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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3854



No. 2581 Session of 2008



                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing standards for strip searches and body cavity
     2     searches; providing for conduct of strip searches and body
     3     cavity searches, for reports, for civil and criminal immunity
     4     and for duties of the Secretary of Corrections and the
     5     Attorney General.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Legislative intent.
     9     It is the intent of the General Assembly to establish
    10  standards to govern the conduct of strip searches and body
    11  cavity searches of individuals detained at or booked into local
    12  correctional facilities. It is the further intent of the General
    13  Assembly to restrict the practice of strip searching and body
    14  cavity searching of individuals to those situations where such a
    15  search may be necessary to prevent bodily harm and to ensure the
    16  safety and security of the local correctional facility.
    17  Section 2.  Definitions.
    18     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    19  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the

     1  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     2     "Body cavity search."  The visual inspection or manual search
     3  of an individual's anal or vaginal cavity.
     4     "Correctional facility."  A local or county jail, prison or
     5  detention facility.
     6     "Department."  The Department of Corrections of the
     7  Commonwealth.
     8     "Local or county jail or detention facility."  A jail, prison
     9  or other such detention facility owned, operated or controlled
    10  by a borough, township, city or county.
    11     "Medical professional."  A licensed physician, licensed nurse
    12  practitioner or registered nurse.
    13     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Corrections of the
    14  Commonwealth.
    15     "Strip search."  The removal or rearrangement of an
    16  individual's clothing for the purpose of visual inspection of
    17  the individual's undergarments, buttocks, anus, genitals or
    18  breasts. The term does not include any removal or rearrangement
    19  of clothing reasonably required to render medical treatment or
    20  assistance or the removal of articles of outer clothing, such as
    21  coats, ties, belts or shoelaces.
    22  Section 3.  Strip searches and body cavity searches;
    23                 restrictions.
    24     (a)  Strip searches.--An individual who has been detained or
    25  arrested for the commission of an offense other than a crime
    26  under 18 Pa.C.S. (relating to crimes and offenses) shall not be
    27  subjected to a strip search unless one of the following
    28  requirements is met:
    29         (1)  The search is authorized by a warrant or consent.
    30         (2)  The search is based on probable cause that a weapon,
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     1     controlled substance as defined under the act of April 14,
     2     1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The Controlled Substance,
     3     Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act, contraband, fruits of a crime,
     4     things otherwise criminally possessed or other things by
     5     means of which a crime has been committed will be found that
     6     constitutes a threat to the safety and security of a
     7     correctional facility and a recognized exception to the
     8     warrant requirement exists.
     9         (3)  The individual is lawfully confined in a
    10     correctional facility and the search is based on a reasonable
    11     suspicion that a weapon, controlled substance as defined
    12     under The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act
    13     or contraband as defined by the department will be found, and
    14     the search is authorized pursuant to regulations promulgated
    15     by the secretary.
    16         (4)  There is a reasonable suspicion to believe that a
    17     strip search is necessary to discover a health condition
    18     requiring immediate medical attention.
    19     (b)  Body cavity searches.--An individual who has been
    20  detained or arrested for commission of an offense other than a
    21  crime under 18 Pa.C.S. shall not be subjected to a body cavity
    22  search unless:
    23         (1)  The search is authorized by warrant or consent.
    24         (2)  The individual is lawfully confined in a
    25     correctional facility and the search is based on a reasonable
    26     suspicion that a weapon, controlled substance as defined
    27     under The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act
    28     or contraband as defined by the department will be found, and
    29     the search is authorized pursuant to regulations promulgated
    30     by the secretary.
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     1     (c)  Existence, determination of reasonable suspicion.--In
     2  the case of a body cavity search subsequent to arrest, a
     3  reasonable suspicion shall be deemed to exist when the
     4  individual to be searched has been arrested for:
     5         (1)  An offense involving danger to the person as defined
     6     under 18 Pa.C.S.
     7         (2)  An offense involving escape, burglary or robbery.
     8         (3)  An offense involving the possession of a drug or
     9     controlled substance under The Controlled Substance, Drug,
    10     Device and Cosmetic Act.
    11     (d)  Determination of probable cause, reasonable suspicion,
    12  strip searches.--The determination of whether reasonable
    13  suspicion or probable cause exists to conduct a strip search
    14  shall be made after less intrusive means have been used and
    15  shall be based on a consideration of all information available
    16  and circumstances known to the law enforcement officer or other
    17  person authorizing the strip search, including, but not limited
    18  to, the following:
    19         (1)  The nature of the offense for which the individual
    20     to be searched was arrested.
    21         (2)  The prior criminal record of the individual to be
    22     searched.
    23         (3)  Whether the individual displayed physically violent
    24     behavior during or after the arrest.
    25  Section 4.  Conduct of strip searches and body cavity searches.
    26     (a)  Conduct of searches.--Any strip search or body cavity
    27  search, as well as presearch undressing and postsearch dressing,
    28  conducted pursuant to this act shall be:
    29         (1)  Performed and observed by individuals of the same
    30     sex as the detained or arrested individual.
