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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3721



No. 2563 Session of 2004



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," providing for the election of State
     6     Board of Education members; and making related repeals.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Sections 2601-B and 2602-B of the act of March
    10  10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of
    11  1949, added March 30, 1988 (P.L.321, No.43), are amended to
    12  read:
    13     Section 2601-B.  Definitions.--When used in this article the
    14  following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:
    15     (1)  "Board" shall mean the State Board of Education.
    16     (2)  "State Board of Education" shall mean the entity known
    17  as the State Board of Education [and placed within, and made a
    18  departmental], an independent administrative board. [of, the
    19  Department of Education by section 202 of the act of April 9,

     1  1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as "The Administrative Code of
     2  1929."]
     3     Section 2602-B.  Membership.--(a)  The board shall consist of
     4  twenty-one (21) members[, ten (10) of whom] who shall be elected
     5  by the electors of the State at large. Ten (10) members shall
     6  also serve as members of the Council of Basic Education, and ten
     7  (10) [of whom] members shall also serve as members of the
     8  Council of Higher Education, as designated by the chairman of
     9  the board. The [member designated by the Governor as] chairman
    10  of the board shall also [service] serve as a member of the
    11  Council of Basic Education and of the Council of Higher
    12  Education. [Except the legislative members, each member shall be
    13  appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of
    14  a majority of all the members of the Senate, and shall, except
    15  as hereinafter provided, hold office for terms of six (6) years
    16  each or until his successor has been appointed and has
    17  qualified. An appointment to fill a vacancy shall be for the
    18  unexpired term or until his successor has been appointed and has
    19  qualified. The chairmen and minority chairmen of the House of
    20  Representatives and Senate Education Committees, or their
    21  respective designees from such committees, shall serve as ex
    22  officio members of the board with full voting privileges and
    23  shall serve as members for as long as they hold their respective
    24  positions. The Chairman of the Professional Standards and
    25  Practices Commission, or a commission member designated by the
    26  chairman, created by the act of December 12, 1973 (P.L.397,
    27  No.141), referred to as the Teacher Certification Law, shall be
    28  an ex officio member of the board without voting privileges or
    29  assignment to either council.] Members shall be elected in even-
    30  numbered years. The term of office shall begin on the second
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     1  Monday of January following election and shall continue for four
     2  (4) years. However, for the first election of board members, the
     3  eleven (11) candidates receiving the highest percentage of the
     4  votes cast for the office of board member shall serve for terms
     5  of four (4) years, and the remaining ten (10) successful
     6  candidates receiving the next highest percentage of votes shall
     7  serve for terms of two (2) years. Thereafter, all terms shall be
     8  for four (4) years. Members may be elected to successive terms.
     9  In the event of a vacancy, the Governor shall appoint a person
    10  to serve for the remainder of the term in cases where less than
    11  two (2) years of service remain in the term of the office that
    12  became vacant. In cases where more than two (2) years of service
    13  remain in a vacated office, the Governor shall appoint a person
    14  to fill the vacancy until the next general election to be held
    15  that is more than ninety (90) days after the vacancy occurs, at
    16  which time a member shall be elected to fill the vacancy for the
    17  remainder of the term. A member so elected shall assume his
    18  office thirty (30) days after being elected, at which time the
    19  term of service of the member appointed by the Governor to fill
    20  the vacancy shall end. Members shall receive no salary but shall
    21  be entitled to travel expenses and other necessary expenses
    22  incurred in the performance of their duties as members of the
    23  board.
    24     (b)  Eleven (11) members shall constitute a quorum provided
    25  that at least five (5) members serving on each of the councils
    26  are present. The affirmative vote of a majority of all the
    27  members of the board duly recorded showing how each member voted
    28  shall be required in order to take action adopting statements of
    29  policy, standards, rules and regulations. The board shall meet
    30  at least six (6) times a year at such times and places as it
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     1  shall determine. Special meetings may be called by the chairman
     2  or at the request of a majority of the members of the board.
     3     [(c)  An appointed member who fails to attend three (3)
     4  consecutive board meetings shall forfeit his or her membership
     5  on the board, unless the board chairman, upon written request
     6  from the member, determines that the member should be excused
     7  from a meeting or meetings for reasons of illness or the death
     8  of an immediate family member.]
     9     (d)  (1)  The [Governor shall designate, to serve at his
    10  pleasure, a member as] members of the board shall annually elect
    11  a member to serve as chairman of the board.
