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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 3962                      PRINTER'S NO. 4483



No. 2501 Session of 2004

           DENLINGER, ROSS AND MELIO, JUNE 7, 2004

           AS AMENDED, OCTOBER 5, 2004

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties," providing for a disease management tax credit;     <--
    11     and making a repeal.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  The act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as
    15  the Tax Reform Code of 1971, is amended by adding an article to
    16  read:
    17                           ARTICLE XVII-C
    18                   DISEASE MANAGEMENT TAX CREDIT
    19  Section 1701-C.  Short title.

     1     This article shall be known and may be cited as the Disease
     2  Management Insurance Policy Tax Credit Act.
     3  Section 1702-C.  Definitions.
     4     The following words and phrases when used in this article
     5  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     6  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     7     "Department."  The Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
     8     "Disease management insurance policy."  A group or individual
     9  health insurance policy that includes a disease management
    10  program.
    11     "Disease management program."  A set of interventions
    12  designed to improve the health of individuals, especially those
    13  with certain ailments or diseases. A disease management program
    14  may include:
    15         (1)  Identifying patients and matching the intervention
    16     with need.
    17         (2)  Support for adherence to evidence-based medical
    18     practice guidelines, including providing medical treatment
    19     guidelines to physicians and other providers, and providing
    20     support services to assist the physician in monitoring the
    21     patient.
    22         (3)  Services designed to enhance patient management and
    23     adherence to an individualized treatment plan, including
    24     patient education, monitoring and reminders, and behavior
    25     modification programs aimed at encouraging lifestyle changes.
    26         (4)  Routine reporting and feedback loops, including
    27     communication with patient, physician, health plan and
    28     ancillary providers, and practice profiling.
    29         (5)  Collection and analysis of process and outcome
    30     measures.
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     1     "Master Settlement Agreement."  As defined in section 102 of
     2  the act of June 26, 2001 (P.L.755, No.77), known as the Tobacco
     3  Settlement Act.
     4     "Pass-through entity."  Any of the following:
     5         (1)  A partnership, limited partnership, limited
     6     liability company, business trust or other unincorporated
     7     entity that for Federal income tax purposes is taxable as a
     8     partnership.
     9         (2)  A Pennsylvania S corporation.
    10     "Primary contractor."  A person licensed to conduct business
    11  in this Commonwealth that develops, implements or monitors
    12  disease management programs.
    13     "Qualified tax liability."  The liability for taxes imposed
    14  under Article III, IV or VI. The term includes the liability for
    15  taxes imposed under Article III on a sole proprietor, partner,
    16  shareholder, owner or member of a pass-through entity.
    17     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
    18     "Service provider."  A person licensed to conduct business in
    19  this Commonwealth that is selected by the primary contractor to
    20  provide disease management programs.
    21     "Small business."  A taxpayer with fewer than 50 employees.
    22     "Tax credit."  The disease management insurance policy tax
    23  credit authorized under this article.
    24     "Taxpayer."  An entity subject to tax under Article III, IV
    25  or VI. The term includes:
    26         (1)  the partner, shareholder, owner or member of a pass-
    27     through entity that receives a tax credit; or
    28         (2)  a sole proprietor.
    29     "Tobacco Settlement Act."  The act of June 26, 2001 (P.L.755,
    30  No.77), known as the Tobacco Settlement Act.
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     1     "Tobacco Settlement Fund."  The Tobacco Settlement Fund
     2  established section 303(a) of the act of June 26, 2001 (P.L.755,
     3  No.77), known as the Tobacco Settlement Act.
     4  Section 1703-C.  Credit for disease management insurance
     5                     policies.
     6     (a)  Application.--A taxpayer who purchases and provides a
     7  disease management insurance policy to employees in a taxable
     8  year may apply for a tax credit as provided in this article. By
     9  September 15, a taxpayer must submit an application to the
    10  department for premiums paid in the taxable year that ended in
    11  the prior calendar year.
    12     (b)  Tax credit.--A taxpayer qualified under subsection (a)
