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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3802



No. 2559 Session of 2006


           APRIL 3, 2006

                                     AN ACT

     1  Relating to cats; regulating the keeping of cats; providing for
     2     the licensing, seizure, detention and destruction of cats;
     3     establishing a Cat Law Restricted Account; making an
     4     appropriation; and establishing penalties and enforcement
     5     mechanisms.

     6                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     7  Chapter 1.  General Provisions
     8  Section 101.  Short title.
     9  Section 102.  Definitions.
    10  Chapter 2.  Licenses, Tags and Kennels
    11  Section 201.  Licensing of cats.
    12  Section 202.  Kennels.
    13  Section 203.  Revocation, suspension or refusal of kennel
    14                 licenses.
    15  Chapter 3.  Seizure, Detention and Destruction of Cats
    16  Section 301.  Quarantines.
    17  Section 302.  Seizure, detention and destruction of cats.

     1  Chapter 4.  Disposition and Appropriation of Funds
     2  Section 401.  Cat Law Restricted Account.
     3  Section 402.  County cat law programs.
     4  Chapter 5.  Enforcement and Penalties.
     5  Section 501.  Enforcement of this act by the secretary and
     6                 provisions for inspections.
     7  Chapter 6.  Miscellaneous Provisions
     8  Section 601.  Effective date.
     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11                             CHAPTER 1
    12                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    13  Section 101.  Short title.
    14     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Domestic Cat
    15  Law.
    16  Section 102.  Definitions.
    17     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    18  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    19  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    20     "Agent."  A person who is authorized by this act to process
    21  applications for cat license certificates and issue cat license
    22  certificates and tags under section 201.
    23     "Cat."  The genus and species known as Felis catus.
    24     "County treasurer."  The elected officer for any county or
    25  any county employee assigned to the office of the county
    26  treasurer charged with the receipt, custody and disbursements of
    27  the county's moneys or funds. The term includes those officials
    28  in home rule charter counties responsible for county treasurer's
    29  duties.
    30     "Department."  The Department of Agriculture of the
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     1  Commonwealth.
     2     "Humanely killed."  A method of destruction in accordance
     3  with the act of December 22, 1983 (P.L.303, No.83), referred to
     4  as the Animal Destruction Method Authorization Law.
     5     "Kennel."  Any establishment wherein cats are kept for the
     6  purpose of breeding, hunting, training, renting, research or
     7  vivisection, buying, boarding, selling, showing or any other
     8  similar purpose and is so constructed that cats cannot stray
     9  therefrom.
    10     "Licensed doctor of veterinary medicine."  A person who is
    11  currently licensed pursuant to the act of December 27, 1974
    12  (P.L.995, No.326), known as the Veterinary Medicine Practice
    13  Act.
    14     "Owner."  When applied to the proprietorship of a cat, the
    15  term includes every person having a right of property in such
    16  cat, and every person who keeps or harbors such cat or has it in
    17  his care, and every person who permits such cat to remain on or
    18  about any premises occupied by him.
    19     "Permanent identification" or "permanently identified."  Any
    20  long-lasting identification designed to be nonremovable, such as
    21  a tattoo or microchip, determined by the Department of
    22  Agriculture through regulation. Any cat permanently identified
    23  shall be required to bear a license tag in accordance with the
    24  provisions of this act.
    25     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Agriculture of the
    26  Commonwealth or any person to whom authority has been delegated
    27  by the Secretary of Agriculture.
    28     "State cat warden."  An employee of the Department of
    29  Agriculture whose primary duty is to enforce this act and the
    30  regulations pursuant hereto.
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     1     "Vivisection."  The cutting of or operation on a living
     2  animal for physical or pathological investigation or animal
     3  experimentation.
     4                             CHAPTER 2
     5                     LICENSES, TAGS AND KENNELS
     6  Section 201.  Licensing of cats.
     7     (a)  Issuance of cat licenses.--
     8         (1)  The county treasurer shall be an agent and shall
     9     process application for cat license certificates and issue
    10     cat license certificates and tags.
    11         (2)  The county treasurer may authorize magisterial
    12     district judges to be agents and to process applications for
    13     cat license certificates and to issue cat license
    14     certificates and tags.
    15         (3)  The county treasurer may authorize other agents
    16     within the county to process cat license certificates and to
    17     issue cat license certificates and tags. At least half of the
    18     agents appointed in each county shall have hours of operation
    19     after 5 p.m. at least one weekday and shall be open at least
    20     one day of each weekend. Agents who have been appointed by
    21     their respective county treasurers under this paragraph shall
    22     meet bonding requirements as their respective county
    23     treasurers may require.
