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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3713



No. 2574 Session of 2002

           APRIL 17, 2002


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), entitled, as
     2     reenacted, "An act relating to alcoholic liquors, alcohol and
     3     malt and brewed beverages; amending, revising, consolidating
     4     and changing the laws relating thereto; regulating and
     5     restricting the manufacture, purchase, sale, possession,
     6     consumption, importation, transportation, furnishing, holding
     7     in bond, holding in storage, traffic in and use of alcoholic
     8     liquors, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages and the
     9     persons engaged or employed therein; defining the powers and
    10     duties of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board; providing
    11     for the establishment and operation of State liquor stores,
    12     for the payment of certain license fees to the respective
    13     municipalities and townships, for the abatement of certain
    14     nuisances and, in certain cases, for search and seizure
    15     without warrant; prescribing penalties and forfeitures;
    16     providing for local option, and repealing existing laws,"
    17     providing for the entering into agreement by the board and
    18     license applicants regarding the pending application.

    19     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    20  hereby enacts as follows:
    21     Section 1.  Section 404 of the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90,
    22  No.21), known as the Liquor Code, reenacted and amended June 29,
    23  1987 (P.L.32, No.14) and amended December 20, 2000 (P.L.992,
    24  No.141), is amended to read:

     1     Section 404.  Issuance of Hotel, Restaurant and Club Liquor
     2  Licenses.--Upon receipt of the application and the proper fees,
     3  and upon being satisfied of the truth of the statements in the
     4  application that the applicant is the only person in any manner
     5  pecuniarily interested in the business so asked to be licensed
     6  and that no other person will be in any manner pecuniarily
     7  interested therein during the continuance of the license, except
     8  as hereinafter permitted, and that the applicant is a person of
     9  good repute, that the premises applied for meet all the
    10  requirements of this act and the regulations of the board, that
    11  the applicant seeks a license for a hotel, restaurant or club,
    12  as defined in this act, and that the issuance of such license is
    13  not prohibited by any of the provisions of this act, the board
    14  shall, in the case of a hotel or restaurant, grant and issue to
    15  the applicant a liquor license, and in the case of a club may,
    16  in its discretion, issue or refuse a license: Provided, however,
    17  That in the case of any new license or the transfer of any
    18  license to a new location the board may, in its discretion,
    19  grant or refuse such new license or transfer if such place
    20  proposed to be licensed is within three hundred feet of any
    21  church, hospital, charitable institution, school, or public
    22  playground, or if such new license or transfer is applied for a
    23  place which is within two hundred feet of any other premises
    24  which is licensed by the board: And provided further, That the
    25  board's authority to refuse to grant a license because of its
    26  proximity to a church, hospital, charitable institution, public
    27  playground or other licensed premises shall not be applicable to
    28  license applications submitted for public venues or performing
    29  arts facilities: And provided further, That the board shall
    30  refuse any application for a new license or the transfer of any
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     1  license to a new location if, in the board's opinion, such new
     2  license or transfer would be detrimental to the welfare, health,
     3  peace and morals of the inhabitants of the neighborhood within a
     4  radius of five hundred feet of the place proposed to be
     5  licensed: And provided further, That prior to July 1, 1996, in
     6  any license district in a city of the first class, the board
     7  may, in its opinion, refuse any application for a new license or
     8  for any person-to-person transfer which shall include a change
     9  in stockholders involving ten per centum or more of all
    10  outstanding voting stock and/or less than ten per centum of all
    11  outstanding voting stock when such change involves a majority or
    12  controlling interest, of any license if the licensed premises is
    13  or would be within three hundred feet of any church, hospital,
    14  charitable institution, school or public playground or within
    15  two hundred feet of any other premises licensed by the board and
    16  if, in the opinion of the board, the licensed premises is or
    17  would be detrimental to the welfare, health, peace and morals of
    18  such church, hospital, school, public playground and/or the
    19  inhabitants of the neighborhood within a radius of five hundred
    20  feet of the licensed premises. The board may enter into an
    21  agreement with the applicant concerning additional restrictions
    22  on the license in question. If the board and the applicant enter
    23  into such an agreement, such agreement shall be binding on the
    24  applicant. Failure by the applicant to adhere to the agreement
    25  will be sufficient cause to form the basis for a citation under
    26  section 471 and for the nonrenewal of the license under section
    27  470. This authority to refuse a person-to-person transfer in a
    28  city of the first class is in addition to and not in derogation
    29  of the authority of the board generally stated for all areas of
    30  this Commonwealth: And provided further, That the board shall
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     1  have the discretion to refuse a license to any person or to any
     2  corporation, partnership or association if such person, or any
     3  officer or director of such corporation, or any member or
     4  partner of such partnership or association shall have been
     5  convicted or found guilty of a felony within a period of five
     6  years immediately preceding the date of application for the said
     7  license. The board shall refuse any application for a new
     8  license or the transfer of any license to a location where the
     9  sale of liquid fuels or oil is conducted. The board may, in its
    10  discretion, refuse an application for an economic development
    11  license under section 461(b.1) or an application for an
    12  intermunicipal transfer of a license if the board receives a
    13  protest from the governing body of the receiving municipality.
