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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3838



No. 2572 Session of 2006

           E. Z. TAYLOR AND WILT, APRIL 4, 2006


                                     AN ACT

     1  Prohibiting government competition with private enterprise.

     2     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     3  hereby enacts as follows:
     4  Section 1.  Short title.
     5     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Free
     6  Enterprise and Taxpayer Protection Act.
     7  Section 2.  Declaration of policy.
     8     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     9         (1)  Private enterprise is necessary to the health,
    10     welfare and prosperity of this Commonwealth.
    11         (2)  Government competes with private enterprise when it
    12     provides goods and services to the public beyond its
    13     government function.
    14         (3)  This act is intended to protect economic
    15     opportunities for private enterprise against unfair
    16     competition by government agencies and to enhance the

     1     efficient provision of goods and services to the public.
     2  Section 3.  Definitions.
     3     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     4  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     5  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     6     "Agency."  A government agency as defined in this act.
     7     "Authority."  Any authority created by a government agency or
     8  agencies for a purpose other than the purpose of the agency or
     9  agencies.
    10     "Commercial activity."  Performing services or providing
    11  goods that can normally be obtained from private enterprise.
    12     "Government agency."  The State, any unit of State
    13  government, and any municipality, municipal or county authority
    14  or political subdivision. The term includes an entity which is
    15  not majority-owned as private property and established under the
    16  Constitution of Pennsylvania, statute, ordinance or any other
    17  order or action by the entity or its officers. The term includes
    18  State-owned and State-related universities, community colleges
    19  and public school districts.
    20     "Government competition."  The provision of goods or services
    21  to the public by government agencies that are essentially the
    22  same as those offered by private enterprise.
    23     "Government functions."  Those functions that are exclusively
    24  the prerogative of government, including, but not limited to,
    25  operation of the agency or department, fulfillment of the legal
    26  obligations of the agency, law enforcement and the judicial
    27  system.
    28     "Invited guests."  Persons who enter onto a campus for
    29  educational, research or public service activity and not
    30  primarily to purchase or receive goods and services which are
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     1  not related to the educational, research or public service
     2  activity for which the persons enter onto the campus.
     3     "Local agency."  A department, office, commission,
     4  institution, board or other agency or local organization,
     5  regardless of whether moneys are appropriated to the agency,
     6  including, but not limited to, cities, boroughs, towns,
     7  townships or any other municipal entity.
     8     "Necessary services."  Those services that are critical for
     9  human safety and health, including, but not limited to, fire
    10  departments, emergency services and medical services.
    11     "Private enterprise."  An individual, firm, partnership,
    12  joint venture, corporation, association or any other legal
    13  entity engaging in the manufacturing, processing, sale, offering
    14  for sale, rental, leasing, delivery, dispensing, distributing or
    15  advertising of goods or services for profit.
    16     "Private sector."  Two or more competing privately owned
    17  companies.
    18     "Public service."  An activity that is normally and generally
    19  associated with community colleges and universities in this
    20  Commonwealth, a purpose or significant result of which is not to
    21  engage in competition with private enterprise.
    22     "State agency."  A department, office, commission,
    23  institution, board or other agency or State organization,
    24  regardless of whether moneys are appropriated to the agency.
    25     "Telecommunications."  Radio, telegraph, telefax, telephoto,
    26  television, cable and satellite transmission, computer, Internet
    27  and other electronic services.
    28     "Utilities."  Provision of electric power and water supply.
    29     "Vital services."  Those services that are vital to the
    30  public, including, but not limited to, water and electric
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     1  supply, sewers, garbage and trash removal, recycling, streets
     2  and roads, public transportation and public transportation
     3  infrastructure, State and local correctional facilities, child
     4  care, elder care, telecommunication services which include
     5  radio, telegraph, telefax, telephoto, television cable and
     6  satellite transmission, computer, Internet and other electronic
     7  services.
     8  Section 4.  Government competition prohibited.
     9     Government, government agencies, State-owned and State-
    10  related universities, community colleges, school districts and
    11  public authorities are prohibited from competing against private
    12  enterprise, including by intergovernmental or interagency
    13  agreement, and are prohibited from funding, capitalizing,
    14  securing the indebtedness of, or leasing the obligations of, or
    15  subsidizing, any charitable or not-for-profit institution which
    16  would use such support to compete against private enterprise.
    17  Section 5.  Excepted functions and services.
    18     The following functions or services are excepted from the
    19  provisions of section 4:
    20         (1)  Government functions.
    21         (2)  Necessary services. Nothing in this act shall
    22     preclude a government agency or authority from utilizing