    24         (4)  The secretary shall have the authority, after a
    25     review of the agents appointed by a county treasurer, to
    26     appoint agents within each county to process cat license
    27     certificates and to issue cat license certificates and tags.
    28     Priority shall be given to licensed doctors of veterinary
    29     medicine and kennels licensed under this act. At least half
    30     of the agents appointed in each county shall have hours of
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     1     operation after 5 p.m. at least one weekday and shall be open
     2     at least one day of each weekend. Agents appointed by the
     3     secretary under this paragraph shall be required to post a
     4     bond or other security instrument in a form satisfactory to
     5     the secretary in an amount the secretary determines. The
     6     secretary may recall the appointment of any agent at any
     7     time.
     8         (5)  Agents who have been appointed by their respective
     9     county treasurers prior to the effective date of this section
    10     may continue to act as agents for the county treasurers under
    11     such bonding requirements as the county treasurer may
    12     require.
    13     (b)  Compensation.--For services rendered in collecting and
    14  paying over cat license fees, agents, for as long as they
    15  continue to act in that capacity, may collect and retain a sum
    16  of $1 for each cat license sold, which amount shall be full
    17  compensation for services rendered by them under this act. The
    18  compensation shall be retained by the respective agents and
    19  shall cover, among other things, the cost of processing and
    20  issuing cat licenses, postage, mailing, returns and bonding of
    21  the agents. A magisterial district judge authorized by the
    22  county treasurer to process applications for cat license
    23  certificates and issue cat license certificates and tags is not
    24  authorized to collect compensation under this subsection. Agents
    25  under subsection (a)(3) and (5) shall collect an additional 50¢
    26  which shall be remitted to the county treasurer, for the use of
    27  the county, in the same manner as records are forwarded under
    28  subsection (e).
    29     (c)  Proof required.--Each agent shall secure positive proof
    30  of the owner's identification and the cat's spay/neuter status,
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     1  as may be appropriate, for each cat license sold.
     2     (d)  Deposit of funds.--All cat license fees paid to an agent
     3  under this act, less compensation if collected, shall be paid by
     4  those agents into the State Treasury for deposit in the Cat Law
     5  Restricted Account at least once a month and shall be applied to
     6  the purposes provided in this act. An agent shall make a return
     7  to the department upon a form to be supplied by the department.
     8     (e)  Records.--Each agent shall keep on a printed form
     9  supplied by the department a correct and complete record of all
    10  cat licenses issued. The records shall be available at
    11  reasonable hours for inspection by any employee of the
    12  department charged with the enforcement of this act or any
    13  representative of the Department of the Auditor General or
    14  Office of Attorney General. Within five days following the first
    15  day of each month, each agent shall forward to the secretary and
    16  to the county treasurer of the county in which the agent is
    17  situated, on forms supplied by the department, a complete report
    18  of cat licenses issued, in correct numerical sequence. All money
    19  collected from the sale of cat licenses, less compensation if
    20  collected, and any other information required by the secretary
    21  shall be forwarded to the secretary with the report.
    22     (f)  License sales.--Each agent shall process applications
    23  and issue cat license certificates on a year-round basis.
    24  Nothing in this act shall permit an agent while acting in that
    25  capacity to suspend license sales during any time.
    26     (g)  Rules and regulations.--The department may promulgate
    27  such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to control and
    28  supervise the issuance of cat licenses by agents.
    29     (h)  Failure to comply.--An agent who fails to comply with
    30  this act or regulations adopted under this act relating to the
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     1  issuance, recording of data or remitting of costs for cat
     2  licenses issued shall not be entitled to retain the sum under
     3  subsection (b) for his services but shall pay the sum to the
     4  State Treasury for deposit into the Cat Law Restricted Account.
     5  Delinquent agents are subject to a penalty of 10% per month on
     6  any outstanding balance of cat license money due the department,
     7  which penalty shall be compounded on a monthly basis. Any money
     8  not paid may be recovered by the Commonwealth by suit in the
     9  same manner as like amounts are recoverable by law. Delinquent
    10  agents shall be recalled after a delinquency period of 60 days.
    11     (i)  Unlawful acts concerning agents.--It is unlawful for an
    12  agent or his representative to knowingly:
    13         (1)  Issue a cat license at a fee greater than the fee
    14     prescribed in this act.
    15         (2)  Issue a cat license without first securing the
    16     proofs required under subsection (c).
    17         (3)  Falsify the date of a license certificate.
    18         (4)  Violate any other provision of this section.
    19     (j)  Penalty.--Any agent who violates this section or the
    20  rules or regulations promulgated under this section commits a
    21  summary offense and, upon conviction, shall be sentenced to pay
    22  a fine of not less than $300 nor more than $500 and, in
    23  addition, may have his agency recalled at the discretion of the
    24  secretary. Each day of violation or each illegal act constitutes
    25  a separate offense.
