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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3888



No. 2596 Session of 2008


           JUNE 10, 2008

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 2, 1935 (P.L.589, No.210), entitled, as
     2     amended, "An act to safeguard human health and life by
     3     providing for the issuance of permits to, and regulation of
     4     persons and entities selling milk and milk products;
     5     conferring powers, and imposing duties on the Secretary of
     6     Agriculture; and otherwise providing for the administration
     7     of the act; and imposing penalties," providing for raw milk
     8     products; and abrogating inconsistent regulations.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Section 1 of the act of July 2, 1935 (P.L.589,
    12  No.210), referred to as the Milk Sanitation Law, amended October
    13  13, 1959 (P.L.1301, No.435) and June 19, 1982 (P.L.558, No.163),
    14  is amended to read:
    15     Section 1.  Be it enacted, &c., That for the purpose and
    16  within the meaning of this act, the following definitions shall
    17  obtain:
    18     "Milk" means milk, skimmed milk, cream, sour milk, sour
    19  cream, buttermilk, and all other fluid derivatives of milk.

     1     "Milk products" means ice cream, ice cream mix, custard ice
     2  cream, french ice cream, frozen custard, and other similar
     3  frozen products, and all dairy products used in the manufacture
     4  thereof.
     5     "Canned milk" means condensed, evaporated or concentrated
     6  milk in hermetically sealed containers or for manufacturing
     7  purposes.
     8     "Certified Milk" means milk from dairy farms operated in
     9  accordance with the "Methods and Standards for the Production
    10  and Distribution of 'Certified Milk,' last adopted by the
    11  American Association of Medical Milk Commissions Incorporated,"
    12  and the production and handling of which shall be certified to
    13  by a commission instituted in compliance therewith.
    14     "Secretary" means the Secretary of Agriculture of this
    15  Commonwealth, or his authorized representative.
    16     "Person" includes singular and plural, masculine and
    17  feminine, and any individual, firm, copartnership, institution,
    18  association, or corporation thereof.
    19     "To Sell," "for sale" or "sold" and similar terms means the
    20  selling, exchanging, delivering, or having in possession, care,
    21  control, or custody with intent to sell, exchange, or deliver,
    22  or to offer or to expose for sale.
    23     "Dairy farm" is a place or premise where one or more cows are
    24  kept, and a part of all the milk from which is sold or delivered
    25  to any person.
    26     "Milk plant" is any place or premise or establishment where
    27  milk is collected, separated, processed, stored, bottled,
    28  pasteurized, or prepared in any manner for sale as milk, milk
    29  products [or], manufactured dairy products, raw milk, raw milk
    30  products or manufactured raw milk products.
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     1     "Approved inspector" is one, who has proven to the
     2  satisfaction of the secretary, to be a person of good character,
     3  trained by school and experience to carry on dairy farm and milk
     4  plant inspection in a capable and efficient manner, and has
     5  received a certificate of approval from the secretary.
     6  Applications for certificates of approval for approved
     7  inspectors shall be made on forms which may be secured from the
     8  Secretary of Agriculture, and shall be accompanied by a fee of
     9  fifteen ($15) dollars. Certificates of approval shall expire on
    10  December thirty-first of each year. Applications for renewal
    11  shall be made on forms satisfactory to the Secretary of
    12  Agriculture, and shall be accompanied by a registration fee of
    13  five ($5) dollars, and shall be returned to the Secretary of
    14  Agriculture not later than December fifteenth of each year.
    15  Certificates of approval shall not constitute an approved
    16  inspector an official employe, agent or authorized
    17  representative of the Department of Agriculture, nor shall he
    18  represent himself so to be.
    19     Certificates of approval may be refused, suspended or revoked
    20  for cause, upon such notice and subject to such conditions, as
    21  the secretary shall deem necessary.
    22     "Municipality" includes any city, borough, town, or township
    23  in this Commonwealth.
    24     "Milk for manufacturing purposes" means milk produced for
    25  processing and manufacturing into products for human consumption
    26  but not subject to requirements of milk for pasteurization.
    27     "Manufactured dairy products" means butter, cheese (natural
    28  or processed), dry whole milk, nonfat dry milk, dry buttermilk,
    29  dry whey, evaporated milk (whole or skim), condensed whole and
    30  condensed skim milk (plain or sweetened), and such other
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     1  products for human consumption, as may be designated by the
     2  secretary.