    12     (2)  The chairman of the board, or a member of the board
    13  designated by the chairman, shall be an ex officio member of the
    14  Professional Standards and Practices Commission, without voting
    15  privileges.
    16     (e)  For the purpose of formulating policy proposals
    17  applicable to elementary, secondary, vocational-technical
    18  education and higher education in this Commonwealth, there shall
    19  be two councils, which shall consist of ten (10) members of the
    20  board each, the chairman being a member of both councils, and
    21  shall be known as the Council of Basic Education and the Council
    22  of Higher Education. The [Governor] board members shall
    23  designate to serve at [his] the pleasure of the board a member
    24  serving on each council to act as chairman of the council. Each
    25  council shall meet at the call of its chairman or at the request
    26  of a majority of the members of the council. The chairman of the
    27  board may appoint special joint committees from among the
    28  members of the board to formulate policy proposals in those
    29  areas which fall within the purview of both of the councils.
    30     [(f)  Except for the chairman, not more than two (2) members
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     1  serving on each council shall be employed either in a school
     2  system or in the Department of Education. For purposes of this
     3  subsection, the State System of Higher Education shall not be
     4  considered a school system. Three (3) members of the Council of
     5  Higher Education shall be actively employed by an institution of
     6  higher education, at least one holding an administrative
     7  position and at least one holding a professional position on a
     8  faculty of an institution of higher education. At least two (2)
     9  members serving on each council shall have had previous
    10  experience with vocational-technical education or training.
    11     (g)  The Secretary of Education, or his designated
    12  representative, shall be the chief executive officer of the
    13  board, shall be entitled to attend all meetings of the board and
    14  councils, and shall have the right to speak on all matters
    15  before the board and the councils but not to vote.]
    16     Section 2.  Section 2603-B of the act, amended December 23,
    17  2003 (P.L.304, No.48), is amended to read:
    18     Section 2603-B.  Powers and Duties of the Board.--* * *
    19     (b)  The board [and the Secretary of Education] shall jointly
    20  employ and fix the compensation of such staff as it deems
    21  necessary to perform the duties of the board. The board shall
    22  [be entitled to legal counsel which shall be designated by the
    23  Office of General Counsel, which legal counsel shall not also be
    24  legal counsel to the Department of Education.] appoint an
    25  attorney to serve as independent legal counsel. The board shall
    26  define the duties and establish the compensation of the legal
    27  counsel.
    28     (c)  The board shall develop an annual operating budget,
    29  including projected operating expenses of the Professional
    30  Standards and Practices Commission. It shall include salaries
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     1  for staff, office materials and equipment, and all expenses for
     2  the operation of the board and commission. [This budget shall be
     3  presented to the Secretary of Education. Upon adoption of the
     4  general appropriations act, the department shall notify the
     5  board of the amount of its allocation.]
     6     (d)  The board shall also have the authority and duty to:
     7     (1)  approve or disapprove an application for the creation of
     8  a new school district, or change in the boundaries of an
     9  existing school district;
    10     (2)  establish, whenever deemed advisable, committees of
    11  professional and technical advisors to assist the councils in
    12  performing research studies undertaken by them;
    13     (3)  manage and have custody of the State School Fund;
    14     (4)  (i)  apply for, receive and administer, subject to any
    15  applicable regulations or laws of the Federal Government or any
    16  agency thereof, any Federal grants, appropriations, allocations
    17  and programs for the development of academic facilities on
    18  behalf of the Commonwealth, any of its school districts or any
    19  institution of higher education, public or private, within this
    20  Commonwealth;
    21     (ii)  [subject to criteria developed by the Secretary of
    22  Education and] subject to any applicable regulations or laws of
    23  the Federal Government or any agency thereof, to develop, alter,
    24  amend and submit to the Federal Government State plans for
    25  participation in Federal grants, appropriations, allocations and
    26  programs for the development of academic facilities and to make
    27  regulations, criteria, methods, forms, procedures and to do all
    28  other things which may be necessary to make possible the
    29  participation of the Commonwealth in such Federal grants,
    30  appropriations, allocations and programs for the development of
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     1  academic facilities;
     2     (iii)  hold hearings, issue subpoenas and render decisions as
     3  to the priority assigned to any project, or as to any other
     4  matter or determination affecting any applicant for Federal
     5  grants, appropriations, allocations and programs for the
     6  development of academic facilities;
     7     (iv)  adopt rules or procedures and prescribe regulations for
     8  the submission to it of all matters within its jurisdiction; and
     9     (v)  submit, annually, to the Governor, on or before the
    10  first Monday of December, a report of its proceedings during
    11  that year, together with such recommendations as the board shall
    12  deem necessary;
    13     (5)  adopt policies under which the Secretary of Education
    14  shall approve or disapprove any action of a State-owned
    15  university, community college or State-related or State-aided
    16  college or university in establishing additional branches or
    17  campuses, or in discontinuing branches or campuses;
    18     (6)  adopt policies under which the Secretary of Education
    19  shall approve or disapprove any action of a State-owned
    20  university, community college or State-related or State-aided
    21  college or university in establishing new professional schools
    22  or upper division programs by two (2) year institutions;
    23     (7)  adopt policies under which the Secretary of Education
    24  shall approve or disapprove applications by two (2) year
    25  institutions to become four (4) year institutions;
    26     (8)  adopt policies under which the Secretary of Education
    27  shall approve or disapprove the request of any private
    28  institution of higher education for admission to State-related
    29  or State-aided status, or for eligibility for other State
    30  financial support; and
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     1     (9)  require the submission of long-range plans from all
     2  public and private institutions of higher education at the times
     3  and in the form requested by the board. Such documents shall be
     4  reviewed by the Council of Higher Education and the board in the
     5  development of a master plan for higher education as provided in
     6  subsection (h) and section 2604-B(c)(1).