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     1         (2)  Performed at locations made private where the search
     2     cannot be observed by individuals not physically involved in
     3     conducting the search.
     4         (3)  Conducted in a manner that minimizes excessive
     5     touching of the individual being searched except as
     6     reasonably necessary to effectuate the search of the
     7     individual.
     8         (4)  Performed under sanitary conditions.
     9     (b)  Duty of individual conducting search.--In the case of a
    10  strip search or body cavity search not authorized by warrant,
    11  the law enforcement officer or other individual seeking to
    12  conduct a strip search or body cavity search shall obtain
    13  permission of the officer in charge or ranking shift supervisor,
    14  as the case may be, to conduct the search. Authorization for the
    15  body cavity search may be obtained electronically. However, such
    16  electronic authorization shall be reduced to writing by the law
    17  enforcement officer or individual seeking authorization and
    18  signed by the officer in charge or ranking shift supervisor. The
    19  law enforcement officer or other individual authorized to
    20  conduct a strip search or body cavity search shall report the
    21  reason for any such search on the record of arrest.
    22     (c)  Emergency conditions.--The requirements of this section
    23  shall not apply to circumstances where emergency conditions
    24  require immediate action to prevent bodily harm to law
    25  enforcement officers or others or to ensure the safety and
    26  security of the correctional facility except that, in all cases
    27  where a strip search is conducted as an exception to the
    28  requirements of this section, the officer conducting the search
    29  shall file a separate written report that sets forth the
    30  emergency conditions that required the immediate action. The
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     1  written report shall be filed with and reviewed by the officer
     2  in charge or shift supervisor, as the case may be, who
     3  authorized the search.
     4     (d)  Admissibility.--A violation of a provision of this
     5  section shall not affect the admissibility of evidence seized
     6  pursuant to a strip search or body cavity search.
     7  Section 5.  Civil and criminal immunity of medical
     8                 professionals.
     9     (a)  Body cavity searches; specific requirement.--Whenever it
    10  is determined that a body cavity search is necessary, all such
    11  searches shall be conducted by a licensed medical professional.
    12     (b)  Requirements.--The following shall apply to any body
    13  cavity search conducted by a medical professional:
    14         (1)  A medical professional who conducts a body cavity
    15     search pursuant to the provisions of this act and in a
    16     medically accepted manner shall be immune from civil or
    17     criminal liability for such action. Such immunity from civil
    18     and criminal liability shall extend to the hospital or other
    19     medical facility on whose premises or under whose auspices
    20     the body cavity search is conducted.
    21         (2)  Any person conducting a body cavity search pursuant
    22     to this act shall, upon request, furnish to any law
    23     enforcement agency a certificate stating that the body cavity
    24     search was conducted pursuant to the requirements of this act
    25     and performed in a medically acceptable manner. The
    26     certificate shall be signed under oath before a notary public
    27     or other person empowered to administer oaths and shall be
    28     admissible in any proceeding as evidence of the statements
    29     contained therein.
    30         (3)  No individual who is the subject of a strip search
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     1     or body cavity search under this act may claim the physician
     2     and patient privilege with regard to the conducting of a body
     3     search pursuant to this act.
     4  Section 6.  Regulations.
     5     (a)  Authority to secretary.--The secretary, after
     6  consultation with the Attorney General, shall promulgate
     7  regulations to govern strip searches and body cavity searches of
     8  individuals detained in local correctional facilities. Such
     9  regulations shall give full recognition of the rights of
    10  confined individuals under the Constitution of the United States
    11  and the Constitution of Pennsylvania.
    12     (b)  Duty of Attorney General.--The Attorney General shall
    13  issue guidelines to govern the performance of strip searches and
    14  body cavity searches as he deems necessary to promote compliance
    15  with this act, the regulations promulgated by the secretary, the
    16  Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of
    17  Pennsylvania. The Attorney General may require law enforcement
    18  agencies to submit reports that provide data on all strip
    19  searches and body cavity searches conducted. The copy of the
    20  report shall be retained in the records of the law enforcement
    21  agency and shall include, but may not be limited to, the
    22  following:
    23         (1)  A copy of the written authorization required under
    24     section 4.
    25         (2)  A copy of the warrant and any other supporting
    26     documentation.
    27         (3)  The name and sex of all persons conducting or
    28     observing the search.
    29         (4)  The time, date, location and description of the
    30     search.
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     1         (5)  A statement outlining the results of the search and
     2     a list of any items found and removed from the individual as
     3     a result of the search.
     4  Section 7.  Applicability.
     5     The provisions of this act shall apply to any individual in
     6  custody at a local correctional facility, other than a person
     7  committed to incarceration by order of a court, regardless of
     8  whether an arrest warrant or other court order was issued before
     9  the person was arrested or otherwise taken into custody unless
    10  the court issuing the warrant has determined that the person
    11  shall not be released on personal recognizance, bail or bond. No
    12  standard, procedure or requirement set forth in this act shall
    13  be construed to supersede any standard, procedure or requirement
    14  of State correctional institutions supervised by the secretary.
    15  Section 8.  Effective date.
    16     This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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