    14  The receiving municipality of an intermunicipal transfer or an
    15  economic development license under section 461(b.1) may file a
    16  protest against the transfer of a license into its municipality,
    17  and the receiving municipality shall have standing in a hearing
    18  to present testimony in support of or against the issuance or
    19  transfer of a license. Upon any opening in any quota, an
    20  application for a new license shall only be filed with the board
    21  for a period of six months following said opening.
    22     Section 2.  Section 431(b) of the act, amended December 21,
    23  1998 (P.L.1202, No.155), is amended to read:
    24     Section 431.  Malt and Brewed Beverages Manufacturers',
    25  Distributors' and Importing Distributors' Licenses.--* * *
    26     (b)  The board shall issue to any reputable person who
    27  applies therefor, and pays the license fee hereinafter
    28  prescribed, a distributor's or importing distributor's license
    29  for the place which such person desires to maintain for the sale
    30  of malt or brewed beverages, not for consumption on the premises
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     1  where sold, and in quantities of not less than a case or
     2  original containers containing one hundred twenty-eight ounces
     3  or more which may be sold separately as prepared for the market
     4  by the manufacturer at the place of manufacture. The board may
     5  enter into an agreement with the applicant concerning additional
     6  restrictions on the license in question. If the board and the
     7  applicant enter into such an agreement, such agreement shall be
     8  binding on the applicant. Failure by the applicant to adhere to
     9  the agreement will be sufficient cause to form the basis for a
    10  citation under section 471 and for the nonrenewal of the license
    11  under section 470. The board shall have the discretion to refuse
    12  a license to any person or to any corporation, partnership or
    13  association if such person, or any officer or director of such
    14  corporation, or any member or partner of such partnership or
    15  association shall have been convicted or found guilty of a
    16  felony within a period of five years immediately preceding the
    17  date of application for the said license: And provided further,
    18  That, in the case of any new license or the transfer of any
    19  license to a new location, the board may, in its discretion,
    20  grant or refuse such new license or transfer if such place
    21  proposed to be licensed is within three hundred feet of any
    22  church, hospital, charitable institution, school or public
    23  playground, or if such new license or transfer is applied for a
    24  place which is within two hundred feet of any other premises
    25  which is licensed by the board: And provided further, That the
    26  board shall refuse any application for a new license or the
    27  transfer of any license to a new location if, in the board's
    28  opinion, such new license or transfer would be detrimental to
    29  the welfare, health, peace and morals of the inhabitants of the
    30  neighborhood within a radius of five hundred feet of the place
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     1  proposed to be licensed. The board shall refuse any application
     2  for a new license or the transfer of any license to a location
     3  where the sale of liquid fuels or oil is conducted. The board
     4  shall require notice to be posted on the property or premises
     5  upon which the licensee or proposed licensee will engage in
     6  sales of malt or brewed beverages. This notice shall be similar
     7  to the notice required of hotel, restaurant and club liquor
     8  licensees.
