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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3749



No. 2596 Session of 2002



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 28, 1953 (P.L.723, No.230), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act relating to counties of the second class
     3     and second class A; amending, revising, consolidating and
     4     changing the laws relating thereto," further providing for
     5     employees eligible for retirement allowances.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Section 1710(i) of the act of July 28, 1953
     9  (P.L.723, No.230), known as the Second Class County Code,
    10  amended February 9, 1984 (P.L.12, No.6), is amended to read:
    11     Section 1710.  Employes Eligible for Retirement Allowances.--
    12  * * *
    13     (i)  Upon application to the board, all members of the fund
    14  who are contributors and who served in the Armed Forces of the
    15  United States subsequent to September 1, 1940, or who become
    16  members of the retirement fund on or after the effective date of
    17  this act shall be entitled to have full military service credit
    18  for each of the most recent years of military service or

     1  fraction thereof, not to exceed three full years of such
     2  service; provided, they have a retirement credit of the minimum
     3  number of years specified in subsection (a) of this section or
     4  more [and have reached the age of fifty years while employed or
     5  have accumulated a period of twenty years of retirement credit
     6  and under the age of fifty years]. The formula to be followed
     7  for payment to the fund shall be in an amount equal to the
     8  maximum rate of contribution had they been members of the fund
     9  plus an additional amount as the equivalent of the county
    10  matching appropriation, plus interest, if applicable, at the
    11  rate of six per centum per year from the date of each year of
    12  credited military service to date of repayment or by applying
    13  the employe's basic contribution rate plus the county's normal
    14  contribution rate for active members at the time of entry,
    15  subsequent to such military service, of the employe into county
    16  service to his average annual rate of compensation over the
    17  first three years of such subsequent county service and
    18  multiplying the result by the number of years and fractional
    19  part of a year of creditable nonintervening military service
    20  being purchased, together with interest, if applicable, during
    21  all periods of subsequent county service to date of purchase.
    22  Should it be determined by the retirement board that verifiable
    23  compensation data is not available it shall have the discretion
    24  to determine which formula shall be used: Provided, That said
    25  member is not entitled to receive, eligible to receive now or in
    26  the future, or is receiving retirement benefits for such service
    27  under a retirement system administered and wholly or partially
    28  paid for by any other governmental agency or private industry.
    29  Both principal and interest, if applicable, shall be
    30  consolidated into one amount and paid [in twelve or less equal
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     1  monthly installments]. Full payment thereof shall be a condition
     2  precedent to receive the benefits of the retirement allowance.
     3  If the member pays the entire principal back within the three-
     4  year period immediately following attainment of the minimum
     5  number of years of service credit specified in subsection (a) of
     6  this section, or within three years from the date this
     7  amendatory act takes effect for those who already have the
     8  minimum numbers of years of service credit specified in
     9  subsection (a) of this section, no interest will be charged.
    10  Otherwise interest will be charged at the rate of six per centum
    11  per year from the date of each year of credited military service
    12  to date of repayment. Only those employes who are active members
    13  of the retirement fund on or after the effective date of this
    14  amendatory act shall be permitted to avail themselves of either
    15  of these programs.
    16     [Those employes who became members of the retirement fund
    17  after the effective date of this act, upon application to the
    18  board, shall be entitled to have full military service credit
    19  for each of the most recent years of military service or
    20  fraction thereof, not to exceed three full years of such
    21  service: Provided, They have a retirement credit of the minimum
    22  number of years specified in subsection (a) of this section or
    23  more and have reached the age of fifty years while employed or
    24  have accumulated a period of twenty years of retirement credit
    25  and under the age of fifty years. Payment to the fund shall be
    26  in an amount equal to the maximum rate of contribution had they
    27  been members of the fund plus an additional amount as the
    28  equivalent of the county matching appropriation, plus interest
    29  at the rate of six per centum per year from the date of each
    30  year of credited military service to date of repayment:
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     1  Provided, That said member is not entitled to receive, eligible
     2  to receive now or in the future, or is receiving retirement
     3  benefits for such service under a retirement system administered
     4  and wholly or partially paid for by any other governmental
     5  agency or private industry. Both principal and interest shall be
     6  consolidated into one amount and paid in twelve or less equal
     7  monthly installments. Full payment thereof shall be a condition
     8  precedent to receive the benefits of the retirement allowance.]
     9     * * *
    10     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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