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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3551



No. 2483 Session of 2002

           APRIL 2, 2002

           PREPAREDNESS, APRIL 2, 2002

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the Office of Homeland Security, for powers and
     2     duties, for the Director of Homeland Security, for staffing
     3     and for reporting requirements; and making an appropriation.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Office of
     8  Homeland Security Act.
     9  Section 2.  Declaration of policy.
    10     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    11         (1)  The Commonwealth faces a serious threat of terrorist
    12     attack within its borders.
    13         (2)  Public or private agencies and entities do not have
    14     uniform policies and procedures for the prevention and
    15     response to terrorist attack.
    16         (3)  The Commonwealth does not have a specific State
    17     official to coordinate homeland security policies and

     1     effectively work with the Federal Government on terrorism
     2     prevention and response initiatives.
     3  Section 3.  Definitions.
     4     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     5  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     6  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     7     "Agency."  The Office of Homeland Security.
     8     "Director."  The Director of Homeland Security.
     9  Section 4.  Appointment of Director of Homeland Security.
    10     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established the Office
    11  of Homeland Security, an independent, executive agency.
    12     (b)  Appointment.--To supervise the work and activities
    13  associated with the Commonwealth's homeland security, the
    14  Governor shall appoint, with the advice and consent of the
    15  Senate, an individual to act on a full-time basis as Director of
    16  Homeland Security.
    17     (c)  Powers and duties.--The director shall have the
    18  following powers and duties:
    19         (1)  To report directly to the Governor on all matters
    20     concerning homeland security in this Commonwealth.
    21         (2)  To develop a formal memorandum of understanding on
    22     homeland security policies that will create and enhance the
    23     terrorism preparedness and response capabilities of law
    24     enforcement agencies, emergency response organizations,
    25     communities and public or private entities.
    26         (3)  To provide technical advice and assistance to
    27     Commonwealth agencies and political subdivisions in
    28     preparation of homeland security plans or components thereof
    29     and to periodically review such plans and suggest or require
    30     revisions.
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     1         (4)  To establish and operate or assist political
     2     subdivisions in establishing training programs and programs
     3     of public information.
     4         (5)  To determine the need for, maintain information
     5     regarding and procure materials, supplies, equipment and
     6     services necessary for homeland security.
     7         (6)  To make or request of Commonwealth or local agencies
     8     and officials, studies, surveys and reports as are necessary
     9     to carry out the purposes of this act.
    10         (7)  To prepare, for issuance by the Governor, executive
    11     orders, proclamations and regulations as necessary or
    12     appropriate in coping with a terrorist event.
    13         (8)  To develop security precaution criteria for the
    14     limitation of certain records, maps or other information that
    15     may be deemed necessary to keep out of the public domain for
    16     homeland security purposes.
    17         (9)  To cooperate with the Federal Government and any
    18     public or private agency or entity in achieving the purpose
    19     of this act and in implementing programs for terrorism
    20     prevention and terrorist incident response.
    21         (10)  To recommend to the Governor legislation or other
    22     actions as deemed necessary in connection with the purposes
    23     of this act.
    24         (11)  To coordinate on behalf of the Governor all
    25     programs related to terrorism prevention which are developed
    26     for state governments by the Office of Homeland Defense under
    27     the President of the United States.
    28     (d)  Staff.--The director shall, within the limitations of
    29  appropriations made to the agency, arrange for the employment of
    30  such professional staff, technical, administrative and other
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     1  staff personnel as may be deemed essential to the development
     2  and maintenance of a Statewide homeland security program.
     3     (e)  Office space, equipment and services.--The director
     4  shall be furnished necessary and appropriate office space,
     5  furniture, equipment, supplies and services in the same general
     6  manner as are other Commonwealth departments and agencies.
     7     (f)  Compensation.--The director shall receive $115,000 per
     8  annum.
     9  Section 5.  Appointment of Deputy Directors of Security.
    10     (a)  Appointment.--The Governor shall appoint a Deputy
    11  Director of Security for each of the following:
    12         (1)  Higher education institutions that shall include all
    13     State-owned, State-related and private institutions of higher
    14     education located within this Commonwealth.
    15         (2)  Ports.
    16         (3)  Highway infrastructure.
    17         (4)  Airports.
    18         (5)  Railroads.
    19         (6)  Public utilities and communications which shall
    20     include water facilities, nuclear and electric power plants,
    21     natural gas lines, telecommunications and information
    22     networks.
    23         (7)  Municipal government infrastructure.
    24         (8)  Agriculture.
    25         (9)  Tourism and public venues.
    26         (10)  Manufacturing and industry.
    27     (b)  Powers and duties.--Deputy Directors of Security shall
    28  have the following powers and duties:
    29         (1)  To develop and manage the memoranda of understanding
    30     developed pursuant to section 6 for public and private
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     1     agencies within the domain of their deputy directorship
     2     assignment.
     3         (2)  To serve as liaison between the director and the
     4     appropriate public or private entities for the implementation
     5     of homeland security programs.
     6     (c)  Appointments.--
     7         (1)  Gubernatorial appointments shall be made as follows:
