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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3542



No. 2588 Session of 1998

           MAY 5, 1998


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further regulating
     3     informal hearings and disposition of dependent children.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Sections 6332(a) and 6351 of Title 42 of the
     7  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended to read:
     8  § 6332.  Informal hearing.
     9     (a)  General rule.--An informal hearing shall be held
    10  promptly by the court or master and not later than 72 hours
    11  after the child is placed in detention or shelter care to
    12  determine whether his detention or shelter care is required
    13  under section 6325 (relating to detention of child) and if the
    14  child is alleged to be delinquent, that probable cause exists

     1  that the child has committed a delinquent act. Reasonable notice
     2  thereof, either oral or written, stating the time, place, and
     3  purpose of the hearing shall be given to the child and if they
     4  can be found, to his parents, guardian, or other custodian.
     5  Prior to the commencement of the hearing the court or master
     6  shall inform the parties of their right to counsel and to
     7  appointed counsel if they are needy persons, and of the right of
     8  the child to remain silent with respect to any allegations of
     9  delinquency. If the child is alleged to be a dependent child,
    10  the court or master shall also determine:
    11         (1)  whether reasonable efforts were made to prevent such
    12     placement [or,];
    13         (2)  in the case of an emergency placement where services
    14     were not offered and could not have prevented the necessity
    15     of placement, whether such lack of efforts was reasonable[.];
    16     or
    17         (3)  whether reasonable efforts were not necessary prior
    18     to the placement of the child outside his home because the
    19     court or master finds that an aggravated circumstance as
    20     defined in section 6351(j) (relating to disposition of
    21     dependent child) exists.
    22     * * *
    23  § 6351.  Disposition of dependent child.
    24     (a)  General rule.--If the child is found to be a dependent
    25  child the court may make any of the following orders of
    26  disposition best suited to the protection and physical, mental,
    27  and moral welfare of the child:
    28         (1)  Permit the child to remain with his parents,
    29     guardian, or other custodian, subject to conditions and
    30     limitations as the court prescribes, including supervision as
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     1     directed by the court for the protection of the child.
     2         (2)  Subject to conditions and limitations as the court
     3     prescribes transfer temporary legal custody to any of the
     4     following:
     5             (i)  Any individual resident within or without this
     6         Commonwealth who, after study by the probation officer or
     7         other person or agency designated by the court, is found
     8         by the court to be qualified to receive and care for the
     9         child.
    10             (ii)  An agency or other private organization
    11         licensed or otherwise authorized by law to receive and
    12         provide care for the child.
    13             (iii)  A public agency authorized by law to receive
    14         and provide care for the child.
    15         (3)  Without making any of the foregoing orders transfer
    16     custody of the child to the juvenile court of another state
    17     if authorized by and in accordance with section 6363
    18     (relating to ordering foreign supervision).
    19     (b)  Required preplacement findings.--Prior to entering any
    20  order of disposition under subsection (a) that would remove a
    21  dependent child from his home, the court shall enter findings on
    22  the record or in the order of court as follows:
    23         (1)  that continuation of the child in his home would be
    24     contrary to the welfare of the child; [and]
    25         (2)  whether reasonable efforts were made prior to the
    26     placement of the child to prevent or eliminate the need for
    27     removal of the child from his home, if the child has remained
    28     in his home pending such disposition; [or]
    29         (2.1)  whether reasonable efforts were not necessary
    30     prior to the placement of the child outside his home because
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     1     the court finds that an aggravated circumstance as defined in
     2     subsection (j) exists;
     3         (3)  if preventive services were not offered due to the
     4     necessity for an emergency placement, whether such lack of
     5     services was reasonable under the circumstances; [or]
     6         (4)  if the court has previously determined pursuant to
     7     section 6332 (relating to informal hearing) that reasonable
     8     efforts were not made to prevent the initial removal of the
     9     child from his home, whether reasonable efforts are under way
    10     to make it possible for the child to return home[.]; or
    11         (4.1)  if the court has determined that reasonable