    13  shall receive a tax credit for the taxable year in the amount of
    14  $100 for each employee of the taxpayer covered by a disease
    15  management insurance policy.
    16     (c)  Notification of credit.--By December 15 of the calendar
    17  year following the close of the taxable year, the department
    18  shall notify the taxpayer of the amount of the taxpayer's tax
    19  credit approved by the department.
    20  Section 1704-C.  Certification requirement.
    21     (a)  Application.--In order to qualify for the tax credit, a
    22  taxpayer, in conjunction with the Department of Labor and
    23  Industry and the Insurance Department, shall make application
    24  for the certification of the disease management program
    25  purchased as part of the disease management insurance policy.
    26  The Insurance Department shall develop the certification
    27  criteria.
    28     (b)  Reapplying.--In the subsequent tax year, a taxpayer
    29  reapplying for the tax credit must provide verification to the
    30  Department of Labor and Industry and the Insurance Department
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     1  that the disease management program meets the certification
     2  requirements and continues to be purchased by the taxpayer.
     3  Section 1705-C.  Carryover, carryback, refund and assignment of
     4                     credit.
     5     (a)  General rule.--If the taxpayer cannot use the entire
     6  amount of the tax credit for the taxable year in which the tax
     7  credit is first approved because the amount of the tax credit
     8  exceeds the tax liability of the taxpayer for the year in which
     9  the tax credit under section 1703-C is to be applied, the excess
    10  may be carried over to succeeding taxable years and used as a
    11  credit against the qualified tax liability of the taxpayer for
    12  those taxable years. Each time the tax credit is carried over to
    13  a succeeding taxable year, it shall be reduced by the amount
    14  that was used as a credit during the immediately preceding
    15  taxable year. The tax credit may be carried over and applied to
    16  succeeding taxable years for no more than 15 taxable years
    17  following the first taxable year for which the taxpayer was
    18  entitled to claim the credit.
    19     (b)  Application of tax credit.--A tax credit approved by the
    20  department for premiums incurred in a taxable year shall first
    21  be applied against the taxpayer's qualified tax liability for
    22  the current taxable year as of the date on which the credit was
    23  approved before the tax credit may be applied against any tax
    24  liability under subsection (a).
    25     (c)  Unused tax credit.--A taxpayer is not entitled to
    26  assign, carry back or obtain a refund of an unused tax credit.
    27  Section 1706-C.  Time limitations.
    28     A taxpayer is not entitled to a tax credit for health
    29  insurance premiums providing for disease management programs
    30  incurred in taxable years ending after December 31, 2006.
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     1  Section 1707-C.  Limitation on credits.
     2     (a)  Allocation for small businesses.--The total amount of
     3  tax credits approved by the department shall not exceed
     4  $19,000,000 in any fiscal year. Of that amount, 40% of available
     5  funds shall be allocated exclusively for small businesses.
     6  However, if the total amounts allocated to either the group of
     7  applicants exclusive of small businesses or the group of small
     8  business applicants is not approved in any fiscal year, the
     9  unused portion will become available for use by other qualifying
    10  taxpayers.
    11     (b)  Proration of tax credits.--
    12         (1)  If the total amount of tax credits applied for by
    13     all taxpayers, exclusive of small businesses, exceeds the
    14     amount allocated for those credits, the tax credit to be
    15     received by each applicant shall be prorated by the
    16     department among all applicants, exclusive of small
    17     businesses, who have qualified for the credit.
    18         (2)  If the total amount of tax credits applied for by
    19     all small businesses exceeds the amount allocated for those
    20     credits, the tax credit to be received by each small business
    21     applicant shall be prorated by the department among all small
    22     business applicants who have qualified for the credit.
    23  Section 1708-C.  Shareholder, owner or member pass-through.
    24     (a)  Pennsylvania S corporations.--If a Pennsylvania S
    25  corporation does not have an eligible tax liability against
    26  which the tax credit may be applied, a shareholder of the
    27  Pennsylvania S corporation is entitled to a tax credit equal to
    28  the tax credit determined for the Pennsylvania S corporation for
    29  the taxable year multiplied by the percentage of the
    30  Pennsylvania S corporation's distributive income to which the
    20040H2501B4483                  - 6 -     