     8     three from a list of five submitted by the Majority Leader of
     9     the House of Representatives; three from a list of five
    10     submitted by the Majority Leader of the Senate; two from a
    11     list of four submitted by the Minority Leader of the House of
    12     Representatives; and two from a list of four submitted by the
    13     Minority Leader of the Senate.
    14         (2)  The Governor shall select members from the lists
    15     provided from the President pro tempore of the Senate and the
    16     Speaker of the House of Representatives within 30 days of
    17     receipt of each list or may request one substitute list of
    18     nominees from either or both the President pro tempore of the
    19     Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. If a
    20     substitute list requested by the Governor is not submitted
    21     within 30 days of the request, the Governor may at his
    22     discretion appoint board members to positions for which
    23     substitute lists of nominees were not submitted.
    24         (3)  In the event that the Governor fails to select a
    25     member from an original list of nominees within 30 days of
    26     the receipt of the list and fails to request a substitute
    27     list or should the Governor fail to select a member from a
    28     substitute list within 30 days of receipt of the list, the
    29     legislative presiding officer who prepared the list may
    30     appoint members to serve on the board.
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     1     (d)  Terms.--
     2         (1)  Initial appointments shall be for a term beginning
     3     on the effective date of this act and expiring June 1, 2003.
     4         (2)  Subsequent to the initial terms, the terms of the
     5     members shall be staggered. For terms beginning June 1, 2002:
     6             (i)  Members appointed from the list of nominees
     7         prepared by the President pro tempore of the Senate shall
     8         serve eight-year terms ending June 1, 2010.
     9             (ii)  Members appointed from the list of nominees
    10         prepared by the Speaker of the House of Representatives
    11         shall serve nine-year terms ending June 1, 2011.
    12             (iii)  Members appointed by the Governor at his own
    13         discretion shall serve ten-year terms ending June 1,
    14         2012.
    15         (3)  After the terms under paragraph (2), the Governor
    16     shall, not sooner than 60 days nor later than 30 days prior
    17     to June 1 in each year in which vacancies are due to occur,
    18     appoint members of the board for terms of ten years to
    19     succeed the members whose terms expire on the first day of
    20     June next succeeding in accordance with the appointment
    21     procedures provided in subsection (e). If the vacancies are
    22     for members selected from a list submitted by a legislative
    23     presiding officer, the Governor shall request a list of
    24     nominees from that officer not later than 90 days prior to
    25     the date the vacancies are scheduled to occur.
    26     (e)  Removal.--Except as authorized in this subsection, no
    27  board member may be removed from office during a term. The
    28  Governor may, upon clear and convincing evidence of misfeasance
    29  or malfeasance in office, remove a board member prior to the
    30  expiration of the term. The Governor shall then provide the
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     1  board member so removed with a written statement of the reasons
     2  for removal.
     3     (f)  Vacancies.--If a vacancy occurs prior to the completion
     4  of the term of office of a member appointed from lists of
     5  nominees submitted by a legislative presiding officer, the
     6  Governor shall request a list of nominees from that officer
     7  within 30 days of the occurrence of the vacancy and proceed to
     8  make the vacancy appointment pursuant to the procedures of this
     9  section. All vacancy appointments shall be for the balance of
    10  the unexpired term.
    11     (g)  Succession.--Members shall hold office until their
    12  successors have been appointed and qualified, and they may
    13  succeed themselves.
    14     (h)  Compensation.--The Deputy Directors of Security shall
    15  receive $80,000 per annum.
    16     (i)  Outside activities.--Outside activities of the Deputy
    17  Directors of Security are permitted as long as they do not
    18  directly conflict with the provisions of this act.
    19  Section 6.  Memorandum of understanding.
    20     For the purposes of this act, a memorandum of understanding
    21  shall be a negotiated and signed agreement among various
    22  partners, including law enforcement agencies, the military,
    23  emergency response organizations, local public health agencies,
    24  State and local governments, and appropriate public or private
    25  entities. The memorandum of understanding is to outline the
    26  policies and procedures to be followed with regard to the
    27  prevention of terrorism and the necessary measures needed to
    28  respond to a terrorist incident or other threat to homeland
    29  security. At a minimum, the memorandum should identify the
    30  specific scope of responsibilities to be assumed by each of the
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     1  individual signatories within the parameters of an existing
     2  response plan, include relevant reporting requirements, describe
     3  the manner in which communication among the partners to the
     4  memorandum will be handled and outline the manner in which and
     5  by whom information is to be released to the media.
     6  Section 7.  Annual report.
     7     The director shall report annually to the Governor and the
     8  General Assembly on the activities of his office during the
     9  preceding year. The report shall include, but not be limited to,
    10  a summary of the memoranda of understanding that have been
    11  developed within each of the areas headed by a Deputy Secretary,
    12  including the partners to each memorandum and any suggested
    13  additional legislation that may be needed to enhance the work of
    14  the office. The report shall be submitted to the Governor, the
    15  President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House
    16  of Representatives and shall be furnished to each member of the
    17  General Assembly.
    18  Section 8.  Appropriation.
    19     The sum of $5 million is hereby appropriated to the Office of
    20  Homeland Security for the purposes of this act.
    21  Section 9.  Effective date.
    22     This act shall take effect immediately.

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