     3     "Bed and breakfast homestead or inn" means a private
     4  residence which contains no more than ten bedrooms used for
     5  providing overnight accommodations to the public and in which
     6  breakfast is the only meal served and is included in the charge
     7  for the room.
     8     "Farmers' market" means a building, structure or place owned,
     9  leased or otherwise in possession of a person, municipal
    10  corporation or public or private organization, used or intended
    11  to be used by two or more farmers or an association of farmers
    12  for the purpose of selling agricultural commodities directly to
    13  consumers and which is located within this Commonwealth.
    14     "Manufactured raw milk products" means butter, natural or
    15  processed cheese, dry whole milk, nonfat dry milk, dry
    16  buttermilk, dry whey, evaporated milk, whole or skim, condensed
    17  whole and condensed skim milk, plain or sweetened, and such
    18  other products for human consumption, as may be designated by
    19  the secretary, manufactured from raw milk.
    20     "Raw milk product" means any product manufactured from raw
    21  milk including any of the following:
    22         (1)  Ice cream, ice cream mix, custard ice cream, French
    23     ice cream, frozen custard and other similar frozen products.
    24         (2)  A dairy product used in the manufacture of an item
    25     under paragraph (1).
    26     "Retail food establishment" is an establishment which stores,
    27  prepares, packages, vends, offers for sale or otherwise provides
    28  food for human consumption and which relinquishes possession of
    29  food to a consumer directly, or indirectly, through a delivery
    30  service such as home delivery of grocery orders or delivery
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     1  service provided by common carriers. The term does not include
     2  dining cars operated by a railroad company in interstate
     3  commerce or a bed and breakfast homestead or inn.
     4     Section 2.  Section 2 of the act, amended June 15, 1972
     5  (P.L.416, No.120) and June 19, 1982 (P.L.558, No.163), is
     6  amended to read:
     7     Section 2.  Except as hereinafter provided, no person shall
     8  sell milk, milk products [or], manufactured dairy products, raw
     9  milk, raw milk products or manufactured raw milk products within
    10  this Commonwealth without first having obtained a permit from
    11  the "secretary," nor otherwise than in accordance with the
    12  requirements of this act. Each person desiring a permit to sell
    13  milk, milk products [or], manufactured dairy products, raw milk,
    14  raw milk products or manufactured raw milk products shall
    15  annually make an application therefor on a form to be secured
    16  from the "secretary." Such application shall set forth--
    17     (a)  The name and address of the applicant.
    18     (b)  The designations of the milk or milk products to be
    19  offered for sale.
    20     (c)  The name of the municipality or municipalities in which
    21  the applicant desires to sell milk or milk products.
    22     (d)  An accurate record of each milk plant owned or operated
    23  by the applicant for a permit.
    24     (e)  Such other information as may be required by the
    25  "secretary."
    26     Permits shall be issued only to persons, whose entire milk
    27  supply, the farms, where it is produced and the milk plants in
    28  which the milk or milk products is handled, have been approved
    29  by the secretary, and in any case in which, in his discretion,
    30  he shall deem such action necessary for approval, inspected by
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     1  the secretary. Every permit shall expire annually.
     2     This section shall not apply to a person selling or
     3  delivering milk directly from a dairy farm to a milk plant.
     4     Unless the "secretary" shall require a permit, this section
     5  shall not apply to a person selling milk or milk products from a
     6  store, when such milk or milk products are purchased from a
     7  person already in lawful possession of a permit to sell milk or
     8  milk products.
     9     This section shall not apply to hotels, restaurants, soda
    10  fountains, boarding houses, or other places where milk or milk
    11  products is served, when such milk or milk products is to be
    12  consumed on the premises thereof, and is purchased from one
    13  already in lawful possession of a permit to sell milk or milk
    14  products.
    15     The "secretary" may, in his discretion, exempt a person
    16  selling milk from not more than one cow from such requirements
    17  of this act, as he may deem in each instance to be unnecessary
    18  for the protection of the public health.
    19     When the Secretary of Agriculture inspects a plant beyond the
    20  boundary of the Commonwealth, the secretary may require such
    21  plant to reimburse the department for all necessary and
    22  reasonable expenses incurred in making the inspection, which
    23  shall be retained by the department for its use in making such
    24  inspections.