    26  Section 202.  Kennels.
    27     (a)  Applications, kennel license classifications and fees.--
    28  Any person who keeps or operates a Class I, Class II, Class III,
    29  Class IV or Class V Kennel, Boarding Kennel Class I, Boarding
    30  Kennel Class II, Boarding Kennel Class III or nonprofit kennel
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     1  shall, on or before January 1 of each year, apply to the
     2  department for a kennel license. The application forms and
     3  kennel licenses shall be as designated by the secretary. A
     4  separate license shall be required for each type of kennel and
     5  every location at which a kennel is kept or operated. A kennel
     6  license is required to keep or operate any establishment that
     7  keeps, harbors, boards, shelters, sells, gives away or in any
     8  way transfers a cumulative total of 26 or more cats of any age
     9  in any one calendar year. All kennel licenses shall expire on
    10  December 31. When two or more licensed kennels are operated by
    11  the same person at the same location, each kennel shall be
    12  inspected and licensed for each use.
    13         (1)  Kennel Class I:  To keep or operate a private
    14     kennel, pet shop kennel, research kennel, dealer kennel or
    15     breeding kennel for a cumulative total of 50 cats or fewer of
    16     any age during a calendar year - $75 per year.
    17         (2)  Kennel Class II:  To keep or operate a private
    18     kennel, pet shop kennel, research kennel, dealer kennel or
    19     breeding kennel for a cumulative total of 51 to 100 cats of
    20     any age during a calendar year - $200 per year.
    21         (3)  Kennel Class III:  To keep or operate a private
    22     kennel, pet shop kennel, research kennel, dealer kennel or
    23     breeding kennel for a cumulative total of 101 to 150 cats of
    24     any age during a calendar year - $300 per year.
    25         (4)  Kennel Class IV:  To keep or operate a private
    26     kennel, pet shop kennel, research kennel, dealer kennel or
    27     breeding kennel for a cumulative total of 151 to 250 cats of
    28     any age during a calendar year - $400 per year.
    29         (5)  Kennel Class V:  To keep or operate a private
    30     kennel, pet shop kennel, research kennel, dealer kennel or
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     1     breeding kennel for a cumulative total of 251 or more cats of
     2     any age during a calendar year - $500 per year.
     3         (6)  Boarding Kennel Class I:  To keep or operate a
     4     boarding kennel having the capacity to accommodate a total of
     5     one to ten cats at any time during a calendar year - $100 per
     6     year.
     7         (7)  Boarding Kennel Class II:  To keep or operate a
     8     boarding kennel having the capacity to accommodate a total of
     9     11 to 25 cats at any time during a calendar year - $150 per
    10     year.
    11         (8)  Boarding Kennel Class III:  To keep or operate a
    12     boarding kennel having the capacity to accommodate 26 or more
    13     cats at any time during a calendar year - $250 per year.
    14         (9)  Nonprofit Kennel:  To keep or operate a nonprofit
    15     kennel - $25 per year.
    16     (b)  Nonprofit kennels.--A nonprofit kennel shall apply for a
    17  nonprofit kennel license. Such kennel may use its own
    18  identification tags for cats confined therein. The secretary may
    19  approve, upon application, the removal of tags from licensed
    20  cats confined therein.
    21     (c)  Issuance of tags.--The department shall issue the number
    22  of tags equal to the number of cats three months of age or
    23  older, or a lesser number as determined by the kennel owner's
    24  needs, approved by the secretary to be kept in a kennel
    25  described under this section. All tags shall bear the name of
    26  the county where they are issued, the kennel license number and
    27  any other information required by the secretary through
    28  regulations.
    29     (d)  Kennel removed to another county.--If a person that
    30  keeps or operates a kennel permanently removes the kennel to
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     1  another county, the person shall file an application with the
     2  secretary to transfer the license to the county of removal. Upon
     3  approval by the secretary, the kennel license shall remain in
     4  effect until it has expired pursuant to this section.
     5     (e)  Adequacy of fees.--On or before July 1, 2007, the
     6  department shall submit a report to the chairperson and minority
     7  chairperson of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee of
     8  the Senate and the chairperson and minority chairperson of the
     9  Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee of the House of
    10  Representatives comparing the expenses incurred by the
    11  department for enforcing this act with regard to kennels and the
    12  revenues received by the department in accordance with this
    13  section.
    14  Section 203.  Revocation, suspension or refusal of kennel
    15                 licenses.