    12     efforts to prevent the initial removal of the child from his
    13     home were unnecessary because an aggravated circumstance as
    14     defined in subsection (j) exists, whether reasonable efforts
    15     are under way to make it possible for the child to return
    16     home.
    17     (c)  Limitation on confinement.--Unless a child found to be
    18  dependent is found also to be delinquent he shall not be
    19  committed to or confined in an institution or other facility
    20  designed or operated for the benefit of delinquent children.
    21     (d)  County programs.--Every county of this Commonwealth
    22  shall develop programs for children under paragraph (5) or (6)
    23  of the definition of "dependent child" in section 6302 (relating
    24  to definitions).
    25     (e)  Disposition review hearings.--Within six months of the
    26  removal of a child from the home of his parents, guardian or
    27  custodian for placement pursuant to a transfer of temporary
    28  legal custody or other disposition under subsection (a)(2), the
    29  court shall conduct a disposition review hearing for the purpose
    30  of determining whether placement continues to be best suited to
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     1  the protection and physical, mental and moral welfare of the
     2  child. The court shall conduct a second review hearing not later
     3  than six months after the initial hearing, a third hearing not
     4  later than six months after the second hearing and subsequent
     5  disposition review hearings at least every 12 months until the
     6  child is returned home or removed from the jurisdiction of the
     7  court.
     8     (f)  Matters to be determined.--At each disposition review
     9  hearing, the court shall:
    10         (1)  determine the continuing necessity for and
    11     appropriateness of the placement;
    12         (2)  determine the extent of compliance with the service
    13     plan developed for the child;
    14         (3)  determine the extent of progress made toward
    15     alleviating the circumstances which necessitated the original
    16     placement;
    17         (4)  determine the appropriateness and feasibility of the
    18     current placement goal for the child; and
    19         (5)  project a likely date by which the goal for the
    20     child might be achieved.
    21     (g)  Court order.--On the basis of the determinations made
    22  under subsection (f) and other relevant evidence, the court, in
    23  addition, shall:
    24         (1)  determine whether the child:
    25             (i)  should be returned to the parents, guardian or
    26         other custodian;
    27             (ii)  should be continued in placement for a
    28         specified period; or
    29             (iii)  because of the child's special needs or
    30         circumstances, should remain in placement on a permanent
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     1         or long-term basis; and
     2         (2)  order continuation, modification or termination of
     3     placement or other disposition best suited to the protection
     4     and physical, mental and moral welfare of the child.
     5     (h)  Certain hearings discretionary.--At the discretion of
     6  the court, disposition review hearings need not be conducted:
     7         (1)  for a child who the court has determined should
     8     remain permanently in foster care with a specified foster
     9     family; or
    10         (2)  for a child who has been placed in an adoptive home
    11     pending finalization of adoption pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S. Part
    12     III (relating to adoption).
    13     (i)  Assignment to orphans' court.--A judge who adjudicated
    14  the child dependent or who has conducted disposition review
    15  hearings or other dependency proceedings involving the child may
    16  be assigned to the orphans' court division for the purpose of
    17  hearing proceedings relating to any of the following:
    18         (1)  Involuntary termination of parental rights of a
    19     parent of the dependent child under 23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 25 Subch.
    20     B (relating to involuntary termination).
    21         (2)  A petition to adopt the dependent child.
    22     (j)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    23  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    24  subsection:
    25     "Aggravated circumstance."  A substantiated drug abuse
    26  history by a parent, guardian or other custodian who is
    27  receiving services under 23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 63 (relating to child
    28  protective services) either voluntarily or pursuant to court
    29  order.
    30     "Substantiated drug abuse history" means:
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     1         (1)  the parent, guardian or other custodian has had at
     2     least two positive drug tests within a six-month period
     3     within the last 12 months; or
     4         (2)  the court or master is able to determine, by a
     5     preponderance of the evidence, that the parent has a current
     6     drug abuse problem.
     7     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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