     7     (10)  (i)  Approve or disapprove standards proposed by the
     8  department in order to comply with the provisions of the No
     9  Child Left Behind Act of 2001 to maintain the eligibility of
    10  this Commonwealth to receive Federal funding for education
    11  programs. The board shall approve or disapprove the standards
    12  within 30 days of submission to the board's office or at its
    13  next scheduled meeting, whichever is sooner. Failure of the
    14  board to approve or disapprove the standards within the time
    15  established under this section shall be deemed an approval of
    16  the standards.
    17     (ii)  Standards promulgated under this section shall be
    18  deposited with the Pennsylvania Bulletin for publication.
    19     (iii)  These standards shall be exempt from:
    20     (A)  Sections 201 through 205 of the act of July 31, 1968
    21  (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as the Commonwealth Documents
    22  Law.
    23     (C)  The act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the
    24  "Regulatory Review Act."
    25     (D)  This subclause shall expire June 30, 2004.
    26     (iv)  (A)  Prior to its deposit with the Legislative
    27  Reference Bureau as required by section 204(b) of the act of
    28  October 15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as the "Commonwealth
    29  Attorneys Act," the board shall submit any standard under this
    30  paragraph to the Attorney General. The Attorney General shall
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     1  determine whether action on the standard is required to comply
     2  with the provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 to
     3  maintain the eligibility of this Commonwealth to receive Federal
     4  funding for education programs and shall transmit such
     5  determination to the board.
     6     (B)  Where the Attorney General determines that action on the
     7  standard is not required to comply with the provisions of the No
     8  Child Left Behind Act of 2001 to maintain the eligibility of the
     9  Commonwealth to receive Federal funding for education programs,
    10  the board may not take action on the standard under this
    11  paragraph.
    12     (C)  Where the Attorney General fails to make a determination
    13  within ten (10) days of the board's submission of the standard
    14  under this subclause, action on the standard shall be deemed to
    15  be required to comply with the provisions of the No Child Left
    16  Behind Act of 2001 to maintain the eligibility of the
    17  Commonwealth to receive Federal funding for education programs.
    18     (D)  This subclause shall expire June 30, 2004.
    19     * * *
    20     Section 3.  Terms of State Board of Education members
    21  appointed before the date when members elected under this act
    22  assume office shall terminate at noon of the second Monday of
    23  January following the first general election in which members
    24  are elected.
    25     Section 4.  The following acts and parts of acts are
    26  repealed:
    27         (1)  As much as relates to the State Board of Education
    28     in section 207.1(d)(2) of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177,
    29     No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929.
    30         (2)  Section 3(g) of the act of May 29, 1931 (P.L.210,
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     1     No.126), entitled, as amended, "An act to regulate the
     2     certification and the registration of persons qualified to
     3     teach in accredited elementary and secondary schools in this
     4     State; imposing certain duties upon the Department of Public
     5     Instruction and the State Board of Education; defining
     6     violations; providing penalties, and for appeal to the court
     7     of common pleas of Dauphin County."
     8         (3)  The last sentence of section 6(a) of the act of
     9     December 12, 1973 (P.L.397, No.141), referred to as the
    10     Teacher Certification Law.
    11     Section 5.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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