    16     (a)  General powers of secretary.--The secretary may revoke
    17  or suspend a kennel license or out-of-State dealer license or
    18  refuse to issue a kennel license or out-of-State dealer license
    19  for any one or more of the following reasons:
    20         (1)  The person holding or applying for a license has
    21     made a material misstatement or misrepresentation in the
    22     license application.
    23         (2)  The person holding or applying for a license has
    24     made a material misstatement or misrepresentation to the
    25     department or its personnel regarding a matter relevant to
    26     the license.
    27         (3)  The person holding or applying for a license has
    28     been convicted of any violation of this act.
    29         (4)  The person holding or applying for a license has
    30     failed to comply with any regulation promulgated under this
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     1     act.
     2         (5)  The person holding or applying for a license has
     3     been convicted of any law relating to cruelty to animals.
     4     (b)  Notice of action.--
     5         (1)  The secretary shall provide written notice of a
     6     kennel license or an out-of-State dealer license revocation,
     7     suspension or refusal to the person whose license is revoked,
     8     suspended or refused. The notice shall set forth the general
     9     factual and legal basis for the action and shall advise the
    10     affected person that, within ten days of receipt of the
    11     notice, the person may file with the secretary a written
    12     request for an administrative hearing. The hearing shall be
    13     conducted in accordance with 2 Pa.C.S. (relating to
    14     administrative law and procedure).
    15         (2)  Written notice of revocation, suspension or refusal
    16     shall be served by personal service or by registered or
    17     certified mail, return receipt requested, to the person or to
    18     a responsible employee of such person whose license is
    19     revoked, suspended or refused. Revocation or suspension shall
    20     commence upon service of the written notice.
    21     (c)  Seizure and constructive seizure.--
    22         (1)  Whenever the secretary revokes, suspends or refuses
    23     a kennel license or an out-of-State dealer license, the
    24     department may seize and impound any cat in the possession,
    25     custody or care of the person whose license is revoked,
    26     suspended or refused if there are reasonable grounds to
    27     believe that the cat's health, safety or welfare is
    28     endangered. Reasonable costs of transportation, care and
    29     feeding of a seized and impounded cat shall be paid by the
    30     person from whom the cat was seized and impounded.
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     1         (2)  (i)  If the person whose kennel license or out-of-
     2         State dealer license is revoked, suspended or refused and
     3         whose cat has been seized and impounded provides the
     4         secretary with satisfactory evidence or assurances that
     5         the cat will receive adequate care and has paid all costs
     6         of transportation, care and feeding related to the
     7         seizure and impoundment of the cat, the person may
     8         retrieve the seized and impounded cat.
     9             (ii)  If the owner of a seized and impounded cat is
    10         someone other than the person from whom the cat was
    11         seized and impounded, the cat owner may retrieve the cat
    12         from impoundment upon payment of all transportation, care
    13         and feeding costs applicable to the cat. The person from
    14         whom the cat was seized and impounded shall be
    15         responsible to reimburse the cat owner for the
    16         transportation, care and feeding costs.
    17         (3)  The secretary shall allow a cat to remain in the
    18     physical possession, custody or care of the person whose
    19     kennel license or out-of-State dealer license is revoked,
    20     suspended or refused upon any one or more of the following
    21     findings:
    22             (i)  The secretary has no reasonable grounds to
    23         believe that the health, safety or welfare of the cat is
    24         endangered.
    25             (ii)  The person whose license is revoked, suspended
    26         or refused has provided satisfactory evidence or
    27         assurances that the cat will receive adequate care.
    28         (4)  Ownership of a cat which has been seized and
    29     impounded or which is under constructive seizure may be
    30     forfeited upon the written request of its owner.
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     1         (5)  The secretary may direct that ownership of a
     2     particular cat which is seized and impounded pursuant to
     3     paragraph (1) is to be forfeited. The department shall serve
     4     the owner of the affected cat with written notice of
     5     forfeiture. The notice shall indicate that ownership of the
     6     cat in question may be forfeited to some entity other than
     7     the department. Notice of forfeiture shall be served by
     8     personal service or by registered or certified mail, return
     9     receipt requested, to the owner of the affected cat or a
    10     responsible person at the kennel from which the cat was
    11     seized and impounded. The notice shall specify an effective
    12     date of forfeiture which shall not be less than ten days from
    13     service of the notice. The notice shall further inform the
    14     cat owner of the owner's right to request an administrative
    15     hearing on the issue of forfeiture by delivering a written
    16     request to the department prior to the date of forfeiture. A
    17     written hearing request shall act as a supersedeas of the
    18     forfeiture action. At the administrative hearing, the
    19     department shall have the burden of proving that the affected
    20     cat owner did not adequately care for the subject cat, that
    21     no satisfactory evidence or assurances have been given to the
    22     department that the subject cat will be adequately cared for
    23     if it is returned to the owner or that the owner has
    24     abandoned the subject cat. Abandonment shall be presumed if
    25     an owner fails to make timely payment of reasonable costs of
    26     transportation, care and feeding of the seized and impounded
    27     cat after two written requests to do so have been served by
    28     personal service or registered or certified mail, return
    29     receipt requested, upon a responsible person at the kennel in
    30     question or to the cat owner.