    23     private enterprise to provide necessary services.
    24         (3)  Vital services, to the extent such services are not
    25     available from private enterprise. In such cases, government
    26     shall make good faith efforts for private enterprise to
    27     furnish such services.
    28         (4)  The development, management and operation of State
    29     parks, historical monuments and hiking or equestrian trails.
    30         (5)  Provisions of goods and services to students and
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     1     invited guests by State-owned and State-related universities,
     2     community colleges and public school districts.
     3  Section 6.  Existing government competition.
     4     (a)  General rule.--In cases of government competition
     5  against private enterprise that exist on the effective date of
     6  this act, the government agency or authority may continue to
     7  engage in the competition but may not exceed the scope of the
     8  competition.
     9     (b)  Construction.--Nothing in this act shall be construed to
    10  preclude a government agency or authority from contracting with
    11  private enterprise to provide goods or services to the public.
    12  Section 7.  Financial statements.
    13     (a)  Maintenance.--
    14         (1)  In all cases of commercial activity by government
    15     agencies, annual financial statements of all income and
    16     expenses of the commercial activities shall be maintained
    17     separately and on the same basis as the financial statements
    18     of the government agencies.
    19         (2)  Income from monetary assets of government agencies
    20     shall not be shown as income of commercial activities but
    21     shall be shown as income of the government agencies.
    22     (b)  Income from government agencies.--The financial
    23  statements of commercial activities shall not include any income
    24  from government agencies. Grants shall not be included as income
    25  of the commercial activities, but shall be shown as income to
    26  the government agencies.
    27     (c)  Common expenses.--The financial statements of commercial
    28  activities shall include proportionate amounts of common
    29  expenses shared with government agencies, including, but not
    30  limited to, utility costs, supplies, repair and replacement
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     1  costs, insurance of all types, employee compensation, employee
     2  benefits, payroll taxes, debt service and depreciation of all
     3  types.
     4     (d)  Audit.--The financial statements of government agencies
     5  and commercial activities shall be audited and certified as
     6  correct by a certified public accountant and auditor within 120
     7  days after the end of the annual accounting period and when
     8  certified shall be released to the public.
     9  Section 8.  Remedies.
    10     (a)  Nature of action and jurisdiction.--The civil cause of
    11  action authorized under this section shall be brought in the
    12  Commonwealth Court, which shall have jurisdiction to issue
    13  preliminary and permanent injunctive relief.
    14     (b)  Preliminary orders.--
    15         (1)  An affected person or entity may file a complaint
    16     seeking preliminary injunctive relief by alleging that a
    17     government agency is participating or planning to participate
    18     in commercial activity resulting in new competition with
    19     existing private enterprise. Upon receipt of the complaint,
    20     the court shall order a preliminary hearing, which shall not
    21     be later than 30 days from the date of the order.
    22         (2)  The court shall issue appropriate preliminary
    23     injunctive relief if at the preliminary hearing the plaintiff
    24     makes a prima facie showing that:
    25             (i)  the government agency is or is planning to
    26         participate in commercial activity;
    27             (ii)  that commercial activity results or will result
    28         in competition with private enterprise;
    29             (iii)  the government has not made a good faith
    30         effort for private enterprise to furnish vital services;
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     1         and
     2             (iv)  the threat to private enterprise or public
     3         moneys is imminent.
     4         (3)  The plaintiff shall not be required to show no
     5     adequate remedy at law or irreparable harm nor any other
     6     common law element applicable to obtaining preliminary
     7     injunctive relief.
     8         (4)  If the court finds that the government agency is
     9     participating or planning to participate in commercial
    10     activity resulting in competition with private enterprise but
    11     that preliminary injunctive relief is not warranted the court
    12     shall deny the request for preliminary injunctive relief and
    13     proceed to trial.
    14     (c)  Permanent injunction.--Where, after a final hearing on
    15  the merits, the court finds that a governmental agency is
    16  participating or planning to participate in commercial activity
    17  resulting in competition with private enterprise in violation of
    18  this act, the court shall grant permanent injunctive relief and
    19  shall issue orders as necessary to abate the government
    20  competition with private enterprise.
    21     (d)  Monetary damages.--The court may award actual monetary
    22  damages to the plaintiff. The plaintiff must prove actual
    23  damages by clear and convincing evidence.
    24     (e)  Recovery of costs.--Whenever an action for injunctive
    25  relief and damages brought pursuant to this section terminates
    26  in a settlement or judgment favorable to the plaintiff, the
    27  plaintiff shall be entitled to recover the actual costs of the
    28  suit, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney fees
    29  and all expenses and disbursements made by the plaintiff in
    30  bringing the action.
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     1  Section 30.  Effective date.
     2     This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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