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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3763



No. 2574 Session of 2004

           APRIL 14, 2004


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), entitled
     2     "An act concerning elections, including general, municipal,
     3     special and primary elections, the nomination of candidates,
     4     primary and election expenses and election contests; creating
     5     and defining membership of county boards of elections;
     6     imposing duties upon the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
     7     courts, county boards of elections, county commissioners;
     8     imposing penalties for violation of the act, and codifying,
     9     revising and consolidating the laws relating thereto; and
    10     repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating to
    11     elections," further providing for records and documents to be
    12     open to public inspection; proviso, for absentee electors
    13     files and lists, and for public records.

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  Sections 202 and 308 of the act of June 3, 1937
    17  (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, are
    18  amended to read:
    19     Section 202.  Records and Documents to Be Open to Public
    20  Inspection.--The records of the Secretary of the Commonwealth
    21  and all returns, nomination petitions, certificates and papers,
    22  other petitions, accounts, contracts, reports and other

     1  documents and records in his custody shall be open to public
     2  inspection, and may be inspected and copied by any qualified
     3  elector of the State during ordinary business hours at any time
     4  when they are not necessarily being used by the Secretary of the
     5  Commonwealth, or his deputy or employes having duties to perform
     6  in reference thereto: Provided, however, That such public
     7  inspection thereof shall only be in the presence of the
     8  Secretary of the Commonwealth, or his deputy or one of his
     9  authorized employes, and shall be subject to proper regulation
    10  for safekeeping of the records and documents, and subject to the
    11  further provisions of this act. Neither the name nor address of
    12  a program participant in the Address Confidentiality Program
    13  under 23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 67 (relating to domestic violence victim
    14  address confidentiality) shall be included in any list of
    15  registered voters available to the public.
    16     Section 308.  Records and Documents to Be Open to Public
    17  Inspection; Proviso.--The records of each county board of
    18  elections, general and duplicate returns, tally papers,
    19  affidavits of voters and others, nomination petitions,
    20  certificates and papers, other petitions, appeals, witness
    21  lists, accounts, contracts, reports and other documents and
    22  records in its custody, except the contents of ballot boxes and
    23  voting machines and records of assisted voters, shall be open to
    24  public inspection, except as herein provided, and may be
    25  inspected and copied by any qualified elector of the county
    26  during ordinary business hours, at any time when they are not
    27  necessarily being used by the board, or its employes having
    28  duties to perform thereto: Provided, however, That such public
    29  inspection thereof shall only be in the presence of a member or
    30  authorized employe of the county board, and shall be subject to
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     1  proper regulation for safekeeping of the records and documents,
     2  and subject to the further provisions of this act: And provided
     3  further, That general and duplicate returns, tally papers,
     4  affidavits of voters and others, and all other papers required
     5  to be returned by the election officers to the county board
     6  sealed, shall be open to public inspection only after the county
     7  board shall, in the course of the computation and canvassing of
     8  the returns, have broken such seals and finished, for the time,
     9  their use of said papers in connection with such computation and
    10  canvassing. Neither the name nor address of a program
    11  participant in the Address Confidentiality Program under 23
    12  Pa.C.S. Ch. 67 (relating to domestic violence victim address
    13  confidentiality) shall be included in any list of registered
    14  voters available to the public.
    15     Section 2.  Section 1302.3 of the act, amended December 11,
    16  1968 (P.L.1183, No.375), is amended to read:
    17     Section 1302.3.  Absentee Electors Files and Lists.--(a) The
    18  county board of elections shall maintain at its office a file
    19  containing the duplicate absentee voter's temporary registration
    20  cards of every registered elector to whom an absentee ballot has
    21  been sent. Such duplicate absentee voter's temporary
    22  registration cards shall be filed by election districts and
    23  within each election district in exact alphabetical order and
    24  indexed. The registration cards so filed shall constitute the
    25  Registered Absentee Voters File for the Primary or Election of
    26  (date of primary or election) and shall be kept on file for a
    27  period commencing the Tuesday prior to the day of the primary or
    28  election until the day following the primary or election or the