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     1     (d)  Reimbursement of transportation, care and feeding
     2  costs.--A person described in subsection (c)(1) and (2) who has
     3  paid transportation, care and feeding costs with respect to a
     4  cat seized under this section may make application to the
     5  department for reimbursement of the costs if all persons cited
     6  or charged with violations of this act as a result of the
     7  conditions at the kennel at issue are acquitted of all charges
     8  or violations.
     9     (e)  Department as guarantor of payment of certain costs.--A
    10  kennel at which a cat is impounded by the department under the
    11  authority of this section shall be compensated from the Cat Law
    12  Restricted Account in the amount of $5 per cat for each day or
    13  portion thereof that the cat is held at the kennel if:
    14         (1)  the kennel has attempted, without success, to obtain
    15     payment for transportation, care and feeding costs from the
    16     owner of the cat and the owner of the kennel from which the
    17     cat was seized and impounded; and
    18         (2)  the kennel makes written application to the
    19     department setting forth the amount sought, details of a good
    20     faith attempt at obtaining payment of the costs from the cat
    21     owner and the kennel owner and the dates and numbers of cats
    22     justifying the amount sought.
    23     (f)  Prohibition.--No cat seized under this section shall be
    24  sold or given freely for the purpose of vivisection or research
    25  or be conveyed in any manner for these purposes or be conveyed
    26  to a dealer.
    27                             CHAPTER 3
    29  Section 301.  Quarantines.
    30     A quarantine may be established by any State cat warden,
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     1  licensed doctor of veterinary medicine having the approval of a
     2  State cat warden or any licensed doctor of veterinary medicine
     3  employed by the State, the department or a county health
     4  department. Any State cat warden, licensed doctor of veterinary
     5  medicine having the approval of a State cat warden or any
     6  licensed doctor of veterinary medicine employed by the State,
     7  the department or a county health department may enforce a
     8  quarantine whenever it is deemed necessary or advisable by the
     9  department to examine, test, treat, control or destroy any cat
    10  or examine, disinfect or regulate the use of any premises,
    11  materials or products for the purpose of preventing or
    12  controlling the spread of any disease. Until a quarantine is
    13  officially revoked by the secretary or his employee, it shall be
    14  unlawful for any owner or person, without a special permit in
    15  writing from the department, to sell, exchange, lease, lend,
    16  give away, allow to stray, remove or allow to be removed any cat
    17  or cats or any products, goods, materials, containers, vehicles
    18  or other articles or property named or described in the notice
    19  of quarantine. When a general rabies quarantine is established,
    20  at least ten notices thereof shall be posted throughout the
    21  affected area by the quarantine, and notice thereof shall also
    22  be published in at least one issue of a newspaper of general
    23  circulation throughout such city, borough, town or township. Any
    24  cat suspected of being rabid shall be detained in isolation by
    25  the owner, if known and if such facilities are approved by the
    26  department or by an employee of the department. If such
    27  detention has incurred costs not collectible by the employee of
    28  the department, then the employee of the department shall
    29  approve and reimburse the actual cost of such detention to the
    30  person providing facilities for such detention. Any police
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     1  officer or State cat warden may humanely kill any cat running at
     2  large in a rabies quarantined area without any liability for
     3  damages for such killing.
     4  Section 302.  Seizure, detention and destruction of cats.
     5     (a)  General rule.--It shall be the duty of every police
     6  officer, State cat warden, employee of the department or animal
     7  control officer to seize and detain any cat which is found
     8  running at large, either upon the public streets or highways of
     9  this Commonwealth, or upon the property of a person other than
    10  the owner of such cat, and unaccompanied by the owner or keeper.
    11  Every police officer, State cat warden, employee of the
    12  department or animal control officer may humanely kill any cat
    13  which is found running at large and is deemed after due
    14  consideration by the police officer, State cat warden, employee
    15  of the department or animal control officer to constitute a
    16  threat to the public health and welfare.
