the type
    24  which the Department of Community and Economic Development is
    25  authorized to finance by capital grants under the act of May 20,
    26  1949 (P.L.1633, No.493), known as the Housing and Redevelopment
    27  Assistance Law, and Reorganization Plan No.2 of 1966.]
    28     "Replacement notes."  Notes:
    29         (1)  the net proceeds of which are used to pay principal,
    30     accrued interest and premium of previously issued notes or
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     1     replacement notes; and
     2         (2)  which evidence the same temporary borrowing of the
     3     Commonwealth as the notes or replacement notes replaced.
     4     ["Site development projects."  Projects of the type
     5  authorized for the Department of Community and Economic
     6  Development under the act of May 6, 1968 (P.L.117, No.61), known
     7  as the Site Development Act.]
     8     "Tax revenues."  All revenues from Commonwealth imposed
     9  taxes, regardless of the fund to which they are deposited,
    10  including revenues from motor vehicle licenses, which are
    11  declared to be taxes for purposes of this chapter. The term does
    12  not include revenues from any other licenses or from interest,
    13  fees, fines or penalties.
    14     "Transportation assistance projects."  Projects of a type
    15  which the Department of Transportation is authorized to
    16  construct, improve, equip, furnish, maintain, acquire or operate
    17  under 74 Pa.C.S. Pt. II (relating to public transportation) and
    18  capital projects which the Department of Transportation is
    19  authorized to construct, improve, equip or furnish under the
    20  provisions of the act of February 11, 1976 (P.L.14, No.10),
    21  known as the Pennsylvania Rural and Intercity Common Carrier
    22  Surface Transportation Assistance Act, including the acquisition
    23  of property authorized in those statutes.
    24     Section 2.  Section 305 of the act is amended to read:
    25  Section 305.  Constitutional limitations, authorizations,
    26                 issuing officials.
    27     Within the limitation set forth in section 7(a)(4) of Article
    28  VIII of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, the issuing officials
    29  are authorized and directed to borrow, on the credit of the
    30  Commonwealth and subject to the conditions and limitations of
    20040H2472B3626                 - 11 -     

     1  [the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal
     2  Code] this act, money necessary to carry out the purposes of
     3  debt-authorizing acts passed in accordance with the provisions
     4  of this chapter.
     5     Section 3.  Section 307(c) of the act is amended by adding a
     6  paragraph to read:
     7  Section 307.  Bonds, issue of bonds and notes, maturity,
     8                 interest.
     9     * * *
    10     (c)  Terms and conditions.--
    11         (1)  Except as set forth in subsection (a) or (b), the
    12     terms and conditions of issue, redemption and maturity and
    13     time of payment of interest shall be as the issuing officials
    14     shall specify. Bonds of any series shall mature within a
    15     period not to exceed the estimated useful lives of the
    16     capital projects as stated in the debt-authorizing act but
    17     not later than 30 years from the date of issuance.
    18         (2)  The issuing officials shall provide for the
    19     amortization of the bonds in substantial and regular amounts
    20     over the term of the debt, but the first retirement of
    21     principal shall be stated to mature prior to the expiration
    22     of a period of time equal to one-tenth of the time from the
    23     date of the first obligation issued to evidence the debt to
    24     the date of the expiration of the term of the debt.
    25         (3)  Retirements of principal shall be regular and
    26     substantial if made in annual or semiannual amounts whether
    27     by stated serial maturities or by mandatory sinking fund
    28     retirements computed in accordance with either a level annual
    29     debt service plan as nearly as may be or upon the equal
    30     annual maturities plan.
    20040H2472B3626                 - 12 -     

     1         (4)  If debt is incurred in one issue of bonds to provide
     2     funds for and towards the financial cost of capital projects
     3     having estimated useful lives of varying length, the
     4     following shall apply:
     5             (i)  The aggregate of the financial costs shall be
     6         considered as the debt to be incurred for the purpose of
     7         fixing the regular and substantial amounts of principal
     8         to be retired.
     9             (ii)  The term of the debt shall be to the end of the
    10         longest estimated useful life for the purpose of
    11         determining the first date for the retirement of
    12         principal. At the end of the estimated useful life of
    13         each project, the aggregate principal retirements
    14         required to be made at or before that date shall exceed:
    15                 (A)  the aggregate financial cost of all capital
    16             projects having the same or shorter estimated useful
    17             lives; or
    18                 (B)  if bonds are issued for less than the full
    19             financial cost of all projects being financed in the
    20             same category, a proportionate amount in each case.
    21         (4.1)  The issuing officials are authorized to enter into
    22     the following that in the judgment of the issuing officials
    23     will assist in managing the interest costs of the debt of the
    24     Commonwealth:
    25             (i)  Interest rate exchange agreements, interest rate
    26         cap and floor agreements, forward agreements and other
    27         similar agreements.
    28             (ii)  Contracts to insure or secure payments of
    29         principal, interest or the purchase price of bonds.
    30         (5)  The issuing officials are authorized to carry out
    20040H2472B3626                 - 13 -     