    29  day the county board of elections certifies the returns of the
    30  primary or election, whichever date is later. Such file shall be
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     1  open to public inspection at all times subject to reasonable
     2  safeguards, rules and regulations. Neither the name nor address
     3  of a program participant in the Address Confidentiality Program
     4  under 23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 67 (relating to domestic violence victim
     5  address confidentiality) shall be included in any list of
     6  registered voters available to the public.
     7     (b) The county board of elections shall post in a conspicuous
     8  public place at its office a master list arranged in
     9  alphabetical order by election districts setting forth the name
    10  and residence, and at primaries, the party enrollment, of (1)
    11  every military elector to whom an absentee ballot is being sent,
    12  each such name to be prefixed with an "M"; (2) every bedridden
    13  or hospitalized veteran outside the county of his residence who
    14  is not registered and to whom an absentee ballot is being sent,
    15  each such name to be prefixed with a "V"; and (3) every
    16  registered elector who has filed his application for an absentee
    17  ballot too late for the extraction of his original registration
    18  card and to whom a ballot is being sent and every qualified
    19  elector who has filed his application for an absentee ballot and
    20  is entitled, under provisions of the Permanent Registration Law
    21  as now or hereinafter enacted by the General Assembly, to
    22  absentee registration prior to or concurrently with the time of
    23  voting, each such name to be prefixed with a "C." This list
    24  shall be known as the Military, Veterans and Emergency Civilians
    25  Absentee Voters File for the Primary or Election of (date of
    26  primary or election) and shall be posted for a period commencing
    27  the Tuesday prior to the day of the primary or election until
    28  the day following the primary or election or the day on which
    29  the county board of elections certifies the returns of the
    30  primary or election, whichever date is later. Such file shall be
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     1  open to public inspection at all times subject to reasonable
     2  safeguards, rules and regulations. Neither the name nor address
     3  of a program participant in the Address Confidentiality Program
     4  under 23 Pa.C.S. Ch.67 (relating to domestic violence victim
     5  address confidentiality) shall be included in any list of
     6  registered voters available to the public. This posted list
     7  shall not contain any military address or references to any
     8  military organization. Upon written request, the county board
     9  shall furnish a copy of such list to any candidate or party
    10  county chairman.
    11     (c) Not less than five days preceding the election, the chief
    12  clerk shall prepare a list for each election district showing
    13  the names and post office addresses of all voting residents
    14  thereof to whom official absentee ballots shall have been
    15  issued. Each such list shall be prepared in duplicate, shall be
    16  headed "Persons in (give identity of election district) to whom
    17  absentee ballots have been issued for the election of (date of
    18  election)," and shall be signed by him not less than four days
    19  preceding the election. He shall post the original of each such
    20  list in a conspicuous place in the office of the county election
    21  board and see that it is kept so posted until the close of the
    22  polls on election day. He shall cause the duplicate of each such
    23  list to be delivered to the judge of election in the election
    24  district in the same manner and at the same time as are provided
    25  in this act for the delivery of other election supplies, and it
    26  shall be the duty of such judge of election to post such
    27  duplicate list in a conspicuous place within the polling place
    28  of his district and see that it is kept so posted throughout the
    29  time that the polls are open. Upon written request, he shall
    30  furnish a copy of such list to any candidate or party county
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     1  chairman.
     2     Section 3.  Section 1309 of the act, amended August 13, 1963
     3  (P.L.707, No.379), is amended to read:
     4     Section 1309.  Public Records.--All official absentee
     5  ballots, files, applications for such ballots and envelopes on
     6  which the executed declarations appear, and all information and
     7  lists are hereby designated and declared to be public records
     8  and shall be safely kept for a period of two years, except that
     9  no information concerning a military elector shall be made
    10  public which is expressly forbidden by the War Department
    11  because of military security. Neither the name nor address of a
    12  program participant in the Address Confidentiality Program under
    13  23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 67 (relating to domestic violence victim address
    14  confidentiality) shall be included in any list of registered
    15  voters available to the public.
    16     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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