    17     (b)  Licensed cats.--The State cat warden or employee of the
    18  department, the animal control officer or the chief of police or
    19  his agents of any city, borough, town or township, the constable
    20  of any borough and the constable of any incorporated town or
    21  township shall cause any cat bearing a proper license tag or
    22  permanent identification and so seized and detained to be
    23  properly kept and fed at any licensed kennel approved by the
    24  secretary for such purposes and shall cause immediate notice, by
    25  registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the
    26  person in whose name the license was procured, or his agent, to
    27  claim such cat within five days after receipt thereof. The owner
    28  or claimant of a cat so detained shall pay a penalty of $15 to
    29  the political subdivision whose police officers made such
    30  seizures and detention and all reasonable expenses incurred by
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     1  reason of the detention to the detaining parties before the cat
     2  is returned. If five days after obtaining the postal return
     3  receipt such cat has not been claimed, the chief of police, his
     4  agent, a constable or State cat warden or employee of the
     5  department shall dispense such cat by sale or by giving it to a
     6  humane society or association for the prevention of cruelty to
     7  animals. No cat so caught and detained shall be sold for the
     8  purposes of vivisection or research or be conveyed in any manner
     9  for these purposes. All moneys derived from the sale of such
    10  cat, after deducting the expenses of its detention, shall be
    11  paid through the Department of Agriculture to the State
    12  Treasurer for credit to the Cat Law Restricted Account.
    13     (c)  Unlicensed cats.--A police officer, State cat warden,
    14  employee of the department or animal control officer shall cause
    15  any unlicensed cat to be seized, detained, kept and fed for a
    16  period of seven days at any licensed kennel approved by the
    17  secretary for such purposes, except any cat seriously ill or
    18  injured or forfeited with the owner's permission. Any person may
    19  view such detained cats during normal business hours. Any
    20  unlicensed cat remaining unclaimed after seven days may be
    21  humanely killed or given to a humane society or association for
    22  the prevention of cruelty to animals. No cat so caught and
    23  detained shall be sold for the purpose of vivisection or
    24  research or be conveyed in any manner for these purposes.
    25                             CHAPTER 4
    27  Section 401.  Cat Law Restricted Account.
    28     (a)  Cat Law Restricted Account established.--All moneys paid
    29  into the State Treasury under the provisions of this act shall
    30  be paid into a restricted account hereby established and to be
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     1  known as the Cat Law Restricted Account. Any interest accrued on
     2  the account shall be credited to the account for the purposes of
     3  meeting the requirements of this act.
     4     (b)  Appropriation.--As much as may be necessary of such
     5  moneys and interest in the Cat Law Restricted Account are hereby
     6  appropriated to pay:
     7         (1)  All salaries of the employees of the department in
     8     administering their duties under this act.
     9         (2)  All expenses of the secretary and the department in
    10     administering their duties under this act.
    11         (3)  All payments to counties pursuant to section 402.
    12         (4)  All payments from surplus moneys declared to be
    13     available by the secretary pursuant to section 402(b).
    14         (5)  All payments for promotion and educational
    15     activities.
    16         (6)  All training required under section 501.
    17     (c)  Subsidized services.--No funds credited to the
    18  restricted account under this section shall be used for
    19  government-subsidized veterinary services.
    20  Section 402.  County cat law programs.
    21     (a)  Cat control facilities.--Any county except counties of
    22  the first class, two or more counties which form a joint cat
    23  control agency or any humane society or association for the
    24  prevention of cruelty to animals may submit requests for funding
    25  to establish and maintain cat control facilities or other
    26  functions of cat control within the county to complement the
    27  Commonwealth cat law enforcement program. Any county or humane
    28  society or association for the prevention of cruelty to animals
    29  which receives funding under this section shall appoint one or
    30  more animal control officers who shall be subject to the
    20060H2559B3802                 - 18 -     

     1  training requirements under section 501(c) and (d). If a joint
     2  cat control agency is created, one of the counties shall act as
     3  a lead agency for the purposes of meeting the requirements of a
     4  program, including, but not limited to, recordkeeping,
     5  supervision of employees and other administrative duties as
     6  required by this act.
     7     (b)  County cat law enforcement.--
     8         (1)  A county may request the secretary to be authorized
     9     to perform any or all of the duties and functions of cat law
    10     enforcement under Chapters 1 and 2, except sections 202 and
    11     203, as pertains to kennel inspections, Chapter 3, except
    12     section 301, and Chapters 4 and 5.
    13         (2)  The secretary may also authorize a municipality
    14     within a county, except counties of the first class, which
    15     has been designated by the county to act as its
    16     representative, to perform any or all of the duties and
    17     functions of cat law enforcement as outlined in this
    18     subsection, provided that the municipality agrees to accept
    19     all obligations imposed upon the county by the guidelines and
    20     conditions of the department and the applicable regulations.
    21         (3)  A county which the secretary authorized to perform
    22     duties and functions of cat law enforcement under this
    23     subsection shall appoint one or more officers to be known as
    24     county animal wardens who shall have the power to enforce the
    25     portions of this act enumerated in paragraph (1) in the
    26     county.