    25     The secretary is authorized to effectuate and enter into
    26  reciprocal agreements with other states, commonwealths or
    27  jurisdictions as will insure inhabitants of this Commonwealth
    28  milk and milk products complying with the requirements herein
    29  enacted or promulgated in rules and regulations hereunder
    30  through reciprocal inspection and labeling agreements and in aid
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     1  of such agreements may approve or accept inspection and labeling
     2  requirements of other commonwealths, states and jurisdictions
     3  with respect to milk and milk products.
     4     Section 3.  Sections 6 and 9 of the act, amended June 19,
     5  1982 (P.L.558, No.163), are amended to read:
     6     Section 6.  Every person, having made an application for a
     7  permit to sell milk, milk products [or], manufactured dairy
     8  products, raw milk, raw milk products or manufactured raw milk
     9  products or holding a permit for the sale of milk, milk products
    10  [or], manufactured dairy products, raw milk, raw milk products
    11  or manufactured raw milk products, shall, at any time, allow the
    12  "secretary" to inspect the herds, stables, and dairy farms from
    13  which milk is obtained, handled, or prepared for sale, to
    14  inspect the milk plants, pasteurizing, bottling, and handling of
    15  milk, milk products [or], manufactured dairy products, raw milk,
    16  raw milk products or manufactured raw milk products, examine
    17  books and papers wherein a record is kept of the name and
    18  address of each person from whom "milk", "milk products" [or],
    19  "manufactured dairy products", "raw milk", "raw milk products"
    20  or "manufactured raw milk products" is purchased, the amount of
    21  "milk", "milk products" [or], "manufactured dairy products",
    22  "raw milk", "raw milk products" or "manufactured raw milk
    23  products" purchased, and the date on which the "milk", "milk
    24  products" [or], "manufactured dairy products", "raw milk", "raw
    25  milk products" or "manufactured raw milk products" was
    26  purchased, in any manner whatsoever, and to take such samples of
    27  milk, milk products [or], manufactured dairy products, raw milk,
    28  raw milk products or manufactured raw milk products, as may be
    29  deemed necessary, upon payment therefor at the usual market
    30  price when payment is demanded. The "secretary" shall have the
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     1  power to subpoena, for the purpose of any hearing, all books and
     2  records of any permit holder or of any other corporation or
     3  person in any case in which records in its or his possession, or
     4  over which it or he has control, is reasonably necessary to the
     5  proper conduct of the affairs of the secretary under this act.
     6     Non-compliance with the provisions of this section by a
     7  permit holder is hereby specifically declared to be a violation
     8  of this act and subject to the penal provisions hereof, and
     9  shall be sufficient grounds for the revocation of the permit of
    10  such permit holder.
    11     Section 9.  Every applicant for or holder of a permit to sell
    12  pasteurized milk, milk for pasteurization [or], milk products or
    13  manufactured dairy products, raw milk, raw milk products or
    14  manufactured raw milk products shall keep an accurate record of
    15  the names and addresses of the owners or operators of all dairy
    16  farms from which milk is received. This record shall be kept on
    17  file in the milk plant where the milk is received, and shall be
    18  available at all times for the inspection of the secretary.
    19     An accurate report of a sanitary inspection on all dairy
    20  farms from which milk is received and of the milk as delivered
    21  to the milk plant shall be kept on file in the milk plant. The
    22  sanitary inspection shall be made semi-annually by an approved
    23  inspector at the expense of the applicant for or holder of a
    24  permit. Such payment shall be made only by the applicant for or
    25  holder of the permit for the plant to which the milk from the
    26  farm which is inspected is or is to be delivered. Such
    27  inspections may be made by the secretary. Within thirty days
    28  after demand by the secretary, additional inspections shall be
    29  made of any or all farms, and reports thereon filed in the milk
    30  plant. Inspection reports shall be made upon forms satisfactory
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     1  to the secretary.
     2     No applicant for or holder of a permit to sell pasteurized
     3  milk or milk for pasteurization [or], milk products or
     4  manufactured dairy products, raw milk, raw milk products or
     5  manufactured raw milk products shall receive milk from a dairy
     6  farm until the report of the sanitary inspection made by an
     7  approved inspector shall have been placed on file in the milk
     8  plant where the milk is received for the inspection and approval
     9  of the secretary, nor shall he receive milk, milk products [or],
    10  manufactured dairy products, raw milk, raw milk products or
    11  manufactured raw milk products from any milk plant owned or
    12  operated by another person who is not in lawful possession of a
    13  permit.