     1     the provisions of this chapter relating to the issuance of
     2     bonds and shall determine all matters in connection with the
     3     issuance of bonds subject to the provisions hereof.
     4     * * *
     5     Section 4.  Sections 311 and 314 of the act are amended to
     6  read:
     7  Section 311.  Capital Debt Fund; investments; redemption of
     8                 bonds.
     9     (a)  Capital Debt Fund.--Bonds issued under this chapter
    10  shall be paid at maturity. Interest due after July 1, 1968, on
    11  bonds and on notes issued under this chapter shall be paid by
    12  the [Board of Finance and Revenue] State Treasurer from the
    13  Capital Debt Fund. The General Assembly shall appropriate
    14  annually the money necessary to pay the interest on the bonds
    15  and notes and the principal of the bonds and notes at maturity
    16  if no other provision is made. Money appropriated shall be paid
    17  into the Capital Debt Fund by the State Treasurer.
    18     (b)  Investment.--Money received under subsection (a) prior
    19  to the date for disbursement shall be invested by the [board]
    20  State Treasurer pending disbursement in securities as are
    21  provided by law for the investment of surplus money of the
    22  Commonwealth. The investment and the accumulations in the
    23  Capital Debt Fund shall be devoted to and be used exclusively
    24  for the payment of the interest accruing on the bonds and notes
    25  and for the redemption of the bonds and notes at maturity or
    26  upon the redemption date if called for prior redemption. The
    27  [board] State Treasurer is authorized to use such funds for the
    28  purchase and retirement of all or any part of the bonds issued
    29  under this chapter; but no purchase may be made which will
    30  reduce the money in the Capital Debt Fund below the amount
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     1  necessary to pay all principal and interest still to become due
     2  in the fiscal year of the purchase. If all or any part of any
     3  bonds issued under this chapter are purchased by the
     4  Commonwealth, they shall be canceled and returned to the State
     5  Treasurer as canceled and paid bonds. Thereafter, all payment of
     6  interest on the bonds shall cease; and the canceled bonds and
     7  coupons shall be destroyed in accordance with the act of April
     8  27, 1925 (P.L.319, No.180), entitled, "An act relating to the
     9  destruction of cancelled or unused bonds or other evidences of
    10  indebtedness of this Commonwealth."
    11  Section 314.  Registration of bonds.
    12     The [Auditor General shall prepare the] necessary registry
    13  books [to] shall be kept in the office of the authorized loan
    14  and transfer agent of the Commonwealth for the registration of
    15  any bonds of the Commonwealth according to the terms and
    16  conditions of issue specified by the issuing officials under
    17  section 307(d). Bonds issued without interest coupons attached
    18  shall be registered in the registry books kept by the authorized
    19  loan and transfer agent of the Commonwealth.
    20     Section 5.  Section 317 of the act, amended December 23, 2003
    21  (P.L.357, No.49), is amended to read:
    22  Section 317.  Appropriation for and limitation on redevelopment
    23                 assistance capital projects.
    24     (a)  Appropriation.--The amount necessary to pay principal of
    25  and interest on all obligations issued to provide funds for
    26  redevelopment assistance capital projects [is hereby] shall be
    27  appropriated from the General Fund and shall be transferred to
    28  the Capital Debt Fund upon authorization by the Governor.
    29     (b)  Limitation.--The maximum amount of redevelopment
    30  assistance capital projects undertaken by the Commonwealth for
    20040H2472B3626                 - 15 -     

     1  which obligations are outstanding shall not exceed, in
     2  aggregate, [$1,510,000,000] $2,150,000,000.
     3     Section 6.  Section 318 of the act is amended to read:
     4  Section 318.  Funding and administration of redevelopment
     5                 assistance capital projects.
     6     (a)  Officers.--The Secretary of the Budget[, in consultation
     7  with the Secretary of Community and Economic Development,] shall
     8  review and shall approve or disapprove applications for
     9  redevelopment assistance capital projects.
    10     (b)  Time period.--State funding for approved redevelopment
    11  assistance capital projects shall be paid over not less than a
    12  36-month period unless the Secretary of the Budget authorizes a
    13  shorter period.
    14     (c)  Costs.--Fees for professional services incurred for the
    15  design and construction of redevelopment assistance capital
    16  projects shall be paid from non-State funds. Land acquisition is
    17  a permissible State-funded expenditure if the acquisition cost
    18  is supported by an appraisal done by a certified appraiser.
    19     (d)  Proportion.--Expenditure of State and non-State funds
    20  shall be made on a proportional basis for direct land and
    21  building acquisition costs and construction expenses.
    22     (e)  Verification.--Redevelopment assistance capital project
    23  cost estimates must be verified by the Office of the Budget or
    24  its designated agent before final approval is given to a project
    25  application. Cost estimates include total project cost,
    26  projected use for State and non-State funds and a year-by-year
    27  schedule of costs for the entire project construction phase.
    28     (f)  Bids.--[The solicitation of a minimum of three written
    29  bids is required for all general contracted work in
    30  redevelopment assistance capital projects.] Notwithstanding any
    20040H2472B3626                 - 16 -     

     1  other provision of law, the solicitation of a minimum of three
     2  written bids for all contracted construction work on
     3  redevelopment assistance capital projects shall be the sole
     4  requirement for the composition, solicitation, opening and award
     5  of bids on such projects. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
     6  construction work shall be performed subject to the act of March
     7  3, 1978 (P.L.6, No.3), known as the Steel Products Procurement
     8  Act.
     9     (g)  Review and audit.--Redevelopment assistance capital
    10  projects shall be reviewed at regular intervals by the Office of
    11  the Budget or its designated agent during the funding phase to
    12  ensure financial and program compliance. A final closeout audit
    13  shall be performed by the Office of the Budget or its designated
    14  agent for all projects.
    15     (h)  Fee.--To pay for administrative expenses related to
    16  redevelopment assistance capital projects funded by Commonwealth
    17  general obligation bonds, the Office of the Budget [shall] may
    18  charge a fee against proceeds from bonds and notes which were
    19  sold to finance construction or acquisition costs of projects.
    20     (i)  Grant administration.--In the event any applicant does
    21  not administer the grant, the applicant shall enter into a
    22  cooperation agreement with the entity administering the grant
    23  which agreement shall be subject to the approval of the Office
    24  of the Budget.
    25     Section 7.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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