    27         (4)  County animal wardens shall be subject to the
    28     training requirements under section 501.
    29         (5)  No dealer nor any humane society police officer
    30     shall be appointed as a county animal warden in any county.
    20060H2559B3802                 - 19 -     

     1         (6)  Nothing in this act shall be construed as
     2     authorizing a county to delegate or assign any powers or
     3     duties conferred upon counties or municipalities under this
     4     subsection to any private corporation, association or
     5     organization or any other nongovernmental entity.
     6         (7)  The secretary and a county shall agree upon the
     7     amount of funds available to a county for the purpose of this
     8     subsection, except that no agreement shall authorize the
     9     county to receive an annual amount greater than the total
    10     annual contributions to the Cat Law Restricted Account for
    11     the previous year resulting from the issuance of individual
    12     cat licenses within the county.
    13         (8)  Any agreement between the secretary and a county
    14     under this subsection shall be set forth within a memorandum
    15     of understanding which shall be reviewed annually.
    16         (9)  The secretary may recall the county program
    17     authorization at any time, when such county shall
    18     subsequently revert to State jurisdiction.
    19     (c)  Surplus funds.--The secretary may declare that there is
    20  a surplus of money in the Cat Law Restricted Account. The
    21  secretary may authorize additional payments to the counties,
    22  except to counties of the first class, municipalities and to
    23  humane societies or associations for the prevention of cruelty
    24  to animals from any amount declared to be surplus. Payments
    25  shall be based on the secretary's evaluation pursuant to rules
    26  and regulations promulgated under this act.
    27                             CHAPTER 5
    28                     ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES
    29  Section 501.  Enforcement of this act by the secretary and
    30                 provisions for inspections.
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     1     (a)  General rule.--The secretary, through the State cat
     2  wardens, employees of the department and police officers shall
     3  be charged with the general enforcement of this act. The
     4  secretary may employ all proper means for the enforcement of
     5  this act and may enter into agreements pursuant to section 402,
     6  which shall be filed with the department, for the purpose of cat
     7  control. State cat wardens and employees of the department are
     8  hereby authorized to enter upon the premises of any persons for
     9  the purpose of investigation. A cat warden or employee of the
    10  department may enter into a home or other building only with the
    11  permission of the occupant or with a duly issued search warrant.
    12     (b)  Training for cat wardens.--The secretary shall establish
    13  training requirements for cat wardens and other employees of the
    14  department charged with the enforcement of this act which shall
    15  include cat handling and humane capture, preliminary recognition
    16  of cat pathology, knowledge of proper cat sanitation, kennel
    17  inspection procedures and shelter and cat law enforcement.
    18     (c)  Training requirements.--The department shall establish a
    19  program for initial training of cat wardens and employees of the
    20  department which must include, at a minimum, a total of 56 hours
    21  of instruction, in accordance with paragraphs (1), (2) and (3).
    22         (1)  The program for initial training of cat wardens must
    23     include at least 32 hours of instruction in the following
    24     group of instructional areas:
    25             (i)  Cat laws and applicable rules and regulations.
    26             (ii)  Care and treatment of cats.
    27             (iii)  Pennsylvania criminal law and criminal
    28         procedure.
    29         (2)  At least 24 hours of instruction in the initial
    30     training program must be provided in the following group of
    20060H2559B3802                 - 21 -     

     1     instructional areas:
     2             (i)  Cat handling and humane capture.
     3             (ii)  Preliminary recognition of cat pathology.
     4             (iii)  Proper cat sanitation and shelter.
     5             (iv)  Kennel inspection procedures.
     6         (3)  The initial training program must also require an
     7     individual, as a prerequisite to successful completion of the
     8     training program, to take and pass a final examination that
     9     sufficiently measures the individual's knowledge and
    10     understanding of the instructional material.
    11     (d)  Limitation on the possession of firearms.--No cat warden
    12  or employee of the department shall carry, possess or use a
    13  firearm in the performance of duties unless the person has the
    14  approval of the secretary and holds a current and valid
    15  certification in the use and handling of firearms pursuant to at
    16  least one of the following:
    17         (1)  The act of October 10, 1974 (P.L.705, No.235), known
    18     as the Lethal Weapons Training Act.
    19         (2)  The act of February 9, 1984 (P.L.3, No.2), known as
    20     the Deputy Sheriffs' Education and Training Act.
    21         (3)  53 Pa.C.S. Ch. 21 Subch. D (relating to municipal
    22     police education and training).