     9     Except as hereinafter provided, such license shall authorize
    10  the holder thereof to sell or deliver malt or brewed beverages
    11  in quantities above specified anywhere within the Commonwealth
    12  of Pennsylvania, which, in the case of distributors, have been
    13  purchased only from persons licensed under this act as
    14  manufacturers or importing distributors, and in the case of
    15  importing distributors, have been purchased from manufacturers
    16  or persons outside this Commonwealth engaged in the legal sale
    17  of malt or brewed beverages or from manufacturers or importing
    18  distributors licensed under this article. In the case of an
    19  importing distributor, the holder of such a license shall be
    20  authorized to store malt or brewed beverages owned by an out of
    21  State manufacturer at a segregated portion of a warehouse or
    22  other storage facility authorized by section 441(d) and operated
    23  by the importing distributor within its appointed territory and
    24  deliver such beverages to another importing distributor who has
    25  been granted distribution rights by the out of State
    26  manufacturer as provided herein. The importing distributor shall
    27  be permitted to receive a fee from the out of State manufacturer
    28  for any related storage or delivery services. In the case of a
    29  bailee for hire hired by an out of State manufacturer, the
    30  holder of such a permit shall be authorized: to receive or store
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     1  malt or brewed beverages under the same conditions as permitted
     2  for a distributor or importing distributor under section 441(f)
     3  produced by that out of State manufacturer for sale by that
     4  manufacturer to importing distributors to whom that out of State
     5  manufacturer has given distribution rights pursuant to this
     6  subsection or to purchasers outside this Commonwealth for
     7  delivery outside this Commonwealth; or to ship to that out of
     8  State manufacturer's storage facilities outside this
     9  Commonwealth. The bailee for hire shall be permitted to receive
    10  a fee from the out of State manufacturer for any related storage
    11  or delivery services. The bailee for hire shall, as required in
    12  Article V of this act, keep complete and accurate records of all
    13  transactions, inventory, receipts and shipments and make all
    14  records and the licensed areas available for inspection by the
    15  board and for the Pennsylvania State Police, Bureau of Liquor
    16  Control Enforcement, during normal business hours.
    17     Each out of State manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages
    18  whose products are sold and delivered in this Commonwealth shall
    19  give distributing rights for such products in designated
    20  geographical areas to specific importing distributors, and such
    21  importing distributor shall not sell or deliver malt or brewed
    22  beverages manufactured by the out of State manufacturer to any
    23  person issued a license under the provisions of this act whose
    24  licensed premises are not located within the geographical area
    25  for which he has been given distributing rights by such
    26  manufacturer. Should a licensee accept the delivery of such malt
    27  or brewed beverages in violation of this section, said licensee
    28  shall be subject to a suspension of his license for at least
    29  thirty days: Provided, That the importing distributor holding
    30  such distributing rights for such product shall not sell or
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     1  deliver the same to another importing distributor without first
     2  having entered into a written agreement with the said secondary
     3  importing distributor setting forth the terms and conditions
     4  under which such products are to be resold within the territory
     5  granted to the primary importing distributor by the
     6  manufacturer.
     7     When a Pennsylvania manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages
     8  licensed under this article names or constitutes a distributor
     9  or importing distributor as the primary or original supplier of
    10  his product, he shall also designate the specific geographical
    11  area for which the said distributor or importing distributor is
    12  given distributing rights, and such distributor or importing
    13  distributor shall not sell or deliver the products of such
    14  manufacturer to any person issued a license under the provisions
    15  of this act whose licensed premises are not located within the
    16  geographical area for which distributing rights have been given
    17  to the distributor and importing distributor by the said
    18  manufacturer: Provided, That the importing distributor holding
    19  such distributing rights for such product shall not sell or
    20  deliver the same to another importing distributor without first
    21  having entered into a written agreement with the said secondary
    22  importing distributor setting forth the terms and conditions
    23  under which such products are to be resold within the territory
    24  granted to the primary importing distributor by the
    25  manufacturer. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to
    26  prevent any manufacturer from authorizing the importing
    27  distributor holding the distributing rights for a designated
    28  geographical area from selling the products of such manufacturer
    29  to another importing distributor also holding distributing
    30  rights from the same manufacturer for another geographical area,
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     1  providing such authority be contained in writing and a copy
     2  thereof be given to each of the importing distributors so
     3  affected.
