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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3624



No. 2541 Session of 2002

           YOUNGBLOOD, APRIL 9, 2002


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, adding provisions
     3     relating to child molester control; and providing for
     4     sentencing for certain sexual offense convictions, for
     5     restrictions on parole or release, for treatment and for
     6     voluntary treatment for first offenders.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Chapter 97 of Title 42 of the Pennsylvania
    10  Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding a subchapter to read:
    11                            SUBCHAPTER I
    12                       CHILD MOLESTER CONTROL
    13  Sec.
    14  9799.21.  Short title of subchapter.
    15  9799.22.  Definitions.
    16  9799.23.  Sentencing for certain sexual offense convictions.

     1  9799.24.  Restrictions on parole or release.
     2  9799.25.  Treatment.
     3  9799.26.  Voluntary treatment for first offenders.
     4  9799.27.  Regulation.
     5  § 9799.21.  Short title of subchapter.
     6     This subchapter shall be known and may be cited as the Child
     7  Molester Control Act.
     8  § 9799.22.  Definitions.
     9     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    10  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    11  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    12     "Department."  The Department of Corrections of the
    13  Commonwealth.
    14     "Serial child molester."  A person who has been sentenced
    15  pursuant to section 9799.23 (relating to sentencing for certain
    16  sexual offense convictions).
    17     "Sexual offense."  A violation of any of the following:
    18         18 Pa.C.S. § 3121 (relating to rape).
    19         18 Pa.C.S. § 3122.1 (relating to statutory sexual
    20     assault).
    21         18 Pa.C.S. § 3123 (relating to involuntary deviate sexual
    22     intercourse).
    23         18 Pa.C.S. § 3124.1 (relating to sexual assault).
    24         18 Pa.C.S. § 3124.2 (relating to institutional sexual
    25     assault).
    26         18 Pa.C.S. § 3125 (relating to aggravated indecent
    27     assault).
    28         18 Pa.C.S. § 3126 (relating to indecent assault).
    29     "Testosterone-lowering treatment."  The use of leuprolide
    30  acetate to reduce the capacity of a serial child molester to
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     1  commit a sexual offense in which the victim is a child under 13
     2  years of age or the use of any other drug for this purpose that
     3  the department, in consultation with the Department of Health,
     4  determines is equivalent to or more effective than leuprolide
     5  acetate.
     6     "Treatment."  This term includes:
     7         (1)  Testosterone-lowering treatment.
     8         (2)  Weekly psychotherapy or at such other intervals as
     9     may be designated by regulation of the department.
    10         (3)  A polygraph examination relating to the purposes of
    11     this subchapter at least once every four months.
    12     "Trier of fact."  The jury or, if the defendant waives his
    13  right to a jury determination, the court.
    14  § 9799.23.  Sentencing for certain sexual offense convictions.
    15     (a)  Life sentence.--Notwithstanding any other provision of
    16  this title or other statute to the contrary, a person who is
    17  convicted in a court of this Commonwealth of a sexual offense in
    18  which the victim was a child under 13 years of age shall be
    19  sentenced to life imprisonment at total confinement if, at the
    20  time of the commission of the current sexual offense, the person
    21  had been previously convicted of a sexual offense in which the
    22  victim was a child under 13 years of age.
    23     (b)  Mandatory minimum term of confinement.--Notwithstanding
    24  any other provision of this title or other statute to the
    25  contrary:
    26         (1)  Upon conviction of an offender in a court of this
    27     Commonwealth of a sexual offense in which the victim was
    28     under 13 years of age the court shall issue an order
    29     directing that the offender serve a mandatory minimum prison
    30     term of:
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     1             (i)  Not less than ten years at total confinement if,
     2         at the time of the commission of the current sexual
     3         offense, the offender had been previously convicted of a
     4         sexual offense in which the victim as a child under 13
     5         years of age.
     6             (ii)  Not less than 25 years of total confinement if,
     7         at the time of the commission of the sexual offense, the
     8         offender had been previously convicted of two or more
     9         sexual offenses in which the victims were children under
    10         13 years of age.
