1Amending the act of June 28, 1995 (P.L.89, No.18), entitled "An
2act creating the Department of Conservation and Natural
3Resources consisting of certain functions of the Department
4of Environmental Resources and the Department of Community
5Affairs; renaming the Department of Environmental Resources
6as the Department of Environmental Protection; defining the
7role of the Environmental Quality Board in the Department of
8Environmental Protection; making changes to responsibilities
9of the State Conservation Commission and the Department of
10Agriculture; transferring certain powers and duties to the
11Department of Health; and repealing inconsistent acts," in
12Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, further
13providing for fees and charges.

14The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
15hereby enacts as follows:

16Section 1. Section 314 of the act of June 28, 1995 (P.L.89,
17No.18), known as the Conservation and Natural Resources Act, is
18amended to read:

19Section 314. Fees and charges.

20(a) Imposition.--Whenever the department imposes fees or

1charges for activities, admissions, uses or privileges,
2including charges for concessions, at or relating to State
3parks, such charges or fees shall be used solely for the
4acquisition, maintenance, operation or administration of the
5State park system and are hereby appropriated for such purposes.
6The department shall not adopt or impose any charges or fees for
7parking or general admission to State parks unless the charges
8were imposed prior to January 1, 1995. The department may
9continue to impose and modify parking charges and fees
10applicable to specific services or units within the State park
11system which were imposed prior to January 1, 1995, and may
12impose charges or fees for admission to and for use of specific
13services and facilities in State parks. The department shall
14continue to exercise the powers previously vested in the
15Environmental Quality Board regarding the imposition of fees and
16charges for State parks and State forests.

17(b) Discount.--Upon presenting proper identification as
18determined by the department, the department shall provide a
19discount of 15% on all fees and charges for activities,
20admissions, uses or privileges, including charges for
21concessions, at or related to State parks to all of the

23(1) An active duty member of the United States Armed

25(2) A retired military member of the United States Armed

27(3) A veteran of the United States Armed Forces who is
28100% service-related disabled as certified by the United
29States Veterans' Administration.

30(4) An immediate family member of an individual listed

1under paragraph (1), (2) or (3).

2Section 2. This act shall take effect in 60 days.