     4     * * *
     5     Section 3.  Section 432(d) of the act, amended December 20,
     6  2000 (P.L.992, No.141), is amended to read:
     7     Section 432.  Malt and Brewed Beverages Retail Licenses.--* *
     8  *
     9     (d)  The board shall, in its discretion, grant or refuse any
    10  new license or the transfer of any license to a new location if
    11  such place proposed to be licensed is within three hundred feet
    12  of any church, hospital, charitable institution, school, or
    13  public playground, or if such new license or transfer is applied
    14  for a place which is within two hundred feet of any other
    15  premises which is licensed by the board. The board may enter
    16  into an agreement with the applicant concerning additional
    17  restrictions on the license in question. If the board and the
    18  applicant enter into such an agreement, such agreement shall be
    19  binding on the applicant. Failure by the applicant to adhere to
    20  the agreement will be sufficient cause to form the basis for a
    21  citation under section 471 and for the nonrenewal of the license
    22  under section 470. The board shall refuse any application for a
    23  new license or the transfer of any license to a new location if,
    24  in the board's opinion, such new license or transfer would be
    25  detrimental to the welfare, health, peace and morals of the
    26  inhabitants of the neighborhood within a radius of five hundred
    27  feet of the place to be licensed. The board shall refuse any
    28  application for a new license or the transfer of any license to
    29  a location where the sale of liquid fuels or oil is conducted:
    30  And provided further, That the board shall have the discretion
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     1  to refuse a license to any person or to any corporation,
     2  partnership or association if such person, or any officer or
     3  director of such corporation, or any member or partner of such
     4  partnership or association shall have been convicted or found
     5  guilty of a felony within a period of five years immediately
     6  preceding the date of application for the said license. The
     7  board may, in its discretion, refuse an application for an
     8  economic development license under section 461(b.1) or an
     9  application for an intermunicipal transfer or a license if the
    10  board receives a protest from the governing body of the
    11  receiving municipality. The receiving municipality of an
    12  intermunicipal transfer or an economic development license under
    13  section 461(b.1) may file a protest against the approval for
    14  issuance of a license for economic development or an
    15  intermunicipal transfer of a license into its municipality, and
    16  such municipality shall have standing in a hearing to present
    17  testimony in support of or against the issuance or transfer of a
    18  license. Upon any opening in any quota, an application for a new
    19  license shall only be filed with the board for a period of six
    20  months following said opening.
    21     * * *
    22     Section 4.  Section 470(a) of the act, amended December 21,
    23  1998 (P.L.1202, No.155), is amended to read:
    24     Section 470.  Renewal of Licenses; Temporary Provisions for
    25  Licensees in Armed Service.--(a)  All applications for renewal
    26  of licenses under the provisions of this article shall be filed
    27  with tax clearance from the Department of Revenue and the
    28  Department of Labor and Industry and requisite license and
    29  filing fees at least sixty days before the expiration date of
    30  same: Provided, however, That the board, in its discretion, may
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     1  accept nunc pro tunc a renewal application filed less than sixty
     2  days before the expiration date of the license with the required
     3  fees, upon reasonable cause shown and the payment of an
     4  additional filing fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for late
     5  filing: And provided further, That except where the failure to
     6  file a renewal application on or before the expiration date has
     7  created a license quota vacancy after said expiration date which
     8  has been filled by the issuance of a new license, after such
     9  expiration date, but before the board has received a renewal
    10  application nunc pro tunc within the time prescribed herein the
    11  board, in its discretion, may, after hearing, accept a renewal
    12  application filed within two years after the expiration date of
    13  the license with the required fees upon the payment of an
    14  additional filing fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for
    15  late filing. Where any such renewal application is filed less
    16  than sixty days before the expiration date, or subsequent to the
    17  expiration date, no license shall issue upon the filing of the
    18  renewal application until the matter is finally determined by
    19  the board and if an appeal is taken from the board's action the
    20  courts shall not order the issuance of the renewal license until
    21  final determination of the matter by the courts. The board may
    22  enter into an agreement with the applicant concerning additional
    23  restrictions on the license in question. If the board and the
    24  applicant enter into such an agreement, such agreement shall be
    25  binding on the applicant. Failure by the applicant to adhere to
    26  the agreement will be sufficient cause to form the basis for a
    27  citation under section 471 and for the nonrenewal of the license
    28  under this section. A renewal application will not be considered
    29  filed unless accompanied by the requisite filing and license
    30  fees and any additional filing fee required by this section.
    20020H2574B3713                 - 11 -

     1  Unless the board shall have given ten days' previous notice to
     2  the applicant of objections to the renewal of his license, based
     3  upon violation by the licensee or his servants, agents or
     4  employes of any of the laws of the Commonwealth or regulations
     5  of the board relating to the manufacture, transportation, use,
     6  storage, importation, possession or sale of liquors, alcohol or
     7  malt or brewed beverages, or the conduct of a licensed
     8  establishment, or unless the applicant has by his own act become
     9  a person of ill repute, or unless the premises do not meet the
    10  requirements of this act or the regulations of the board, the
    11  license of a licensee shall be renewed.
    12     * * *
    13     Section 5.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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