     1  shareholder is entitled.
     2     (b)  Pass-through entities.--If a pass-through entity other
     3  than a Pennsylvania S corporation does not have an eligible tax
     4  liability against which the tax credit may be applied, an owner
     5  or member of the pass-through entity is entitled to a tax credit
     6  equal to the tax credit determined for the pass-through entity
     7  for the taxable year multiplied by the percentage of the pass-
     8  through entity's distributive income to which the owner or
     9  member is entitled.
    10     (c)  Entitlement.--The credit provided under subsection (a)
    11  or (b) is in addition to any tax credit to which a shareholder,
    12  owner or member of a pass-through entity is otherwise entitled
    13  under this article. However, a pass-through entity and a
    14  shareholder, owner or member of a pass-through entity may not
    15  claim a credit under this article for the same premium or
    16  employee.
    17  Section 1709-C.  Accountability.
    18     (a)  Review procedures.--Any taxpayer that receives a tax
    19  credit under this act shall be subject to a performance review
    20  by the Department of Labor and Industry, in conjunction with the
    21  Insurance Department. As appropriate, the performance review
    22  shall be based upon information submitted to the department that
    23  includes the following:
    24         (1)  The contractor's or service provider's strategic
    25     goals and objectives for disease management programs.
    26         (2)  The contractor's or service provider's annual
    27     performance plan setting forth how these strategic goals and
    28     objectives are to be achieved and the specific methodology
    29     for evaluating results, along with any proposed methods for
    30     improvement.
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     1         (3)  The contractor's or service provider's annual
     2     performance report setting forth the specific results in
     3     achieving its strategic goals and objectives for disease
     4     management, including any changes in the health of
     5     participants in the disease management program.
     6         (4)  The progress made in achieving expected program
     7     priorities and goals.
     8         (5)  Any other information deemed necessary by the
     9     department.
    10     (b)  Penalty.--If a performance review indicates that a
    11  primary contractor or a service provider failed to comply with
    12  contract requirements or meet performance goals, taxpayers may
    13  be subject to a reduction in or ineligibility for future tax
    14  credit funding under this act.
    15  Section 1710-C.  Report to General Assembly.
    16     (a)  Submission of report.--The secretary shall submit an
    17  annual report indicating the effectiveness of the credit
    18  provided by this article no later than March 15 following the
    19  year in which the credits were approved to the Governor, the
    20  Chairmen and the Minority Chairmen of the Public Health and
    21  Welfare Committee and the Appropriations Committee of the Senate
    22  and the Chairmen and Minority Chairmen of the Health and Human
    23  Services Committee and the Appropriations Committee of the House
    24  of Representatives.
    25     (b)  Contents.--The report shall include the names of all
    26  taxpayers utilizing the credit as of the date of the report and
    27  the amount of credits approved and utilized by each taxpayer.
    28     (c)  Public information.--Notwithstanding any law providing
    29  for the confidentiality of tax records, the information
    30  contained in the report shall be public information.
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     1     (d)  Recommendations.--The report may also include any
     2  recommendations for changes in the calculation or administration
     3  of the credit.
     4  Section 1711-C.  Termination.
     5     The department shall not approve a tax credit under this
     6  article for taxable years ending after December 31, 2006.
     7  Section 1712-C.  Regulations.
     8     The secretary shall promulgate regulations necessary for the
     9  implementation and administration of this article.
    10  Section 1713-C.  Appropriation from the Tobacco Settlement Fund.  <--
    11     The General Assembly hereby appropriates funds in the Tobacco
    12  Settlement Fund received by the Commonwealth pursuant to the
    13  Master Settlement Agreement in accordance with the following
    14  percentages based on actual funds received in each year or upon
    15  receipt of the final annual payment:
    16         (1)  Seven percent for tobacco use prevention and
    17     cessation programs pursuant to Chapter 7 of the Tobacco
    18     Settlement Act.
    19         (2)  Five percent for deposit into the General Fund to
    20     pay for the pilot program authorized under this article.
    21     Section 2.  Section 306(b)(1)(iii) of the act of June 26,
    22  2001 (P.L.755, No.77), known as the Tobacco Settlement Act, is
    23  repealed.
    24     Section 3 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.           <--

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