    11         (2)  Upon conviction of an offender in a court of this
    12     Commonwealth of a sexual offense in which the victim was
    13     under 13 years of age, the court may issue an order directing
    14     that the offender serve a mandatory minimum prison term of
    15     life imprisonment without parole and without release from
    16     total confinement, if at the time of the commission of the
    17     sexual offense, the offender had been previously convicted of
    18     three or more sexual offenses in which the victims were
    19     children under 13 years of age and the court determines that
    20     25 years of confinement is insufficient to protect the safety
    21     of children.
    22     (c)  Mistake of age no defense.--It shall not be a defense in
    23  any sentencing proceeding subject to this section that the
    24  offender who committed the sexual offense believed that the
    25  victim was 13 years of age or older.
    26     (d)  Equivalent convictions in other jurisdictions.--A
    27  conviction for a criminal offense committed in another state or
    28  criminal jurisdiction that is substantially equivalent to a
    29  sexual offense shall be considered a conviction for a sexual
    30  offense for purposes of determining whether the offender is
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     1  subject to sentencing pursuant to this section if the trier of
     2  fact, in the sentencing proceeding prescribed in this section,
     3  determines that the victim was under 13 years of age at the time
     4  of such offense in the other state or jurisdiction.
     5     (e)  Proof at sentencing.--The provisions of this section
     6  shall not be an element of the crime. Notice of the
     7  Commonwealth's intention to proceed under this section shall be
     8  provided to the offender prior to the trial. If the Commonwealth
     9  provides notice to the offender and the court of its intent to
    10  proceed under this section prior to the trial and the trier of
    11  fact returns a guilty verdict against the offender on the
    12  underlying sexual offense, or the offender pleads guilty or nolo
    13  contendere to such offense, the court shall conduct an immediate
    14  hearing on the applicability of this section. The offender shall
    15  be sentenced in accordance with subsections (a) and (b) if the
    16  trier of fact finds, by proof beyond a reasonable doubt, that
    17  each of the following elements exist:
    18         (1)  The offender was found guilty of the underlying
    19     sexual offense or pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to the
    20     underlying sexual offense.
    21         (2)  The victim of the underlying sexual offense was a
    22     child under 13 years of age.
    23         (3)  The offender, at the time of the commission of the
    24     current sexual offense, has a previous conviction or
    25     convictions for a sexual offense in which the victim was a
    26     child under 13 years of age, regardless of whether any such
    27     previous conviction occurred on, before or after the
    28     effective date of this section.
    29  Should a previous conviction be vacated and an acquittal or
    30  final discharge entered subsequent to imposition of sentence
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     1  under this section, the serial child molester shall have the
     2  right to petition the sentencing court for reconsideration of
     3  sentence if this section would not have been applicable except
     4  for the conviction which was vacated.
     5     (f)  Application of other sentencing provisions.--Nothing in
     6  this subchapter shall preclude the Commonwealth, in its
     7  discretion, from proceeding under section 9714 (relating to
     8  sentences for second and subsequent offenses), if applicable,
     9  rather than this subchapter.
    10     (g)  Authority of court in sentencing.--There shall be no
    11  authority in any court to impose on an offender to which this
    12  section is applicable any lesser sentence than provided for in
    13  this section or to place the offender on probation or to suspend
    14  sentence. Sentencing guidelines promulgated by the Pennsylvania
    15  Commission on Sentencing shall not supersede the mandatory
    16  sentence provided in this section.
    17     (h)  Appeal by Commonwealth.--If a sentencing court shall
    18  refuse to apply this section where applicable, the Commonwealth
    19  shall have the right to appellate review of the action of the
    20  sentencing court. The appellate court shall vacate the sentence
    21  and remand the case to the sentencing court for the imposition
    22  of a sentence in accordance with this section if it finds that
    23  the sentence was imposed in violation of this section.
    24  § 9799.24.  Restrictions on parole or release.
    25     (a)  General rule.--No serial child molester shall be
    26  eligible for parole or other release from total confinement
    27  before the expiration of the life imprisonment term prescribed
    28  by section 9799.23(a) (relating to sentencing for certain sexual
    29  offense convictions) unless:
    30         (1)  the serial child molester qualifies for release
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     1     under this section and section 9799.25 (relating to
     2     treatment); or
     3         (2)  the department determines, on the basis of clear and
     4     convincing evidence, that the serial child molester no longer
     5     presents a danger to children.
     6  The department shall notify the district attorney of the county
     7  in which the serial child molester was sentenced pursuant to
     8  section 9799.23(a), who shall have standing to be a party in the
     9  determination proceeding and to appeal any adverse decision.