    14     No milk, milk products [or], manufactured dairy products, raw
    15  milk, raw milk products or manufactured raw milk products shall
    16  be received in any milk plant for any purpose, unless such milk
    17  [or], milk products, raw milk, raw milk products or manufactured
    18  raw milk products shall have been produced on dairy farms, or
    19  acquired from milk plants approved by the secretary, or unless
    20  permission for the receipt of such milk [or], milk products, raw
    21  milk, raw milk products or manufactured raw milk products shall
    22  be obtained from the secretary.
    23     A milk plant may be used only for the preparation and
    24  processing of milk, milk products, manufactured dairy products,
    25  raw milk, raw milk products, manufactured raw milk products or
    26  fruit juices, if received from a source acceptable to the
    27  Secretary of Agriculture with respect to sanitation and
    28  protection of public health.
    29     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    30     Section 12.2.  Manufactured raw milk products shall be
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     1  prepared from milk produced and handled in the following manner:
     2     (a)  Only milk produced under a raw milk permit may be used
     3  in the preparation of "manufactured raw milk products."
     4     (b)  Milk containers in which milk is received in milk plants
     5  for the preparation of "manufactured raw milk products" shall be
     6  thoroughly cleansed and dried before returning to a dairy farm
     7  or milk plant.
     8     (c)  The rooms of buildings in which "manufactured raw milk
     9  products" are exposed during and after preparation shall be
    10  properly lighted, ventilated, drained and clean and shall be
    11  used for no other purpose than to provide a place for cleansed
    12  containers and utensils and for the handling of "manufactured
    13  raw milk products."
    14     (d)  "Manufactured raw milk products", during and after
    15  preparation, cleansed containers, utensils and equipment shall
    16  be protected from flies.
    17     (e)  Milk plants in which "manufactured raw milk products"
    18  are prepared shall be provided with an adequate supply of steam
    19  or hot water for cleaning containers, utensils and equipment.
    20     (f)  Equipment with which "manufactured raw milk products"
    21  come in contact shall be constructed in a manner as to be easily
    22  cleansed. Demountable apparatus with which "manufactured raw
    23  milk products" come in contact shall be taken apart and cleansed
    24  each day the apparatus is in use. The secretary, upon approval
    25  of the design, installation and operation of the system, may
    26  permit in-place cleaning. Surfaces with which "manufactured raw
    27  milk products" come in contact shall be smooth, noncorrosive
    28  material and free of open seams.
    29     (g)  The milk plants in which "manufactured raw milk
    30  products" are prepared shall not be constructed or altered until
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     1  plans and specifications of the milk plants have received the
     2  approval of the secretary. Equipment before being installed
     3  shall also be approved by the secretary.
     4     (h)  "Manufactured raw milk products" shall comply with
     5  definitions, standards of identity and labeling requirements
     6  adopted by regulation and shall not contain any substance not
     7  normally found in the products, except those substances approved
     8  by the secretary.
     9     Section 12.3.  Limitations on the sale of "Manufactured Raw
    10  Milk Products."
    11     (a)  "Manufactured raw milk products" may be sold only as
    12  follows:
    13     (1)  Under the direct supervision of a person holding a valid
    14  raw milk permit.
    15     (2)  To a retail food establishment or a bed and breakfast
    16  homestead or inn for the purpose of on-site consumption by
    17  patrons of the establishment.
    18     (b)  Except for sale to a retail food establishment or a bed
    19  and breakfast homestead or inn for on-site consumption by
    20  patrons of the establishment, "manufactured raw milk products"
    21  may not be sold to any person for the purpose of resale to
    22  another person.
    23     (c)  "Manufactured raw milk products" may not be repackaged
    24  in any manner for the purpose of resale.
    25     (d)  This section shall not apply to cheese manufactured from
    26  raw milk that has been aged a minimum of 60 days.
    27     Section 5.  Sections 13, 14 and 16 of the act, amended June
    28  19, 1982 (P.L.558, No.163), are amended to read:
    29     Section 13.  (a)  Adequate facilities shall be provided and
    30  used for furnishing clean containers, free from injurious
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     1  organisms, in which to sell "Raw Milk" or "Pasteurized Milk" or
     2  "Milk for Pasteurization" or "Milk Products" or "Raw Milk
     3  Products." Bottles or containers, whether of glass or other
     4  material, shall be filled and closed without any part of the
     5  hand coming in contact with the inner surface of the bottles or
     6  containers, or in contact with bottle caps. Caps shall be
     7  obtained in sanitary containers and kept therein until used.
