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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3523



No. 2535 Session of 2000

           AND MAJOR, MAY 10, 2000


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 19, 1931 (P.L.589, No.202), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act to promote the public health and safety,
     3     by providing for the examination and licensure of those who
     4     desire to engage in the profession of barbering; regulating
     5     barber shops and barber schools, and students therein;
     6     regulating compensation for service rendered; conferring
     7     certain powers and duties on the Department of State; and
     8     providing penalties," further providing for applications for
     9     licensure and for student barbers.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  Section 3(a) and 5 of the act of June 19, 1931
    13  (P.L.589, No.202), referred to as the Barbers' License Law,
    14  amended June 30, 1984 (P.L.494, No.101), are amended to read:
    15     Section 3.  (a)  Each applicant for a barber's license shall,
    16  as a condition precedent to obtaining a license, take the
    17  barber's license examination and score a passing grade. Prior to
    18  taking the examination the applicant shall be at least sixteen
    19  years of age, have completed the eighth grade or its equivalent
    20  and have completed a barbering study and training period of at
    21  least one thousand two hundred fifty (1250) hours and not less

     1  than nine months either in a licensed barber school under the
     2  instruction of a licensed teacher, or in a licensed barber shop
     3  under the instruction of a licensed teacher. A notarized
     4  application for a license as a barber shall be made in such form
     5  as the board shall prescribe. [The application shall be
     6  accompanied by a notarized statement from a licensed physician
     7  that the applicant was examined by the physician, a test of the
     8  applicant's blood was made and the results of that test and the
     9  applicant is free from all contagious and infectious diseases.]
    10  The application shall also be accompanied by a notarized
    11  statement, from either the licensed barber school the applicant
    12  attended or the licensed barber-teacher in the licensed barber
    13  shop in which the applicant studied and trained, that the
    14  student has completed the study and training period required in
    15  this subsection. At the time of filing the application and
    16  accompanying notarized statements, the applicant shall pay to
    17  the department an examination fee to be determined by regulation
    18  and shall present himself or herself at the next examination of
    19  applicants as provided in section 6. The board shall not have
    20  the power to require a photograph as part of an application for
    21  a barber's license.
    22     * * *
    23     Section 5.  Nothing in this act shall prohibit any person
    24  from serving in such profession in this Commonwealth, as a
    25  student in any licensed barber school for the training of
    26  students in said profession under the training of a duly
    27  licensed teacher authorized to teach such profession in this
    28  Commonwealth or under a qualified and licensed barber-teacher in
    29  a licensed barber shop. Such student shall have his or her name
    30  registered with the barber school or shop: Provided, That the
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     1  student has submitted to the barber school or shop proof that he
     2  or she has reached the age of sixteen[,] and has completed the
     3  eighth grade in a secondary school or its equivalent[, and that
     4  a test of his or her blood was made]. The barber school or shop
     5  shall keep a daily record of the attendance of each student.
     6  Students, upon graduation from a licensed barber school, or upon
     7  completion of training under a qualified and licensed barber-
     8  teacher shall make application for examination at the next
     9  regular period specified in this act.
    10     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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