    23         (4)  Any other firearms program which has been determined
    24     by the Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police to be of
    25     sufficient scope and duration to provide the participant with
    26     basic training in the use and handling of firearms. The
    27     department may provide for such firearms training for cat
    28     wardens.
    29     (e)  Application of section to prior cat wardens.--
    30         (1)  Any cat warden or employee of the department who,
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     1     prior to the effective date of this act, has successfully
     2     completed a training program similar to that required under
     3     subsection (b) shall, after review by the secretary, be
     4     certified as having met the training requirements of this
     5     act. Any cat warden or employee of the department who, prior
     6     to the effective date of this act, has not successfully
     7     completed a training program similar to that required under
     8     subsection (b) may continue to perform the duties of a cat
     9     warden until the person has successfully completed the
    10     required training program, but not longer than two years from
    11     the effective date of this act.
    12         (2)  Any cat warden or employee of the department who,
    13     prior to the effective date of this act, has not received
    14     approval of the secretary and been certified in the use and
    15     handling of firearms pursuant to one or more of the acts set
    16     forth in subsection (d)(1), (2) and (3) shall not carry or
    17     possess a firearm in the performance of the duties of a cat
    18     warden on or after the effective date of this act until the
    19     person has, under subsection (d), received approval of the
    20     secretary and been certified in the use and handling of
    21     firearms.
    22     (f)  Refusal, suspension or revocation authorized.--The
    23  department may refuse to employ a person to act as a cat warden
    24  or may suspend or revoke the employment of a person who is
    25  acting as cat warden if the department determines that the
    26  person has:
    27         (1)  Failed to satisfy the training requirements of
    28     subsection (c).
    29         (2)  Had a criminal history record which would disqualify
    30     the applicant from becoming a law enforcement officer.
    20060H2559B3802                 - 23 -     

     1         (3)  Been convicted of violating 18 Pa.C.S. § 5301
     2     (relating to official oppression).
     3     (g)  Additional grounds.--The department may refuse to employ
     4  a person to act as a cat warden or other employee charged with
     5  the enforcement of this act or may suspend or revoke the
     6  employment of a person who is acting as a cat warden or is
     7  charged with the enforcement of this act if the department
     8  determines that the person has:
     9         (1)  Made a false or misleading statement in the
    10     application for employment.
    11         (2)  Carried or possessed a firearm in the performance of
    12     his or her duties without certification pursuant to
    13     subsection (d).
    14         (3)  Engaged in conduct which constitutes a prima facie
    15     violation of 18 Pa.C.S. § 5301.
    16         (4)  Knowingly failed to enforce any of the provisions of
    17     this act.
    18         (5)  Violated any of the provisions of this act.
    19     (h)  Training available to others.--The department may
    20  provide training under subsections (c) and (d) to any person not
    21  employed by the department and may charge a reasonable fee to
    22  cover the costs incurred for providing this service. Training
    23  for any person not employed by the department need not include
    24  instruction in kennel inspection procedures.
    25     (i)  Advisory board.--The secretary shall appoint a Cat Law
    26  Advisory Board for advice in the administration of this act. The
    27  board shall consist of the following:
    28         (1)  The secretary or his designee, who shall act as
    29     chairman.
    30         (2)  A representative of animal research establishments.
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     1         (3)  A representative of a Statewide veterinary medical
     2     association.
     3         (4)  Two representatives of animal welfare organizations.
     4         (5)  Three representatives of farm organizations, with
     5     one from each Statewide general farm organization.
     6         (6)  A representative of cat clubs.
     7         (7)  A representative of commercial kennels.
     8         (8)  A representative of pet store kennels.
     9         (9)  A representative of sportsmen.
    10         (10)  A representative of a purebred feline registering
    11     association.
    12         (11)  A representative of the police.
    13         (12)  A county treasurer.
    14     (j)  Terms.--The length of the initial term of each
    15  appointment to the board shall be set by the secretary and shall
    16  be staggered so that the terms of approximately one-third of the
    17  appointments expire each year.
    18     (k)  Absences.--Three consecutive unexcused absences from
    19  regular board meetings or failure to attend at least 50% of the
    20  regularly scheduled board meetings in any calendar year shall be
    21  considered cause for termination of appointment unless the
    22  secretary, upon written request of the member, finds that the
    23  member should be excused from attending a meeting because of
    24  illness or death of a family member or for a similar emergency.
    25     (l)  Vacancies.--Vacancies in the membership of the board
    26  shall be filled for the balance of an unexpired term in the same
    27  manner as the original appointment.
    28     (m)  Recommendations.--The board may make nonbinding
    29  recommendations to the secretary on all matters related to the
    30  provisions of this act.
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     1                             CHAPTER 6
     2                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
     3  Section 601.  Effective date.
     4     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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