     8     (b)  Milk cases in which bottled milk [or], milk products,
     9  raw milk or raw milk products are owned and shipped by milk
    10  dealers or licensees shall also be maintained in a sanitary
    11  manner. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or company,
    12  other than the name imprinted or stamped on such containers, or
    13  his agent, to alter, destroy or contaminate such containers. In
    14  addition, it shall be unlawful for any person in rightful
    15  possession of milk cases, but not the owner thereof, to permit
    16  any third party to alter, destroy or contaminate such
    17  containers. Each case so misused shall be deemed an individual
    18  offense under section 20 of this act.
    19     Section 14.  Milk plants, in which milk, milk products [or],
    20  manufactured dairy products, raw milk, raw milk products or
    21  manufactured raw milk products is handled, received, bottled, or
    22  pasteurized, shall be provided with sanitary, adequate and
    23  conveniently located toilet facilities.
    24     Section 16.  The Secretary of Agriculture shall have the
    25  power to make requirements concerning the number and character
    26  of bacteria in milk, milk products [and], manufactured dairy
    27  products, raw milk, raw milk products and manufactured raw milk
    28  products after hearing.
    29     Bacteriological analysis of milk, milk products [and],
    30  manufactured dairy products, raw milk, raw milk products and
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     1  manufactured raw milk products shall be made under the
     2  supervision of a laboratory, the equipment and director of which
     3  have been approved by the Secretary of Agriculture. The
     4  bacteriological analysis of milk, milk products [and],
     5  manufactured dairy products, raw milk, raw milk products and
     6  manufactured raw milk products shall be in accordance with
     7  Standard Methods of Milk Analysis of the American Public Health
     8  Association and the Association of Official Agricultural
     9  Chemists last adopted, unless special permission is given by the
    10  secretary for a modification of the above standard methods.
    11     Section 6.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    12     Section 17.2.  "Raw milk products" shall be prepared from
    13  milk produced and handled in the following manner:
    14     (a)  Only milk produced under a raw milk permit may be used
    15  in the preparation of "raw milk products."
    16     (b)  Milk containers in which milk is received in milk plants
    17  for the preparation of "raw milk products" shall be thoroughly
    18  cleansed and dried before returning to a dairy farm or a milk
    19  plant.
    20     (c)  The rooms of buildings in which "raw milk products" are
    21  exposed during and after preparation shall be properly lighted,
    22  ventilated, drained and clean and shall be used for no other
    23  purpose than to provide a place for cleansed containers and
    24  utensils and for the handling of "raw milk products."
    25     (d)  "Raw milk products" during and after preparation,
    26  cleansed containers, utensils and equipment shall be protected
    27  from flies.
    28     (e)  Milk plants in which "raw milk products" are prepared
    29  shall be provided with an adequate supply of steam or hot water
    30  for cleansing containers, utensils and equipment.
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     1     (f)  Equipment with which "raw milk products" come in contact
     2  shall be constructed in such a manner as to be easily cleansed.
     3  Demountable apparatus with which "raw milk products" come in
     4  contact shall be taken apart and cleansed each day the apparatus
     5  is in use. The secretary, upon approval of the design,
     6  installation and operation of the system, may permit in-place
     7  cleaning. Surfaces with which "raw milk products" come in
     8  contact shall be of smooth, noncorrosive material and free from
     9  open seams.
    10     (g)  The milk plants in which "raw milk products" are
    11  prepared shall not be constructed or altered until the plans and
    12  specifications of the milk plants have received the approval of
    13  the secretary. Equipment before being installed shall also be
    14  approved by the secretary.
    15     Section 17.3.  Limitations on the sale of "raw milk products"
    16  shall be in the following manner:
    17     (a)  "Raw milk products" may be sold only as follows:
    18     (1)  Under the direct supervision of a person holding a valid
    19  raw milk permit.
    20     (2)  To a retail food establishment or a bed and breakfast
    21  homestead or inn for the purpose of on-site consumption by
    22  patrons of the establishment.
    23     (b)  Except for sale to a retail food establishment or a bed
    24  and breakfast homestead or inn for on-site consumption by
    25  patrons of the establishment, "raw milk products" may not be
    26  sold to any person for the purpose of resale to another person.
    27     (c)  "Raw milk products" may not be repackaged in any manner
    28  for the purpose of resale.
    29     Section 7.  The Department of Agriculture shall promulgate
    30  regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this act.
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     1     Section 8.  All regulations inconsistent with the provisions
     2  of this act are abrogated to the extent of the inconsistency.
     3     Section 9.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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