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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3929



No. 2614 Session of 2006

           APRIL 24, 2006

           APRIL 24, 2006

                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Geriatrician Loan Forgiveness Program in the
     2     Department of Health; and providing for powers and duties of
     3     the Department of Health.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Geriatrician
     8  Loan Forgiveness Act.
     9  Section 2.  Purpose.
    10     The purpose of this act is to provide an incentive to medical
    11  students to pursue training in geriatric medicine, which is
    12  essential to the delivery of quality health care services to
    13  older adults in this Commonwealth.
    14  Section 3.  Definitions.
    15     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    16  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the

     1  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     2     "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.
     3     "Geriatric physician."  A physician who has completed
     4  training in a program recognized by the American Board of
     5  Medical Specialties or an American Osteopathic Association
     6  member board and has been certified in geriatrics or geriatric
     7  psychiatry and who is licensed as a physician by the State Board
     8  of Medicine or the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine.
     9     "Health care facility."  As defined in the act of July 19,
    10  1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as the Health Care Facilities Act.
    11     "Program."  The Geriatrician Loan Forgiveness Program
    12  established by this act.
    13  Section 4.  Program.
    14     (a)  Establishment.--The Geriatrician Loan Forgiveness
    15  Program is established in the department.
    16     (b)  Applications.--The department shall promulgate
    17  guidelines for the selection of candidates to the program based
    18  upon the following criteria:
    19         (1)  Demonstrated need.
    20         (2)  Willingness to continue practicing as a geriatric
    21     physician in this Commonwealth after completing the program.
    22     (c)  Eligibility.--A program applicant must be:
    23         (1)  A citizen of the United States.
    24         (2)  Licensed to practice medicine in this Commonwealth.
    25     (d)  Selection.--The department shall give preference to
    26  physicians in the following order:
    27         (1)  Commonwealth physicians completing training in
    28     geriatric medicine in this Commonwealth.
    29         (2)  Out-of-State applicants completing training in this
    30     Commonwealth.
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     1         (3)  Commonwealth natives completing out-of-State
     2     training programs.
     3         (4)  Out-of-State candidates completing out-of-State
     4     training.
     5     (e)  Verification.--The department shall monitor and verify a
     6  physician's fulfillment of all requirements under this act.
     7  Section 5.  Amount of loan forgiveness.
     8     A physician accepted into the program may be reimbursed an
     9  amount up to $50,000 per year for each year of subspecialty
    10  training in geriatrics or geriatric psychiatry based upon the
    11  following repayment assistance schedule:
    12         (1)  First year of service, 20%.
    13         (2)  Second year of service, 20%.
    14         (3)  Third year of service, 20%.
    15         (4)  Fourth year of service, 20%.
    16         (5)  Fifth year of service, 20%.
    17  Section 6.  Contract.
    18     (a)  General rule.--Physicians receiving loan forgiveness
    19  shall enter into a contract with the department. The contract
    20  shall include, but not be limited to, the following terms and
    21  conditions:
    22         (1)  The physician shall agree to practice not fewer than
    23     five full consecutive years in a licensed health care
    24     facility in this Commonwealth immediately following
    25     completion of specialty training pursuant to the schedule
    26     provided in section 5.
    27         (2)  The physician shall agree to practice on a full-time
    28     basis.
    29         (3)  The physician shall agree to accept Medicare and
    30     Medicaid patients.
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     1         (4)  The physician shall agree not to discriminate
     2     against patients based on the ability to pay.
     3         (5)  The physician shall permit the department to monitor
     4     compliance with the work requirement.
     5         (6)  The department shall certify compliance with the
     6     terms of the contract for purposes of receipt by the
     7     physician of loan forgiveness awards for years subsequent to
     8     the initial year of the loan.
     9         (7)  The contract shall be renewable on an annual basis
    10     upon certification by the department that the physician has
    11     complied with the terms of the contract.
    12         (8)  The contract shall terminate if the physician dies,
    13     is not able to perform the duties of a geriatric physician or
    14     is not able to maintain the physician's license to practice
    15     medicine due to physical or mental disability.
    16         (9)  If the physician's license to practice is suspended
    17     or revoked, the department shall have the authority to
    18     terminate the physician's participation in the program and
    19     demand repayment of all loan forgiveness payments rendered to
    20     date.
    21         (10)  A physician who fails to begin or complete the
    22     obligations contracted for shall reimburse the Commonwealth
    23     all amounts received under this act and interest thereon as
    24     determined by the department. Both the physician and the
    25     department shall make every effort to resolve conflicts in
    26     order to prevent a breach of contract.
    27     (b)  Contract enforcement.--The department shall have the
    28  authority to seek garnishment of wages for the collection of
    29  damages provided for in subsection (a)(10).
    30  Section 7.  Disqualification.
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     1     Any person who knowingly or intentionally procures, obtains
     2  or aids another to procure or obtain loan forgiveness under this
     3  act through fraudulent means shall be disqualified from
     4  participation and shall be liable to the department for an
     5  amount equal to three times the amount obtained.
     6  Section 8.  Tax consequences.
     7     Loan forgiveness payments received by a physician shall not
     8  be considered taxable income for purposes of Article III of the
     9  act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code
    10  of 1971.
    11  Section 9.  Limitation.
    12     Participation in the program is limited to no more than four
    13  physicians a year unless sufficient funding is available to
    14  reimburse more than four physicians a year in accordance with
    15  this act.
    16  Section 10.  Regulations.
    17     The department may adopt regulations and procedures necessary
    18  to carry out the purposes of this act.
    19  Section 11.  Funding.
    20     Loan forgiveness repayments shall be made to the extent that
    21  funds are appropriated to the Geriatrician Loan Forgiveness
    22  Program by the General Assembly.
    23  Section 12.  Effective date.
    24     This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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