    10     (b)  Minimum period of incarceration.--A serial child
    11  molester shall be ineligible for release or parole until the
    12  serial child molester has been incarcerated for the minimum
    13  period of imprisonment at total confinement prescribed in
    14  section 9799.23(b).
    15     (c)  Restriction on parole.--No parole or other release shall
    16  be authorized by this subchapter if, at the time of the request
    17  for such parole or release, there are other reasonable grounds
    18  for denying parole or release.
    19  § 9799.25.  Treatment.
    20     (a)  General rule.--In any case where parole or release is
    21  based upon receiving treatment under this section, continuing
    22  compliance with the requirements of this subchapter shall be a
    23  condition for continued release or parole. Testosterone-lowering
    24  treatment administered pursuant to this subchapter shall be
    25  contingent upon a determination by the court after receiving a
    26  recommendation from a court appointed medical expert that the
    27  serial child molester is an appropriate candidate for treatment
    28  and upon receipt of a written agreement by the serial child
    29  molester to undergo treatment in accordance with this section.
    30     (b)  Duration of treatment.--A serial child molester
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     1  receiving treatment pursuant to this section shall begin
     2  testosterone-lowering treatment at least two months prior to
     3  that serial child molester's release from confinement and
     4  continue in treatment after release from confinement until the
     5  department determines, by clear and convincing evidence, that
     6  treatment is no longer necessary or appropriate.
     7     (c)  Failure or refusal to continue treatment.--
     8         (1)  If after release from confinement a serial child
     9     molester subject to this section willfully fails or refuses
    10     to appear for treatment as required by the department or
    11     willfully fails or refuses to allow the administration of
    12     treatment, the serial child molester shall be arrested and
    13     returned to incarceration where the serial child molester
    14     shall remain in confinement unless the serial child molester
    15     subsequently becomes eligible for release pursuant to this
    16     subchapter.
    17         (2)  In no case shall the serial child molester be
    18     eligible for release for a period of at least two years
    19     following incarceration pursuant to this subsection.
    20     (d)  Random testing of testosterone levels.--A serial child
    21  molester receiving treatment pursuant to this section shall be
    22  required to undergo random testing at least three times during
    23  each 12-month period at the direction of the department in order
    24  to determine the serial child molester's testosterone level.
    25     (e)  Voluntary surgical castration.--A serial child molester
    26  may voluntarily choose to undergo surgical castration to
    27  permanently reduce the serial child molester's testosterone
    28  level as an alternative to testosterone-lowering treatment. The
    29  serial child molester must also satisfy the psychotherapy and
    30  polygraph examination requirements of treatment.
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     1     (f)  Information on treatment.--Prior to the commencement of
     2  any testosterone lowering treatment or surgical castration under
     3  subsection (e), the department shall inform the serial child
     4  molester about the effect of treatment and any side effects that
     5  may result from treatment. The serial child molester subject to
     6  treatment shall acknowledge receipt of this information in
     7  writing.
     8     (g)  Payment of treatment costs.--A serial child molester who
     9  is required to undergo treatment pursuant to this section shall
    10  be required to pay a reasonable fee to cover the costs of
    11  providing treatment. The department, at the expense of the
    12  Commonwealth, may provide for the reduction, deferral or waiver
    13  of payment if the serial child molester is financially unable to
    14  pay the fee.
    15     (h)  Conscience clause.--No State employee who is a physician
    16  or other professional medical person may be compelled against
    17  the employee's conscience to administer treatment under this
    18  section.
    19     (i)  Immunity.--A physician or qualified mental health
    20  professional who acts in good faith in compliance with the
    21  provisions of this section shall be immune from civil or
    22  criminal liability for his actions in connection with such good
    23  faith compliance.
    24  § 9799.26.  Voluntary treatment for first offenders.
    25     (a)  General rule.--A person convicted of a sexual offense in
    26  which the victim is a child under 16 years of age may
    27  voluntarily seek and receive treatment as defined in this
    28  subchapter upon release from incarceration if the department
    29  determines that the person is an appropriate candidate for
    30  treatment.
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     1     (b)  Applicability.--This section shall not apply to a serial
     2  child molester.
     3  § 9799.27.  Regulation.
     4     The department may adopt any rules, regulations and
     5  guidelines necessary and proper for the administration of this
     6  subchapter.
     7     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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